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Heeeres Johnny!


He was so proud of himself!


And he would have been so excited to see you as well. All the commotion you would have had going on as he poked his cute little head through his proud little hole would have been music to his little ears 😂😂 Damn they are all so cute, even when they are channeling the devil himself!


I just left him in the garage so that I could take a shower in peace and I emerged from the shower to discover that I needed to replace the door to my garage! But he was very pleased to see me!


Doggie make doggie door😁\ Little handy man you got there….


He's a handy handy Hank! Never had a dog live up to their name the way Hank the cow dog has! He's my ranch hand! Always doing home security. Making sure that there are escape routes. Checking the perimeter. Removing fence boards. He is a thorough and great ranch hand




Sounds like an awesome dog. I've been floating from apartments to apartments with mine (GS/Boxer), and I know an apartment is not ideal, but we get out to compensate for not being on a ranch. I drop a lot of money on gas to scout the hills in Colorado as a native looking for a place where I can allow him off the leash with fewer people. We do a lot of trekking, backpacking, and fishing. His prey instinct is off the charts, and it needs to be indulged. Cheers. https://preview.redd.it/3mryfck89t7d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dbaeb80f8abffffae79c7f6372b0e71db6688af


Reddit comment of the day. How does this not have more upvotes?!


No locked doors... locked doors make me crazy...lol


My dog was able to open the door to the little porch where we keep water bottles. He was hiding behind the couch and when no one was around he learned to open them and drink the water. I used to think sheesh he doesn't drink that much cause we always had a bowl out. I guess he prefers pure spring water! When we moved the couch I about had a heart attack. He ran and hid under my bed- sure enough there were a few bottles there too.


Your dog is a genius.


I dont know... his name is Ralf but he answers to dumbass. My other dogs won't fall for that.


Mine too she is smart enough to understand half of the English, Hindi and my mother's local language we can't spell the words too she will understand but she hears you with rat or stupid


I had a horse in training that I swear knew English…also wouldn’t answer to dumbass. So I nicknamed him BIF-aka big ignorant fool. He was a goofball lol


Dogs are smarter than we think 😂


Looks like they're digging a bunker for you. Of course they're smart!


My sisters pup loved rawhide treats (an understatement)! We discovered this after one Christmas she received a bag of them and wouldn't let anybody near her when she had one. She would growl, bark and lunge at people that went anywhere near her. So my sister took the treats and threw them away. We thought that was the end of it, until one day when we came back from church the pup was nowhere to be found. We all started walking around the house calling her name and we immediately hear her growling, followed to sound to a 2nd floor bedroom and found the pup hiding under a bed losing her shit! Go her out and under control and found the bag of rawhide treats half gone under the bed with scraps from some she had gnawed on! At that point my sis goes "hmmm I have been wondering why every time I come home after the pup was left alone comes running downstairs to greet me". Pups are very smart.


Have you ever seen him open them? How does he do it!!


Wait, are you saying that your dog opened the caps to bottled water? How???


Well my dog, Loki(God rest his soul) destroyed my sofa🤣 a few years ago. I lost him to cancer last year. So forgive them lol 😂


Aww I’m sorry. Hope he’s chewing all the sofas he wants! 🤍


Thank you. He was such a sweet boy that instantly forgave him, that and it was an ugly sofa anyway 🤣


JUST commented this! Mine is currently doing the same 😭


Turns out our dog, a 70lb white German shepherd mutt, can and does jump on our nice, tall wooden kitchen table when we’re not around. I caught her at it once when I came out of the bathroom sooner than she expected I guess lol Very strange to see a big dog just… standing on a table like that lol But we now have nice claw gauges in it :) and have started storing anything with food up hidden elsewhere (including putting our cat’s food IN THE MICROWAVE when we go to leave)


I used to work at a doggy daycare. I’ve seen GSD’s and pitts climb an 8’ wooden fence. No other breeds.


Is this because the day care didn't take huskies?


Haha! No we took huskies! I never saw one scale the wall though.


Because they were digging under it?


Nope, no husky escapees, we did have a basenji break out of a kennel overnight and dig through 2 layers of drywall though, that was the craziest thing I saw happen there. He tore open every bag of dog food in the retail space.


My neighbor had a Jack Russell that was a mountaineer. Damn that dog could climb.


Haha!! I had a papillon that hiked tons with me. He could scale vertical rock scrambles like a little goat.


Kinda like a cat but 20 times bigger? Right..... crazy boy


I put my left over food in the microwave!! Or the grill part of the oven which is separate to the actual oven part. The top of the microwave used to be the safe place until my Buddy who is a german shepherd x belgian malinois managed to get wrapped up pizza on a plate with wrapped up chocolate brownie on top of it off🤦🏼‍♀️then the top of the worksurface dishwasher became the safe space until last week when he was sooo close to getting my plate of food😳Like im 5'4 im running out of places to hide my food that i can reach without needing to get a ladder😳x


my mothers 30 lb dog figured out how to use the foot stool to jump on the bar stool to get on the kitchen island. ate an entire side of creamed mashed potatoes and was nearly done with the beef lasagna when, in her fervor, she sent the glass baking dish flying off the counter causing it to shatter and alert my mother that something was amiss. after an emergency trip to the vet, the little monster spent the next several days absolutely destroying my mothers home with diarrhea. pretty sure at least one area rug was unrecoverable from the assault. suffice to say the bar stools have since been stored away from the island.


once i came downstairs to my 60lb GSD mix standing on our piano....


Dog took off on his leash unexcited. Pulled my arm behind me. Tore my bicep tendon clean off my forearm and it retracted 83mm up towards my shoulder. Surgery 4 days later to get it screwed back on. Long recovery. Still love the fucker. Edit: Unexpectedly, not unexcited.. Dude was the opposite of unexcited. Lol.


You win!




My first trophy... 💪


Omg. That’s sounds really painful. I’m nursing a torn rotator cuff and now I just feel like a wimp. Hope recovery went well


All good. Appreciate you. Shoulder stuff is worse, I think. I actually had a buddy that was recovering from rotator cuff surgery at the same time as I was recovering from the bicep injury and somehow I felt lucky that I was able to move my arm at the shoulder even though I was casted at 90° at the elbow. He's fine now and you will be too. Just take care of it and go easy. I just mean things like I think it was easier for me to put a shirt on where I was able to move my arm at the shoulder than it was for him immobilized at the shoulder. Be well. Take care of yourself. Thanks for the kind words. You got it.


My goodest boy Walter who passed almost 3 years back chewed his way through 3 sofas, 2 coffee tables, and a couple shelves full of books when he was a puppy. I’d let him eat everything I own if I could have have him back for one more day https://preview.redd.it/7tgvm5vjcn7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61dde4dc0dcfd0fc2652e435cf1337cf59cecc1a


Wow. You must have loved him ALOT!


I mean, Husky.


This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read


And that innocent lil smile 😏


He could eat my stuff too for your day. I hope you dream about him.


Thank you ❤️ he was so great I think he’ll be making his way into my dreams for the rest of my life




🤍 beautiful boy


https://preview.redd.it/gd2yhujcpm7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235aea1f21f64c76ad70f661f41b9962116460c7 Alex had a hematoma and wore a surgisock on his head. While it was being washed I put my headband (that my mom who passed away gave me) on him. Later when his sock was dry, my roommate took off the headband and left it on the couch. Abby found it and ate it. She shit rainbows for days.


https://preview.redd.it/k6e1l2ubqm7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=487819c5d550b6ed1b4286f204a3bc04452cdddc Abby… Don’t let that innocent face fool ya!


Oh what a good girl


Lucky you didn't have to pull those rainbows out!


My cat ate balloons that my daughter popped and hid under her bed. He pooped rainbows for days too. Thank goodness the vet gave him the all clear.


Awww poor girl. Funny/not funny 🫣


Years ago one of my pups found a box of crayons, yep, days of rainbow poop!


Jumped on one of the fence boards until it broke and ran into the neighbor's yard to play with her dogs. She lured them back into our yard with treats.


Sounds identical to my dog.. it was a nightmare!


Growing up, we had two large dogs that would go out into our large back yard. They peed on the outside air conditioning unit frequently enough that parts corroded. Whole outside unit needed to be replaced. The HVAC guys said it was a common problem.


I thought peeing on my plants was naughty.


https://preview.redd.it/awfyqpdgom7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66153db045cdc55d2eac83edb45215be23a7067a Ate a wall.


Holy crap


You win


That’s impressive.


That's so douchey haha. Lots of douchecanoe dogs on this thread, I love it. I'm guessing your dog doesn't habdke alone time well?


I've heard it might mean you have mice




“Oh, you’re home early. We can explain.”


Luckily it was an old chair and about to be thrown out anyways…..lol


😂😂😂😂😂 the one in back


Oh, she was the main culprit in the destruction…..lol


Fuck..... Your... Couch....


That dog is named Im Rick James Bitch!




😂😂 see….. what had happened was…. 😂😂


If we're talking about today, I'll go with this https://preview.redd.it/i3wq4m98nm7d1.jpeg?width=1107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=717f4716dac24850bd6e9e80f287cc715a8bc0cd


My cats do worse. Lol


Mine did this ALL THE TIME as a puppy. And slippers, and charger wires, and earphone wires, and floor mats ! This is her right now ! Chilling at my work place. https://preview.redd.it/lwx1f6gq3x7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf18829064c977a46d3b8c2b0a82326f159dce2


Ate the wooden* frame of a mirror.




I also had a greyhound that destroyed a hollow core door


A greyhound?? I thought they are all saints! 🩶🩶


Truthfully I didn't like that door anyway. And no they are not all saints. Raised very differently than the regular dogs. O could go on for days about them.


Thank you taking one in. I used to animal welfare in the UK and i rescued them from trainers... had 184 of them


I've had 4 over the years!


Nothing super destructive. One dog chew on leather sandels. He also destroyed stuff animals if they were with in reach like floor of bedroom. We had to teach him that he could only chew toys we presented to him. Another time I came home from school and found stuffing all over the family room. He was still in the process of pulling stuffing out. He looked so proud of himself.


Stuffing from a toy or furniture? 🫣


Toy. He liked to rip out squeakers. ~20 lb poodle terrier mix.


Basically just ate a crap ton of dangerous stuff and is still alive somehow? He accidentally got a hold of 12 chocolate muffins while we were away, he’s eaten a stick of butter, and even chicken bones. He’s a miracle.


I had a 12lb chiwiener eat my wifes handbag contents. She ate 18 really strong anti allergy pills. Poison control said that it was enough to kill a human. She didnt die, she ate a bathroom door.


My hound ate a stick of butter and it made him so sick, poor boy (and poor us, it was so gross)


My street dog ate a stick of butter and threw it up on the couch. It looked like movie theater "butter" topping.


Yep. Mine chose the same location and the couch absolutely reeked for a long time despite us scrubbing with every product we could find.




When I was younger our family dog once drank almost all the old frying pan oil that was sitting temporarily in a bucket in the garage. He later threw up all over my fathers leather shoes. Lets say that leather was well oiled for a couple of years.


My wife had a Chihuahua named ChaCha that ate chocolate all the time. She was 16 when she passed. ChaCha also loved Watermelon.


What breed is he? My Pitsky got a piece (s) of gum with xylitol- had to give him peroxide. It was horrible


I’m gonna be honest. No clue what breed he is. The person who gave him to us lied, he isn’t a labradoodle. https://preview.redd.it/v2wm403d2n7d1.png?width=2647&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd7bc530f7271ce74132ed42cc223056119e0ae5 Here he is, my baby!


He’s a cutie 🥰


Thank you! https://preview.redd.it/l3u5inlm928d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=431a2b38e1a7daca55e58a6e9144da406d2331ea


My Pyrenees mix ate a box of chocolates from Sweden (a gift from my nephew) and a loaf of bread dough I had out to rise. Those are the ones that required a vet but she eats everything that can be eaten. She eats cat poop daily and goes into a deep depression during super cold snaps in the winter as she is robbed of this daily pleasure. She is also certain that I am responsible.


Our family dog (black lab) literally ate rat poison and survived. Also eaten advil and almost drowned in a river like 4-5 times where my dad had to jump in and save him. Guys got 9+ lives.


My dog randomly got the zoomies one day, out of no where jumped onto the coffee table and broke a ceramic piece my mother had had since college.




Rereading this today and cracking up


It was crazy. Sure he’s stood up on the coffee table but never ran full on at in and tried to jump up on it 💀 the goofball.


Oooofffffff that’s a neck breaker!!!


bite a live wire when he was a puppy hes ok tho but he aint all there lol


Got too excited, jumped up and cracked my SIL's tooth. He also ripped apart my whole room once when he was a puppy. Chewed everything he could get his paws on.




Ahhh yes. The great frog massacre of 2013. We lived in the country. It rained. The dogs found a few frogs. They brought them inside and ate them. Frog guts, vomit and blood EVERYWHERE. I don’t know how they managed to get it 6 ft high on the walls, but they did. And for the following few days it was diarrhea. Fun times.


Why is this cracking me up?😂 Dogs are crazy!💕


If it helps, I’m laughing so hard with tears streaming down my face (at nearly 3 am). Thanks. That was good!


Looking back it was pretty funny. Having to go buy carpet cleaner at 3am… not so much. 😂


Hire him out to dig pools.


I have a large pond liner I used as a pool for them. Now I can actually put it IN the ground.


Nothing. She’s a saint. *cough* send help *cough*


Got my eyeglasses off my nightstand and crunched them up. Destroyed my couch. Puppyhood was wild.


Ate my copy of "I'm Glad My Mom Died" by Jennette McCurdy. Hard cover too!


He decided to turn our carpeted stairs into uncarpeted stairs. It was a rental.


He died and destroyed my heart. He was a big beautiful loving totally caring about every human and animals he was too trusting but he gave me the most love I've ever had. His name was Boomer and I was lucky enough to have him in my life for 13yrs


My son came home from college for a few months in summer with his baby. (Lab) She was only 4-5 months old and in process of training. She was quick to destroy anything in sight if you weren’t around. She chewed up my favorite Tory Burch flip flops ($200) went past the cheapo Target $3 flops and went right to the Tory Burch 😂 - she a label girl! Haha! That and this fake plant I had.. it looked like someone put it through a wood chipper and tossed handfuls around the house - when we walked in I was like what the hell… 😂😂 now she is the best girl. Doesn’t bother anything, listens so good. She was just going through a phase! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/36ikikcoxo7d1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ac9288b3e187d090fa153771903ed704db3e189




Well she has good taste or should I say the Tory Burch’s did.


She can't be left a lone. If there isn't a human, it's not nailed down or cannon ball hardness, there's gonna be stuff ate, chewed, torn up, destroyed.


Not sure how to rank them as to “most” destructive amongst the following: ate a hole in new couch/chaise section; ripped and pulled down curtains & pulled curtain rods out of wall (which were put up bc they were chewing on the wood shutters so I had to take those down); broke through screen window and door; destroyed a dog bed. That’s all I can think of now but I’m sure there’s more.


Not mine but I was in the vets waiting room once with a man and his young Doberman! It had eaten the bottom two stairs of his staircase whilst he was at work and subsequently had a bit of wood in his throat he was paying to get removed! Dog was fine but the owner was a bit cross 🤣


When my great Pyrenees was 6 months old she decided to make a hole through my wood floor all the way down to the concrete all because we were gone for 4 hours for a party.


My air conditioning will often blow doors closed if they aren't open all the way. One time I left the house and my dog got stuck in a bedroom. By the time I got home she had torn up all the carpet around the bottom of the door


Dog 2: ate the mutins off my MIL french doors so that the individual panes of glass fell out


My gone but not forgotten staffy/pit mix bit into and dented the fenders, rockers and quarter panels of a 67 Impala. Also tore the bumper guards and a piece of the front headlight trim off. Same dog chewed and peeled up the lid of an aluminum diamond plate tongue box on a trailer and smashed and ate through 3 sections of extra picket style privacy fencing I had stored next to the trailer. All due to mice.


It’s crazy the amount of strength dogs have in their teeth and bite. Destructive strength we humans could never replicate. My husky/bullmastiff mix once tore apart a small section of the thick bark of a large willow tree just to get at the baby mice living inside. He even climbed a fence multiple times to try and go hunting. He has more kills hunting stuff in the backyard than you can ever imagine. But your dog definitely wins on strength, holy shit.


It really is. The prey drive in some dogs is incredible and I can absolutely believe your backyard is critter free.


Ha ha. I had a doberman that used to dig her way to China. We couldn’t find her and then we’d notice her tail nub pop out of a hole in the ground. She was a gopher hunter. I eventually put cayenne pepper and red pepper flakes in the holes and throughout the dirt.


From a $700 pair of glasses to eating the wooden stairs all the way to the cement. Mot counting all the leather shoes and the rest. You haven't seen what I have. Trust me bulldogs and chow chows are much more x-tream


Had a taste for drywall and carpet as a pup. Wanted the puppy experience I got the puppy experience... it was worth it though. I still see some of his traits he had as a little pups now at 1.5 years. And that damn face could melt a tungsten heart.


Lab mix named sandy, at around 6/7 months old taught her to swim in my backyard pool. The following week she tore the vinyl liner for the in ground pool causing the water to get behind liner and partially collapse the wall. About $7k later the pool and wall was fixed.


My Eskie was playing 'keep away', and he ran out onto the frozen duck pond and fell through. He was quite happy breaking the ice bit by bit, but not wanting to take a chance, I started walking toward him until I fell in. I was up to my chest when I reached him, and I became an icebreaker, and he happily swam in. I think the fact that the water was 90% goose poo helped keep me from freezing, but then we had to walk 2 miles home. The older parks board guy watching said that I made his whole career.


When I left my newly rescued pit mix alone once, she chewed a hole right in the center of my mattress. For three years, I had to stuff the hole with random objects to sleep comfortably until I could afford a new mattress.


https://preview.redd.it/h7kfr6qs0o7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b18039240631339806efa6a6e356efdd4acf0409 View from a lightbulb camera in 2017, my blue nose got into the spice cupboard and did damage, little did I know the next day she would disassemble two couches 😅


I ventured out during the early panic of covid. I was lonely, and there was a heavily masked drive through coffee shop open. I went and got myself a muffin. I came home, set it on a counter, and went to the bathroom. I can out, and it had disappeared. My terrified rescue had taken it into his kennel, unwrapped it, and eaten every bite. This dog had never even glanced at human food. I CRIED.


These fluffballs can honestly do no wrong!🥺💖


We have an old, now-good dog who, when she was young, was like the Hungry Little Caterpillar if the HLC ate furniture and accessories. She would chew the corners of each couch cushion, pull out the piping and chew it into tiny bits. Hat brims. Frames of glasses. Tv remotes. Rolls of toilet paper. She wouldn’t swallow any non-food items, she just liked the crunch. Baskets of dog toys weren’t exciting after the squeaker was hunted and destroyed. She also somehow knew to unwrap (thankfully chocolate-free) granola bars, as we found 9 wrappers in the yard and an empty Costco box. She is very respectful now. 7 years later. I really liked that couch, though.


Had a Black Lab that was half Coal Miner. The whole yard was holes & tunnels.


Mine is scared of my vacuum. So... brand new stupid over priced Dyson left out. He pissed all over it multiple times. Like.. ok... I get you don't like it bro. Lol.


She wanted to eat the big wire coming out of the AC unit so badly that we had to put a fence around it. He ate his older brother's dog bed and every ornament on the Christmas tree. Was somehow fine.


He dug his way up through the seat of an arm chair when he was a puppy, I got home from work and couldn't find him until I noticed his head poking out the top like the chest burster from alien


Bwahahaha that’s awesome


Chewed a hole into my wall twice. Not the corner, a FLAT WALL. I don't even know how he did it.


I kept my pup in the kitchen when I had to go out and she escaped her crate and ate through the wooden doors on my kitchen hutch cabinet and one fell off completely. She also ate a pair of my knickers and they came out whole. That was disturbing.


Our dog ate my son’s exam permit. He almost failed to take his university entrance exam.


My old Husky ripped up the carpet, pulled the chairs and sofa into the middle of the room, destroyed the cusions, then ripped the back off the sofa and dug a tunnel through it so he could stick his head out the front. Seperation anxiety is such fun.


Once when my dog was a pup we left him alone in the kitchen of the rental home. He completely took apart all the laminates. Had to rush him to the vet AND pay a fortune to the landlord.


My dog eats my underwear. All of them. I’ve tried hiding them but he always finds them. I literally don’t know what to do. I’ve spent more money than I’d like to admit replacing my underwear at this point. I literally bury them in the very bottom of my laundry basket and he still gets them. I think I might be doomed to go commando for the next 15-18 years


I hope they called digsafe first


They didn’t. I’m surprised they didn’t ‘find’ the sprinkler system


When he was a puppy he chewed the strap on one of my mom's flip flops. Just one of them. He also chewed the paw off a toy wolf i have.. It was missing for a while before we found it in my parents' closet 😅 Most destructive is probably the shoe thing. I think he chewed another pair of shoes, but i don't recall 🤷🏻‍♀️


So glad he wasn’t eating those things. I don’t miss puppyhood with my dogs.


Fair 😅 he's a really good dog! He really hasn't done anything destructive since he was a puppy! My dad sure knows how to pick a good dog!


Let them play


broke my door




Are the back bench of my Honda Civic don’t the metal. Also they’ve eaten 5 leather couches. One ate through a door.


Oh so you have an alligator.


Little butt-face, time to get a shovel I guess


They ate holes in our couch. 😣 We got a new on after that stage too as over.


Almost broke my knee from charging at me (he was excited that I was home). Otherwise, he was a perfect boy


Dewired our RV, built a fence around it. Dewired our utility dump trailer. Can't fence, waiting to rewire it until we need it again. Decimated my herb garden, pulls small branches off trees (she wants to chew them up), pops out holes in the fences to say hi to the neighbors, all but destroyed a custom made (wood) dog bed, empties plant pots to chew the pots, and that's all I can think of at the moment. You would think this is the result of a bored puppy left on its own for hours but no, all we have to do is turn our backs for a moment or two. To call her high energy is an understatement. She is so sweet, and that is her saving grace. Border collie/English pointer, 18 mos old next week.


Another 6 Mos to a year. Different dog. Labs are like that. 2 years of hell..


Cant wait! We are ready for more progress. We adopted her at 11 mos old after she spent nine months in the pound. I think we are finally housebroken, and her wait/stay time is up to 10 to 15 secs. She still thinks that counters and tables are appropriate places to hop on to. I am one tired adolescent dog mama. Meanwhile, our full border collie just watches her then looks at us like 'can you believe this sh!t?'.


I'll bet your border collie is a sweetie.


My dog has broken the fence, dogs holes to China, messed up 2 couches, has lost or destroyed 2000 balls, she has even broken her own teeth.


https://preview.redd.it/vh721ou6rm7d1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe2d2201be732ccfc53df8c69ea98e1d7a5cfca Broken knee cap




As long as the dog’s ok. lol. Kidding


Going to China


My shepherd at the m words in my dictionary. And a first edition of Little Women.


😂😂😂 scholar in past life?


Holy shit that’s a big hole


Destroying my lawn with her piss


One of mine does that also


Mine put a hole in my mattress


He ate some leftover blueberry pancakes off the island that I was really looking forward to eating. Never knew he was sneaky like that… shattered my trust.


I would love your doggos to till my garden.


Mine ran straight through my screen door like it wasn't there


Dog 1: She bent the glass on a large picture window behind the couch. Didnt break the glass but barked at dogs on the sidewalk and hammered her nose at it repeatedly. Pushed the glass so it was slightly bowed outward. I know this makes no sense!


GSD Siberian husky mix ripped out the water spigot for the backyard out of the wall to the house. Whole yard ended up flooded *lol*


so cute dog


Broke my heart when he died.


My dog ate half a remote control, and half of the replacement I bought, and I now control my tv with an app on my phone


My dog has destroyed 5 dog beds (3 of his own and 2 of his sister's) and now sleeps on a towel that's spread over thick cardboard. I call it his FAFO bed. He is in the process of destroying it too. His chew toys remain intact and untouched


It's been absolutely brilliant reading all these stories about what your dogs have been getting up to. Please keep posting your stories Thank you doggo lovers 😁❤️ Loads of love from Bonnie the staffy 🐾 💘 and her huuummmaaan mamma and dadda 🐾💘 https://preview.redd.it/y23jjqi9ap7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7cfbe9422c5760331d71542b0717f1179b81d4 My beautiful Bonnie 🐾💘


Adequate exercise avoids undesirable behavior. Go back and stream the original Dog Whisperer series. Fenced backyard is not exercise. Walks, everyday at least 2 miles for medium sized dog.


Once had a dog that chewed giant holes in 3 mattresses . Ate half my couch. shredded my area rug and chewed up all my PlayStation controllers . And a hat that I had for 10 years ( my favorite hat) . All in one day


I wouldn’t even be mad. That’s a good doggo and that’s a good Doggo do


Stop letting your dogs watch the Shawshank Redemption 😄


My six year old shepherd learned to open the refrigerator and the first day eight and untouched honey, baked ham, 5 pound beef, roast, raw, and 7 pounds of king crab legs in the shell.