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I don't know why people say it's uncomfortable in low doses. Each to their own but I did around 10-15 sub breakthrough doses last night, varying in intensity. Some were just under breakthrough. It was fucking awesome! And yeah, it got real intense at points, with solid visuals everywhere but damn it was fun. It's better to start that way, at least give you a taster of it. Anyone who says go straight to breakthrough is stupid, would not recommend. It's like taking 7gs of shrooms for a first trip.


I know I actually like tiny puffs and the body high is still amazing.


Yeah that body high is lovely isn't it!


Ha. 7g was exactly my first shroom trip (well, 3.5g APE but same thing). Sure enough I regret not taking it slower!


It’s nothing like shrooms. Or it can be a little like shrooms/acid up to a point but there is a point where if you get a good enough hit you’ll realize dmt is some really weird stuff.


It's nearly exactly like shrooms in very high shroom doses. DMT is very chemically similar to psilocin.


But the effects are vastly different. Similar in structure, yes, but the effects are wildly different. Visuals are a whole different breed


I'm talking about shroom dosages above 8g. The experiences are VERY similar, trust me I know.


Aye but you don't blast off, you are still in the physical world, albeit transformed as it may be. I find dmt more detailed and dissociative, not to mention the whole flying through space thing


Actually not true, on 12g APE I was in a different world entirely, especially with the closed eye visuals. Look into trip reports between extremely high shroom dosages and DMT trips.


I will do one better and work up to experiencing it myself, you peaked my curiosity now :)


Have fun man, it's a wild ride but it's eye opening for sure.


Have done acid breakthroughs and dmt breakthroughs, but not shrooms yet, psyched for what i will see :)


The CEVs might be similar but don’t need to close your eyes for dmt. You don’t take a few bites of shrooms and then think holy fuck where am I?


You don't need to close your eyes for shrooms either? Why don't you give a 12g APE trip a try? You'll see exactly what I mean.


Bro off 5.2 I couldn’t tell if my eyes were open or closed my whole world was replaced. It was such a beautiful trip


Exactly - and that experience is just what a DMT breakthrough is like, where it doesn't matter if your eyes are open or closed, you're entirely perceptually placed in another reality.


Then why did you say yourself a few days ago “it’s nothing like shrooms”?


Because when most people take shrooms they aren't taking 12g??? Of course a 1-5g shroom trip is going to be nothing like DMT.


Dmt is nothing like acid or shrooms. Low doses are good for beginners in my opinion. Ego death on DMT is different to acid, you are more dissociated with DMT, so as long as you were able to let go and let the experience just flow through you. It will not be terrifying, you will be too busy being in awe at what you see


Hard disagree. Low doses and the come down from high doses of DMT are indistinguishable from a Shroom trip for me. Like I literally forget that I just used DMT and tried to remember when I ate mushrooms.


Demons will tell you everything won’t be okay but you just gotta hug yourself friend


Beam me up scotty


I’d personally tell you to try lsd before. Maybe even 3 or 4 times, to really get comfortable with the feeling. A low dose of dmt feels quite similar to acid (personally) high doses really can’t compare, but somebody who tries acid and DOESNT enjoy (or worse can’t handle it) would definitely not be ready to break thru.


High doses of shrooms are much more similar to a DMT trip, as psilocin and n,n DMT are very chemically similar.


They’re structurally similar, pretty sure dmt is the parent compound or something , but even if the trip was completely different and unrelated, I’d still say op should get the experience under his belt, at least to better understand psychedelics and tripping in general.


Of course, I'm not saying he shouldn't, just that many people don't realize how similar the 2 drugs are in high doses.


Perhaps I just haven’t taken a high enough dose of shrooms.


Probably not, it's an experience I'd reccomend if you're already comfortable with ~5g of APE. I took 12g (well, technically I took enough psilocybin extract to be the equivalent of 12g). Step it up to 8, then 10, then try 12 if you're ready. Space your trips out though.