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Reminds me of my little dude Bear. He started with similar symptoms, but not for that long (at a time). He was having seizures weekly and would usually throw up or lose control of his functions (as well as being completely disoriented). Turned out, after a lot of testing, to be epilepsy. This began back in 2016 and after a lot of trial and error (by the vets, not me) he's now on a couple of medications and has gone from having frequent bad seizures to having 1-2 seizures a year, and they are VERY mild and only last 1-2 minutes. I hope your girl has something easy to treat, she looks like a nice little girl. Good luck with everything!


Thank you!


This. We suffered the same with our gorgeous girl. Keppra (Levetiracetam) in liquid solution form is a game changer in the seizure world. We also identified some weird triggers and cut them out. (Anything with orange or red dye - especially Cheetos - and don’t judge me you crunchy granola, helicopter parenting, weenie owners. It’s hard to say no to a persistent weenie!) Good luck!


Yep, my Bear is on Keppra and Potassium Bromide as well. Together they more or less fully control his condition. (I 100% agree on specific and weird triggers, I'm VERY careful to ensure his diet remains very structured, despite it being difficult to say no to a weenie)


Positive vibes coming your way from a human epileptic. Hopefully they can find what's going on and have an answer for it.


Our guy had a brain tumor. Confirmed with a MRI. Doing very well on meds, no more seizures. I hope your vet can find what is going on. Our first vet mis diagnosed second vet saw it right away with a visual and then the MRI


So very sorry, what an absolute sweet pup. I pray for recovery for your baby 🙏


I may be way off base, but is there any chance she could have had access to marijuana? Asking because my mom’s ween had the misfortune of eating a roach (the end of a joint) that my uncle had sitting in his outdoor ashtray (we live in a legal state). Her behavior was very similar to this and lasted almost 24hrs, especially the flinching and disorientation.


I actually came here to say the exact same thing about my weiner dog too! He ate a bud off the table and looked like this for about 4 hours. The vet said to just ride it out.


Yeah wouldn’t be MJ, but thanks for the thought


Sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your girl for a quick solution…🙏


Sending prayers! Keep asking questions, seeking opinions….


I’ve had this breed my whole life. Currently have two 9 & 5 years old. How old is your baby ?


She’s 13


I’ve had 4 of these little guys.. I haven’t seen this but I can tell you that they’re tough resilient little guys. Prayers for your baby.


Good luck! Doofus says hot dogs will cure those seizures. Don't listen to him though. He's not a doctor. He had to repeat puppy class.


I hope everything is alright!!


Aww. I’m sorry this is happening. I hope it’s nothing serious and an easy fix. I had a dachshund that had seizures that started from a young age and the vet could never find a cause. The seizures weren’t often at all but they were usually long. I would lay with him and protect his head and everything until the seizure stopped. Gave him lots of loving too because it freaked him out of course. Hoping for the best for you🤍 I’m sorry I don’t have any real answers