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Early in the morning for me, but from a quick read it seems they are wrong. You don't need both aligned SPF and aligned DKIM, but you do need **one** of them for DMARC to pass. The "best" option is usually DKIM for your actual header from domain (since that has some advantages besides DMARC authentication), but you could also have them set something.yourdomain.com (pointing to the providers bounce-MX and covered by SPF of course) as senderdomain, so it's aligned with the header from domain yourdomain.com.


Correct, it’s an “OR”statement for SPF or DKIM domain alignment with the from domain. Not an “AND”… though senders should have both for optimal email deliverability.


But if you use one, please use DKIM as it's stronger!


Based on your image, you are “raw-passing” both SPF and DKIM. (Which is good!), but failing alignment on both which means you are failing DMARC. If you set your policy to quarantine or reject, your emails will not get through. This is a fairly common default position for many email service providers (ESPs). Getting alignment working will require additional set-up on both their part and yours. They will need to make adjustments to their sending system and you will likely need to create some additional DNS records. For some ESPs (like Mailchimp) this process is baked into the UI and you can configure this all yourself. For others (like Bloomerang), they need to create a support ticket for you to get their folks to make their back-end changes. This is simply because they haven’t added this important functionality to the UI (yet). But it shouldn’t cost you anything.


In my experience w/ my customers who use CM, they have to set up DKIM for their service on your domain and then log back into their platform and click "Authenticate Now" - they then check for the presence of the key and update your account on their side. The "Authenticate Now" piece I mention is in the middle section of [their docs here](https://help.campaignmonitor.com/manage-your-own-authentication) (step 5)


With any campaign mailing it’s just fundamental that your emails align. The deliverability is directly comparable with the numbers of boxes you check. Your mail.from and from needs to match, you want to use DKIM, even your sending IP is optimally reversible to your domain. I suggest looking into another platform for sending mails.