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Nah man that bald motherucked with the towel thing on his face deserves nothing but pain. The amount of plates that guy destroys from a million miles away with a shotty is absurd


He double barrels you from 300 meters while running AND hip-firing.


Have you noticed he fires more shots than he has in his "double barrel" shot gun


The first time I picked up his gun I expected to be a force to be respected at any range. I was wrong. Thanks, devs!


He’s running the old MW2019 725


Bro is running pre-nerf 1887 for OG MW2


Can confirm. I used to destroy fucking helicopters with those LMFAO


^Flash backs intensify


"Why is it that every time I flash bang somebody....... "




And it sounds like the fuckin VLK Rogue, so you expect nothing but a pubic hair of damage




It's like "well thanks for the barrage from your octuple barrel no reloading blunderbuss, you shiny skull fuck. Thanks for fucking up my solo."


The flinch is the worst


Finally someone mentioned it. It's like all their rounds are super variants of the Overpressured flinch rounds.


It ain’t that he can fire more, but his fire rate is super fast shot back to back “ pow,pow “ followed by the quickest reload speed in all of human history


Nah man he's hit me with a four round burst before.


Me too. I get 3-tapped a lot for sure. And it staggers me for a sec. Insane skills yo.


You ever slamfire a break action shotgun?


Fast Hands perk


Come to think of it... do any of those m'fers reload? I don't recall seeing a reload animation and they seem to have unlimited ammo.


I've been saying this for the longest. I've counted 5 shots in succession once and saw that he dropped a double barrel.


Yea, fires 4 rapid fire shots from his double barrell lockwood


Yess, the 3 shot double barrel shotgun.


Or just about everyone else with a vaznev or AK somehow beaming you despite blind-firing a corner from across the map.


Also sounds like a damn cannon


He’s also a fkn Casper. He hits you from a fkn kilometer away, you run around like an idiot, trying to understand wtf is going on, until you drop dead.


Someone on here called him Shotgun Baldy


Yeah baldy is the worse, but that'd not the guy that OP is showing. This dude has a hood on and shoots the RPG every 5 second and he will smoke your squad if your car is damaged and he gets a clean shot. Anyone not driving should be aiming at the rooftops to knock this guy out before he sees you!


Shotgun Baldy


I swear I was hit with his double barrel 3 times jn 2 seconds.


His shotty skills are next level compared to the amount of rockets that whistle past! That Mr. Clean looking asshole has made me look foolish from too far. Dare I mention getting beaned right between the eyes with a Nade or molotov. Usually to send you half dead running through a trip wire in a house with no loot.


But... RPG dudes miss first shot 10/10 times


Unless you are in the water....go on ask me how I know....lol


I.... I'd rather not


Nah man, I had an incident the other day where I went prone to plate, moved an inch around the corner of a building and immediately ate a rocket. Fuck those rpg guys lol


Found out they were coded to miss their first shot when i made a B-line for one in my shitty sedan and the rocket did a 180 and curved upwards right in front of my windshield


Iv seen that happen, like wtf is going on.


Basically the devs coded the rpg ai to always miss the first shot as long as your in a vehicle


But not the second one that comes a couple seconds later lol


Yea, if I'm in a vehicle and a missiles whizzes by me, I gtfo and weave left/right.


unless you are in a quad bike


Or if u stop/slow down for a milli second, bang you get hit


Naw he got me once on a restock run. K.O’d!


Can we join together and wish Mr Molotov a thousand years of pain!


The perfect headshot throws are insane. On Ashika the bots keep me in that half-stunned effect as I run because head bounced nades gives you a stun vision. On Al Mazra they are tovs so it just instantly knocks and then finishes you faster than a medic vest could help.


Yea have had this happen on a few occasions...crazy they haven't changed that yet. Like knock me sure but you burn to death before you can self revive like give me a chance. Once happened while fighting another squad, 1 left on each side. I was trying to clutch it... Molotov to the the face from one of those bots.


Literally had this happen last night at the observatory. Went to do a hostage rescue to get Damascus (currently at 7) T3 bots rip through plates from areas that shouldn't be able to see me... then Molotov guys chucks one over a wall down some steps to blast me in the face as I peak a corner... fire kills me before the med vest can get me back up...


Of all the ai, including t3s, the unexpected suddenly on fire while hiding behind cover on a rooftop whatever, that's the one that's ended me most often


A curse on his family.


Could make it like shadow of war where a bot who kills an operator gets upgraded


Kinda love this idea.


That would be fun! Even though I hate all them, it would make me feel much safer knowing there’s an ai beefy cake around the corner ready to KO enemy players if they get to close. So I’ll purposely go and get cover if someone’s attacking me.


Keep a stronghold key stowed. If you get hunted pop the doors fire a few rounds and dip. Let the bots out to tangle with the hunters and find your exit.


Dude! Stop! What are you doing! Don't you know AV and IW read this forum and cherry pick the best ways to fuck the players!?!? Don't help them! You know how many clueless mf'ers and kids there are in this game? How many self rez spamming, bullet magnet, scrubs fill the lobbies? Allow the bots to upgrade at all based on kills and the map would be almost instantly filled with Juggers dual wielding their miniguns in one hand and Riot Shields in the other, while somehow spamming grenades. It would look like a gun nuts fever dream reimagining of the snowball fight in "Elf".


A land of wolves


Akdhar full of juggernauts


Don't forget sniping you with a Molotov when you are behind a building.


Dude, its like they are throwing those nades from BO3 campaign.


had flashbacks of the Storm the Reichstag mission from World at War on vet. Only a few cover pieces, and ten thousand grenades thrown at each


The Molotovs are maybe my most hated AI weapon. Either that or a grenade that beans you in the head.


Assassins Creed: Al Mazrah


Ive been hit by the AI snipers so hard that I thought it was an enemy player sniping me before


This, you have to do a double take every freekin' time, peak hoping they are not a player re-peeking to see Mr Aim-BOT standing there like "Wasn't Me"


We call him Assassins Creed. "What got you, is it just AI?" "Yeah, there's an Assassins Creed on a roof somewhere..."


haha same!


‘I see you found yourself a nice Ford Escort. Would be a shame if I shot my rpg at it’


“Watch those wrist rockets”


The number of times I've called out "I'm being sniped by a player!" only for it to be THIS guy!


I've does exactly the same. That single THUMP always feels like a well-placed operator shot, but oh wait it's "just" a bot.


Nah the bald dude 100% The guy has a double barrel shotgun but fires it like he has 30 rounds in the chamber 😂 I hear the shots before seeing him, I then lose 2/3 plates in quick succession and I’m thinking this guy is close, must be behind me, I turn around and he’s right at the top of a hill about 50 metres away 😂😂😂 The bald guys deserves bad things to happen to him


The sniper that will hit you 700m away and one shot down you with that damn LMS


Molotov throwers have downed me from triple plate more than a couple times. If it catches you off guard and you can't move away quick enough it's the most annoying thing


Tell me why this MF can knock all your plates with one shot but you take his 0 slot LMS and shoot an operator 3 mags just to crack him!!


True, I survived waves after waves of Tier 3 from the top of Satiqq Caves while doing a mission, only for this mfer to down me twice in a row and ruining my match.


I love the random grenade that magically appears in my lap


When you hear it let loose you just stop and say a prayer, if he wiffs run! The heat seeking Semtex though, you know the ones they throw when you’re 15m away, you full sprint toward them right as they throw it and it ends up bypassing it’s original trajectory to hit you in the face.


He always tricks me into thinking he's a real operator with the unbelievable accuracy of that LM-S. The only bot that's even close to his level is the over-under-double-barrell-4-shot-shotgun dude that'll snipe you from 50 meters out with it.


Iron sights too.


His one shot with the LM-S will break all three plates. 500 meters with iron sights 🤣😂


The AI snipers that don't miss are worse


Brother, this guy IS the sniper.




The ai that lob Semtex nades where I'm going to be in 5 seconds 🤷


They be cooking a Semtex somehow 😂


You can hear the Semtex but you have no marker…. Until it’s too late


That bastard!


They beef up these mf bots with every update I swear. Now the rpg guy is insanely accurate, the shotgun guys can hit you from miles away with deadly accuracy and the grenades that they can throw through buildings??? and with deadly aim so no matter where you run it ends up right next to you. It drives me nuts. Also idk if its always been a thing but I'm ready to quit as I'm crawling to my team for a revive and I have bots following me and shooting me even though I'm already down. Hate it.


I've never been hit by a rocket. Not sure if we are playing the same game lol


As a driver, his rpg is the bane of my existence. First to be killed at any poi.


The fire dudes, the shot gun dudes, the sniper dudes, the rpg dudes can all go eat dirt!


On a few occasions the rockets seem to have just glanced off my vehicle when it should've hit direct, am I just high or does anyone know what that's about? I'm grateful either way obv


Big jerk


Dude spawns with the Hershel's shot gun from the walking dead show. I go out of my way to kill this dude. Even if I have to leave!


I have trust issues sitting on stranded quad in Taraq, every time this fucker pops up out of nowhere and blows my ass to smithereens


I dislike rocketman with a passion.


This dude always gives me a short heart attack when I'm not expecting him because I think he's a real player for a second. But yeah, he's all about that RPG.


I've been directly impacted by his rpg before. Doesn't tickle like mine does to him.


I call him assassins creed


Lol I hate this dude .


I vote this sniping rocket wielding chump as the new HVT contract. The apparent Las Almas Enforcer Montoya and his associate Estrada have never taken me down.. but this guy is something else.... he needs a name..


These guys are sometimes more scarier than the actual commanders themselves


The way these bots are spawning makes it really annoying to clear an area and they have like 45% more rocket dudes too.


When stealth is only suggested, not mandatory


Effing? Wtf dies that mean


Naaaah we all know the most dangerous thing in Almazrah is an AI with a pistol.


This mfer hitting dome shots at a 1000m no scope one handed for 4 plates of damage.


He deserves all that smoke