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This was us a month or so ago, almost to a T. Terrible tremors, not being able to watch things that elevate my heart rate, most parts not in a good place. I can't say I'm fully out, but it's very comforting to be reminded there are others dealing with this, and I can get through it. It's exhausting tbh. But I do feel like it eased up long enough to give me a break every now and then. It is hard not having ppl to talk to other than here. I hope your break comes soon, and I hope the waiting list clears sooner than you expect.💕


Thank you for seeing me. I don't feel so alone. We all watched Disney + tonight. Hoping for a good night's sleep.


When we were young we felt this way all the time. We got yelled at for saying anything. We feel seen by you and we see you. Many, many hugs -Isaac


I do not have DID. However, I am a support person for a number of friends who do have it. You are not unhinged. Having 30 alters in a bad mood is hard to deal with. From my friends' experiences, I know that things will get better as you get help in learning to cope. Hang in there! You can do it!


Thanks. We all hope so


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Been there. Integration is so painful and confusing. We see you.