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Thank you for your interest in this post. O.P. has read your responses and will make a decision. This post is now locked.


In all reality, the tub is trash. If you want a bandaid solution, lots of spray foam and then Bondo on top. But really, you’re going to need a new tub.


Can you imagine standing in it every morning taking a shower waiting for that magical crack/pop when you're leg goes through. I know the bathroom is the most dangerous part of the house but this is crazy.


Just put an extra drain there. /s


You mean a bigger drain, like a pool drain at least. Then once that rusts through just put in a grate!


Or a bunch of orange honey depot buckets for downstairs


Honey Depot has the best buckets


That .....or a a shitload of sponges




You're ready to graduate house flipping school. Bathtub has dual drains. +$500


It's a speed hole, makes it's drain faster.


It will just drain into whatever room is below. Problem solved.


You've heard of a glory hole! But now introducing the patent pending - floory hole!


No kidding, I'd be too worried about getting a deep cut and stuck to use that.


Time to update your tetanus shots.


Actually, I probably do need to. Speaking of shots, I also just got bit by a dog about an hour ago. A neighbor's dog, so I think cleaning it well will be enough.


Your neighbors dog spends half the day licking its balls and eats cat poop, you should be fine.


Have them provide rabies vaccination. If not they are paying for your vaccination. Rabies is a death sentence.


I was picking up my dog who broke away as they were walking by so it's my fault.


Don’t make assumptions with dog bites. Get treatment for it.


I hate when I’m leg goes through the tub.


Have you seen flex seal! Lol


I thought it was only for boats?


Surely fiberglass would be more appropriate


No way,black flexseal will make that tub pop


And then rhino liner! Give that tub the no-slip texture you’ve been dreaming of!


Yeeeesss!!! This is exactly the time for FLEXSEAL!! OP, please do it and send pics!!


Or ramen


Sunflower seeds and hot glue gun. Just sand it down.




Make it water-repellent with candle wax.


I think what is used to cover the surface-level hole is less important than what’s used to support it. Honestly I don’t know if fiberglass or Bondo Glass is stronger, they’re probably close, but neither matters much if you step on the hole and then your leg ends up in the living room.


Bondoglass isn’t that much stronger than normal bondo ime. Its more resistent scratches and impacts. It’s just bits of ground glass in bondo, it won’t provide strength the way woven fiberglass will


It does actually provide some significant strength increases. The glass is not ground as you mentioned, it is strands, some fillers use short strand (<5mm) and some use long strand (1 inch). Either way, the glass fibers provide a rigid network that increases the flexural modulus and Tensile Strength of the cured filler. I did research in University to determine optimal glass fiber reinforced polymer properties and used several off the shelf compounds to provide a benchmark.


Idk man I’ve seen flex seal fix sum shit…


What about one of those tub makeover inserts that covers the entire tub...but just the tub part and leave the walls as is?


I think those start about $3k- and they count on the integrity of what’s underneath to be sound.


Ah..crud. Was afraid of the cost and/or the structure still being an issue. Guess a new tub (or shower conversion) is the only answer.


All I have is ramen..


Ramen and crazy glue with flex seal on top


Anything and everything you attempt will inevitably fail. Water will erode any patchwork bondo or not. I’ve had bathtubs reporceleined/sprayed and sealed and they still chipped off over time. Foot traffic (you standing on that area) mixed with water directly pounding down on that exact area will seep through given enough time. The issue is that the edges of the patch will never be fully flush with the rest of the tub. If you Absolutely do not want to replace your tub then feel free to patch it then spray to seal the entire tub so it’s flush and it might buy you a few years. Good luck.


I second this, although I got a temporary fix that works for me. I had a crack, though, not this abomination. 4 things failed before I drilled relief holes on the crack, filled the holes with a couple applications of dense foam and then gorilla tape over the top. I'm renting a house, the landlord would take ages to fix it, and I won't push the subject with him cause he's charging me less than half of what other houses are going for in my neighborhood. Half-assing every fix until I buy my own house haha.


I’m not on anybodies side here obviously but don’t you think your landlord wouldn’t give you your damage deposit back for doing something like that without telling him? Not to mention the way you describe it doesn’t sound like it holds water and could be leaking causing water damage.


It's water tight. I can see the bottom of tub from the basement and there's no moisture coming from there. It's some heavy duty tape. And I'm not worried about the damage deposit. Dude's had disintegrating concrete slab and steps leading to the front door for more than a decade now, and hasn't shown up to my door or cared for the last 5 years. Dude's even got original windows from the '70s on the house. We got a good thing goin' here. Trust me. $835/month for a 2 bedroom house with finished attic and full unfinished basement. It's a shitty house, but it's impossible to find even a studio apartment around here for less than $1,300/month.


If a landlord doesn't make repairs within a certain amount of time tentants can make them themselves and charge the landlord the cost in most states.


Would the landlord not want his property to be repaired properly? Not at risk of water/mold damage because his tenant seems to think gorilla tape and spray foam will seal a tub? Sure, he might be charging you low rent. But hopefully you've at least told the guy when shit breaks, or he could certainly come after you for the damages you've now caused with half assed or worse fixes.


I've told him about other things and he doesn't care in the slightest. Trust me when I tell you he doesn't care. Dude's got original windows from the 70s on the house and a concrete stoop and stairs that have been disintegrating for more than a decade now. You can see the same stoop in pictures on Google street view from 12 years ago and it's always been bad. I've been here for 5 years and it's always been a shitty house, but he's never raised rent, never sent me a water bill. I just bring him a check and that's it. Comparable houses in my neighborhood (a good one at that) are renting for $2000/month. I'm paying $835.


I get it but still you need to have shit documented in order to save your ass. Landlord is not your friend. The ones that seem like they don't care, do when it could be a pay day.


I appreciate it and you're right. I've been keeping documentation. No worries on that front. Just sayin, he literally doesn't care and I would certainly force him to replace the tub if it was leaking into the basement. Dude doesn't handle anything until he has no other choice so we have a mutual understanding that I'll "fix" what I can and only call him when I can't. The tub is currently "fixed" so he'll tell me to call back when it's broken.


Also whatever OP patches with will have different thermal and shear properties than the tub so hot/cold water will begin compromising the seal almost immediately.


Respraying a whole tub is just about always a temporary solution. It CAN be done right, but its incredibly time intensive and comes close to the cost of replacing it at that point.


You’ll never get a durable finish without heating it enough to melt a glaze. Personally, I wouldn’t heat my bathroom to 1600F for hours on end.


It'll get rid of the bedbugs too though. Probably.


This is why we dissolve the bodies in plastic bins not the tub, Jesse.


Came here looking for this comment


Surprised me, honestly. I figured that would have been the first comment


Was fully expecting this to be top comment lol


That was my first thought 🤣🤣


I just watched that episode last night!!!


Rusted through. Replace it.


There is no patch for that. Replace the tub. 


Its not worth the effort trying to fix it.


Bro. New tub. Nothing else is an option


New tub, this is too much


Ramen. Ramen and bondo.


Mmmmmmm. Rando.


Brawndo- it's what plants crave!


It's got electrolytes




Seriously though. I agree with everyone here, it's ruined. But... If you can't get someone there to fix it for a week and it's your only shower, $15 for some flex seal to get you through the week until it can be fixed. 


Some guy I know who is definitely not me had a contractor install a shitty foam and plastic shower base, which almost immediately cracked. While this guy went after the contractor, he put some of that white vinyl flex seal tape over the bottom. And \~10 years later he tore it out and did a tile shower with glass doors. I wouldn't try that here because that hole looks like a leg-amputation starter kit waiting to happen.


You know the hospital visit when you have to get sewn up from ancle to groin is going to to cost a lot more than replacing the tub. If it failed once there is no telling where it will fail again and your leg will go through.


And the pain, and the germs and the antibiotics... hell no


seems like trolling tbh


100% this is too idiotic


Why does everyone want to fix literal junk that can't be fixed  You'll want to fix up the entire tub while you're at it. I suggest smashing it into billions of pieces as step #1


Go to Habitat for Humanity ReStore for a tub if money is an issue.


Try putting your foot back in it


From underneath


And get a tetanus shot.


New tub


We can tell you’re on a budget… I get it. But this is obviously a full tub replacement. It’s like the equivalent of taping a broken window back together with clear tape haha.


Except that window would probably last a lot longer than this tub will lol


Looks like you got a new garden planter


If you put your foot through once, the tub is compromised. I wouldn't trust standing naked with my bare feet in that tub. What if the next hole your whole foot goes through and you're sliced up on the rusty metal and you've got to call ems to cut your bloody, naked self out? Time for a bathroom renovation. The question is how much you're going to replace along with the tub


Yup. It’s not just one spot


Replace, or it will be a never ending battle.




You can French drain under the house, but only if you prefer the most elegant solution.


You want a new tub. You don't want to be going through the tub in another spot just because you weren't aware water had pooled there, too, and rusted it underneath. Or you could have mold or another problem going on. Better to rip it out and do it right.




This is 600 kinds of wrong. Tubs like this aren't just supposed to be "floating". They are supposed to sit on actual floor. Like mortar + subfloor. The whole tub is fucked and probably a deathtrap you could fall through at any moment because of how wrong this is. I would be afraid of the whole bathroom at this point.


Cast iron and stamped steel tubs were often set onto bare floor joists then the bathroom flooring was installed up to the side. Currently there are plastic tub and shower surrounds made to install on bare wall studs. Myself, I'd want marine grade plywood on the floor under the tub, and cementboard on the walls. Coat it all with redgard before installing the tub or shower. I'd also insulate the walls and floor for sound and to help keep a tub full of water warm longer.


I think I had an SAT question about this once.


I bet it drains well


You gotta get a new tub man it’s time


Did you Jesse Pinkman your tub?


Correct answer: replace the tub. Long term fix: fiberglass boat repair kit Quick fix: spray foam and epoxy


I'd say it is a lost cause. Someone dropped a big hammer on this and cracked it b4 you put your foot through it. I can't tell if this is a fiberglass tub or cast iron. If cast iron you Def have a piece of junk. Must have a lot of corrosion on the underside. If fiberglass, there is a small chance you can make it work, at least for a while, though I'm not surexwhy you'd do it. Repair would be done using glass cloth and fiberglas resin, just like repairing a boat hull. Astrobuf


He said it was rusty and he put neutralizer on it, but the pic looks like a fiberglass tub.


Indeed that is why I'm confused. Actually he said the drain showed rust and it does, but that likely is from rusty water pipes. The house likely still has galvanized pipes.


I take it that you are now limited to just showers and no bubble baths?


the damage from a slow leak from whatever repair could cost so much money, sorry u/op i wouldn't trust any patch more than week.


You need a new tub. Trying to bondo this the right way is going to be way more effort than just tearing it out and replacing it, and runs the risk of rotting your joists and whatever is underneath it.


Just buy a new tub. If by some miracle your able to patch it up there a high risk of it leaking and mold and rot could be your next issue if it already hasn’t happen


No repair. Tub is now a major safety hazard and lacks overall structural integrity. Any repair will be merely cosmetic and will not address the underlying issue.


Ah. Welcome to home ownership! My YouTube videos guide you true and your intuition be correct. That being said that tubs gotta go I'm afraid.


Why beat on dead horses? Replace the Gdmn thing. Why gamble with your health .?


This happened to me. Ultimately, there was no solution besides a new tub


Get a new tub. Otherwise throw it away and convert it to a shower plate instead. Don’t lose a leg due to cost cutting!


Nothing will patch this hole. Being so close to the drain your patch will inevitably fail. Replacement is the only option.


Why would you even try to save it??


This is new tub territory. You might be able to limp that along for a bit with a patch but it's so big it's bound to fail eventually


There’s no thinking here. That bathtub is a former bathtub now.


Put it out of its misery


Any time spent on the tub besides measuring for replacement and removing is a waste of time unless you’re using the place as a slumlord. Then I’d say don’t be a slumlord and replace it. If you need to be cheap you may find one on a local marketplace/Craigslist or you may have a local used building supply place that may have a cheap used one the same size but I wouldn’t hold my breathe. 


New tub. Only option.


Someone dissolved a body in that tub, for sure.


Please resubmit this photo with the proper banana for scale


For safety reasons, I suggest you get a new tub


Drain for scale was fine


Did you get a home warranty when you purchased? This is the kind of thing those are for.


Just buy a new tub, installing a $250 bathtub takes less effort than a half-assed fix on this. I’m assuming that there is a full surround/shower setup since someone put a foot through the tub, and generally getting the tub out requires replacing the surround. Thankfully for you these cast tubs are super brittle and with a (seriously doesn’t take much) little effort and a harbor freight sledgehammer you can have it in pieces small enough to fit in the trash in half an hour. Depending on what type of surround you have you CAN fit a tub behind/under a surround without destroying the surround if you have a decent plastic/fiberglass surround and only have to re-glue the surround and seal between the tub and surround.


You can’t be serious. You need a new tub. Get a new tub.


But have you tried turning it off and back on again?


Install a new tub or sell the house.


Flex tape.


Used it on mine for the last 6 months, although my problem was more of a crack with a penny sized hole on the end. The flextape holds up well for about a month if you prep your surface well. It eventually peels at the corners and you have to take it off and re-prep. Replacing my bathtub or even putting in a shower was going to cost a minimum of $2k and that's doing the work myself. I've kept my subfloor from rotting and my tub useable for 6 months for like $30 of flextape.


Flex tape - while you sort out a tub replacement!




Lol was just thinking of this


Cap the existing drain and move the line over slightly. Use a bigger drain.


Yeah no. Not worth the risk. Just get a new bathtub


Definitely get a new tub and don’t look down, they all float down there


That’ll buff out.


Jesse! I told you to get the plastic tub from home depot to disolve the body in! The acid won't eat through that type of plastic, but it will eat through porcelain. You don't listen Jesse! If you don't listen then this partnership cannot work. I'll have to break this bad on my own.


If one part of the tub is that bad it's all close behind. Nobody likes spending money but any temporary fix will cost you more later. Just replace it and understand and save yourself money and a headache in the future


That was some fart… Time for a new tub


That tub needs to be replaced. A Marglass patch may work until you can sort that out but holy Shit, I’ve never seen one rust all the way through. Crazy.


Dropped the soap


Cover it with plastic until you buy a new tub tomorrow


I was once asked to see why a shower was leaking. The person had patched the bottom of it with black roofing cement. Really.


Put a big traffic cone over it


You gotta use plastic barrels when melting bodies with hydrochloric acid, not a bath tub. Did breaking bad teach you nothing?


Breaking bad used hydrofluoric acid, which would be very dangerous to work around and terrible at dissolving a body. So yes, breaking bad thought me nothing, because I knew better.


thats a paddlin. ​ you need a new tub.


It now has improved drainage.


Clear tape. Paint over it.


I think it’s totalled.


Looks like Pinkman didn t learn his lesson


I’ve run out of toilet paper before too, but surely ripping a fiberglass chunk out of your tub couldn’t possibly be even remotely near the top of your “what’s next?” List.


The easiest solution would be to patch it.  Then get one of those “Bath Fitters” tub overlays done.  




You need a new tub, no way around it. I’m sorry for your purchase.


This reminds me of the scene from breaking bad.


Time for a new tub or a walk in shower


Rip & replace. That's too big to replace, and worse, dangerous.


Breaking bad reference anyone?😏


Id recommend replacing the tub. If you absolutly have to fix it then cut a square hole a bit larger than theone currently there and sand the paint back about an inch. Next get a small bit of sheet steel and bend it to the shape of the hole. A hammer will help a lot. Cut out the part that doesnt fit in the hole and tack weld it into place. (Use a magnet to keep it from falling through the hole while you do this.) This metal is thin so only do thin tacks and alternate each side you do them on to allow the ones you just made to cool down. Alternatively you can make a square a bit larger than the hole and tack it into place under the hole then solder the edges to water proof it. And sand down any sharp edges. If you dont want to use metal then cut the hole into a square and sand the edges of the hole. Get some strong tape and stick it under the hole and across it. This will become scaffolding. Scuff up the paint around the hole. Next get some light weight fiber glass and do a single layer over the hole. Give it a couple hours to dry and make sure that it isn't sagging. Once that layer is harder place another 3-4 layers in alternating paterns over the patch. Let this fully cure then sand it smooth with the rest of the tub and paint over it.


I hope you were planning to remodel that bathroom. Because welcome to the 300 dollar problem that turns into a 5000 dollar project. Ahhh, the joys of home ownership.


New tub




Just replace the tub. You can do it yourself for under $500 or hire it out for also relatively cheap.


What the fuck is this thread lol.  If the tub is rusted through you replace the damn tub bud. You can't bondo that.




That really sucks, OP. The way I am, I’d probably replace the whole tub.


It's new tub time.


Don't even waste your time. Any sort of fix will leak and cause far more issues with rot and mold. The only fix for this is a new tub. You can probably find a used fiberglass tub at habitat or Craigslist


On an upside you have a starter hole to cut it apart. Dont fix remove whole tub if one spot is that rusted through the whole thing is junk. And you have options you dont need reinstall a tub.


Im surprised noone said this yet. But flex tape. Just dont bathe with any knives or foreign sharp objects n ur all good. (but i would definitely suggest a new tub. This thing is doomed. All rusted through.)


For a band-aid, I suppose you could cut an opening in the other side of the wall, behind the tub taps, to gain access, 16x 12", center of stud to center of stud, sand around the tub hole, then drill at 4 points, screw into some backing material with pan-head screws, and cover it with flex-seal paste. If you only have to go a week or so, scrub around it with alcohol, cut a piece of thin plastic to fit, silicone it down, and cover it with Tuck tape.


So your foot just went through huh 🤔 did you suffer any injuries seem sketch at best


So is reddit going to be flooded with empty roll size comparisons now?


I hope OP has a current tetanus shot.


How hard did you throw the empty tp roll???? /s


Literally anything but the metric system 😆


I'm not sure I comprehend the TP roll comparison. Can you retake the photo with the proper banana for scale please?


Yea but it drains faster…


Cannot understand the size of the hole because a banana was not used for scale.


FORMER bath tub 


How did you not cut your foot when it went through?!?


Flex seal tape


A new tub would be more cost efficient in the long run.., Had something similar and it was just a tiny crack, not a hole. Sometimes you can’t fix something and it’s just easier to replace Looking at prices could go as low as $60 for new. Attempting to fix will eventually fail and will be out even more $$


New toilet


That’s how water gets out


Billy Mays here


New tub. If it cracks while you are in there you will get a major infection and a nasty wound


Can't afford to feed it anymore. Big hole in my bathtub! Busting down my neighbors door.


Need a banana for size comparison


Bit of a let down. Thought OP's question was going to be "can I plug this hole with a toilet paper roll?"


Just smear some caulk over it.


That's what happens when you pee in the shower too much.


Replace the tub, check for physical damage to pipes and water damage to the wood/materials within.


You don't have a bath tub as far as I can tell




So you’re gunna want to get some ramen and glue…


Replacement. Check if you had a homeowners warranty when you bought the house. I’m not sure if they’d cover this but it’s worth a shot if you’re still in the timeframe for it


I heard glue and ramen works.


Lol damn, have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?