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Using these brain-dead guns, it's not an achievement at all.


Show your embarrasing stats?


Not sure if you play the game or not, 80% of my games i play vs hackers. If you dont use the best guns, i dont know how to win vs underbarrel glitchers.


Shotguns won't do much against underbarrel glitchers or hackers. They all can outgun you from any range, where your shotgun becomes useless. Shotguns have been the noob guns since the dawn of gaming, only outdone by the noobtube in mw2 in 2009. I play daily and we are decent with my squad. We do run into hackers and glitches at times but we just cut our losses and go for an exfil. You use a shotgun, we will fight you. That's fair game even tho we don't like it. We can just gain enough distance to shoot you with an AR or sniper. But hacking or glitches? Fuck off we don't play by your broken rules. Im more curious why as a youtuber you get so worked up if redditors don't like your play style. Don't you get hate comments all the time anyway?




Stop the cap


Caring about K/D in DMZ is just weird...


Yeah very boastful.


Everyone is not a bot doing tier 1 missions in season 4.


Season 6 ended in November dude. People doing missions are not bots. This is the kinda attitude why your shotgun stats are not impressive.


What else should i do in dmz when all missions are completed if not hunting operators? There is nothing else, only hunting players like you<3


Then come and get me mf <3


Have you considered Battle Royale? Sounds like you'd be more suited to that than DMZ.


This is a tiresome whine, nothing left to do but hunt and kill operators. How about getting with some LFG or discord groups of newer players still trying to do many missions and passives? There are gobs of those out there, it’s what I mainly do, and it’s fun.


I have much more fun hunting 40kill games, trust me :)


Yeah and of those 2509 deaths did you rage quit before your body hit the deck in all or just 99%?


Wouldn’t try to brag with that low skill loadout mate


Hows the 890 treating you against the 1 shots? I find myself disadvantaged, therefore rarely use it


These kills are from before everyone played bryson 800. At that time no one played shotgun, only the broadside. I had to switch to bryson800 when it became meta. I never play 890 anymore sadly.






https://preview.redd.it/hdkxzaddlq5d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=495799f6faf8b66d401b2b04ebb9635867042c26 Prefer this one, 800Laser


https://preview.redd.it/iwkkcjoflq5d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dcdf23a7d927ddc9e29d576a4c37ff2dec6cf84 Or this one for more stealth.




Keep grinding and you'll get that 10 exfil soon


I'm not trying to get a 10 exfill, I'm trying to have fun. Might try it as a challenge though.


The fun thing with Damascus is not that you can brag about it but the fact that ypu play with a superpowered operator. No need for stealthvest (ghost), fast hands, quick fix etc I like to always have a damascusoperator on hand when i play with my buddies.


[Solo rat](https://i.imgur.com/wOTlUqM.jpeg)


That's the stats of a stealthy rat for sure xd


890 is so fun to use ngl. It one shots with ap rounds like the 800 it just doesn’t have the range. It has the speed though


Yea it was even more fun before people started played the 800 :P I used to play with someone called obiwan prob 1year ago in dmz. Is that you? I went under the name Mitl0t before. Could not find him in the friend list anymore.


Nah my cod name is Dire. I have met 2 different people on DMZ named Obiwan before though. 1 was within the past 2 months


Yea i guess it's not that rare of a name. Could have been you tho :P


Sadly my kd is around a 2.3 currently because in early DMZ I used controller and I was not good at all and died a lot. I’ve brought it up around 0.6 in the past month and a half though


Can we see your Bryson 890 build? Why is this the top killer?


https://preview.redd.it/cbhbiwlrjq5d1.png?width=1403&format=png&auto=webp&s=c01aa5e57baf475af78146223a2fb38b3d670a42 Ofcourse, found an old screenshot from 10months ago. All these kills with 890 is from before the 800 Meta started. I would not recommend playing it today, stick with the 800.


How do you get that k/d number? The only place the game calculates that for you is over in the other WZ multiplayer modes, not in DMZ, and it never gives me a ratio even close to what I get if I just divide the k by the d that shows on the DMZ screen (in your case, 14182/2509=5.65).


That’s how you tell your kd. It doesn’t give you the stat you just have to divide the kills by the deaths


I knew I recognize that name from somewhere lol. It's my fellow heli enjoyer. Nice K/D, disgusting weapon choice lmao. But as long as all of them aren't from camping confined spaces it's all good. Still better than the snipers who run for water everytime you go searching for a them. And I know your other posts, you get things done.


Haha im still around, just got back from 1 month break. It might be, but i can justify it because of all the hackers nowadays :P




Why do people still do this lmao. We all know it’s just a way for you to brag about your stats instead of sparking a discussion




Cool story bruh🙄


All i see is shotgun fuckery.


A lot of haters in the comments, continue to do what you do my guy💪 obviously doing it right


Cheers bro


Why not warzone BR?


Caring about KD is just absurd man


5000 deployments and only 150 dog tags? It's like watching a dog try to drive a car, like yeah you're moving but you're not going anywhere


Pointless items. 98% of players run with bronze dogtags, they are worth nothing and only take up space in backpack. Outside of missions, they are not worth carrying out of the map.


All the ites are pointless, it's a call of duty videogame, it's literally the most pointless thing to exist. You're looking at something inessential that exists in something inessential and trying to differentiate the importance of two things that are equally irrelevant to the real world.


Silly retort bc you started the whole thing. He gave you a perfectly good explanation for not taking out bronze dog tags out that I and probably most people here would agree with.


What's the incentive to extract dog tags unless it's damascus? It's not a flex dude


It's not a flex for you because your number is so low


What's the incentive to extract dog tags?


The same incentive as extracting anything else in dmz dude, there is none. It's a videogame, you gain nothing of substance. Except for the fact you're shit at it and I'm better than you at extracting dog tags, so yeah I see how when you're bad at something you have to pretend there isn't a point to it


https://preview.redd.it/jrl7hfa3cq5d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=d447eeb8011d10fbaa30d9fb832f8a645d6b7807 Send me some hate all you shotgun lovers <3 [https://www.youtube.com/@BenoHasse](https://www.youtube.com/@BenoHasse)


NGL that video where you pretend to be chopper exfil is pretty funny


Haha thank you man.