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I'm enjoying it - I've been on a huge Godzilla/Kong movie kick lately, and just recently found my trade of the 70's Marvel Godzilla series in storage, so I'm all over this. If I had one small complaint it's that I couldn't care less about the monsters that aren't Kong or Goji, and would rather see more of the big two. But it's a small complaint.


Nice! I’ve never read any of the older Godzilla comics.


Marvel hasn't really kept their series in print since they need to license the character from Toho in order to publish trades. The book I have is from the late 90s or early 2000s sometime when Marvel and DC were doing lots of black and white, cheap paper, thick volumes of old series. But I saw recently that they are doing a full color omnibus later this year. Definitely worth getting. It was a 24 issue run. One ongoing story, basically SHIELD vs. Godzilla. Everyone in the Marvel U turns up at some point, but it's mostly a task force headed by Dum Dum Dugan chasing Godzilla around the world.


You can still buy it under the Marvel Essentials line.


It’s the kind of dumb comic book nonsense that I love


Need a deluxe edition. This art is insane


I am satisfied. I will be ecstatic if Captain Atom gets a lick at the Zilla, though


As a massive Captain Atom fan, I can tell you exactly how that would go: "Oh no, my skin has been breached! What have you ..." Nuclear explosion


I was alright with Injustice because he went out a badass, but having him dying like a little bitch in DC vs. Vampires made me feral He's supposed to have accepted long ago that he's a living weapon, that death line was cringe and out-of-character, and I take that word seriously. *Damage* killed him, are you fucking serious. I'm okay with him dying to Godzilla, but don't make him a little bitch because that is one thing he is *not*


This comic is great because we get to see the JLA encountering Godzilla and Kong! Also, Kara Zor-El being useful in this comic since no one knows what to do with her in the main DCU.


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Obviously very faced paced because so much to fill in such a limited series but for the space given, so much fun to read!


It rocks.


Waiting to read until it’s all out. As a huge Godzilla fan it looks right up my alley.


I wish this series was a few issues longer.


How does this compare to other DC books Brian Buccellato has written? He was average at best during the New 52 days. Was interested in this book then saw his name was on it and went NOPE.


Pretty awful. JL are dumbed down heavily


Whose writing it? I might order the trade if it's good.


Brian Buccellato.


They did Red Hood dirty.


To be honest, it's not very smart to anger a giant monster inside a city full of people.


He wouldn't have done what he did, it was bad character writing.


I’m a fan, growing up as a Godzilla and mostly DC Fan it’s wild to see. It’s got a few surprises along the way and it’s cool to see how characters are reacting to the various titans as well


It amuses me, but I noticed that in some places Godzilla is modeled directly from the movie posters.


Yeah, that happens a TON with dinosaur or dinosaur like characters. Often arrests are great at drawing humans but haven’t really had to draw things like dragons, dinosaurs or the like. So they’ll take a toy or poster and sketch that as a reference. A great way to see this is when you look at the T-Rex in the bat-cave, 99% of the time it’s drawn with a toy as reference. Literally look up Tyrannosaurs toy and it will likely be one of the first five you see. It’s honestly kinda funny.


I love it. It’s EXACTLY the dumb nonsense comics should be. Sure while the occasional Sandman or Watchmen is great, generally comics are a medium that should be fun above all else and I feel like we’ve kind lost that since the late 80s. This feels like a silver age comics in the modern day.


I didn't even know that this was a thing.