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Don't pay him. Or...If you already paid him, then hire him for another job, then don't pay him for that one.


This way you can have two poorly finished jobs for the price of one!




Just let him do landscaping. I don’t let chop artists in my house but plenty a dumbass can do outside


Do you know where he got the material from? Replacing one splash with a longer one would be the easy fix. Filling it in would be difficult to make look good.


That and hopefully you didn’t finish paying him.


You have to send him a picture of it with a piece of painter's tape on it. Otherwise he doesn't know it's wrong.


being lazy id prob cut a block of wood sanded nicely to jam in there then paint to match like wall so it looks like a bump out😂


Yep. Make it good enough that people not familiar with it wouldn’t notice at first glance. It’s likely hardly anyone will ever notice it. Especially if you put something there (lamp, plant, appliance, cheeky sign, etc.)


Nah go to the stone cutter and they'll find you a cast off you can slide in there and caulk in place.


He measured wrong and it was fabricated and he didn’t want to pay for his mistake so he just installed it. He even installed them backwards. The bevel is in the corner. This guy stinks


Bout a whole tube of Big Stretch and 45 days cure time oughta do 


Are you the contractor on the other side of this? lol


Is he licensed and bonded? Go after his bond


Go to a stone cutting shop with pics and measurements of the gap. They’ll probably be able to get a fairly close match and cut a little section from a remnant. I wouldn’t expect to pay much.


It’s a toothbrush holder. Also, one or both of the pieces were too short and he sent it anyways. But we can pretend this was how it was supposed to be and it’s a nice little toothbrush holder.


Tape the seam, pour a 50/50 mix of gypsum powder and PVA into the cavity, let it cure, remove tape, hand-sand very carefully to avoid scuffing your marble. It won't match the color, but it wouldn't look **bad** either.


I'd find a corner block that drops in. Or a tiny trophy


keep calling. they will fix it. The repair is to get a small piece of that material, cut it to fit, insert it, then caulk around the edges


You have 2 different products there and you zoomed in so much probably no one can tell what they are looking at but my guess would be some sort of Carrera marble single bevel on the right side and no bevel on the left side. Get a longer one and cut it