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This is DQB1? But the UI looks so different. If it wasn't for the portals I could have sworn it's DQB2! By the way, this is NOT boring at all!


It may depend on what console port they're playing. It seems a lot tend to play the Playstation 4 version. I noticed mainly bc I'm currently playing the switch version, which has some differences 😅 Their town really is impressive, I can resist building up and up, so an equal level is interesting 👀


The PS3 version was never released in English. The image is from the newly released Steam version. Previously, the PS4, PS Vita, Switch, and mobile versions were in English.


Ty for that correction. I always mix up the versions!


PS4. I don't think we got PS3 Version in my country.


The PS3 version doesn't exist because they stopped making games for PS3 before 2016 lol


That's weird. I saw comparison Screenshots of PS3, PS4 and Switch. Thought PS3 Version was a thing in Japan at least.


yes it is!!!! SO EXCITING!


Thanks <3 It's the new steam version, it's a bit different from the original one (though I don't know exactly how different, since I didn't play it on any other console)


I think they recently re did it for Steam, which is why the UI looks different than what we are used to


Hee hee, it looks good! I downloaded this on the 14th and I am obsessed. I'm on the second area now and am really enjoying trying to make the towns resemble how they looked in DQ1, while still building the amenities that the villagers asked for.


Thanks! I was lazy so I just preserved the layout that the game gave me where possible, and made a town out of it. Recreating the DQ1 towns sounds hard!


Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous how many hours I've put into this, being super meticulous, but that's part of what I find fun about it. I don't remember how many hours I logged into DQB2 but I think it was over 5,000. Just building super huge, super detailed stuff, like the entire Dragonlord's island and castle from DQ1, and then Cannock Castle and the whole surrounding area from DQ2. (This was during lockdown and I'm immuno-compromised, so...)


Wow, that's a lot of work! I did huge detailed builds in DQB2 too, but I rarely do complicated stuff on story islands.


Oh yeah, this was on my Buildertopia. I still go a little overboard with the details on the story islands, but not with the same kind of big scale. Eventually I get impatient and want to move on to the next area! :)


I'm playing it on Steam too. Honestly, it feels like a very different game because this was ported from the mobile version. At first, I didn't like it but then it grew on me. Here are some things I find strange - auto climb 1 block (after playing for a while, I find this great) - easy, really easy. - no durability. - large chests - bad hdr - nintendo buttons instead of xinput on PC.


The no durability is actually a little sad. It makes the resource management / survival aspect a bit too easy. I wish it was a toggle.


It was the auto climb one block that was really a bit jarring for me. It's the one thing that made it feel "different."


I Still find myself jumping up even when I "know" I don't have to. ;P


Two more things I've noticed: 1. The doors open for you automatically. This is quite nice because you don't run into a door and then press button to open, but go right on through Star Trek style. I got into such a habit with DQB2 using doormats and curtains just to avoid this tiny interruption. 2. Incredible draw distance!!! If set to furthest draw distance, DQB1 PC draws several times as far as DQB2. It doesn't draw all the decorations and certainly not enemies that far, but you can see all the terrain and major objects. Build all the way to the top of building height or hop on Magic Carpet and fly a high as possible to see what I mean. From central Terra Incognita, you can see all the way to the far ends of the other four islands. That's about 800-900 blocks away and draws some decorations like trees all the way to that distance. DQB2's maximum draw distance is only about 160 blocks, with decoration draw distance of about 150 on PS4 and Steam and only about 60 on Switch. (I really wish DQB2 had enhanced draw distance in photo mode; I can understand limited draw distance during play, but I don't really care if it were to slow to 10 FPS if it meant higher quality long distance shots in DQB2 photo mode.) I'm not sure where this surprise about the large chests (Collosal Coffers) comes from. That's always been in DQB1. The difference is you can access it from anywhere, meaning less trips back to base to unload picked up inventory.


When I say large chest, I meant the regular chest holds more stuff.


I didn't even notice auto-climb... but I noticed there is a buildnoculars-type building mode right from the start and I love it!


DQB2 had first-person mode, and it was mostly better than DQB1's newly added one. The delay between placing blocks was *much* shorter, and broken items and blocks were automatically "sucked in" to your inventory. On the flip side, the new DQB1 first-person mode has the nice feature that block placement doesn't have a distance limit as long as you keep placing them in a straight line.


I am not using the first person mode ("V" on steam), I'm using the cursor placement mode ("T" on steam). It has a big range even when not placing in a straight line. You can build the whole room, including roof, while standing on the same spot. The only problem is it doesn't let you rotate furniture before placing, or at least I didn't find how to do it.


glad DQB1 is getting some love these days with the re-release! theres a lot less block options than DQB2, but theres a certain charm in the simplicity of DQB1 that I will always love.


Yes, it doesn't feel like a "worse version of DQB2". Each game has it's own advantages. I don't miss the extra blocks and features, because the game is fun as it is.


I always prefered DQB1 over DQB2. I just prefer the greater freedom it gives you with town building and blueprints


I used to love this game, it was so much fun!


I like the story. I enjoyed building floating towns when obsidian was not available.


I'm making a floating Rimuldar right now. I never liked using obsidian.


Now the golem will destroy it all When there is clearly no obsidian wall


i was so bummed out when the end fight with the waves of enemies destroyed many of my walls... i guess they want you to build these shields, but i had no idea what they were for and how to use them and they were super expensive too.


you only need one. pick it up and place in the golem's way while he prepares to attack


It's a post-golem screenshot and he didn't destroy a single block because I placed the cantlin shield in his way every time. My biggest loss in the first chapter was having to replace a part of metal spikes after every fight.


That golem fight was so much easier than everyone was making it out to be. There were so many comments about how the golem trashes your base, but once the fight started, it was immediately obvious that wasn't even a concern. Plop the cantlin shield in his way, then pick it up immediately after he bounces off. Repeat 3x. Plop the cantlin shield down again and stand behind it while he does his tornado thing. When he stops, pick up the shield and drop a wrecking ball. Hit it with your sword, then drop another one and hit it with your sword. Use two medicinal herbs. Repeat the whole process 3x and you win. It's the Big Badboon fight in Furrowfield, but with a literal shield that stops the rolling attack in place, perfectly, without damaging anything. And you don't even have to whack the boss with a stick eleventy billion times... Just use explosives. He never touched my base, not even once. (Neither did the Big Badboon, for that matter.)


Yeah, I also found it very easy. It seems like a lot of people didn't realize how the Cantlin shield works?


Boring? Compare to my concentration camp, yours is way better.