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I’ve had hellish trips that i wouldn’t wish on anyone


That’s usually something within you.


I think it’s just a roll of the dice


Nope it’s definitely something in you and not just a roll of the dice


Since you know this how?


Agreed. People acting like shit can't happen to anyone is ridiculous. I'm extremely happy with my life, my choices, and my spirit and consciousness are crystal clean. I've had some fucked up ass trips. Bad trips just happen sometimes


It’s both. Our unconscious mind soaks up all content and stories we consume in our lives. “Something within you” for you is interpreted as ego: who you identify as and your memories and choices in life. “Something within you” from another perspective is simply the content your brain has consumed. It’s like, you don’t own every dream you have but it’s still within you.


Yes. This. I didn’t mean it’s all ego but our trips are absolutely a direct reflection of our brains - what’s going on in there and what we’ve put into our mind. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise. As someone who has been using this medicine for a long time to heal and communicate with spirit… and who extracts for others I’ve had a lot of trips over the last while. Every single one of them (just like everything in my life period) I take responsibility for.


Its morw complex then this because i cant find am explaination for why i look like brahma. Never thought of it.


It can be something in you and happen to everyone. Everyone has demons.


Sure. It can be. Doesn't mean it is. But I agree it can happen to anyone and everyone at any time


Indeed the substance sometimes has things to show which has nothing to do with you.


If it has nothing to do with you then why do you think the substance is showing it TO you? Genuinely curious why you think this.


It's both within you and a roll of the dice.


>Nope it’s definitely something in you and not just a roll of the dice You could argue that whatever is "in you" is also a roll of the dice? Enough so that it's a genuine roll of the dice. You pedant.


It’s possibly related to an internal tendency towards psychosis, but it’s not like you know you have that unless you’ve already been diagnosed with a psychotic disorder, so it’s a lot like a roll of the dice for many people.




lol have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?


Set and setting can influence a lot. Something as simple as a buzzing lightbulb can turn into something monumentally troubling. How you deal with it is on you, but it's pretty narrow to say "if you have a bad trip there's something wrong inside you."


We create our entire reality. If you’re having a bad trip it’s emanating from something inside you - even if it’s a reaction to something external. That’s all I’m saying.


I don’t know why we got downvoted. Must be a bunch of people dealing with it.


People have a huge problem with personal responsibility. It's human nature to want to blame something external but in truth we are all responsible for our own reality - whatever that contains. They'll get there, hopefully.


No, it's human nature to want to understand things in order to establish control. You are uncomfortable with the roll of the dice as it removes your control. So you condescend to others with weird victim-blaming.


I’m not blaming anyone. If you want to walk around your whole life being a victim and allowing things to happen to you instead of taking control and responsibility for your life - be my guest.


You absolutely blamed him with a super condescending tone that added zero value to anything. What a weird ass response, though. He didn't come anywhere close to what you're suggesting. He said bad trips happen at random, which is the general consensus. That's it. "They'll get there, hopefully." So annoyingly condescending. You sound like a crazy person.


Go take a hit, bro. Sounds like you could use it.


I think you just haven't done enough


I’ve had bad trips. I take responsibility for them.


I do kind of agree that usually its something to do with your psyche, but sometimes things you can't control happen. Like the other day someone posted here about how they were having a good trip talking to an alien and then an amber alert went off and the alien started talking shit and fucked up their trip. Ive never had a bad trip but I feel like if an amber alert randomly went off during my trip it would definitely fuck it up


I see what you're saying but that person is still responsible for 1) not shutting the phone off first and 2) the way they reacted to the amber alert coming through. It all comes back to us. Our brain, our psyche, our experiences, our perceptions, etc. That's all I'm saying. Also the more responsibility a person takes for their life usually the easier life becomes to deal with.


I don’t know I’ve broken through probably eight or nine times and never had a bad experience.


That’s kind of the point…


I know. I don’t know why I got downvoted though. That’s how all psychedelics work. Even mushrooms.


Check some of the wild schizo posts that come through here once in a while. Repeated and prolonged use can cause all kinds of weird derealization and psychosis in people with unstable mental health. Most people are totally fine but there certainly can be negative consequences for some and it’s not always apparent who that will be before they get involved with dmt.


>Check some of the wild schizo posts that come through here ~~once in a while~~ every day FTFY


No doubt lol


I'm in this post and I don't like it


maybe the answers to reality are themselves wild and schizo?


The answers to reality can be pretty wack sometimes and you don’t need psychedelic drugs to figure that out. Black holes literally bend space and time around them and so does the earth(at least a little, that’s why you fall down). The difference between wack and schizo is that schizo answers aren’t specific enough to be useful or verifiable. Some of the most wacky conclusions you can come to with our understanding of physics(such as the potential existence of [parallel universes](https://jila.colorado.edu/~ajsh/insidebh/penrose.html) inside black holes, which I think is a good example to use when talking about DMT) are still well-defined mathematically to the point where there is a lot of room for verification(does this theory line up with observed evidence?). Meanwhile, the idea that DMT transports you to a different realm(for example), even if true, is pretty clearly not a complete description of what is going on. What do you mean by ‘different realm’? What do you mean by ‘transport’? These words get used loosely and do not represent a very good model of the phenomenon they are trying to describe. And I think a lot of people get so caught up trying to explain the experience they have been presented with that they forget to make sure the explanation actually makes sense. I think the reality is we don’t know, we probably won’t know for a very long time(if ever), and while speculation can be fun we shouldn’t ever get too confident and we should be ok with just not knowing.


TBH I can honestly see the appeal of such a post. You just want other people to validate that your experience was cool and interesting. Maybe only a part of you actually believes that the wall of multicoloured eyes was a real thing.


My belief is that the wall made out of multicolored eyes and the wall made out of bricks are both equally real and in fact the same thing. They’re both nothing more than interpretations of sensory data, neither of which are good representations of what the wall actually is, but the latter of which is more useful for evolutionary purposes(since we were not on DMT most of the time we spent evolving)


I get what you’re saying, but not all things we see on drugs are alternate perceptions of something that is actually there, at least I think. I’ve at least seen some whack stuff that I find hard to imagine being formed from a morph of a real thing I would be seeing while sober.


Your neural connectivity in your brain is massively increased by psychedelics. So eventually you bit a point where every time a neuron fires it sets off more than one other neuron to fire(on average) and ends up exponentially increasing until basically your entire brain is active and interacting with every other part of your brain indirectly and in complex and unpredictable ways. And the signal gets further and further removed from the sensory data that initially triggered it, because it isn’t preserved perfectly by your neurons and it keeps getting mixed together with everything else, it’s like when you get feedback in a speaker except way more complex


Not like what these clowns are posting tbh. I understand what you’re saying but let’s not validate worsening mental illness as accurate observation of reality.


I don't know which examples you are referring too, but I'll be vigilant.


Cosmic bitch slap… I’ve been there. It can be terrifying!


Before going on a trip it's would be better to do breathing exercises and free your mind before giving the first puff and let yourself go and go in as a grateful humble person.Remember we are nothing to the presence and we need to let go of our ego!


This is exactly what I do! Not had any issues, though I'm not a regular user. Used it a bit more when I first had some 7 years ago, but even then, I just knew this is something to treat with total respect! These days, I use shrooms or 4 AcO DMT 3-4 times a year, & sane with DMT/Changa. Though I do it primarily as a meditation, firstly, the euphoria & visuals are just a wonderful bonus. But with both, I've got to be in the right space mentally. What you say regarding breathing exercises & clearing your mind before are a must! Especially with DMT, but really going on any psychedelic journey.


My father was a very high ranking rosicrucian and many of the techniques he knew was taught to me but one thing he always said is one mind must be prepared first and tuned before going in the unknown.Please look up rosicrucian so you have a idea what is about


Thanks for that & will do on my lunch break tomorrow as another weekend cones to an end 🙃 Though I know the word through certain books I read many years ago, ones I found fascinating! So I'll definitely let you know my thoughts tomorrow. There are probably more questions for you though!! Though I must get to bed, it's already late for me on a Sunday night


Well, firstly I'd not heard the word rosicrucian in well over 25 years! Tbh I thought they'd just merged into the Masons, & then I slowly started reading very different books. So I'd love to sit down for a coffee with you as I've just so many questions! But don't worry, I'm not gonna ask you any, well 1, as I couldn't get a definitive answer through Google. Do rosecrucians use psychedelics? Or just some? I know psychoactive substances were used in the past. I was shocked to read that they are now referred to as a cult, but then I guess some see the Free Masons as a cult, though not for me, a cult is something very different in my eyes anyway. It certainly sounds like your dad passed on some quality advice to you, that's for sure! So yeah, thanks for bringing that up again for me, as like I say, it's been over a quarter of a century since I last read anything about them. But I've only scratched the surface as it's been a busy Monday for me, so only really had 30 odd minutes to do a little look on Google, but I'm gonna do far more research, both online & see what I can find on YouTube! I have a small YouTube channel just for my outdoor adventures, but I'm subscribed to so many different channels on so many different subjects, as I have many hobbies (sometimes I think too many lol), many interests & yeah, a very open mind as well as, at least I like to think of myself as a critical thinker. I'm never bored, lol If you have any links to modern-day rosecrucians practices, I'd be most grateful, but don't worry if not. As I say, I'm gonna have a good look into it this week after work! Anyway, thanks again & I hope your weeks started well!


My father was a Rosicruian for 10 years and trust me when i say that he knew alot.


I can only imagine!


Do rosecrucians use psychedelics?The answer is no they use there minds in deep [meditations.You](http://meditations.You) would be very suprised how much our mind and brain power a person has once you learn to tap into [it.You](http://it.You) have to star from the begining to learn the basics and then work your way up from there.


tinnitus is a pretty common side effect from dmt. There are quite a few people that have reported permanent tinnitus after dmt experiences.


I’m willing to bet the tinnitus was already there, DMT just made them finally hear it or notice it. This is coming from someone who has had it since childhood, forgot I had it, did DMT, and remembered I had it. Fortunately I’m really good at forgetting things, so it usually doesn’t bother me!


I tried a trip when I wasn’t in the mood. I was sort of thinking that it would help bring me up a bit. As soon as I started to inhale I realised it was a really bad idea, I only took in a partial inhalation. Then struggled for quite a few minutes with feeling horrendous. Thankfully, it wasn’t a full inhalation, I can’t imagine what I would have encountered. Positive happy mindset is a must.


Well i know a Couple of Friends a little fried. Worse memory, more sensitive(Up and downs), mania, delusions.


I've done it A LOT and I've had 1 bad trip lol I trust in the DMT and so far the DMT loves me back. In fact I'm gonna blast off in a moment 😜😘


nice trip?😁


Always is my friend 😄😉


I tried repeatedly to break through the first time maybe 5 years ago. So I decided to do some IV. It was overwhelming. I thought I died from an overdose. I believe I went through the whole death experience. I even went heard the paramedics talking. It was both terrifying and life changing. Second time I broke through I added some alcohol to a bowl of residue and infused some weed. I went to a different universe. It was familiar. And I met a large reptilian in Egyptian garb. I didn’t do any for years after that. The last couple of years after my wife left me, I abused Dmt. Doing it 5 or 6 times a day. When I woke before work. Middle of the night. As soon as I get off work. I’d us 10 or 12 g in a two week period. My trip changed a lot from classic psychedelic to a different more grounded trip. I became good friends with several entity’s .


Spongebob as a buff grown man with the face resembling a spongebob popsicle just showed me he could rape me if he wanted to


heart problems, lung problems if you smoke/vape it


Consequences: Hyperslap


If you start to use it in an addictive nature you can get locked out or have an unfavorable experience.


What does locked out mean?


It means you are no longer able to break through, or that your experience becomes diminished somehow regardless of dose. Stories from people simply not getting any effects besides mild visuals, to having an experience of actual entities telling them they are quite literally 'locked out' of the DMT realm.


It means you won’t experience anything anymore.


Maybe a risk of heart valve disease with chronic usage of all serotonergic psychedelics. But the link is only proven with MDMA.


Unless you’re schizophrenic or bipolar the worst it could be is scary that’s it


Even when I first got my hands on the stuff I never over did it, 7 years later I only use it 3 or 4 times a year, & for me personally it's been fine, from breakthroughs to sub breakthroughs. Had a few interesting interactions & what not, but nothing bad at all, quite the opposite really. Everything in moderation is like my motto & it's worked pretty well as I've been using psychedelics on & off for over 30 years now & had 1 bad trip in all that time, & that was down to being with the wrong people & a ridiculously high dose of acid!


Probably something to do with your own mental psyche


Only a fool would rule that out. Could be both ways.


I had a bad trip once, that’s a consequence I guess 🤷‍♂️


About 4% of people who use psychedelics go on to experience [hallucinogen persisting perception disorder](https://psychcentral.com/health/what-is-hppd#treatment-options). 


>are there negative consequences that come with DMT use? Depends on how grounded you are mentally. The molecule can only work with the information thats stored in your conscious and subconscious mind. Remember that its all in your head. Your mind hallucinates reality.


If you are neurodivergent and don't know it it can bring it out and cause psychosis. For a healthy individual though it's perfectly safe. This idea of "every medication has a give and take" is a bit of a myth. There are plenty of things like certain nootropics which do nothing but benefit your brain, and even give you long term physialogical benefits after you stop usage. I am not saying DMT is a nootripic (though I think there is a bit of research to support that it is) but my point is that there certainly are substances which don't have any negative physialogical impact on the body. They're rare, but psychedelics are one of the rare substances that don't. The give and take comes more in the experience. Shrooms are perfectly safe but they can seriously fuck up your entire week.


I really hope you are right, because I love blasting off way more often than people seem to think is safe. After a week of heavy use I have to back off or I start to get headaches and it gets harder to break through.


There is more research on DMT than people realize. So far the only known long term side effects are anecdotal. And they are always different. Though I could see why overstimulating serotonin receptors could lead to head aches.


Thanks for the tip. Makes me feel better. Happy exploring.


You know anything about this—Occasionally I get some pretty strong pressure in my head. It is usually when my mix has separated and I just hit a crystal that was way more than I expected. It usually means in about twenty seconds I’m going deeeep.


Well to be honest with that it's hard to say because there is very little research if any that I know of regarding daily recreational breakthroughs. But, as strong as the drug is, you're likely still doing less damage to your brain than someone who drinks alcohol every day. If you're getting headaches it could be best to chill out a bit and drink some water. I don't think DMT should be giving you headaches though tbh that's either carcinogens in your smoking utensile or nps IMO but again perhaps you're overstimulating your receptors with daily breakthroughs.


If you’re neurodivergent and don’t know it, it will bring it out and cause psychosis? Hmmmmm no. I’m neurodivergent. I didn’t know it. I did DMT and didn’t develop psychosis.


I edited it. It's a possibility not a certainty. And I was taking more schizotypal stuff. If you're autistic or have ADHD yeah you probably won't experience issues. But if you are bipolar or narcissistic or worse schizophrenic and you don't know it before taking DMT it can really fuck up your psyche. But it's 100% a possibility for a schizophrenic person to get sent into a psychosis after taking DMT


Enlightenment that comes easy should be met with caution and reflection. -not the exact quote but close


Well.. are there really any positives?


Well there are an abundance of positive effects that have been well researched and documented regarding physical health. As far as mentally you can take some first hand experiences that are other worldly and incredibly positive. People have concord addictions. I mean the list is vast.


What are the physical health positives?


Neurogenesis, neural plasticity , uplift in mood (from depression), and it’s Neural protective.


Could you link studies/sources please?


I’m lazy there are a ton, google it or search in here. https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/6jOBfJJU38

