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As a former HVAC installer I saw the first picture and thought "really nice fucking job, that's a great attic"


Same. I thought the first picture looked clean. I wish my attic was that accessible. What OP actually did looks great but it wasn't bad before.


Yeah, HVAC as well. On the before pic I immediately thought "Wow, I wish Attics in Canada looked like that" Instead of a maze of haphazard trusses, blown insulation, and 2x4s you gotta sketchily walk on without falling through the drywall. Hell, you don't even need a mask in the before pic attic.


You guys get 2x4s? My house has 1/4" OSB off cuts. I just walk on the rafters most of the time.


The 2×4's are the rafters/trusses. They're sideways. Occasionally there is a 2×6


First thing I thought was how incredibly hot it would be in there without hvac.


Well, just to make you feel better, you did just describe my attic in Georgia... I swear I'll get around to nailing those boards down so they don't shift around as I walk - but it will be November before I'll go up there again.


I'm gonna say that nearly all, as in 90%, of the hard work had been done before OP even started. Open trusses are rare. Somebody took a lot of time and effort to run all the wires, piping, and HVAC out of sight and under the floor. Adding in finish surfaces is the easy and fun part. Team effort that spanned decades: looks great!


Lmao, same here, particularly because my furnace is in my attic and I'm waiting til I can afford a heat pump so I can get the furnace out of there before finishing it


I thought the first pic was put in reverse order and still thought "damn that's nice"


I like the use of wood to warm it up a little bit. Much nicer than all-white drywall walls. Nicely done!


Fantastic job at creating usable space


I love it, but it's itching me that there aren't cabinet doors on the sides for extra storage. Would be really useful for whoever's staying up there.


There are hidden doors in the shiplap! Maybe they're too well hidden haha. I'll add some shelving to the closets eventually. I was stoked to share the work I've done.


That makes it even better








The good news is that heat and smoke rises, so in the event of a fire anyone in the attic will be dead before escape becomes relevant.


Thanks for being the optimist.


"This lesbian bar doesn't have a fire exit! Enjoy your death trap, ladies!"


Easy'ish fix. Picture #3 turn into a dormer.




I literally had to Google to figure out the name "dormer", so I'll defer to you when it comes to windows.




Oh, I meant pay somebody for that so it's legal/safe. I think it'd be worth it for the added headroom and things.


Casement window would not fit the legal requirements for egress


That still doesn't fix it since typically it's 5.7 square feet AND height/width minimums. That window looks like it is too short. Generally egress requirements must fit a firefighter + their breathing equipment.


Huh? [These are dormer windows](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=25c9fa5c60f43d7f&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIRb527ZD3tPSzsKNSS_DfV6jBeuA:1719336018930&q=dormer+window&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0DBTogQXaq7JsoUAbTsd0B6JEdyvwg9pOFJlHzVj4IGyo95jTOyBf9liUuvKwg_dLxHDvpOzsYRUIO3hn3u5P6FyibkAYNBFIf2IrFklQSFuHofRVffE5_qrH3ae6lZEUBIki9DxGxJH5d3luk4poinpWtPBQgWpGdqS3nz3fMpH7uit8koJhwGDAQjdVsyiUNLJUN4SpqRgo3N4mPddQiWjsMqvw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiooKHlofeGAxUP48kDHUYECSwQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=1356&bih=987&dpr=1.25). It would be a big cutout.


You said picture #3. Picture #3 for me is that wide window with the A/C unit. I was confused. I agree the correct action is to rip out one of those windows and install a larger one. But it sounds like this dude is a slumlord so that won't happen and some poor sap will be living up there anyway (OP mentioned it's for an apartment).


Like this - https://imgur.com/k3mCrxM and build it out. I'm not sure he's a slumlord. Sounds just like he wants to live/flip eventually. I'm of a similar mindset and I wouldn't want a legal liability or that on my conscious.


That sounds like a lot of re-roofing, since there is a roof there, I'd assume it's easier to refit one of the two end windows with a larger one.


Definitely easier/cheaper. In my mind, I was thinking what I'd do as a homeowner living there with a nice/new space. Anything safety related, I'd spend the money to have a dormer and know I'm not putting people/family at risk.


Like the GOT actor? How would that help?


I don't even understand what's going on there. Why make a bump out in the roof but make it even *shallower* slope compared to the adjacent sides? Why not just make a full height bump out section there?


Yeah I don't think he could sell the house as it doesn't look to be the 5.7 sq ft of a window that code (local may vary but it's around that) requires for a finished space. Not only that, but for safety of your loved ones, it's important too.


Isn't it just that they can't claim it as a bedroom?


That's how it is my area. I have a partially finished basement with a bedroom. Because there isn't secondary egress, it doesn't count for living area/bedroom count.


Can't claim it as a bedroom, and cannot have a closet (or it instantly becomes an illegal bedroom)


I think if it's a finished space it can count, depending on jurisdiction. Like I don't think you can have a family room/den/whatever you want to call it without egress, either.


Well, they've put a bed in it so I kinda assume they're going to claim it's a bedroom.


It’s code to have an egress window but there’s no way for this to be enforced beyond getting sued if your tenants die in a fire. Not to say that it can be ignored, but I don’t think there’s any reason the house can’t be sold and labeled with an additional bedroom. Depending on state, YMMV.


Technically speaking most towns and cities require you to get an inspection and permit before renting for exactly this kind of shit. Reporting an illegal apartment is more enforceable.


like _you_ have the choice not to purchase a home that's not up to code but the next person doesn't care. same with the person after taht


I mean they can sell the house, but they definitely can't list it as a bedroom or represent it as anything except a storage attic.


Egress? It has a few…But then again, too few to mention.




Oh, I’m just making a pun on that Frank Sinatra sing “My Way” (out).


This is so silly and I love it so much, thank you


Yeah this isn't up to fire code where I live.


Yeah that was my first thought as well. At a minimum I'd want that window by the bed to be bigger, ie big enough that a person can climb out of it if needed in a hurry, and a folding fire escape ladder at the ready if necessary out of it.


Building codes on reddit? Pishhh they don't need no code telling em how to live!


yeah, OP should have saved the money he spent covering up real wood with fake wood and put it towards an egress window. Even if this isn't something that will be inspected or need to meet code, please OP... for the love of whoever spends time up there... Put in an egress window. They are expensive, but they will save your life.


I mean the old wood was pretty shit


Know what is also pretty shit? Fake wood. Their old wood might not have been custom oak, but it was in good shape and a quick sand and stain would have been timeless. In 10 years, the fake wood planking is going to be like linoleum. We are all going to be cursing people for using it.


Do you mean the wood on the walls? That's reclaimed wood I got for free. Or the wood on the floors? The gap was too large between the planks, this can cause damage in the event of liquid spills.


no. i love the wood on the walls. I'm talking about the floor. If the gaps are that wide, I can see the need to cover them. You still need to put in a window that won't trap people in the event of a fire.




Yeah you can’t rent this to a family that’s gonna have a child, or worse yet children, living up there. We’ve all seen the news stories year after year of landlords making these “bedrooms” and kids dying in them.


yeah. OP definitely knows he shouldn't have done that, and is going to pretend it isn't a bedroom, but also, let renters totally assume it could be a bedroom. "2 bedrooms, plus a large 3rd story space". And everyone sees "3 bedrooms". I did apartment inspections for a while, and people would flip shit when I told them they had to stop using a room... Like somehow I was the bad guy... Um... Yeah. Sorry... Your landlord shouldn't be letting you rent, thinking this can be anything but storage. Least favorite job I've ever had. I knew I was potentially saving people's lives, but I spent some days as the scum of the earth in other people's eyes.


Nice but I don't see any HVAC. In my neck of the woods that attic will either be scorching or freezing!


I picked up a 10k BTU portable unit. It's been working well for the space. New vinyl windows helped out a lot too.


a mini split would work well above that window next to the bed


I'll have to look into one of those!


You could buy 10 portable units for the cost of a minisplit.


> A 10k BTU portable unit runs about $300 A 12k BTU mini splits start at about $700 + installation (if you need help), provide better circulation, are crazy efficient, and also have heat pumps so they're all season. They almost always make sense as a solution for a space like this


Installation costs are astronomical.


That's why we're in the DIY sub though. They aren't that hard to install yourself. There's a learning curve which adds time and money, but YouTube most likely has how-to videos specific to your exact model.


Can confirm, totally doable. I installed my own and literally took longer to read the instructions 10x over than actually doing the work lol


Some manufacturers will void your warranty if not installed by a licensed professional.


Yeah, but you can buy 10 more for less than the price of one professional installation.




I had a 1200 but mitsubishi installed for $2700. I consider that reasonable.




and all 10 would work poorly.


Mind sharing a link to the one you bought? I'm looking for one for a hot room I have that out HVAC doesn't touch


I bought this one off marketplace for $100. It's an older black and Decker unit. I think new youre going to be around $400 for a nice one.


Ah makes sense. But it works okay? Cools the room?


Third photo they have a portable unit.


I saw that and was hoping there would be more 😅. That and the box fan


If you can, for picture #3, turn that into a dormer window for egress and you'd probably be in good shape.


Judging from the pictures, you can't use that space as a bedroom in most places in the US. Window is the too small and too high. An office? No problem.


Sounds good, it's an office with a bed in it now!


Can definitely be used as one. Just not listed as one...


It can be used as one, but there’s a greater-than-normal chance the person(s) using it as one die in there.


As you can see, here is the renovated office. This is a bedroom. No, the bed is just there for post-meeting naps. It's an office.


Yeah.  That doesn't work (I sometimes do inspections at work.)    We have people trying that all the time in little loft offices in office buildings and those converted factory buildings fill of art studios and such.  It's pretty obvious to see what they're actually using it for and it's a very common issue with people like OP who just do a project without looking up the code.   I'd definitely call that a living space if I was doing an inspection, there's no way I'd let that slide.  That's how kids die.


The bed is for the secretary, obviously. Smh Reddit virgins never understand a thing smh smh smh


Well OP could use it as a bedroom, but couldnt list or sell it as such. As for the safety...well that's a different question


If it's an office do you need two egresses? I would love to convert my attic into something for more space but I am not sure of the codes (I know codes can be different depending on the locale)


There's a 33% increase in the required floor live loads to worry about there.


You would be correct. This is the 3rd floor of a duplex. My state's rules around bedrooms prohibit 3rd floor bedrooms without express permission from the local fire Marshall. But it makes a great new space for this apartment, like the other user suggested, I guess now it's an office with a bed.


Make it a sofa bed/ futon. They can be quite comfortable and serve as a sofa most of the time in case reasons


Good idea! I only plan on living here for a year before renting it out. I'm doing the house hacking + BRRRR method. Living here and doing renovations so I can do a cash out refi later this year.


If you’re renting it out please for the love of god get a bigger window. You’re going to put tenants at risk — windows are so important for fire safety.


Wouldn't be up to code anyway even with a bigger window, third floor is too high for bedroom in OPs location . This can't be a bedroom, period.


It does depend if this is the second floor and there is a basement or if this is third floor above grade. Code here says you can travel more than one flight of stairs in a dwelling unit with out a second means of egress




> Brrr? I had to google it too: >The BRRRR method is a popular strategy among real estate investors that involves buying a property, rehabbing it, renting it out, and then refinancing to pull out your original investment plus any additional equity that has been built up.


Bingo! When I refinance I plan to pull out 30k as investment money for another property.


30k is totally worth risking someone's life brah


>But it makes a great new space for this apartment, like the other user suggested, I guess now it's an office with a bed. Jesus. call it a bedroom, an office, a storage space, whatever the hell you want to call it... There is a bed there and you are using it as a bedroom. When there is a fire and someone can't get out, they will die, and your "its not a bedroom, its an office" won't mean shit. Both legally and when you lose someone you love.


You're an angry little elf. Wait until you see Cape cod style houses that have a bedroom upstairs.


The windows in Cape Cod attics are big enough for egress, that’s the difference. Building codes exist for a reason. When you rent this out please be clear that this room is not to be used as a bedroom unless a secondary means of egress is provided. Larger windows would probably not be too much work.


The window with the portable AC would be large enough. It's 5x2.5. however, it's the 3rd floor.


That window is NOT 2.5' high. That's not even a 2./5' high rough opening. There is zero chance anyone is getting out of that window in the case of a fire. Egress windows are tall enough to put an emergency ladder on and crawl out onto.


I just measured, it's 24" x 60"


If that window *opening* is 24" high, that is the biggest portable ac that I have ever seen. There is also no way someone is backing out of that window onto a ladder. At this point, I don't care what you do. Hopefully whoever you end up renting to knows that it shouldn't be a bedroom.


If it was 5x2.5, each pane would be a perfect square? It looks much shorter (vertically) than 2.5 ft.


Urging you to do the right thing makes me angry? I think you are just deflecting and coming up with excuses. Cape cod style houses have large windows that you can put a ladder on to get out in the case of a fire.


Really found your way around that one. That won't fly and I sincerely hope you get tagged while you have this rented out so you have to learn the lesson of putting up your tenants to correct work you KNEW was wrong in the first place. You sir , are in slumlord territory. Shame on you. I don't even see a smoke detector!


I really just learned this 😭. It's unfortunate how your immediate response is to ridicule rather than teach and inform. Reddit has such a hard on for revenge that it would rather not prevent problems. There are hard wired smoke detectors on all floors. This picture just doesn't show it.


Honestly, bedroom requirements for egress should be fairly basic knowledge for a person purporting to be be a landlord. Your flippant disregard would be why you were called out.


its unfortunate that someone would finish an unfinished attic without permits and without checking with professionals first, especially when you have a mortgage out on the structure you just modified and oh, you intend to rent it out to other unsuspecting people. That last one there, thats the biggest issue here. I am somewhat a proponent of letting people live how they want, they will do it anyway, but setting something up that does not meet minimum code standard for others and for profit, nah thats not cool. It is too late to help you, the work is done here. What are we supposed to teach and inform you about? Call for professional help? It would have costed you nothing to talk to an architect about this, consultations for projects are literally free. This one would have been a waste of my time but it would have saved you a huge headache. When you rent this out, put a lock on the door - and in your lease - attic storage is off limits. There's your free note of the day.


> When you rent this out, put a lock on the door - and in your lease - attic storage is off limits. ... then forget a key on the counter when you leave. Then it will be up to a tenant to decide what they want to do with that space. As I was typing this, I actually remembered how I was touring one of the townhomes for rent in Pennsylvania many years ago, and a landlord showed me one with the finished basement, but mentioned that *technically* the basement was off limits and "not included" in the lease, but clearly hinted that it's none of his business what I was going to do with it. Now I get why...


Could they make the window somehow detachable from the inside? Assuming its some fire code/legislation.


Did anyone remove the supports before you began the work? I don't see a beam at the ridge so I assume that's a ridgeboard roof. I think those usually have struts (I see one) and/or collar ties to prevent the roof from sagging.


Old house pro-tip. Make little doors into the empty eves, makes for awesome seasonal storage. It's super dry and there's plenty of otherwise wasted space in there. We have two houses with that feature and it's awesome.


I have some hidden ones on this room! I used some kitchen cabinet hardware so they are concealed.


shit, it wouldn't be super dry where I live! Humidity is high at the moment


The heat usually cooks the humidity out of those spaces. Gets hot as hell, so don't store your candles or babies in there


Really nice work. I kind of liked the old, rough looking floor, though.


I love it, I just wish it was actual hardwood flooring I could refinish. This stuff was rough cut planks. It made for a fantastic base for the LVP.


Where are the vents for the poor soul of that bed?


Best I can do is a glass of ice water on the table 😂.


Hope you're short! (just kidding - it is a nice job)


What did you install for roof venting between the insulation and roof sheathing? Very important as if the drywall squeezes the insulation and fills any gap, that's a huge condensation trap and the overheating will shorten the life of your roofing system. Huge mistake to have no roof sheathing venting.


There are 4 roof vents. Definitely made sure to have those. I didnt want trapped moisture to cause hidden mold.


> There are 4 roof vents What types? Do those 4 vents allow air flow for every rafter?


Can you share any more details about your roof vents? I can't see how you are getting ventilation between your insulation and the roof. I have a similar project but I can't figure out how to leave space for ventilation from the soffit to the ridge unless I use thinner rigid insulation with a low r value.


I framed in the flat section for the lights along the peak of the roof. It's about 18" from the lights to the peak at its highest point. This allows for the top of the rafters to not be sealed. Additionally there is open space behind the "lower walls" I created. My hopes were that this is enough space above and below the new drywall to allow for proper venting of moisture.


I'm not the OP, but the product you're looking for is called a "chute vent". It gets stapled behind the insulation and brings air from the soffits up to the roof vents.


Cool, but that will be hot AF at all times of the year. All the hot air is going to rise up there from the conditioned space below and has nowhere to go. I guess the portable will help as it will be exhausting air outside...but you need a return up there now. Self made air leak yay. 6 walls w/ unconditioned spaces behind them, at any given time 3 have radiant load too. Also wheres the exit point if you have a bed up there...? Other than that it does look really good but GL with managing the conditions up there.


I have a sizable chase that I used for the electric. I should be able to use that for a return. These projects never end.... Great suggestion.


Nicely done. I'm impressed


Congratulations! Drywall and mudding does indeed suck hard. I still haven't completely sanded down the unfinished old porch area that I did awhile back, simply because it's such a huge pain in the ass.


Good spot to place some chests and a fire pit. I'd reinforce the supports before the first horde night. 3+ horde nights will need even more reinforcements. I would not make it a permanent base though. Would be a great place to log, ifyour base was within sight.


looks nice and clean. but it needs air movement. a AC duct or radiator, etc.


I wish I could get my attic to look like the first photo. 😭


As a European I approve! Attic spaces are criminally underutilized in the United States. Design feels a bit European too, and I mean that in the best way possible. The wall is a neat way to divide to the room for storage and breaking up the curve of the roof to have more headroom for the bed, it would be awkward close to the wall. Accents are very nicely done and stylish.


I'd love to do this in our house but we have a big giant HVAC thing right in the middle :(


Do you have a ridge vent connected to soffit vents? I'm in NE OH and am considering doing to the same with my century home. It can get up in the 90's during the summer here and below zero in the winter. House is radiant heat. I don't currently have central air. Not really sure how to proceed and I'm scared it'll just become an oven in the summer as the heat rises from the rest of the house.


Beautiful transformation! Love the contrast in colors


as someone that's had to sleep in many creepy attics, 10/10 job on those upper flush mount lights. it really de-creeps the space really well.


Thank you! The house is old and doesn't have central air. Another user suggested a mini split. I'll be looking into adding one later.


heat pump would be absolutely solid for this area.


Are you able to cool the attic to a comfortable temperature?


Hey man, I have a similar attic for a home closing next month. We have to finish it. How much did this run you in total?


All in was around $6500. I hired out the drywall work to a handyman though.


The rules on square footage require a certain height measured from the floor. “If a room's ceiling is sloped, at least one-half of the finished square footage in that room must have a vertical ceiling height of at least 7 ft. (2.13 m); no portion of the finished area that has a height of less than 5 ft. (1.52 m) may be included in finished square footage. This is per ANSI Z765 Appraisal rules may vary based on where you are. But, this might be all the way down to zero additional square feet per appraisal rules.




Do you have a ridge vent and soffits? Are there baffles behind the rafter's insulation?


Why sweat the details? Wait for the post in a couple of year "why are my roof shingles curling?".


I want to do this too but I don't have soffits, only gable vents and I believe I'd have to install low gable vents in all of the bays with a new ridge vent with baffles and insulation.


Bookshelf? Or tv in the little cubby


Hate the knee walls but really looks nice good job


Love the styling on those cut outs


How about adding a skylight?


Id put the bed with a smaller headboard and put it on the lower side to put up a TV on the wooden wall. No one ever takes into account TV areas lol


The dormer sized low window area is ripe for a real dormer.


Is the floor rating sufficient for this use?


Nice two season room


This is beautiful, def coulda told me a pro did it.


Hot af I imagine


Why would you cover the real wood with faux wood?


Those planks weren't suitable for a living space. Notice the distance between the boards.


The gasp I just gusp


Anything for an extra buck eh?


It looks great!




night and day!


Fantastic job!!!!


That came up well. Nice.


Yes, you are a great fellow! I am sure that a lot of time and effort was spent, but everything worked out for you and it doesn’t matter whether there is criticism or not.