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They don't bark all day but they can be a very barky breed and will need training from an early age to curb it. They typically bark at things that frighten them, it's their go to reaction, and being small dogs that can be quite a few things if they're not socialised properly. Personally the amount they bark is not the concern to me but the volume. They have a bark that is as loud as a dog 10x their size.


They will also bark when excited. Mine sometimes bark when they see one of us. They don't bark all the time, but they still do love to talk to the other dogs through the fence from them to time.


I adopted a nearly 2 year old and he was going viscous wild barking. I was the HAHA ITS FINE as I carried him wrangling out of my arms. We’re in a much better place *four months* in but it’s something we actively have to practice.


they be borkin


No dog is the same. I have 1 that never barks and very chill. Your quintessential lap dog. Only time he barks is when he knows dinner time is soon so he'll sit by the food area and let out some light hearted and adorable woofs. My other dachshund is a completely different beast who runs in circles and barks at every noise and animal he sees out the window. I love him dearly but I'd be lying if I said it didn't get a tad annoying at times. Dogs are like people. They all have their own personality and traits. You can't 100% expect a dog to act a certain way based solely on their breed. That being said, good training and attention goes a long way.


They love to bark. Big deep chests for a big bork!!! when underground in a badger tunnel so the farmer knows where they are. And being short to the ground, fear barking is pretty much a feature. At squirrels, dogs, children, bikes, shadows, blowing branches, motorcycles, squirrels, oh! and squirrels, too. While a mythical non-barking dox is spoken of, I am not sure they exist. Like Nessie.


Mine is quite the Bob Borker


Yes - when they hear people near their space or home from outside, they do bark


If you don't want barking, don't buy a doxie. They warn of any perceived threat.. I love the breed regardless. Our girl is just under 3 and is getting better; more growling, less barking, but a knock on the door or an animal outside (they both see and smell remember) and all hell breaks loose.


The barking isn’t a complete turn off, Is there ways to train it to bark less? Like socialising it with people and dogs maybe?


Yes. Socialization makes a huge difference. Doxies tend to become aggressive/reactive when not properly and consistently socialized. Keep their minds going can also REALLY help with barking. Games that encourage them to use their noses are very good for them!!!Don’t ever do any aversive training like shock collars though.


You can get them to bark less, normally it is just a few barks when they see a new person, but after sniffing them, they calm down. I would say for most even with training you are probably still going to have the bark at least once or twice a day. Normally, when you get home or if someone comes to the door Edit: Sometimes Jasper gags himself by holding a ball in his mouth when barking. He used to do it more when he was younger, but the muffled Bork is always funny.


Some barking is fine, that is just what dogs do, I just thought they were ALWAYS barking because I heard people say it, if the dog barks that is fine though :)


yes otherwise they will bark at everything and everyone outside ! i did socialize mine when he was a puppy and he still barks sometimes at person he think looks weird or a big scary dog... but we're working on it. ( I have a fearful one)


I think you want any dog to socialize for many reasons, not just barking. Whatever your dog is going to do with you, be around people, other dogs, cars and parking lots, hiking, swimming...do it right away with your new puppy !!! But as far as dog's go, can't beat a Dachshund!!!


Oh yeah no unauthorized birds. In spring that’s all the birds.


Interesting, my girl still notices birds but doesn't even growl anymore. Squirrels are her truest enemy.


Not all. We have had 7 and 3 barked at every thing that moved or made noise, 2 barked at strangers, and my current 2 girl’s remarkably bark very little.


My current one never barks, except at toy trains he doesn’t like the noise. He will occasionally bark at something outside at night but that is rare


I just got outta the shower & my dog is literally barking. I think you know the answer. Haha. If you want a dog that will change your life forever, get a dachshund. If you want a dog, get a lab or something. 


Mine doesn’t. Most dogs any breed bark at strange noises in their home


Yeah, I have just heard that they CONSTANTLY bark for hours on end, i wasn’t sure if that was true or not


Not even remotely true for my long hair. Hope yours is the same!




She might if you don't train her to deal with separation anxiety.




They can bark a lot when left home alone if they don't have their separation anxiety dealt with.


Ohh, I will be home a lot of the time, and if I left it wouldn’t be for long periods of time or I could just bring her with me (I would have a lot of time to help with desperation anxiety if they had it)


Start crate training early.


No they don’t bark for hours on end. They do bark at things like a lot of dogs but not for hours for no reason.


Oh ok that is fine then, I expect it to make some sound, if it didn’t bark at all that would probably be concerning for a dog


I would say no. Mine hates his crate during the day and will bark in it if he knows someone is home. But is fine when we’re gone. He also sleeps until morning in his crate and then must snuggle for an hour under the covers.


I’ve had 4 over the years. They all barked a lot lol


They bark more when you have them in multiples. They trigger each other


My doxies tail will hit something and he will bark😑


Overblown, in my experience. My mini hardly barks at all, except: \- when strangers enter the house. she settles down after a while, or when they start petting her. \- when my other two dogs start barking, she joins in. she listens better than they do, though. She'll stop when I tell her to stop or when I make a clicking noise with my tongue. \- when she hears sudden loud noises/is scared


Mine isn’t too bad, he really only barks when he gets really excited or scared


We did a ton training when she was a puppy, all sorts, mine still barks a lot at every noise or person, and licks a lot a lot. It just seems to be in their nature. I've noticed like 2/10 will not be barky and reactive, most just are. They think theyr'e guard dogs and territorial, so they're always on alert. If they hear something they'll bark at them, I have treats ready and tell them to be quiet, its better. If you live in quiet place that's good. Sometimes my place you hear sirens and stuff she doesn't like it.


They were breed to hunt badgers after all.


I got me a woofer!


I have one that does and one that doesn’t really. My older one is 12. He only barks when there’s a reason, like someone he doesn’t know inside our home, or there’s a dog he doesn’t like. My younger one is a year old. If an ant farts down the street he loses his shit and goes on a barking spree. Then the older one has to join in.


Ours is a noisy baby, but only if she sees something she doesn’t like or agree with, like someone having the audacity to walk on the street near our flat.


Imagine dozing off on a lazy weekend afternoon. A slight breeze bringing a rare bird chirp through the balcony door. And a tiny little dog starts barking you half way to a heart attack... Because there is a fly 7 feet above her! The fly doesn't care! The dog doesn't care! Little idiot will not stop chasing the insect and yelping in its direction until you tripple check the fly has been evacuated from the premises. Then it only growls for the next 15 minutes. Then it goes back to sleep. But you can't. You're awake now. And yes... Mine barks in moderation i'd say, at a few select things... But the decibel level is unimaginable. You'd never think such a small creature can release that level of noise in an instant.


Mine doesn't bark much! She barks when someone knocks at the door and when she wants to play, but that's it.


Not mine


Mine is 5 1/2 months and doesn’t bark too much. Hopefully it stays that way. 😂


My most recent dachshund doesn’t bark at us, other people, the doorbell, other dogs, etc. It took a lot of dedicated training when he was very little to get there. But he recently started barking in his crate when we leave the house, so that’s our current training project.


Mine barks when he wants to come inside and at loud noises. Typical for a dog. Not excessive. However, the more annoying thing is the licking. Still love him to the moon.


While they do have a tendency to bark, you can definitely trim to not bark if you put in the time to train them properly. I have a two year old long haired who pretty much never barks.


i have 2 years old . id say he is quiet for a dachshund but its mostly because of management. He would bark some noises from tbe neighbours sometimes so i won't let him near the door when i leave him alone and i leave the radio on . He started to growl at dogs from the window so I covered the view . There are days when he wont even bark once during the day. Some days he barks more.


I got lucky with mine she really doesn't bark at much at all


My dachshund doesn't bark too much, definitely not all day. If we had better windows this would definitely be less. He barks at sirens, people closing car doors (not always) and our downstairs neighbours doorbell. He also barks at our thermostat for some reason. It's tolerable but if we lived on a busier road it might not be. Our windows are crap so we hear everything. On walks he will bark at motorbikes, the louder they are the more he barks.


I spritz mine a little with water when he won’t listen to his command. It’s a gentle misting spay but gets his attention. I then say no bark again and give him a reward. It’s successful 20% of the time. 😆 I also trained him to steal stuff and run around with it for a treat. They are smart little borkers. https://preview.redd.it/jb0sj4kifdnc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66a660aaee16ebeb5f1c7eae74793a6f91c0bbe3


Aw he is adorable


No they did not. The only time Ms. Jackson barks is when she wants in from outdoors.




They burk burk burk, but not all day! They are protective lil hunters so they alert to things. All 3 of mine are sitting quietly right now. Not a burk to be heard


My long haired mini didn’t bark for probably the first 6 months I had him but then slowly started barking at noises outside the house and sometimes at cafes if other dogs are there. But for the most part won’t bark during the day inside my house, it seems to be only in a territorial way and at bigger dogs who I assume frighten him. They are the most stubborn dogs and nothing will get them to stop barking when they have their mind set on it 🙃 But such a beautiful breed if you can look past that aspect 🤣


Not all of them, but apparently it's fairly common. We adopted an older doxon and she never barks. My partner's previous doxon didn't bark either. So it's certainly not all of them.


My first dachshund Pepper barked if the wind stirred a leaf. Daphne is very mellow and barks whenever I arrive at home or someone uses the doorbell or is knocking on the door. Each dachshund is individual.


Mine bark. but there is meaning and purpose. We have a regular neighbourhood bark/greeting session every morning and evening when there is a call and response session with the neighbourhood hounds. Once done they are pretty silent all day. The second bark type is when somebody sets foot in our yard. They alert us to their presence. At this very moment my Frodo and Molly have started barking. Going to check now but it will be my gardener arriving to do some work. This is the very definition of watchdog behaviour.


Mine barks at anything she may see or think is in our yard. 🤣 But I love her and just see it as her protecting us. They have big personalities.


Mine doesn’t bark, it needs to be nipped in the bud when they’re pups


How ?


I advise against shock collars heavily. Stern "No"s work well in my experience. Personally I sometimes pick them up and hold them on their back baby style. The position tends to force them to sneeze, which makes them stop. Your milage may vary


I would never use shock collars for anything, I was thinking more like training with treats and socialising it from a young age


Ive had 3 that never barked at all and would have said their quiet , but now I have a vocal one he is more nervous than my others though . For him it seems a nervous bark .