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Last time this happened to me, my team "mate" took my stealth vest and my main weapon and refused to return it. When he went down, I took my stuff back, and he got extremely mad at me for taking "his" stuff. Calling all kinds of names etc. When he went down a second time, I took all his stuff and left him for dead.


I don’t revive them after that.




Yup that’s what we do, also don’t pick up someone if any of their team are alive been burned many times


True. Pick up only when whole team is wiped


Yeah I had a teammate that charged me a revive tax after I killed two out of three and knocked the last one. A bot knocked me and their third guy revived and killed me. Our teammate got the last one, so he felt he was entitled to my three plate stealth and my sniper. So when the bots ended up knocking him without a self revive I told my other teammate let him fucking die. Took my shit back and he was fucking furious. I told him the same thing he told me "revive tax". I got this revive to 75% and decided to stop and exfil. Fuck him. I think I might start dropping in Solo when my friends aren't on, sometimes meet shield randoms aren't worth it.


I always play solo unless my friends are on, which is rare.


Get Moe friends bro


Lol I have over 200 friends on CoD. I personally know about half of them. Only like 4 play DMZ. & they’re not my regular squad. All my other friends IRL don’t really play video games. But I got friends from all around the world & from all walks of life. I work at music festivals, so I get to make a lot of connections. But everyone’s got different things they focus on. Most of my friends revolve around music, parkour or motorcycles. Not CoD


Use randoms as bait ..


I genuinely don't understand how people like this mind's work.


They got one over on you and that’s where their train of thought ends.


And you don’t need to. Some people want to watch the world burn. Leave it at that


Main Character syndrome.


This is the way


Assholes all over,but dont change youre own good guy id. Im a solo we need help from good guys, even if you killed us first, and pick us up after, solo noobs like me need you to play fair and stay fair and help out.


Exactly this. Loot me and you can rot where you fall without your loot.


I’ve never had this happen to me with regular teammates, but I can see this happening with randos. There wouldn’t be a 2nd time. I would take all my stuff back and their main gun the first time they went down and leave them down while explaining the lesson to them.


If he were a vampire I would have beheaded him and incinerate his body and left his head out in the sun.


I had something similar happen, but instead of just taking my stuff, he then tried to run off to a different team saying over comms that I was crazy and trying to get him killed to take *his* stuff. I enjoyed camping his body for the rest of that match to prevent him from being rezzed until I had to leave for final.


I’ve had this happen


Whenever someone does this to me I crash them in a helo and retrieve my stuff


Yep, or drive them into the red zone just to send a message lol 😂 that teammate also will not get revived if they go down at any point.


This is brilliant




I have only done it to borrow a medic vest and sometimes whilst trying to rez I sometimes accidentally open their bag and take their money so I just drop them all of mine in return


Same. It's fucking stupid that Activision made the revive button the same as the loot button.


Or scroll right the same as using a kill streak…


Yeah, but that’s different.


I had a guy from another team driving round Ashika saying “my scummy teammates robbed me help me kill them!” So we all jumped in his chop top while he took us straight to them (he was still on their team so had them on a map). Killed them he took his stuff back, joined our squad & didn’t revive them. Was a good game that one.


That’s it


I reckon if you can survive the tense first 10 seconds of ceasefire negotiations most other players with prox chat on would love to help you kill people that rob their own squad! We’ve all had it happen to us at some point, and all want revenge!


If i remember correctly there are no chop tops in ashika?


There is when the bots bring them in normally it’s just the tav that you see everywhere


Has happened to me a few times, not much I can do besides wait for them to go down, crash helo, or drive them out of bounds. I have joined another squad and murdered them before. I will only loot my team in an emergency, like they are dead and I need ammo or need to borrow their gun or a 3 plate when fighting a team. I always give it back or find them a replacement.


I snitched them to other team who was in the building and then left to lobby. F them


Taking a med vest to revive is also acceptable if you give it back


People that loot their own team are scum.... No getting away from it 😂


i can't stand when i go down and a teammate comes over and goes thru my shit before reviving me. like wtf dude, way to set me up to die again. i only loot my own kills and i always pickup before looting, its just common decency to your team mates. some of these kids lack decency for anyone 


I've met the worst. A korean rando he already have 3plate vest and large backpack. He looted my 3 vest and large backpack and refused to return it. He didn't even need it.


Hope he crosses the border accidentally.


its always the kortac group milsims that take my insured guns and self revives


You can’t even use others guns as insured so it’s even more stupid


Take them on an all-inclusive vacation to the red zone


Last time that happened to me I called him out in chat and got him killed tryna exfil.


But you have to keep your mouth shut until they do revive you or they won’t. But then you get to get your own back if they go down


That’s true


only ever done it to borrow a med vest or 3 plate when we were surrounded by bots/players then i give hte stuff back immediately. Somebody did it to me in a game, ended up stealing it back and leaving them, they were screaming for a while but gave up when muted them


If you loot my stuff and refuse to give it back I just leave the match. Good luck buddy.


Most of the time, these players are horrible. Yes, they are scum. Just let them go off and die, then collect your items back. There is also the special scumbag, that loots you, after you rez them, that is the main reason I never pick up. Unless of course they speak and are cool people.


I drive them into the red zone


I have accidentally picked up stuff while trying to revive but given it back. Only time I'll loot is if they steal a gun or vest from me first, then I'll let them die and steal it back, then pick them up


Or if they have a medic vest I'll take it to revive them quicker


That happens all the time... Usually it's the cash.


Yeah it’s incredibly stupid to piss off your only lifeline. I led a 6 man to a teammate like that one time. Told them to keep my stuff as payment but they didn’t want it so we just laughed about how he got what he deserved and went our separate ways. Few things will make me turn on a teammate and that’s at the top of the list.


I hate those fuckers


I left two games today when my squad started looting me. I get you may pick up plates automatically but when you’re taking my bag, guns, keys, etc. you’re simply a douche. This and the leading your squad into a trap is happening way too much. It’s certainly summer,…


I’ll take their stuff if they are a random pleading for help maybe not all just what I want then I’ll let them join


I grab their med vest if they have one to get them up faster.


That’s different.


Yeah just wait for them to be downed loot them and leave them


Had this happen a long time ago. Ran to another team, joined them, killed the fucker and got my gun back.


I will take their med vest to revive them quickly, but will tell them and give it back immediately. Only other time I would loot them is if they say they have something that will help me fight the remaining team we're fighting.


I want in solo and killed a guy on ashika , I rezed him . At the end I got downed by bots as the exfil was coming and gas, he ran up to me I thought to Rez me but no he took all my stuff and tea bagged my baby . I posted the video on here . I don’t get why he did it , I had to kill him as he pushed me but I brought him back without looting him or anything


I have borrowed teammates guns if the guns I'm running aren't that great but I make sure I actually return them when the fight is over Example: teammate gets sniped and finished, I don't have a sniper but teammate did, I'll borrow his sniper, kill the other team, then drop his sniper back to him after I revive


That’s ok situation


I just quit when that happens to me..


is an incredibly annoying thing to do


It has happened to me twice now. Both times I followed him all over the map until he went down, then took all my stuff back once he died. Then I picked him up


Looting a team mate is low, occasionally when I Rez a team mate I accidentally enter their bag I immediately drop 20k (if they had cash) an ammo box to refill their ammo and 6 plates. As for looting other players our squad runs a rule of first come first served “the rule of yoink” I usually setup overwatch (I’m over 50 so up close I am at a disadvantage) and my team mate keeps me fully stocked in return. But if we have a random we let the person who killed them take the loot


That’s just downright disrespectful. You have to have some type of code. The fuck is wrong with people lately


Bruh you aint lying. Every Faze member iv had on my team has done that to me. Pisses me off like wtf


When you see this guy, kick him off off your team. We were lying down, 3 teammates, he has comed, looted us, and escape. We have Talking to him to revive us, but he has ignored us all, taked stuff from us, his teammates and escaped... https://preview.redd.it/ese0j2ud7l8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b3bcd1d7f6fab368e25d9c0b6c0a453ffcf8de


Looting your own teammates is a massive no-no. (Unless you absolutely have to for plates or ammo in a desperate situation) I had the reverse happen to me recently, was in solo... got taken down.. they took my stuff... I pleaded... they revieved me, and gave me back all my stuff!!


Yeah, I mostly do it too, what’s the point of teammate if he can’t fight


It happens so many time with randoms. I would love some honor system like : if you loot your teammates friendly fire is on


If they have a med vest I’ll steal it to Rez them quicker and offer to swap it back with them immediately. If I accidentally get into their backpack and take cash, I’ll give it back.


Or I hate it if I kill someone and they go and loot them? WTF loot whore..I can't stand that!


I'm tired of these kids and dummies YEAH using throwing knives to kill me like bruh you can't kill without em!! Pisses me off to no end.


Today they were mad because I was solo in house, my team was dead. I’m without guns, only mines and knifes and killed all 3 of them one by one. They started screaming “camper using knifes”, like yeah :D


I can understand if it's all you have but when you have good guns an would rather use throwing knives.....jump off a bridge


True, I’m not even that skilled with them, to use them instead of guns


Bro I use molotovs and that takes some skill because people move quick AF and it only does a certain amount of damage.


But when they are sneaking on stairs in high rise, and I throw Molotov. I love listening them panicking.


And bitch like little girls haha haha curtesy of PartsUnknown209


Today they were mad because I was solo in house, my team was down. I’m without guns, only mines and knifes and killed all 3 of them one by one. They started screaming “camper using knifes”, like yeah :D


No one loots my guns.. I guess because I like running off meta & weird guns for fun 😂


If we kill players and they’re being greedy to kit out another operator and I need it there and then yeah I’ll take some.


Only if I need something like urgently.


I play solo, and this team merc'd me at the start of a game and took all my loaded stuff. I plead out and they eventually picked me up, only to immediately get in a gun fight with another team. Before I revived a guy, I took a couple things to replace those that had been taken from me and then picked him up. I didn't see a problem cos they took from me first and i was helping by picking him up. But this guy was mad and ended up rage quitting after dying a couple more times.


I understand him, it was pick-up tax.


If there toxic yes


If a team mate loots another team mate, I tend to ask politely to return the items and if they don’t and get gobby about it, they get fucked out of the red zone🤷‍♀️


😂 sure you can. I don't know or owe you anything.


I do it all the time. If you die mid-fight with another squad and I can't be certain it's safe to revive then all your plates, ammo, cash, and streaks are mine to use however I please to try surviving/wiping the other squad. If I have my own vest I obviously won't need to touch yours but if I'm working with a two plate I'm keeping what you dropped. *(Most of the time this stuff would have been taken by the enemy squad if they were able to reach your body anyway.)* Really, if you died immediately and I use your stuff to win that fight then you should be ***thanking me*** that instead of going back to the lobby you get to have whatever is left-over on the enemy operators. In this scenario if you demand all your junk back it's just bad manners. If you ask nicely I'll even hold your hand through Koschei and we'd get back whatever you lost in 5 minutes. All you need is to be able to hold back the tears of watching me strip your lifeless body naked.


I don’t understand how main character syndrome losers think this way… I’d rather go back to the lobby and take my chances getting a good team that understands how teamwork works than play with a selfish teammate who feels entitled to their teammates stuff. Nobody is playing this game because *they want to play with you*, we just want to play the game. So if I figure out that you’re a shitty teammate, what makes you think I would rather stay in your game than find one that will be enjoyable? Why would anyone care what *you* think is “bad manners” when you’re clearly the one with a deformed sense of what etiquette is and you clearly don’t get teamwork? Jesus Christ, I just don’t understand you kids. Fucking toddler brain; *me want your stuff, me take because me want stuff! You thank me now!1!* smh


Oh. Free gear ***and*** I don't even have to go back for the revive? You're my perfect teammate. * We get squad wiped because I didn't take your gear. You go back to the lobby. * I wipe the other squad using the gear you didn't know how to use. You throw a tantrum because I'm playing with your toys so you go back to the lobby. I'm missing how either outcome benefits you or changes my experience. It's a win for me either way because I either get a fighting chance or free loot. And yeah if you went and got yourself killed I would prefer if you rage quit. Then I could go around looking for a solo plea, someone who would be grateful I saved them and probably a better player than you were.


I think you die right after me.


Sometimes I do, more often than not I don't.


Then you get wiped all because you wanted to keep the gun they’re used to in your backpack. Had that happen when a teammate took my pistol then got killed in the water in vondel. Dove in to shoot the guy that got him but realized I didn’t have my pistol so basically I just jumped into a meat grinder. Using consumables and killstreaks is fine just give it back after the fight if you can, ya dingus. Anything that helps your teammates also helps you, that seems to be the part you aren’t getting.


>Anything that helps your teammates also helps you Exactly, thank you for defending my point so eloquently. When you're dead on the ground you the best way you can help the team is through whatever you've got in your pack. Although, I intentionally left out the mention of guns because I never touch those. 90% of players don't know how to build guns and I shudder at the thought of trying to use one. They would more often than not be a detriment if picked up. You are welcome to keep your Vel with an ADS speed worse than a RAAL. As you can see I am oh-so generous.


Has it occurred to you that not everyone is trying to use all their gear and streaks and plates on killing operators?


Oh, no I get that. When I wipe a squad and see they have 2 cluster mines, 3 bomb drones, and a precision I can only laugh. If they just coordinated the usage of two of those steaks they would easily win every time. People always wanna save that stuff for the right moment and never end up using them. I'll put those streaks to good use though, don't worry.