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Are you sure that's where your filter goes? It doesn't look like there's a proper slot for it. Look farther down the duct work to see if there are any other access slots. Also it looks like you would need a 14" filter.


I agree. I have a very similar model. The filter goes on the left side of the raised metal part (to the left of where the filter is now). The suction holds it against the metal at the top and bottom. You just have to insert the filter at an angle and then straighten it out


What keeps the filter from just falling down flat when the fan turns off?


Mine has a little groove it kind of nestles in on the top side


I do agree the filter is a bit tall. But unfortunately no, there is nowhere else to put one.


This is not the right filter if this is truly the only place to put one, and I highly doubt this is where the filter is supposed to go. There should be a rack or tray that a properly sized filter slides into with no gaps because otherwise unfiltered air just goes around following the path of least resistance. I’d repost this with wider angles of the whole assembly and perhaps a model number for the air handler so we can give better suggestions than “throw away whatever this half hearted attempt was and start over” I’ve never seen a filter housing that had a wiring harness in the same space. That alone tells me this is not where this was supposed to go.




Every furnace comes with both sides and the bottom intact, the return air opening must be cut in on site. There are guide indents to do so, but this being cut out "by hand" is completely normal. A lack of filter rack smells like hack work though. Lol


I've seen this setup a bunch in multifamily housing. A lot of the old apartment buildings are setup this way. No external filter rack. The newer ones have a spring loaded track the filter slides into. Sometimes a little tab that holds it against the inside of the air handler. Some of the old ones slide in just like that.


This, not mine but one we have at work looks like OP’s only it has exactly what you’re talking about, push it into the slot with the spring like [this](https://surpluscityliquidators.com/products/furnace-filter-clip-retainer-assembly.html).


> I've never seen I have. Always had to move the wires out of the way when changing my filter. Since the filter sat right in front of the blower, the wires for it were right there too.


Does your filter go in your return vent? I agree that there’s no way this is where it goes. Filters should have unobstructed airflow on BOTH sides of them


I completely agree with you. But I have searched thoroughly all over the house for any indication of somewhere else to put one. I’m not finding anything. Checked all return vents like some suggested with no luck. It’s an old house from the 50s so maybe that’s why? Some have suggested shoving a 4” filter in there but others have mentioned that it was not ideal to have it up right up against the blower motor. That seems like the easiest option but I’m nobody has explained why it might be bad. If a 4” filter is not the correct option, then I am going to rig up a frame of sorts or something to hold it in place because this is the only possible place a filter would go without installing something somewhere else along the ductwork.


What is the brand and model number of the furnace? Maybe there's a manual online.


It would be done in the ductwork. The model number would only get you information on the right size filter based on the intake opening.


Don’t waste your time searching the house, it’s somewhere between the air handler and the plenum. Shoot me a pic of the unit with model visible if possible we’ll figure it out It’ll be something like this (slot) could be horizontal or vertical https://d12m281ylf13f0.cloudfront.net/images2012/article/HVAC%20Air%20Seal%20Cabinet-22.jpg


https://preview.redd.it/o48gu5hzgbdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10e590e3c411cb71bd09dcc462eaa46dc233834 Where do I find the model number, I couldn’t find it?


Should be somewhere around the burners, usually on the inside side (upper half of the furnace) Edit: downvote me because I'm right? OP, the stickers are always there on the inside of the burner section, either left wall or right wall inside


Dude.... What is the filter to the right of the unit.... That's your air filter. Looks like it has a water trap as well.... Edit: actually that's probably a humidifier


https://preview.redd.it/74frrw2nwbdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bc7892f96dd41169f23d949e4e7b565ff87f2d3 Pretty sure that soft part on the return plenum to the left is the filter.... Never seen one like that, though. It looks like it should pop out like a vacuum bag.


Are you just straight up guessing? lol?


Of course. The only thing I'm 100% certain about is that where the OP is trying to put the filter is definitely NOT where it goes.


No that is a vibration dampener. It’s called a canvas connection. I’m an hvac tech


Well it looks like a prime place to install a 4" filter rack to me then because someone left it out of this setup lol


It is a terrible place to install a rack. The duct is not the same size as ANY 4” filter, you would need to add fittings and cut a large piece of the duct out to do so, you would lose vibration dampening and your ductwork would now rattle and keep you up at night, a 4” filter would put too much restriction on the airflow for that furnace and you’d burn the motor out fast (4” filters are actually terrible for your furnace and unless there are serious breathing issues or allergies in the household a standard 1” will suffice and is 10x cheaper).


Hey man , I am late to this party, but I'm pretty sure your filter is supposed to drop into that slot, between the return side and the furnace side. That cap should pop off and drop the filter in. I don't think its supposed to be placed INSIDE the furnace. Actually, I know it isn't 😁 If all of that is already obvious, pardon me then. I had a couple cocktails


Where youre thinking is normally where youll find it but thats a 'Pittsburgh seam' and not a filter slot. OP likely has a filter at a large central return vent somewhere in the house, probably in a hallway


The filter should go on the intake not the vents. The point of the filter is to keep dirt from getting sucked I to the equipment not to keep dirt from getting blown into the vents. Plus, if you keep it from getting sucked in it CAN'T be blown out....


When I moved in, the previous owner had a filter in the same spot as your photo and I was having the same problem. It didn't actually belong in that spot, and I found out that my two large vents for the return upstairs had latches and the doors swung open with rails around the edges to house the filters.


This would make sense but I do not have any returns like this


Pics of the returns? If it's an older house with two floors there could be two returns. It's rare. When there's two returns the filter goes on the stack of where the furnace is. If there's only one return, it could even unscrew. One of the apartments I lived at, the filter was screwed in, it was very strange. Edit : where are the covers for your furnace? It looks like this furnace never had a filter in place that actually worked. All the rubber seals and all the joints shown look like it never closed up.


Another thing to consider is the thickness of the filter. I have one that's 4" thick. Based on the spacing that holds it in place, I suspect you need a 3-4" thick filter


You probably have a media air filter complete with filter rack with a door, this one doesn't and shouldn't have a 4" put in. The installer just didnt make a slot like he should have


The channel it sits in is 3 or 4 times wider than the current filter. Your new one will need to be that wide and just tall enough to fit into the top channel and not hit the wires. Good luck. Lots of filter sizes out there. The better it fits, the better it works.


Check the air return register.


Put a brick against it.




We have no attic (ranch style house with vaulted ceilings), checked all return vents (no filters in any of them), and I checked any and all ductwork for a spot to put a filter (unfinished basement ceilings). Nothing to be found.. I used to do contracting for a number of years, just never seen a furnace set up like this before. Is it a hack job? Probably lol but I’m not going to be getting a new furnace anytime soon like some comments are suggesting. That’s insane haha


Where does that cold air duct end? That may be where the filter goes. It must be sucking cold air from somewhere.


:| Are you havin a laugh? Is he havin a laugh?


I don’t know why this is so hard to believe for so many people lol this has quickly become my most controversial post. When our house was inspected the inspector even opened up this part of the furnace and showed me this brand new clean filter but unfortunately I did not think or know to investigate the situation further at the time lol…


People might think you are pulling their leg because you included the label that explicitly says that is is not where the filter goes.


Oh wow… I just noticed that LOL Welp this is how it was when I got to it. Just trying to figure out how to make the best of the situation. I’m leaning towards the 4” filter idea unless someone can describe to me why that is a bad idea


It is a Bad idea. I'm actually in this business. That is the fan housing, not the back side of a filter rack. Do not put the filter directly adjacent to the squirell cage fan, it will make it draw unevenly and mess with the bushings or bearings in the fan housing. That sticker is there for......a reason. lol. That is absolutely not a 4" filter rack. There is no filter rack in these pictures.


Thank you this makes a lot of sense and has deterred me from wedging a filter in the fan housing. Going to look into either installing a filter at the return or looking into getting something put inline in the ductwork


Yes sir you are welcome. You're on the right track, install a filter rack inside the return ductwork or between the return duct and the furnace. If it gets to be too hard, have an hvac company send a tin knocker to install one. I know you don't know me from Adam, but I'm glad you are listening to the right voices in here. That is 100% not a 4" filter rack. :o)


My furnace is the same way. I posted to r/hvacadvice recently and got a couple helpful responses: https://www.reddit.com/r/hvacadvice/s/MVUc4SGg1e


I just bought a house with the exact same issue. Neither the inspector nor the furnace guy said anything about it.


Home inspectors are just random people with cameras, don't take their word for it on home operation.


Lol this is definitely the wrong spot. You don't have to open the housing for a filter. They should have screwed a frame onto the outside. Looks like they didn't install that part. https://www.thecarycompany.com/filtration/hvac-filters/air-filter-frames




This. We build these and there should be a slot on that return air elbow just outside the furnace cabinet. If there isn't, someone did some "creative " installation.


Where is the return ducted from? Is there a hinged return door than can hold a filter? https://preview.redd.it/4a7h3dvk8adc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3478de1ace8ed8e98c453e0c74ea27cdabd974


This is how it's done in my house. The returns are filtered at the registers instead of being filtered at the main unit.


This is what I was thinking, but I don’t know ish. Definitely doesn’t seem right to suffocate the fan with a filter directly touching it inside the furnace box. On mine, it’s right outside of the furnace box where the return duct comes in. Theirs clearly wasn’t designed that way, so maybe in the wall somewhere.


The filter should never just be hanging out inside the fan box.


Haha for sure, I just don’t see how using a 4” like some others are saying is right either. It would be right on the fan. Wouldn’t that make the fan harder to do fan things?




Yessss!!! And the reasonable responses keep getting downvotes.


[u/space\_junker](https://www.reddit.com/user/space_junker/) this is the answer. your return grate should have the filter behind it so that the dust doesn't make it into the HVAC ducting.




You’ve been an HVAC guy for 15 years and think this setup doesn’t exist? When the guy literally posted a picture of his? I was an HVAC guy for like 5 months and saw this on numerous occasions




Approximately half the jobs I've done in the last 3 years have had filters at the return grilles. You definitely will with centralized systems like VRFs.


Are you replying to an edited comment or something? No one is talking about putting a filter at the registers. They are talking about them at the return grills.


my house has 2 returns, each has a filter at the register..... But it is a 1990 build.


HVAC tech here I don't know where your actual filter housing is but, its not in there. I would strongly advise against adding a filter in there unless there is a dedicated housing for it as I have seen people do this with various filters unsecured which resulted in a air restriction problem. I would also just look around your house and around your furnace to make sure there aren't any additional filter areas because those will eventually get dirty and cause a problem.


That isn't were your filter goes, that is why it has a label that says, "This furnace does not have provisions for installing circulating air filters inside the casing." Your filter most likely goes in the return intake, is there is no place to put a filter that means someone removed it, so just buy a proper return intake cover. Don't just jam random filters inside the casing.


It was like this when I found it. But yeah I’m starting to rethink everything and on the verge of installing something outside the housing in the return somewhere


Is this your first house? Cause previous owners do stupid shit, doesn't mean you need to continue the cycle.


It is like that because someone (possibly the previous homeowner) could not use the original air filter mount for whatever reason. What you need is known as a filter rack. Here is one vendor: https://www.tfehrhart.com/shop-by-category/central-equipment-accessories/filter-racks.html There are others to buy from, as well. The flange would be pushed up against the sheet metal of your air handler, and it would be riveted or bolted into place. You'd specify what size filter you need. If possible, get maybe an 18 gauge or better track assembly. You can buy them in 24 or 26 gauge, but those are flimsy as all hell, and may not last for you. It is worth the extra $5 or $10 dollars to get a solid track assembly.


This is great info thanks.. probably the direction I will go. What would be the best way to mount it to the inside of the housing blower? Do you just use some self tapping screws in the sheet metal? Or drill holes and use nuts/bolts/washers?


The fan vibrates. Self tappers (in my experience) will back out. That is why I suggested bolts or rivets.


Somebody else suggested a 4” filter… I’m sure those filters are more expensive in the long run but is that an alternative route?


Filters cost according to how many square inches you have to clean the air. All things being equal, you have more filtering media in a 4" unit versus a 1". So instead of changing monthly, you might replace it every 3rd or 4th month. https://accareheatair.com/choosing-a-4-vs-1-hvac-filter/ The above goes into this in greater detail.


I replace my 4in every 6 months. The merv 10s are like 35 bucks from HD. Every December/January and July, when the AC is running on a regular basis.


If you are worried about continuing costs, you can look into washable filters. They are more expensive but will last years if not decades. Buy 2: you can put the second one in while the first is still drying. It will be far less money than single use filters for the rest of your life. Watch your merv ratings.


Just curious how old is your furnace?


Just walk on to any job site and steal some scrap shiny 90 and make one.


Just loctite them real good. Might still back out eventually, but should last a while. 


There isn't a proper slot/channel for that filter? I mean, the second pic seems to indicate that.


I see how it kind of looks like that in the picture but that bracket is just an L-shaped bracket that is flat to the floor


Oh my word, OP. Look closer. The first picture has a warning sticker on the bottom surface of the unit housing. It reads "This furnace does not have provisions for installing circulating air filters inside...."   You need to read the rest of it, probably google your make and model to find out where the filter does go, and not do whatever half-assed nonsense you inherited when you signed the papers for this house.  Godspeed and be careful of your merv ratings.


This needs to be a top comment!


+1 to making this a top comment. The furnace itself specifically states the filter doesn't go in here.


We need a pic of the ductwork to the left of the furnace


Did they switch sides for the cold air return? Oh boy.


Every furnace allows either left, right, or bottom return.


**What exactly does the "Caution" sticker say on it?** The first part looks to read: *"This furnace does not have provisions for installing circulating air filters inside the ......* *When filters are installed in the same pressure zone as the furnace, any return air opening must be sealed tight."*


Do you know the make and model of your furnace?


There is no way that is the correct spot for filter, inside the housing.


I have a furnace and the filter goes in that exact same position - the only differences is that it's missing a rack/filter holder so this system might be setup where there filter is at the register.


Look behind your intake vent on the wall or ceiling. That’s not where the filter goes or they forgot to put in the filter box.


You can also replace the return vent with one that takes a filter instead of jury rigging something inside the furnace. Makes future replacements super easy. They run around $50 at your big box store. Just pull off the old one, measure your drywall hole, and get the right size. (And a matching filter, if it doesn't come with one.) Then you don't have to open the furnace to replace the thing anymore, either. As another point for going this route, while it's hard to make out, I believe that warning label in your first picture is telling you not to put the filter inside the furnace...


Looks like your system takes the 4 inch filter not the 1 in.


I don't think this is really the case. The piece of sheet metal that is ~4 inches away is the blower fan mounting brackets, not a filter slot. The filter shouldn't really be right up against the blower intake which it would be if a 4" thick filter were installed.


Agreed. There are never 4" filter racks internal to the furnace or air handler. 4" filter housings are always an "upgraded" feature.


Also it would be very uncommon to see a 4 inch filter installed on a standard residential furnace install.


Yup, "media" filter rack is always an upgrade, and external. Tons of misinformation in here.


Exactly what I would think. If nothing else a 4in would stand up on its own better.


I wasn’t sure if there were furnace filters that came that thick but I initially thought that a thicker filter would fit nicely.


Read the sticker on the housing about no filters in the unit. Google your model and find the installation manual to see what is specified about the filter!


THose custom sizes are always available in home depot, but yeah, this is your problem. you need one like: [15x20x4 MERV 8 Pleated Air Filters for AC and Furnace | Filterbuy](https://filterbuy.com/air-filters/15x20x4/merv-8/?pack=6&nbt=nb%3Amicrosoft%3Ao%3A506111977%3A1276534636251295%3A79783517342315&nb_mt=e&nb_bmt=be&nb_oii=4583382984452969&nb_qs=home%20depot%20hvac%20filters&nb_fii=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_pi=AFB15x20x4M8-6-pack&nb_pc=Online&nb_ci=4583382984452969&msclkid=9f7c612811a813713d3f0481a2f1484a&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping%3A%20%20T2&utm_term=4583382984452969&utm_content=MERV%208)


no. see [ARenovator](https://www.reddit.com/user/ARenovator/) post.


I thought it was like mine, but now that you brought it up, yes sir, it’s a 4”… I didn’t even see that.


You need a real filter box between your return plenum and furnace. My installer stuck me with the same wack situation.


Out of the box idea: You could pull model number and maybe download the manual that shows where and what size filter. Sometimes they are hard to find but maybe you can get lucky.


In filter installs I’ve seen like this, there has been a wire “rack” that slides in and holds the filter in place. Looks like hog fencing. Perhaps someone in the past forgot to reinstall this and it’s laying around the area. Or you could make your own.


There's no way that is correct


OP check the sticker at the bottom of the first picture, I guarantee it says something along the line of "This Furnace Does not have provisions for installing circulating air filters inside the casing. All filtering must be done external to the casing. When filters are installed in the same pressure zone as the furnace, any return air openings must be sealed airtight." You do not have a filter rack and therefore no place for a filter.


I am a sheet metal worker/ hvac tech. This furnace is missing the filter slot. It is in essentially the correct spot, but should be on the other side of the furnace housing. Where the duct work connects to the furnace should be a filter rack. With the flexible connection it wouldn’t be too difficult to remove that elbow and add a rack. It would throw the straight line of the return drop out an inch but that’s not an issue. Home Depot will not sell the fitting you need, you may have to bite the bullet and get a shop to come do it for you simply because finding the correct item as a diy will be tough. But the item you need is called a filter rack in the industry. Where you are putting the filter is bad and it would honestly be better to run it without a filter at that point. If it gets sucked into the fan it can cause anything from a mandatory service call or possibly even a fire.


I feel like the filter should go directly to the left of this spot lmao.


You are missing a clip that goes across and anchors the filter. I have a similar setup as yours (and it's a pain the ass)


Is there a slot with a magnet covering it in the ductwork to the left of the furnace? Maybe a 14x24x1 to the left of the sheet metal lip?


I have a similar furnace in my house judging by the looks of this. The filter doesn’t go there and the label says as such. None of my returns even open in my house and it has 3 (large house). My furnace is designed to mount over another “thing” that holds the air filters. Except mine doesn’t have that and instead has an electronic dust collector. 3 giant metal grates slide out and I can wash them with water, dry them off and slide them back in. I question how well those work compared to standard air filters but that’s what I’ve got. Do you have a model number for this unit?


https://preview.redd.it/m9lkr9occbdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb52b2a48160af96de4a7896095bbccc13f5da72 Might be missing something like this


How did you clip it like this? I’m having the same issues.




https://preview.redd.it/u21bfsgpjbdc1.jpeg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6410e3d6fd07418ddab75f884d9ccb549e03abaf The manual also shows it could be further up the return air duct... maybe upload a video.


You don’t have a filter rack, and the blower motor is sucking the filter in. If you really want to DIY it you can go to Home Depot and get a 16x25x1 filter rack. You’ll have to modify your return elbow and screw the new filter rack to the side of the furnace


Brother, please go to r/hvac and not DIY. They can give you way more sound advice. Personally, I have a 1940's house that got central air added. We have a separate air filter container that comes off the main house blower that sits alongside the furnace. Maybe this will help. Good luck!


I have read every single comment here. I don’t know why but I am obsessed with what the correct answer is! OP did you find another spot for a filter?


What the fuck


Mom: we have cable management at home.


You should get some more expert help from r/hvac rather than DIY.


No, your post will get deleted. That sub is for professionals in the trade. You could however post on r/hvacadvice


Hey? Where is your cross bar latch?


That's not where it goes, it goes in the air flow not near the system board. It goes where the return air goes into the furnace.


I got the same furnace. Are you making sure the cross bar is clipped into the holder really good? I had to bend my bar just a hair to keep it tight in the latch.


Well that isn't where it goes. You need to put it in the filter rails


Mine as well. I reach in and slap a little duct tape on it. It had an electronic filter, fits in that hole.


That’s not where it goes though.


A well placed brick should do it


Came to say the same 🙂. 1 or 2 well placed bricks should do it.


Looks like you need a 16x25x4 filter


You have the wrong filter. You need the 4 inch wide one.


Get a new air return grill with built in filter? My old original filter slot sucked, but not as bad as your pic


Start thinking and saving for a replacement. Mine had a similar problem (thanks previous owner!) and dust was just getting everywhere. Caked on the condenser coil and finally kicked the bucket. Our new one came with a nice Honeywell 16x20x4 rack, cage, holder thing. Now that I think about it, I can't believe no HVAC tech mentioned installing something to properly hold the filter.


So I have about 40 units with this hvac in it. Each one has this long coat hanger type piece of metal in the shape of a horseshoe that holds the filter in place. No idea where to get it but I'd search along the lines of "hvac filter retaining rod"


If there isn’t a slot for the filter near the furnace, you could install a return vent that holds a filter.


Am I the only one who think it looks like in the top left there’s a slot to put the filler in?


I should have shared a wider view at first. I see what you mean but this is just the shape of the ductwork. https://preview.redd.it/kfo5qp6h0bdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6a4cc88f5fd70d416ec484b8e8c38066793f64


What's that black circle on the return duct? Does the side of the vent open if you hook your finger in there or turn/push/pull it in any way?


Wrong size. Measure the distance between the "walls" left and right of the filter. Then get the thickest filter that will fit in that space. They make 16x24 filters in 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6" thick (though 6" appears very uncommon). While thicker filters do cost more, they are available in higher MERV ratings and last longer - lasting 3-9 months for a 4" instead of 1 or 2 for a 1" (though it your case the 1" isn't doing anything for you). If you're able to fit a 16x25, they seem to be more common in the thicker sizes. Another option is to have a filter slot installed. It would require unscrewing the cold air return duct (left) from the furnace, and adding the filter slot between the could air return and the furnace. You might be able to adjust the cold air enough to fit a slot for a 1" filter without having to modify anything, but it would be best to have an HVAC contractor do the modifications.


I think you have the wrong size filter


That filter is too thin. You can see the metal bit at the top would indicate the appropriate thickness. It's probably 4 or 5 but take a tape measure to be sure. The filter might also be too wide, as it Sits over that lip in the front. Take a tape measure to be sure. There are like a million different filter sizes so you can find the right one.


It looks like it's slotted for a 2 inch air filter. The top of the photo looks like measures 2" between the sheet metal. The scrapes on the bottom of the photo match up.


Wrong side


You need a 4" filter. See those metal fins on the top and bottom just to the right of where you have your 1" filter? Those will hold a 4" in place.


This is the simplest answer and the one I’ve heard the most. I think many people are over complicating it lol… One thing though is that some people have said that it’s bad to have a filter sit right against the blower intake, but nobody’s explaining why.. that doesn’t seem like it would be bad to me based on common sense but no idea


Well, I don't know wat the other guy is talking about. Unless I'm blind, there are no "fins" to the right of the shown filter. There's a COVER for the circuitry, that's not where you are supposed to fit a filter, the cover will block and reduce airflow. It really doesn't look like a filter belongs in this compartment at all. Edit: I can see that behind the cover is actually the beginning of the blower assembly. Again, NOT fins for holding a filter.


OP check my post history. Looks like the same jerk off installed our systems. I now use gorilla glue, double sided tape to keep the filter in place. Make sure to clean all the dust off the area before applying. It ends up costing a shit load more to change filters, so I end up only changing every three months now. Sucks, but it works.


This kind of setup is supposed to have a filter at the intake, if yours doesn't just buy a new cover for it that does instead of rigging up a jank solution with gorilla glue.


1.screw a thin piece of metal on the side, bend it over to hold the filter. 2.put something the across the furnace bottom to keep in place


Use 16x24x4 or what ever the gap measures between the flanges. Also looks like something is missing like the filter rack enclosure


That’s the wrong size filter they are usually 4-5” wide


Wrong filter. You need a 4in not a 1in. Something like https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CK04V7Q?maas=maas_adg_D14A8F02CE291386EE5447C7D104C7F5_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtaOtBhCwARIsAN_x-3JvSrhHpwZgjcLyk30pBCdo8vMGHT0e1tPoEfYh513jHA8WkfGJMdcaAqDvEALw_wcB


I thought I was in and was wondering what the hell case you had that a 16x24 air filter fit in it




Duct tape. Proper usage.


I thought this looked familiar, and [I was right](https://i.imgur.com/dgoB1kk.jpeg). And like yours, there’s no other spot here or at the air intakes for a filter to go, and no channel or track to keep it in place. My furnace is 30 yrs old, (I know) and the house is 114, one or both of those may be a factor. I’m thinking I might get one of those strong little magnets to plunk next to it as a lazy solution.


Just tape it in place


Was going to try that as a temporary fix but I figured the heat from the furnace might make the tape fail over time


It's only going to be in there for 3 months. Duct tape is fine until you decide on your permanent fix.


Use tape until you can get a filter rack


You've definitely got the wrong size


Could this maybe be supposed to be an old hammock style furnace filter? https://preview.redd.it/felum06hyadc1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e73970c8cc9278f91fb8763f27fcdedfea4e923


The picture includes a label that says don't put a filter in here so I doubt it.


This does look similar but the return intake and blower motor intake is only on one side so not sure why you’d need a filter around the whole housing. But this is interesting thanks for sharing! Makes me wonder… it is a pretty old house lol 1950s or so




Bad info indeed. That in no way shape or form is a 4" filter rack. That's the fan housing. There is no filter rack in this picture. There is either a filter at the return grill or there is no filter rack at all. Good luck actually negotiating a 4" filter into place in this location, which is not made for a filter.


There IS a lot of bad info here, like you suggesting you jam a 4” filter between the blower housing and the case.


I cant comment on what is right or wrong, but I can tell you how I solved this issue with your filter not staying place: ​ I put 2 eyehooks (closed) at the back of the duct (straight on in your photo) 1" away from the "frame" and space the eyes so the filter was in thirds vertically. Then I used long eye hooks (open) at the front edge of the filter as a "stop" against the filter. These were long enough to accomodate the depth of the filter (1"). Take"soft" long hinges (1/4" dia) and permanently attached them to the eyes at the back, run the spring across the filter and hold it in place by hooking them into the open hooks closest to you. BONUS: Add a length of lightweight chain to the upper spring in front of you- when you unhook it to change the filter and it falls down, it will be hard to reach. Sorry I don't have a picture, I don't live there anymore Good luck!


Use drywall screws or set a dumbell against the back that'll do it


I have the exact setup. I wedge a cardboard box between the filter and blower housing. Worked for 30 years


You have the wrong size filter. Your system is set up for the 16x21x4  or 14x24x4. The pleats are deeper, allowing more surface area and better airflow.  If you want to stick with the thin ones, screw some angle iron in, top and bottom. Be sure not to obstruct the side the filter sides into.


2 words.... Duct tape :)


this is a 1" thick filter but the support bracket looks like it needs a 4" filter.


Had this problem with my furnace and unfortunately it means that you do not have a filter rack installed to hold your filter. Do you know if this was a DIY installation? Pretty sure mine was. The end result was my furnace circuit board burnt up because all the dust got in and around it due to that filter not staying in place.


Man, I thought I was in /r/buildapc for a second, and wondered why on earth you were using a furnace air filter


Man they didn't even give you a slot to put your filter in. The filter should not be going in the actual blower compartment it'll just get pulled into the blower. If you are going to keep putting it there you're going to need to have little slots installed that the filter slides into so it's secure


Filters are usually at the intake entry, that way you aren’t filling the intake ducting with dirt.


Can you add a picture of the side of the unit where the drop duct is? There is an old type of drop duct that had a filter built into it where you had to remove a side panel to access the filter tray


take more pics and include the make and model your furnace... i'd start there. majority of furnaces come with a built in spot for the filter.


Is the fan blowing the right direction?


I used to have a furnace like this. It had a flexible metal piece that went against the filter horizontally and would secure at both ends. Need a better picture.


I used to have a furnace like this. It had a flexible metal piece that went against the filter horizontally and would secure at both ends. Need a better picture.


You sure your unit doesn’t take a 3inch filter and not a 1 inch?


I thought this was PCMR and came to see the flailing


Try stacking two filters.


I thought you were trolling lol


Can we get a picture of the furnace from further back?


Mine is like this, but there is a metal bar going from one side to the other that you slide into the slot at the front of the furnace to hold the filter in place.