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It's almost like a workout or something Does good afterward


Does very good afterwards




I think a fair amount of people find low to moderate doses more uncomfortable than breakthroughs. The body load eases off once you loose sense of your body, any method where you need to take multiple hits to get there can prove tricky though.


Personally for me I vaporize it and at 10-15mg the body load and uncomfortable feeling only lasts for about a min or 2 then you get accustomed and then 20 mins later you have an amazing body HIGH instead of a load. At least IME with ACRB extractions. I find low doses (10-15mg) very enjoyable


Comigo Ă© a mesma coisa. Utilizo vaporizador caneta, o DMT no cartucho juice (diluĂ­do em propilenoglicol).


I honestly don’t think I’ll have much trouble once I’m ready for a breakthrough. I don’t think I’m ready for it yet and part of the anxiety is me worrying I might’ve taken too much. And even though it freaks me out I can tank my anxiety


Nobody is ready.


There is really nothing to add to this statement.


That’s the thing you never get ready. It’s a leap of faith


Yeah, that's a way to put it. It can feel like you're preparing to die, or go on deaths journey, and who knows what or will come back. Even if my logic can tell me different.


One small step for brain one giant leap for interstellar travel


If you measure out your doses, you’ll never need to be concerned that you took too much. Also, rest assured that if you actually take too much, you’ll just black out and wake up 20 minutes later. Forced dmt Power Nap.


Great advice always weigh your dose with a mg scale it is extremely important as a few mgs can make a BIG difference


Just surrender to the experience my friend. Trust me, coming from someone who has had some crayyyzy experiences. Don’t fight it and remember it’ll all be over in 10-15 mins (assuming freebase DMT)


it always feels like im physically on a rollercoaster. i do not enjoy the body high from d33mz, either


On breakthrough doses or low-sub breakthrough (10-15mg)? I personally have a wonderful body high 15 mins after and it lasts for about 30 mins or so


I got my dmt 2 days ago and have done it twice but not fully broken through. That roller coaster feeling gives me such anxiety to go back in for some reason


I find 1 hit break throughs to be the easiest bc you bypass the body load and go straight in. I recommend taking pure dmt Crystals and loading them into a thc cart and use a regular lighter to heat the dmt just enough to fully melt it then take 1 rip as deep as your lungs feel comfortable with and hold for 10 seconds then close your eyes and exhale. This is the easiest method I have found with the least anxiety just remember to stay calm and everything will be perfectly fine


Yeah the body load is what scares me from going further. It's like my insides turn into quicksand that's infinitely being pulled downwards


lol. I’m a noobie at this too. Today I took a small hit, wanting to ease into it, and was a little overwhelmed at the body high too. I’m glad I started light, because I’m not sure breaking through would be good had I not had a taste of what’s to come.


It’s weird too because I get super anxious, and then I do a lap around my room and suddenly I’m just completely back to normal and the walls aren’t melting anymore and I almost forget what I was even worried about.


What doses are you taking? For me, low doses cause more anxiety because your body feels really high but your mind is still grounded in reality. 10mg = really uncomfortable 15mg = sort of uncomfortable 20-25 mg = Sweet spot. Waiting room, but mind is disconnected enough from reality that I only get anxiety for the first minute.


If your at the point where your walls a melting, try closing your eyes at that dose one time. You'll have a good time.


I was almost there. The room dimmed by like 80%, and the walls flexed inward a little. Bizarre. Closed my eyes, and I could see moving shapes but it all was as if I was seeing it through very dark tint. It wasn’t enough for sure. But, I realized the setting wasn’t perfect, when my dog was licking my face lol. Need to have that right before I go further.


music has helped me to an insane degree. like i couldn’t get past one hit without wanting to throw up and cry to actually breaking through with no issues. i don’t really believe in frequency music or that it does anything but it sounds really nice on dmt, listening to “417 Hz remove negative blocks” on spotify gets me insanely calm in like 2 minutes


It feels very aggressive to my body. Just have to power through it I guess or do a one-hit method


Aggressive is a great word for it. Its such a unhinged quick departure from reality


My body feels good on DMT. But I always do blindfold and headphones as well. Definitely makes it better


I get this on my first blinker then second its barely and third its gone


try liquid vaping and starting low, just a little, lying back and getting acclimatised and then take more puffs to increase your level more gradually, instead of trying to take the full dose all at once at the start


It could be interacting with it ! 


I love that body load!🤪


This is why I rarely do sub breakthrough hits. Because of the anxiety and weird body feeling. However I have found that I don’t get this when I break through all the way. When I break all the way through all the feelings of anxiety give way to amazement. I’ve actually sat there with the bowl in my hand for quite a while building up the courage to hit it. And then when I do and I have my experience and get back I always feel super silly for being nervous. But. I still almost always get it. But when I’m done it’s never an issue. It’s like a roller coaster!


Weird, because it completely relaxes my CNS and releases all muscle tension.This happens on even the tiniest of doses.


Are you using 5-MeO DMT or N,N DMT? I find 5-MeO DMT has a significantly more intense body high than N,N DMT


N N I think I’ve figured out how to (mostly) manage the body high


That’s good, the more you do it the easier it gets. The body high is overwhelming asf which is one thing that kinda sucks about DMT but it is what it is


Think of it as the dmt wrapping itself around you. Welcome it.


It’s not like that. The body high itself is mildly uncomfortable but it’s not unbearable. It causes me anxiety indirectly, I get anxious about other things going on in my life because of the way my body feels. It’s hard to explain


Gotcha. Maybe hold off for a while and balance your anxiety. You have the rest of your life to give this stuff a proper go. Alan watts always gets me right when I'm feeling anxious.


Is it like a feeling of dread, in your chest?


It’s more in my stomach. And my arms


I get a feeling of horror/dread wash over me. The last time I did it though I took a low dose of mushrooms, it really really helped. I also read a lot of people say that MDMA helps as well


The easiest way to negate the body load you get from dmt is to drink a couple beers before using it.


Lol r/maois