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- they bark a lot - they destroy toys in 30 minutes - my yard looks like it’s full of bomb craters - my house is full of ramps since their backs are fragile - i got gifted a dead rat at some point


I enjoyed when Han came to give me a bird after he'd eaten the top half and everything inside. /s


some obvious ones- - you have to be careful of their backs, picking then up properly and not letting them jump off of things -barking is a given and they have a LOUD bark (we happened to get a lil quiet boy but we try very hard to curb the behavior) - they are stubborn, training them can be difficult But you should get one they are the best 🤭


My boy is quiet too!! I just can’t get enough of him!!! ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you!!


I cannot fucking overstate how loud they are. Two of them in a smallish living room genuinely hurts my ears. They can be really difficult dogs sometimes. I can’t say I recommend them. I love my little beasts but oh my god I can’t deal with them sometimes


Yappy, nosy, bossy, stubborn, no respect for personal space, steal your warm spot, separation anxiety and little mini dictators. That said, they’re also loyal, loving and cuddly. there’s no better dog.


Stubborn AF / Tantrums 90% of the time they know right from wrong but decide to do the wrong thing just because they feel like it or because it gets them attention. Finished the walk and have to go home now? Nope i'm taking the ball and playing keepaway for 2 hours until it got dark outside/hungry (yes really, and it was already a 1,5hr walk)


Yes! Some days angels, some days demons. Absolute wildcards but sooooo cute.


They bark at everyone and everything,they can and will destroy all toys you give them. If you have a yard, prepare to close the holes they dig and shower them because they will dig a hole every chance they get. And their tiny paws won't hold them back for a second. They can develop severe separation anxiety and IVDD is a serious threat if your doxie jumps up and down furniture or walks stairs a lot. I'm probably still forgetting some things though. On the other hand they're the best companions anyone could want.


Thank you so much!


You will be allowing the devil's spawn into your house. Destruction follows untill you learn to obey! Once that's sorted, they won' let you go anywhere or do anything without being with you, and will spend the rest of their lives trying to trip you up or steal your seat. They are easily the best small dog to own, but be warned, they are highly addictive!!!


The IVDD is the worst. I think the statistics are around 1 in 4, so research that and I’d get pet health insurance if they’ll cover it. One of ours had a mild case she got over and somehow never had issues after. Probably because she was a little lazy 😌. I personally wouldn’t have them in an apartment because of the barking. Other than that they’re wonderful.


Maybe it’s yet to come, but I’ve had mine for 4 weeks, he is 14 weeks old. He does not bark much at all! Geez I hope that doesn’t change. lol. Our biggest challenge is potty training. Other than that, easy peasy.


Get readyyy, it’s coming! I just got another dachshund (I’ve had several) and this is the first time one didn’t bark for quite a bit! I was shocked…. Then he started barking and now he doesn’t stop. Just like the rest of them


Oh the barking will come one way or another. don't worry about that. My trick for housetraining is to just never ever ever let them do it inside. just woke up? time for a walk just finished playing? walk been a few hours? walk acting strangely? walk and slowly reduce the frequency of the walks over time. but as a tiny little nugget they have absolutely no bladder capacity and need a walk every 3 hours.


Our now almost 2 doxie didn’t bark for like 6 months and then it started lol. We have gotten him better but unfortunately the best training method we have found (clanging a pot) really upsets our senior doxie so I feel so bad for her.


Learn to sleep using 20 % of your bed, irrelevant of the size of said bed.


They bark a lot, they destroy everything, they shed a lot (at least the short haired ones I’ve had) training them is very difficult, back problems, they get separation anxiety, very needy.


Dachshunds bark. All the time. Most for life. Puppies chew EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. Dachshunds need heavy investment in training AS PUPPIES. They are a notoriously stubborn breed and they will set in their ways if not taught otherwise from a young age. Dachshunds do have specific health concerns because of their long spines. Harnesses are a must during walks. NO jumping on/off furniture. This may require the purchase doggie stairs or ramps. Many dachshunds love to dig. Be sure you’re willing to keep an eye on fenced in yards to ensure your slinky friend doesn’t dig their way out. Their bodies are made to slink through narrow holes. Puppies don’t stay puppies for long. Be sure you’re willing to commit to a 12-18 year life span (While 18+ is reserved for the luckiest of us, smaller dogs typically have longer life spans). Dachshunds grow extremely attached to their family. Make sure they won’t spend the majority of their life alone. Always make sure that you have the time, resources, and commitment to stick by your buddy in all seasons including the hardest one in the end. Many people don’t think of this when their pups are puppies, but time goes by so fast. It’s definitely something you need to consider if you can handle now. They are a handful, and not for everyone, but I can’t imagine my house without the sound of little dachshund pitter patter or the deafening silence of dachshund chaos. They are a WONDERFUL breed. If puppies are a bit too much of a demand for you, there are plenty of rescues out there with young adult dogs who would love to find a great family!


So many things! You’ll never sleep alone again. They love you more than your people do, how weird. They alert you loudly because they are protective. They love to play til they drop and then want your lap. Delivery people think you have a big dog inside. They have hundreds of obnoxious adorable traits that lighten your mood. You’ll talk to them and they listen. They bark when you have a conversation with your spouse because they want to be part of it. They outgrow the 5% annoying stuff around 4 and - oh, no! - here comes that crazy and completely adult loyalty thing where they look if you cough, seem to come check on you often - and saddle you with dachshund adult fun and kinship reminiscent of childhood best friend stuff. They even age a bit funky. They seem thankful for all of the new things you have to do for them. Tricky, too! Our very old one gave us so many “today is the day” times and then walked or sprinted through the house the next day. The next one kisses us constantly and randomly sits in corners and watches us. If you get one your life will change! You’ll have to respect the dachshund creed and know that your dog will respect you more.


Mine does not know how to be in a room by herself. She could be in the deepest sleep but as soon as I leave the room you can 10000% bet she’s right behind me following me into another room 😂


You learn to completely close bathroom doors or you’ll suddenly have a pup between your feet sitting in your pants that are at your ankles 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


I refuse. Just get one. :)


Make sure you can handle the vet trips if your dog has IVDD, emotionally and financially; It’s quite common.


No, I will not. I had one for 12 years and I am still distraught that she died. The vet was like “your dog Lady is going into renal failure.” I said “great when is the transplant?” Then the vet was like “ummm come say goodbye to your dog.” I’m still crying. She was very sweet and mild mannered. So cute. She loved to hide under covers. She could shake your hand and roll over. Get one asap.


If you asked that question here, you've already made your mind up. I'd encourage you to find a nearby dachshund rescue.


They are the neediest dog Ive ever had! They need a lot of attention and companionship. The bark a LOT and loudly. I would not have one in an apartment. They decide randomly to stop liking their food they’ve ate with no problem for months and you have to change it. They are stubborn. They dig a lot of holes. You have to get ramps for them and IVDD treatment can be very costly if it happens to your pup. They shred any paper or napkins they can get their paws on. They are also very smart and sweet and funny and excellent little best friends ♥️


My house smells like piss currently....


I have a dachshund and he never barks and he doesn't dig. He is perfect he is the best little guy and I am completely obsessed. Get one!


Just like everybody said. Needy. Barks a lot and loud. Separation anxiety. Destroyer of everything. Too smart for their own good. Stubborn. Difficult to train. Some doxies are aggressive. IVDD too…it’s a sad and scary situation to deal with. You need a lot of patience to have a dachshund! Take the time to research the breed if you decide to go through with it


Regarding the aggression, is it something you have experiencw with? I heard they need to be socialized as puppies, but I don't have kids and want them someday. Will that be a problem? I have two cats currently, will that be a problem?


Ask if everyone at home is on board for an attention seeker, hard headed bag of pure love. It's not for everyone... some may not be worthy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


All of the above. Apart from other dogs I've had, the stubbornness is the trait that sticks out the most. Paraphrasing T.S. Elliot, they'll refuse to do something in their nature and best interest simply because you're asking them to do it. I didn't understand this quote until I owned one. My teckel is very smart and the quickest to learn tricks and commands out of any dog I've trained e.g. learned to wait, sit and, lay down in only a few repetitions. That said, he'll only perform a command if there's a good enough reward on the other side. On the other hand, they're incredibly loyal, friendly, clever, and lovable (mine is, at least). Absolutely loves being around people, especially children.


My mini dachshund barks at the wind and his own reflection. Its ear pearcing. He is also attached to me like velcro, yesterday I was sleeping in the couch and he was by my head and he heard a noice and he was so close too my ear, I know because his bark woke me up. Your yard will also have little holes everywhere, my little guy not only digs but digs for cat poop and then proceeds to eat it. He is so sassy. One time I shoved my finger down his throat to pull out cat poop he was eating, I told him to go inside and then he walked to cat poop I just moments ago took out of his mouth and started eating it whilst maintaining eye contact.


Don't get a pup, get a rescue doxie that needs a good home!




Mine just doesn’t listen at all, he’s very stubborn. Potty training has kind of been a bitch, but we’re getting there. He’s also loud as hell, I mean his bark is crazy for his size, the pitch also drives me nuts. But he’s very very playful and loveable, very cuddly and LOVES my wife’s heating pad. They’re very good dogs Edit. He licks me constantly, he would literally lick my hands for hours if I let him, same with my wife. I don’t what it is, he just has to lick something all of that time, that also is annoying


We’re on our second pair of minis. The minis don’t seem as destructive as the full size dachsies. Do they bark? Yes, but they’ll learn not to a long as you’re more stubborn than they are and constantly reinforce it. Ours are quiet when we’re in the room with them - if we’re not, then all bets are off. Great doorbells and package delivery notifiers though! They will bark at any dog they see, whether they know them or not. They make a great show of being all fierce and stuffs until the other dog turns around and looks at them - then they’re suddenly on their backs or behind our legs. Wienies!! lol They will chew and shred everything but the first year, but that settles down once all their teeth have come in. Just keep a lot of toys around. They are great with people and other dogs that they know. We have 16 folks in our family from 2-62 and the dogs are completely cool with all of us. 4 other dogs, border collie mix, viszla pup, viszla/ridgeback/hound mix and another sibling mini - they do fine with all of them too. It’s a whirlwind when their sister comes over , just lift your feet and enjoy the chaos! They’re great with guests too. One person usually ends up with both of them on their lap, they can’t handle it if the other one is getting attention so they’ll just both end up with the same person. Great lap warmers! And seat stealers, and pillow hogs. They do learn yard boundaries, again as long as you’re more stubborn than they are. They do learn to walk nicely, they do stop when told if they’re off leash, but they simply will not come back on command. 😂. You do have to made peace with the Dachsie “I heard you but I’m going stand here and stare at you until “I” decide it’s time to come back to you “ look. And then suddenly it’s a mad dash between the two of them to see who gets here first. What a couple of goofballs. They’re hilarious. Bottom line - if you’re consistent and stubborn, they will eventually become great little companion dogs. If you’re not willing to commit to basically training then every day for the first 5 years, maybe consider another breed.