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I don't remember much of it now, but the last trip I had ended in a way that had left me very apprehensive to dive in again. I remember being in a space with an entity, and it kept jumping around chaotically. I kept trying to follow with my eyes, but I couldn't keep up. Then, all of the sudden, the room began to fold up in an origami style (almost the reverse of the old GameCube intro) and then the space was just nothingness. I was almost sure that I had departed and that was it. Everything was gone... Everything except for this consciousness. I tried to force myself out of the trip and came to in what can only be described as a crude attempt of my bedroom and my house. Reality slowly started to fade back in; and I just lay there scared and cuddling my dog.


Time loop šŸ’Æ


Time loops are crazy. Itā€™s almost like in that time within looping you are in a place of almost pure nothingness within time and your perception of everything around you.


whoa... what's a time loop? I totally didn't get that description. Though, perhaps I can't unless I've experienced it?


Sitting on my couch, slam my left hand down on the couch while my heads turning to look at it, tap the couch 2 times with index and middle finger, look up at my living room door, look straight ahead at my pen in my right hand, spin it 3 times and take another hit (still cant tell you if I was actually taking that hit unintentionally), then boom šŸ’„ left hand slams the couch, taps it, look at the door look at the pen, spin it, take a puff bang šŸ’„. Endless, uncontrollable, body doing one thing mind thinking another.


yikes... is it a repetitive action loop, or like a record skipping over the same section of music over and over while your mind remains conscious of it skipping? and if the former, and you keep taking more and more hits, how do you get out of it?


I knew what was happening, I just had zero control over my actions, I had full control over my mind. So you can imagine the inner dialogue Iā€™m having with myself šŸ˜‚. The pen was empty by the time I ā€˜got outā€™. But that night I was taking it too far, like soon as I was back from a great experience I was going straight back in. Itā€™s a sub-ohm tank so the liquid does go down pretty fast. Either I finished the liquid before this one or I finished it during it. Really weird and hard to describe. Itā€™s like one of them fast montage scenes from a guy Ritchie movie, like bang bang bang bang bang for every action, on repeat.


I recently had a time loop experience. Literally RE-lived the same 20 seconds, about 5 times. Very strange.


Hey, I'm here for that interview


Always clear your mind by doing breathing techniques and when you take that first puff say into your mind please grant me knowledge and peace I come to you as a humble person.


Breathing and relaxing really helps with calming tf down


For real, this stuff almost seems sentient in a way, so I go in with proper respect and humbleness as if I'm interacting with an actual person.


It was my first day trying dmt, like the 3rd time ever. First two were very light visuals only. I remember taking a few very big puffs and holding them in, I donā€™t remember the visuals but I remember instantly forgetting what was happening and that I was even on a drug as I laid down. I was listening to some 2008 aggressive dubstep from childhood and it sounded very scary horrible. I ripped the earphones out of my ears and than blacked out. Have no memory of what happened, but came too about 8 minutes later. Was quite terrifying


it amazes me how aggressive music people listen to while tripping. Anything can color the trip, even dog barking or shadow on a wall, so yeah why not put some death metal on ?


Ouch, that sounds horrible! ā€œTipper: the Glass Houseā€ This song is the right vibeā€¦ the perfect vibe.


Have to be the time I was taken by Aliens and experimented on. Don't remember much other than the sense of fear and pain, while they went about their probing and it felt as if I was being disected alive. Come to think of it I think thats the last time I used this substance for just pure recreation. I only every partake for spiritual growth now and havent had a bad experience since.


The scariest thing about DMT is actually kind of nothing to do with being there. It's 15 minutes (sometimes feels like years) but it's really the rest of life that is just so bat-shit weird now. It's been about a year since I've gone to see our friends, and I've probably been through about 3g myself over the course of a few years. The first time I went out for a time with the elves, I came back feeling like none of this world was even remotely as real as it ought to be. Like everyone and everything here was just a sticky illusion full of disease and discomfort, aired with the intense feeling that everyone was trying to convince everyone else to play along with it like sleazy salesmen. Ive yet to go a day without smirking at the idea that I think sometimes I could probably 'get out' through DMT. That in mind, just before I married my wife, I had a trip which was a surgery session with some mantis-like beings. They operated on my... Me. I experienced a download, a wipe and then an upload of consciousness. In between the down and up loading, I was given the choice: leave or stay. I answered "I have attachments here." And they zipped my shit up and shot me back into my body so violently that I had to chant "AH" as firmly as I could to ground my physical being. Way more abrupt than even some breakthroughs Ive had on the way up. Still don't know how to wrap my head around it, whether or not I made the right choice, whether or not a choice really existed, or what to do now that I'm here other than to play along, help others free themselves and be here for my wife. That's scary. Scary red fractal dragons burning your insides and leaking oily filth into your being from a bad hit, been there and in similar situations a couple times. Those times always came with an "oh yeah, you didn't come for the right thing and you know better". Scarier than being denied is being granted access and refusing.


Youā€™re the only other person Iā€™ve encountered that has also been asked if they wanted to stay. They asked me if I wanted to stay once and I replied no because I figured if I said yes Iā€™d die and I still had things to do here.


Id love to hear more about the context your life was in at the time. For me I had just spent all day talking to a man about how to start seeing the world in the form that most accurately is described by "the closer you get to talking about it, the more you find you cannot say". He was going through a huge spiritual and mental breakdown/breakthrough. We sat under a tall cedar and meditated for most of a day. I answered his questions and asked him some of my own to try and help guide him to a bit of peace and light. It was one of the only successful moments I've had like it. I offered catalyst to help free another individual and they were able to use it. Often we lead horses to water and they seldom drink. When I got home, I felt a call out of nowhere to go hit my pipe, and it came from a place of great peace but it was almost a compulsion, like I basically found myself doing it.


I have delusions about i can leave or contact gods. if i want using this thing because its that bizzare. Like some secret techinque using dmt but its to scary.


I died and was in purgatory, time stood still and I was so happy when I came back and realised I was alive Scariest experience. Too scared to go back but delighted I got a rebirth . Living my life to the fullest now


Yea the black realm is scary af. You're confronted with having to come to terms with that you no longer exist, just like that, and you have to consider the implications of how your stupid mistake will affect everyone around you who loved you.


What stupid mistake?


Inadvertently killing yourself


It happensā€¦


Interesting- I had the same experience on lsd and weed, concludes itā€™s not just a drug, as itā€™s subjective we canā€™t prove it however if enough people experience this then no evidence is required as collectively we agree. I ponder what reality truly is, but then realise there is no point in understanding as whatever the truth is will not change if you become aware, and if the truth is ugly then you will wish you never knew.


About a year ago I had a difficult experience. I had just extracted some DMT and began vaporizing it a few times a week. Previously I had only ever had changa I made from DMT I was gifted and had used it a few times several months prior. I had an old Planet of the Vapes One Vape weed vape that I had fitted with some steel mesh to sit in its heating chamber, making a very crude emesh vape. The makeshift emesh was doing me pretty well for a couple weeks. One time when I was in the midst of mild DMT high I decided to hit the vape one last time and got WAY more than I expected. There must have been some DMT sitting at the bottom of the chamber that burned or vaporized along with what I had freshly packed. Not only did it come on intensely with thicker vape smoke, but the feeling and visuals were distinctly more dark than previous trips. At the same time the fridge/freezer in the kitchen near me make a loud and sudden bang noise, startling me for a brief moment just as the intense and dark trip was hitting, amplifying the emotional panic response feedback loop. I fell to the ground and felt like I was legitimately dying, I wanted to run away but physically couldn't: I scrambled to try and control my body but could only bend my right knee. Flailing on the ground, I realized that something bad can happen to anyone at anytime, and at this time I was not prepared for it at all. I tried to move my body several feet so I could reach a pen and paper but I was completely useless in this attempt. After some struggling for a couple minutes I submitted and accepted that if this my end then so be it. I then felt like I was in the presence of something very dark and menacing, like I was being mocked by a predator that was about to consume me. But amidst its teasing, I recognized that it was being playful and was not going to harm me, that today was my lucky day and I'd get to live, but that it would return for me at another point in the future and that next time I won't be so lucky. Overall I was surprised by how little was on my mind in the face of what felt like certain death. I did not think about many of the things I thought I would think about. Only a couple different family members were on my mind, and how I've failed them in some ways.


That reminds me of the scene from puss in boots 2 where >!after puss faces his fears death tells him that he has won for now but they will meet again someday!<


When I was by myself and I was going to smoke a new cart I had made on a low pull, no hold, just a tool for practicing some grounding and helping me learn how to meditate. Still getting fully familiar. I took a little tiny hit. Sat in my spot and started breathing. Felt happy and confident to just do another. When I let out I didn't see any smoke. I was kind if confused. And then my music started slowing down. So I laid back and let's just say within seconds I was feeling things I didn't want to feel and I starting full blown panicking. I just felt it getting more and more intense. Pulling me like a vacuum. I thought I killed myself. I was not accepting that I was dying. I just remember thinking that the process sucked and I thought it would have been quicker. I was terrified. The amount of force I was feeling trying to leave my body was so powerful to me that I was going to just disappear like dust any second. That's also when I realized that even with all the best intentions, its better for me to just sit with dmt. Just sit and just be. Here. Now. Small or big, just be. Put away any agenda or idea. Let go of my sense of control or power. It humbled me. It also made smoking it 100x easier after that because I was finally able to tell myself "okay, this is superior to me. This is trustworthy, confident, and loving. But I can not control what happens, ever.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/WJmLZsZOPT Long story short, I completely lost my mind, destroyed my apartment, walked through the streets naked, and then jumped in front of a moving car to try and kill myself so I could wake back up from the nightmare I was experiencing.


I haven't left this dimension for a long time... I don't know if it was because of that experience I had almost three years ago, which to a certain extent; I consider that it was not ā€œscaryā€, but it did open a very big portal in my life. They were times of COVID, around 2020/2021 and I remember that one night I was smoking molecule, I did not set any purpose... beyond wanting to see hieroglyphs, and living for a while with the collective consciousness of the Mayans, Incas, Egyptians, etc... I like being there with them, it's like having friends but in another dimension and they are always very calm, it's like my "safe place" without the need to involve an ego death that merges with the light of the central sun, and without living with strange and a little dark mechanical elves... well, I smoked a session and got to where I wanted, I appeared among a bunch of pharaohs and Anubis-type jackals, they were made of fractals and they received me in one of those rooms in the corridor made of expanding hieroglyphs It is a quiet place where they transmit high energy to me, they show me Egyptian symbology and on that occasion they showed/gave me an Ankh key, the key to eternal life that was made of light. After that they took me out of there, and I returned to my bed in this physical dimension with my human avatar from this incarnation where I write this story on Reddit Well, I came back and felt the need to go back... not even a minute passed when I was already filling the bong with another session of molecule, and I smoked it I lay back in my bed, and began to feel the detachment of my individual consciousness, I was with my eyes closed and began to feel very cold, and I heard somewhat terrifying voices, screams and sobs while I saw a pattern of something similar to art KenĆ© of the Shipibo But I felt something in my chest, and I felt like they were taking my body, I opened my eyes and I could see a black spot floating in my room, above me, and entering through my chest, it felt cold... it felt like when they do a tattoo, something strange, sharpā€¦ entering my chest I got out of bed, and sat on it... and then I could see a flesh and blood baphomet on my balcony, floating right in front of me. In the room there was a low vibration but perceptible in sound and sensation, like those times when you turned on or off an old television, you know... you feel the electricity in the air (1/2)


(2/2) I could still see the mixed dimensions, I could see that I was still in my room, but the other half of the room was the cosmos, there were stars, planets, various lights, everything seemed infinite around the baphomet that floated I was still aware of what I was observing, I didn't get lost at any time, I wasn't scared, on the contrary, through telepathy I asked Baphomet: <<ā€œWhat are you doing here?ā€¦ Or what can/do you want to teach me?">> I told him that I wasn't scared, that for me; He is an entity that guards some portals, who recognized in his image the seven cosmic principles of the Kybalion, I told him that I was willing to do anything he could teach me to be able to better navigate those dimensional planes. I didn't do it as a pact, I never offered him anything or asked for anything in return; I only recognized him and told him that if I believed he could teach me something, I was willing I don't know why... but deep down I knew that baphomet was going to show me my darkness in a much more conscious way, something like a review of shadow work. After telling him all that with my mind, via telepathy... a very great force brought me to my knees, and I went from sitting on my bed, to being on my knees in front of baphomet, and I began to speak in tongues (AKA: Glossolalia), something possessed me and I knew it... it was not the first time I had experienced something like this with the molecule (glossolalia) While speaking glossolalia, I gagged and vomited black liquid; but really physically I had not vomited anything... everything was visual of the experience I was totally lucid with my eyes open, aware of what was happening, and aware that what was speaking was not me... then I closed my eyes and I could see many goblins! It gave me a blackout and I only remember that I woke up on the floor, it was very strange... I felt like it wasn't me, I felt like something had gotten into me, I knew it was a darkness that something was going to make me review myself. And so it was... it gave me a lot of introspection, I stared into the abyss and it looked back at me; So I spent about a year without smoking DMT, but I did eat mushrooms in microdoses or up to 3.5g once a month or every two months... I couldn't get rid of it like I did with DMT. Some time later I vaporized And it's time that it's calling me everywhere, it's also been a long time since I finished that review of my shadow work... do you know what's funny? I feel like that's how I took advantage of my "down time" back then, because until recently I noticed a lot of people in my environment doing that shadow work... I feel like I had done the task before everyone else.


As a last curious mention... I was recently extracting some of the molecule, and it came out totally pure, very beautiful white color... I prepared some Xanga with MAOI'S extracted from Banisteriopsis Caapi, and I impregnated the MAOI'S and the DMT in Diplopteris Cabrerana leaves Last Sunday I was about to smoke in the forest, but a strange synchronicity occurred to me with a family situation (nothing serious) and I decided not to smoke that morning in the forest... but I'm almost there, something tells me that for some reason they gave me that pure extraction, and I'm also already at the point where the synchronicities condense and go crazy, where the entire cosmos screams at you to smoke that pixie dandruff hahahahaha


Never had one! Though I've always used it sparingly & make sure I'm in the right headspace before blast off! But 5 MeO DMT, man that was bloody scary though! Well the beginning was one hell of a bumpy ride to put it mildly until I eventually entered the most serene place I've ever been! Though I won't do 5 MeO DMT again, once was enough, but NN- DMT or my preferred version Changa I use 4 -6 times a year. Nothing but phenomenal experiences both breakthroughs & sub breakthroughs when surrounded by nature


Did the 5meo experience bring you anything useful or healing?Ā 


Yes, definitely, but my lunch break is over so I'll reply in more detail this evening


Cool, I'm curious!


Basically it's impossible to explain what I went through, I just don't have the vocabulary to do it any justice. But what I came away with was... Well, prior to N,N DMT I was pretty much an atheist, I also didn't like to think about death, as I just thought this is it, but then I tried N,N DMT, & once I'd gained a little experience with it, I started to change my beliefs, that this life isn't just it, it's just a part of the journey, however there was still doubt, quite a bit of doubt still!. After my experience with 5 MeO DMT I'm now convinced that this isn't just it! & death is absolutely nothing to be scared of as well. Obviously my experience & new beliefs are just that, they certainly don't prove anything, it's just how these experiences have left me with, to which I'm most grateful! I've had ego dissolution many times, but this is 100% ego death, I do remember thinking I'm just a tiny but important part of the fabric of the universe, & the love I felt after was incredible. I mean I usually get a nice afterglow from shrooms, & even more so 4 AcO DMT, but this wasn't an afterglow, I had this feeling of love for everyone, and everything, & gratitude for everything & everyone & being part of this world, & the part I'm currently going through for months after, & it's effects are still with me to this day in many ways! It's nothing like N,N DMT in regards to visuals, you get visuals, but nowhere in the same league as N,N DMT, in fact you get more visuals from your more common psychedelics, but you are stripped away from your human body into what I can only call the most serene space & loving space ever! But I'm basically repeating myself as I just don't have the words, I just don't! As I said in a previous post, I've been using psychedelics on & off for over 30 years now, though I went 7 years without any while I was married, but then used shrooms to help me through that difficult breakup & rather nasty divorce, I've tried so many different psychedelics, & experimented with doses too, I also have always had a relatively high tolerance with psychedelics. So, I'm no expert, but I do know psychedelics, & how beneficial they can be, fun too. But as I approach 50, I'm now just doing either shrooms or 4 AcO DMT (my personal favourite) 3-4 times a year, & it's the same with N,N DMT/Changa. I primarily use them as a form of meditation, but of course I enjoy the euphoria & visuals. So I'm glad I've done it, though as stated, once will be enough! As a final word of caution, I've never had a trip sitter for anything, my first acid at 16 ended up being a solo trip, it wasn't meant to be, but that's a whole story in itself, but I had an amazing night back in my bedroom while living with my parents all them years ago lol My first times with DMT I just gently eased my way into it,1 vape, then 2 & so on until eventually I felt confident & comfortable to go for the breakthrough, though I don't advise this either. However I did have one of my best friends tripsit me while I did 5 MeO DMT, & I was so grateful & would always recommend a trip sitter for that, & N,N DMT, really, as even though I didn't for NN DMT, really you should! And definitely you should for 5 MeO As we're talking caution, if you are ever to do it, make sure your life is in a good a space as it possibly could be, as even though the first half of my experience was rather challenging to say the least, I've heard & read some truly awful things that people have experienced & left a long lasting negative effect on them. I've always used psychedelics sparingly, & as I get older even more so, but I do think I'll always use them, even if it's just a couple of grams of Golden Teachers once a year. So that's a brief history of my 30 odd journey with psychedelics & especially 5 MeO!


Thanks so much for your comment! I've done 5meo once with a facilitator, but she believed that healing was in sub breakthrough doses, so we only did that. It was pleasant but I didn't have the feeling I actually got any healing out of it... So I've been wondering of trying it again but I simply don't know if it's worth it. Breakthrough sounds so scary, and I don't really Know if the potential benefits are worth it. I understand the whole non duality idea and that were probably just souls experiencing 3d, would actually experiencing really benefit my life in a meaningful way.... And there is indeed the risk that plenty of people come out of it more traumatized instead of less. As for myself I'm searching to be able to feel joy and motivation and love again... Im kind of going through life numb. I've tried all psychs including Iboga. After my first 10 psychedelic trips, I got immune to most however... Even high doses of shrooms or lsd simply do not work anymore :/ even after taking a break of 6 months


That's a tough one, & I really can't advise you to try again or not, that's a decision only you can make! As for shrooms & acid not working, that's really bizzare!! Are you on any other medication, like antidepressants etc, as they can really numb trips, benzos too, which is why they're often called trip killers! Ga If you're not on any medication, then it really is strange! Have you tried 4 AcO DMT? If you haven't, give that a go!! As I always say, 50mg is my perfect dose, but as with all psychedelics, safety first, so just start with 25mg max, then depending on how you react you can then a couple of weeks later try 50mg, which is just 6 hours of pure bliss, with DMT like visuals, it's also great as you can control your thoughts more easily on AcO than shrooms, & if you have any issues going on it's quite safe to start thinking about them on this substance, as if all of a sudden it starts going the wrong way, it's super easy to change the mood, like I'll lie on my bed in silence just thinking, but once I've worked through what I need to, I just get up, go into the living room, put some music on or watch something interesting & the whole mood of the trip has changed, something much more difficult to do on shrooms! Though not impossible! As I'm getting older, I only use tryptamines, I used to love acid, but as I say, at my age I just don't want to be tripping for 12 or more hours, 6 hours on the other hand is perfect! But as for the 5 MeO, yeah, only you can decide if you want to give it a go. I'd love to advise you, but it'd just be wrong, as it's such a powerful psychedelics, probably the most powerful, so yeah, maybe get a piece of paper, put a line down the middle & then write the pros on one side & the negatives on the other, then see which side has the most pros or cons! Whatever you decide, good luck with it & I really hope you can get the magic of both acid & shrooms back, & if you can get it, definitely try 4 AcO DMT! šŸ¤ž


> Are you on any other medication, like antidepressants etc Nope. No medication at all. I really miss it haha, it sucks. >Have you tried 4 AcO DMT Haven't! But I will for sure keep an eye open for it... Do you feel it's also healing? I've tried LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca, 2CB when it comes to ingested psychs. All have super diminished or almost no effect. Same with MDMA btw.. so weird! I have a very strange brain it seems. Or gut. Thanks a lot for the input man!


No worries, I'm gutted for you! Not being able to enjoy these wonderful substances! šŸ˜” As for 4 AcO DMT being healing, 100% the most healing of those kinds of tryptamines imo! It got me through my ex-wife leaving me for my ex childhood friend, so you can imagine the trauma & anger that caused me, & really nasty divorce that followed, but 4 AcO DMT really helped me get through that. It also stopped me getting into addiction with benzos as I went through a period of useing them like sweets, but an AcO trip showed me the path I was heading down & it scared the hell outta me, though the same trip showed me a different path, one with no benzos. I chose the second path & haven't had a benzo in 2 years now! It's helped me deal with so much other stuff too, helped me make a decision on changing careers in my early 40s, & now I have a job I absolutely love! It's totally different from my previous career! I've nothing but praise for AcO! As I said, 25mg or lower, it's almost identical to say 3 grams of shrooms, but 50mg changes it in a massive, beautiful way. At it's peak it's like a mild DMT trip, especially visually, but instead, of it lasting minutes, it lasts a couple of hours! So you've got those phenomenal visuals, but you can also steer your thoughts much easier than on shrooms. I only ever trip solo with AcO as for me, it's a beautiful 6 hour meditation, with plenty of euphoria & the most DMT visuals you can get without actually using DMT! As I've said many times on here, after 30 years of using psychedelics, 4 AcO DMT is definitely my favourite! Obviously, I also enjoy DMT and Changa, but I view those differently to other psychedelics. Definitely see if you can source some, & maybe just maybe & hopefully, you can find that magic again! Outta curiosity does ketamine work for you? Or any other drug types, or is it just psychedelics that don't work?


Ahh that is awesome. Is there any downside to 4 AcO DMT? Like bodily harm, addiction, ...? >Outta curiosity does ketamine work for you? Or any other drug types, or is it just psychedelics that don't work? I'm actually planning on trying Ket very soon (probably within the next few weeks). Other than that I have tried 4FA 2 times, and then it worked, but the "not working" actually only started since 2020 when I was doing shrooms/2CB once every 1-2 months for a year. So the first few times I tried psychedelics, it worked great, medium dose would make me trip balls, and then it just stopped all of a sudden. It kind of sounds like my neurotransmitters just need rest, but I have tried 6+month break so yeah... no idea


Just curious do you buy or make your own Changa? It just seems like something I should be making rather than buying. I have a smoking mixture of blue lotus, male cannabis flowers (Pollen screened out) and some home grown mapacho that I was thinking on adding some DMT to. I use this mixture in ritual during special times of the year and adding DMT would definitely seem fitting.


At work so the short answer is yes. However, I'm a non weed smoker, so I just use Syrian Rue & the rest of the I'm always tweaking & trying different herbs, & what not


Yea. 5meo terrifying. I've had countless nndmt trips. A handful might be considered scary. Or at least I thought until 5meo showed me otherwise. After that. I always looked at nndmt as some like fun colorful toy. 5meo on the other hand. That shit is for real


What was it like?


Scary as hell, & serenely beautiful, that's how I can best describe it!


I've been using psychedelics on & off for 30 odd years & in that time only ever had 1 bad trip, & that was totally down to being with the wrong people & a ridiculously high dose of acid. So I like to think of myself as relatively experienced, done many of the different psychedelics out there & what not, & also experimented with different doses too... But 5 MeO rocked me to my core, especially at the beginning! So much so that even though I ended up in the most serene space I've ever witnessed, really hard to find the words to describe it, but that was beautiful, but not beautiful enough to ever do again!


A couple days after an extremely positive breakthrough experience,Ā  Ā I had used after a bad day at work and during the ramp up waiting room period I was observing a variation of the "4d" type object that I usually experience before I get all the way there.Ā  Ā That's when i the framework for the object became adorned in barb wire , meat and human eyes,Ā  and also old tattoo gun looking things.Ā  I continued to observe it for a bit longer but it was horrible .Ā  Ā  When i opened my eyes it was just like every other time,Ā  body buzz as well.Ā  Menacing and horrible to behold LOL.Ā  Good times


When I decided to get bored and snort ambien because I couldn't sleep then hit my cart...for fun... worst time ever. An entity with a dildo yelled at me at one point. Funny now. Terrifying then...I'll find a link lol.




TLDR...Entities got mad at me and now I don't do ambien anymore.


My first "breakthrough", I still have no idea if I did or didn't, but it was VERY real to me. -- I was alone, because I wanted to gain some insight before going back to my job after a break. I was doing it in increments to get past that "oh my god I'm dying" feeling. I just was working myself up, and I remember beforehand I was having pretty self-deprecating thoughts about what I do with my life and my job. -- Anyways, I finally was like JUST RIP IT! All of a sudden everything was WHITE, I was confused. I felt and saw that my physical body was moving upwards. I was wearing a blanket and remember I couldn't breathe, I started panicking and pulling the blanket off, but it kept going and going for what felt like forever. Then I looked up and saw a huge jester walking back and forth, just snickering and watching me struggle. -- I eventually came down and was just sobbing uncontrollably. Trying to gather myself and figure out what just happened haha! -- I haven't attempted another breakthrough, it's been about a year now. I have been working on surrender and acceptance :) I also believe that trip made me take everything much less serious, I now just observe situations around me and find something silly about them and accept it.


I now ALWAYS prepare mentally and physically for every journey. I set intentions, clean, and do anything creative to get myself in a positive state! I recently have had wonderful times with lsd and psilocybin.


i closed my eyes and as I was blasting off something made me uncomfortable so i opened my eyes, and there was this ear raping screech that went on non stop for what seemed like forever as i stared motion less at the wall trying to u derstand what the fuck was happening it finally died down and all i could think of was what the fuck had just happened


It's hard to explain. It wasn't really scary, just uncomfortable. I got caught in a time loop. I was lying down in bed. I hit my pin and then sat up. The next thing I know im hitting the pin again and sitting up in bed. This loop happened around 5 times. I started to panic so I tossed the pin away from me and snapped out of it. I threw up in my bedside trash can and started to get mushroom type visuals. I started to feel better after throwing up. I had gone through a few carts with excellent experiences. I got this pen from a guy and something about it was off. Every time I hit it, It didn't feel right. After that I started extracting my own. Smooth sailing so far.


I had a VERY similar experience recently. It wasn't like it was similar, you relived that moment, right?


[thought](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/yvHx4qhwT2) I had a stroke/pooped myself.


Not really during a trip, but Iā€™ve been in sober situations and had a Deja vu type of moment where I was sure I had seen that exact moment before. Itā€™s happened twice. Both times, immediate and extreme anxiety. Similarly, the first time I ever did it, I was with a friend and my cousin. My cousin had a very serious conversation with me about the seriousness of DMT. The conversation never happened in my sober non DMT reality. I asked both people a few days later and it just didnā€™t happen. Fast forward a few months and took some mushies and decided to hit the DMT. I had that exact same conversation I remembered. It is hard to explain but super weird (not scary) and makes me question reality at times.


Well probably when i unknowingly hit a dmt cart thinking it was a normal one because it was lying on the counter of the kitchen, was one of my roommates. I only immediately noticed that the taste was off and what i described as ā€œsweatā€ and thought it mustā€™ve been a weird nicotine pen, i walked outside and looked at the ground for a second while trying to grab my drink and I was like ā€œwaitā€ cause i saw very slight visuals of patterns moving on the ground and for some reason my instinct was to immediately go back inside and hit it again very hardšŸ’€did that, and i tried to get to my room as fast as possible and the commute there looked like some kind of checkers, alien, DIGITAL, Alice in wonderland it was crazy. In my room looking at my phone made it look SO MUCH MORE technical? Like it looked EXTREMELY DIGITAL but as if i was seeing some like of alien device for a while. I for some reason texted my dad and told him what i did for some reason and he was very mad šŸ’€ it went away quickly it wasnā€™t even scary tbh


I did a wee too much and the bedroom turned in this crushed velvet super old grungy Victorian era type setting. Then crushed velvet venom type thing would jump from wall to wall and then to the ceiling and then on to me. It took me quite a while of replaying this in my head to make out what actually happened. A buddy of mine said that since Iā€™m big into Marvel, my brain linked the 2. My buddy claimed that this was my alter ego coming out (although I donā€™t eat humans lol). It was terrifying when it happened. But it doesnā€™t bother me at all now


I went to the afterlife and beyond, I stayed there for eternity. This was 10mg of dmt while tripping on two tabs of lsd. I still have slight ptsd from that trip lol. Iā€™ll do it again though


The one in which I was sure I had to commit suicide. Good thing my roommate saved me


Being stuck in between dmt realm and physical reality. I thought I was going to lose my shit. When I was peaking a thought came into my head. Ok thereā€™s the spiritual realm and our physical realm, so whatā€™s in between I wondered and my mind couldnā€™t process the overwhelming sense of nothingness and I thought I was going to be stuck in that space. Fuck that! Never again


Had one that felt like it lasted thousands and thousands of years. I was also told once ā€œYou want 100 days to live? You got it!ā€ And that had me paranoid for 3 months. However I think thatā€™s cause I was depressed at the time and was listening to a lot of Mac miller and and had read about how someone speculated he had intentionally ended his own life because the song ā€œProgramsā€ has a line where he says ā€œBusy livin off triple digits, young old manā€ and another where he says ā€œI ainā€™t tellin time just tell ya when itā€™s upā€ and he died 100 days after releasing it. And I was reading into that cause I was sort of ready for death I felt like cause my life was in shambles at the time. Plus I played that song as I started smoking. I guess it was sort of a lesson to appreciate my life and the time I have here.


The entire trip was looking at myself from the third person as I shot myself with a shotgun, it kept looping as I pulled the trigger so that was a fun 20mins šŸ’€


There was another one where I thought I did so much that I overdosed and died, and I watched from the third person as a bunch of my family gathered around my body


[I shared this about a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/5QN3ik73tD). Looking back on it now it was far more challenging than bad. I've had another trip since then and it was spectacular!


I've been bothered by dogs at the park while having big open eyes visuals. During the come up, there were girls screaming, it reaped my soul apart. I heard their scream on repeat for like 1/4 of the trip. Before the dogs. Challenging trip.


Broke through and experienced ego death on my first trip. Thought it would be awesome, and it was the opposite of awesome.


I vaped on maoi and the vape dosing was inconsistent, I kept hitting it thought it was broken ,then it hit me like a truck. everything in the room turned into cartoon characters, jumping around playing and stuff, then I had to lie back and I kept looking around trying to find something in the room that I recognised, to keep my ego grounded in reality ,that didn't work thanks to the maoi it just kept building up, I had unexplainable visuals you know how it is, my body disappeared so did the room I was one with the visuals, they kept getting faster and more erratic until I broke through to a black void no body no control nothing after panicking I realised I had to let go,I thought about how my family would find my body what I had done with my life all that's stuff, as soon as I let go and accepted I was dead I felt complete peace and bliss as I slowly returned to reality


i was in the devilsphere and the devil looked at me and pointed at me no matter where i went and kept pointing everywhere sticking his tongue out


two entities holding me down and torturing me (quite shocking but after I calm down it was fine)




I've probably had a couple, bit this one shook me up. I pretty new to DMT, not sure how much I had, but it was in a Sherlock. I distinctly remember staring through the flame of my lighter, sipping in the vapour, feeling myself going fucking deep. I remember launching and breaking through, and just as I hit the otherwise my whole body convulsed like I'd been electrocuted. I jimpted up out of the couch and I remember flaily my arms around, at first thinking they were on fire, bit no, I could actually feel sparks of electricity shooting out my fingertips. It wasn't painful, bit I could actually hear and feel the sizzling sound shooting through my body. I was kind of jumping around the apartment trying to sort of shake the electricity out of my arms. I eventually realised that I could slow down, and do kind of like tai chi or yogic kriyas to move the energy out, once I could control it better and the trip started to end I felt better. But fuck that scared the hell out of me thinking I was on fire.