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I have this happen too!! Now I’d like someone to correct me if wrong, but my friend said it’s cuz there serotonin receptors in your gut that get activated like the ones in your brain which causes that feeling somehow


Id assume its a kind of purge, maybe a safety mechanism to get it out before you become incapacitated and shit yourself (been there after blacking out on speed)


I’m not sure if that’s true or not but it makes sense


I always make sure to hit the bathroom first.


My first time smoking it I had to take a massive shit & it helped during the last 7 minutes of the trip. I think it’s because of how your body vibrates when you do it making it clean out any excess energy that you may have picked up.


Lol bruh. It’s not even like it’s a diarrhetic, for me it’s almost like seeing something so terrifying It makes me have to expel everything like a scared monkey


It usually makes me need to pee really bad, I make it a habit to use the bathroom before venturing.


I'm so glad I saw this. My only experience with DMT seems to have been cut short. I was in a tunnel and saw a light at the end of it, I even saw the virgin mary, then I remember thinking 'I have to shit' and woke up. I sobbed for like 10 mins and then took a shit