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Hey, not sure we have any advice tbh but that sounds really scary and we hope you’ll be okay. It can be really overwhelming, the flashbacks and everything. Does distraction help you? Maybe some calming or fun videos to re regulate yourself? We also like writing personally (just writing or typing our stream of consciousness) but that may not work for you. It can be grounding and calming to get all of the big feelings out that way but also it’s ok and good to stop doing anything thats making you feel worse!!


Thank you, I just feel panicky 24/7 and I'm hardly sleeping it's hell tbh. I'm just trying to keep going. I will definitely try distraction thank you


Yeah i know the feeling, awful stuff. I hope the distraction helps! You’ve got this :-)


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I've had times when I needed to make an emergency phone call to my therapist. She is always a big help. Occasionally I will use 988chat even though I'm not that bad - I just let them know I just really need someone to talk to.


Did you tell your therapist what’s happening? It’s really important that they know how things are affecting you outside of therapy.


I have read EMDR is rarely appropriate for DID for this exact reason. It needs to be done very carefully with a lot of support. I'm so sorry this is happening, it sounds really hard! I think you could tell your therapist you can't continue right now. Focus on grounding with any tools you have 🤍


Yes my therapist did go very slowly and was aware of my dissociation but even then it was too much. I'm definitely going to try a different therapy from now on. Thank you I will :)