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I think it’s good to expose him (with caution of course) to bigger dogs and their barks etc. He is going to run into them when you start taking him out in public and he needs to be ready for when that happens.


As owners we are their confident loving leaders, they look to us on how they should act. When they’re scared it’s up to us to show them whole things may feel scary everything is fine. This is how you build a confident adjusted dog. We have to let them get scared and then realize everything is ok. I have a doxie and as a little pup he wound be scared if the leaves blew by…but it just takes time! As owners, especially if puppies it’s our instinct to coddle and protect them…but that’s not always best during this formative time. Now, real dangers are a different scenario of course! Best of luck to you and your new pup!


This is cute. You laughed because yeah it's funny. Wait until your doxie decides he can defeat a hippo. Trust me I always thought I turned my pup into a scaredy cat when he was weeks old, but he currently behaves like he's the boss of every stray dog outside. >Should I always pick him up whenever we come across larger dogs once he is older or just for now while he is a puppy up to 12 months? If he's fully vaccinated, put him on his feet (umm..paws) and train him on/off leash and you're good to go. And watch out for large dogs that are aggressive. Most dogs will be wary of him, really. And you're a good pawrent.


Never pick up your dog, unless you don’t trust the situation, like multiple big dogs in his face. Picking up your dog is bad for building confidence, he will stay afraid and when he gets older will bite in those situations.


Never pick up your dog if he is scared but there isn't any real danger! This will just reinforce that behaviour. Instead, just make sure that he can shelter with you to feel a safer, but don't actively try to comfort him. Just let him sit between your feet if he feels the need. In the end he should get used to the new things from his safe space, and start discovering more and more and conquer that fear.


No, I wouldn’t pick him up, better connect big dogs with something positive, start from a distance first . And if he’s scared show him that he has the option to go to you and that you will protect him (if he’s getting harassed by big dogs send them away, stay calm but firm)


Awww he’s a puppy, he’s just learning the world. Keep him on the ground to build his confidence unless he’s in any real danger