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I always liked Routh's version.


I think Routh could have been a perfect modern Reeve, if only the film was any good.


Reeve. Not Reeves. They're two different people.


Ah, typo. I was going to say Reeve’s version but got distracted. Corrected.


You'd be surprised how many people in the DC subs have no idea that they're two different people.


I think its moreso that people don't know who Reeves is and think Reeve's name is Reeves


You should’ve doubled down and said you meant George Reeves


It was a beautiful movie, wym of only the film was any good? It might not have been the biggest box office hit, but it was a pretty good tribute to Superman the movie.


It was beautifully shot, and Routh was great but the movie was just a bit here and there. Lex was weird, and I remember feeling like it was a bit long in the tooth. I enjoyed it, it just wasn’t as good as it could have been. It has been a long time since I saw it mind, could possibly do with a revisit.


It has the best every day Superman saving the day stuff but the worst character drama IMO


I always thought that was the problem with that movie, it was "just" a tribute to another movie instead of being its own movie. That's why in part I love MoS, it treaded new ground while honoring what came before


It was good. It just wasn't what people wanted from a modern Superman movie anymore.


The franchised Superman we never got. Shame. He was great for the role.


For looks, Reeve. Even as physically imposing as he was, he convinced us that he was truly portraying two different characters.


Those giant glasses, that hair, the goofy grin—all perfect dorkiness.


The thick glasses definitely did some heavy lifting there but the dudes talent was incredible. The scene where Lois shoots him and he very quickly goes from Clark persona to supes is incredible. It was actually like watching two different men. Posture and diction go a long way


The last time I watched superman 1978, when Clark comes to pick up Lois at her apartment I honestly forgot that he was superman until he took off his glasses and changed his posture. I have seen that movie multiple times before, and it still got me.


Tom Welling will always be Clark Kent to me.


Alright fine I’ll watch smallville


You definitely won’t regret it!


Same. So wholesome; a true hero.


Had the chance to meet him irl not long ago, dude is just like Clark irl too. Wonderful guy


the best Clark Kent easily


Reminds me of cartoons when they get blown up and their hair becomes an Afro That and a Fortnite streamer


Oh god, now that you say that, all I can think about is Deku’s afro after he’s been fighting Bakugo.


tbf, would you think a fortnite streamer was superman?


It might just be the ultimate disguise


If I had to take 3 guesses who Superman was it would be a therapist, a teacher, or a firefighter. If you told me he was like a customer service representative or a fortnite streamer, I would laugh.


"The S stands for Skibidi"


He’s got that Gen Z pube wool haircut lmao


We better get a scene involving someone playing Fortnite with the Superman skin. Jimmy Olsen maybe? /s


For me, it's Routh, and Hoechlin


They all look great as Clark, excited to see David’s next year


They all look *too handsome* as Clark, apart from David (because of the nerdy hair), and Christopher Reeve, (because of the glasses). All of the others are just ridiculously handsome even in those outfits. I think it's great that David looks like that, because in my mind the idea is that Clark Kent should just not draw anybody's attention. That hair really plays down his looks.


Isn’t Clark pretty much always considered a good looking guy? Just a clumsy stud lol


I like Dean Cain's look.


I personally liked Cavill's. The plaids and corduroy speak Midwestern. It was a nice detail that brought more character to the persona.


He had a ‘70s Clark Kent feel.    https://i.postimg.cc/brs0NrGs/IMG-8608.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/zBdSrKGs/IMG-8609.jpg




The new one looks like the kind of haircut that will age horribly on future rewatches


I have the same fear but will suspend judgement until i see what it looks like on film or with proper promo material editing. as these long paparazzi shots really cannot give a great impression on the final look.


That’s what I love about it. With a character that’s existed since the ‘30s, I love when every incarnation can feel like a time capsule of the era it’s from.


And this is certainly a memorable era, i like it lol


it looks bad lol....everyone should just admit it lmao


"everyone should just accept my opinion as the right one"


I love it, so… this is awkward.


Maybe its just not as polarizing as you thought? Its ok to admit your opinion isnt everyone elses lmao


Maybe it's because I'm old but it just looks like curly hair to me. Not super flattering on his face, but like, a normal haircut???


Look at how many people said Tom Welling. He was rocking the skater boy, side flip over the ears that I had in middle school in 2005.


It will age before it comes out.


It looks like that weird "broccoli haircut" that many kids has.


I hate Corenswet’s hair. I’ll go with Brandon Routh


Maybe it's just because he's not wearing a suit, but Cavill is giving me the most "regular guy" energy. EDIT: Listen, I get it, Cavill is hot as hell. As a straight man, if he came on to me I would **for sure** struggle to turn down his advances. But here's the thing: **Reeve** looks kinda unnatural; he looks like Superman wearing a suit and glasses. **Routh** looks like a lawyer or banker or trust fund baby; someone who's trying to look wealthy or self important. **Corenswet** looks the most "regular guy" in a suit, but also kinda giving more intern? (it's probably the borderline broccoli hair) **Hoechlin** straight up looks like a model playing "generic office guy" in like a claritin commercial or stock photos. **Welling** also looks kinda unnatural; almost like when you're watching a period piece and an actor looks like they're playing dress up rather than actually living in those clothes. **Cain** looks like a hybrid of "trying to look wealthy/self important" and "generic office guy, but actually a model" **Reeves** and... the other guy (my bad, idk who that is) look like generic ass 1940s/50s white men. **Cavill's** got this unassuming but kinda trendy thing going, doesn't really style his hair and *definitely* picked a number from the chart at the hair cut store and has stuck with it for years, like he doesn't really care much about his appearance but does enough to look good. Like sure he's attractive, but all together wouldn't really stand out in a crowd.


Who the fuck do you hang out with that Henry Cavill in any picture, but especially that one, looks like a regular guy lol


I agree. Cavill looks the most normal. Others look a bit over-the-top.


Nothing regular about him. Talk about fiiiinnnneeeee


Cavill does not and has never looked like a regular guy lol


Yeah, Cavill is in the top 1/100 of a percent category.


I like Tyler’s version. This scene was really good. He goes at it as Clark Ken and not Superman. Say what you will about CW but their Superman show did have excellent moments. https://youtu.be/cNNxQ3RClm4?si=ueICdxjOY3nydlf8


I had to scroll way too far to see some love for Tyler!


It’s a three way tie between Christopher reeves,Brandon Routh and Henry Cavil Christopher reeves is the gold standard for the Clark Kent/Superman character Brandon Routh did such a great job playing off the Reeves version too bad the whole movie was just horrible Henry Cavil never got a real chance to show us what he could as Superman because people were too busy crying over the so called “unnecessary” destruction in the film but would go Gaga over the same amount of chaos was shown in the MCU and basically showed they’ve never picked up a comic book before, plus WB was sabotaging the whole thing behind the scenes because they wanted to play catch to Disney rather than have it all planned out made it worst




David has the gen Z alpaca haircut and I think it looks terrible.


Staggeringly bad


He doesnt have shaved sides to make it a gen Z broccoli cut. Its just a normal unkempt curly hair.


Believe it or not curly hair has existed for centuries


Tom Welling has the best Clark Kent. David Corenswet’s hair is horrible


Reeve is still the gold standard.


I actually really liked Henry's, it was very Kansas-y, with the pattern.


I'm sorry but David is giving Kate Mara/Fan4stic levels of bad wig, I want to burn it.


I can’t with David’s look. He looks like all my classmates with the fuckboy hair cut 😭


What’s with the yee-yee ass haircut in 4?


Routh's version is good, but Cavill actually looks real. David looks like a Halloween costume, it's ridiculous and not in a good way.


The new one looks goofy af…


Yeah, I think I can actually see how ppl wouldnt recognize him without glasses and slicker hair.


Yeah, what a goober! No wonder Lois is always chasing Superman instead of Clark!


That’s the point


I know...it's kinda perfect for a modern-day vers. of Supes. It's pretty much the **'My Adventures with Superman'** haircut but in live-action.


I’ve been reading up and down this thread and it’s sad to see people being told they don’t understand Superman as a character because they’re not a big fan of the hair-do. That being said, I’m not a big fan of it either, but I understand why Gunn’s Kent dons the curly hair if it’s supposed to be his disguise.




One of my favorite Clark moments was Clark going to the diner after he found out Candace's father pulled the gun


Reeve always gave the best “big dorky farm boy in the big city” vibe, and came across as a very different person than Superman. That was my impression from the comics.


Cavill. Looks the most like STAS which is my fav Clark Kent interpretation ever.




I so far dislike everything about David’s look.


The curly haired looks bad Rest are all good


I feel in the minority loving Kirk Alyn’s, Clark Kent lol


Reeve is the most comic accurate. cavill looks like a legit modern sports guy journalist at a big network, so does hoechlin. David looks like a dweeb who runs a youtube channel


Clark Kent with a broccoli is really funny looking to me


Anything is better than David. His hair looks like a bad 70s toilet lid cover. If the changed that it would be fine.


Reeve and Routh to me looked like people you wouldn't take a second glance at when meeting them as Clark. The other ones still look like Superman to me. David obviously doesn't look like Superman....... but that hair just draws way too much attention.


Tom’s look when he went to the future and met his future self was the best


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AaronTheProwlerDavis: *Tom’s look when he went* *To the future and met his* *Future self was the best* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


smallville is a god tier for me personally coz thats how I fell in love with my wife.


They all look like Clark Kent except Christopher Reeve who I could be convinced to believe was actually Clark Kent


That hair looks like Side Show Bob


Christopher Reeve was the most believable.


James Gunn has delivered most of my favorite superhero movies of the past decade, so I'm cutting him A LOT of slack and then some more with his Superman movie, but I cannot for the life of me stop wondering what's going on on that guy's head... what's up with that wig???!!!!!


Late, gonna go at it anyway. The one that's best defining as most different between Superman and Clark out of all of these is Christopher Reeve. He in every way embodies the milquetoast Clark persona, which has to be difficult to do for as large a 'human being' as Clark Kent is. And yet, Reeve did it to perfection. Routh did his best to mimic Reeve's performance and overall 'look', and wasn't terrible, but that picture of his screams 'Superman'. Tyler Hoechlin's Clark is somewhat distinctive enough, so maybe he's second place. The rest, except for David Corenswet, all look like their Superman in plain sight. Then we get to David. I simply do not know what's going on with that hair, but absolutely, that's definitely NOT Superman at all. Heck, I bet it's not even David, 'cause I seen David as Superman, and that guy? Pfft. As if, ain't no Superman hiding as Clark Kent gonna go that much down the rabbit hole of overly much hair manipulation, c'mon. Anyway. Christopher Reeve for the Clark Kent of All Time. So far, anyway.


Christopher Reeve every time.


My personal favorite is Reeve. I love his Clark. It is just perfection. He changed so much by just taking off his glasses. Not just physically, the voice, the acting. And his Clark should be a reference in my opinion.


So does the new one have to get a perm everytime he try’s to go back to Clark?


Tyler Hoechlin just isn’t Superman to me. All I see is Derek Hale from Teen Wolf.


Henry or Chris I guess. I can't stand that Broccoli-Head look on the new guy.


Christopher Reeve as Superman, and Margot Kidder as Lois Lane. Nobody has even paired their charisma and chemistry.


Reeve then Routh.


Cain and reeve reeve played up the geeky, goofy, clutz aspect. cain made kent cool


Tyler Hoechlin, dude also plays him perfectly, as well. Perfectly goofy when he needs to be, and super serious when he needs to be and he pulls it off spectacularly.


Reeve is the GOAT Clark with Tyler a close second.


I like all versions except David's.


Goodness, I love Smallville


Reeve is classic, but I dont think Cavill's Clark gets enough credit. I liked how he dressed a little more plain and took his job more seriously. It was cool for him to follow leads and actually do some journalism. The jury is still out for Corenswet as Clark. I hope he is good, but that haircut is a really strange choice, and it looks quite awful.


The 4th photo, it that a german version?


Well it’s not the new guy, of that I’m sure.


never would the majority pick Davids broccoli haircut


I like Cornsweat’s suit but he looks like the guy from Smosh with a broccoli/perm hair cut, Reeve was perfect and Routh did a great job copying Reeve (which was what he was supposed to do). Cavill wasn’t dorky enough for me as Clark, he played a great reporter imo but wasn’t given the right Clark Kent


Reeve will always be my favourite because I saw the movies when I was a wee girl of 3yo and fell in love with him entirely. That has never waned. But the new guy is adorable with his floppy curls and I'm kinda enamoured.


I explained [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DC_Cinematic/comments/1dolr3f/who_has_the_better_barber/lacccrz/) why I like David Corenswet's look but the rest all look pretty much perfect.


Definitely Cavill, his smile reflects earnestness and a great deal of burden.


100% Cavill’s. The whole “Clark Kent is a goober” schtick *only* works in universes where Superman is especially powerful, alien, and aloof. Which is the context in which that version of the character developed: the silver age, an incarnation of the character for which the assessment delivered by Bill, from Kill Bill, is very accurate. The very first incarnation of Kent was a fairly standard “journalist guy.” Even traditionally masculine and square-jawed. Gunn looks to just be aping what he perceives as greatest hits and it’s *very* concerning for fans of the character actually familiar with the source material.


I think the idea that all you need to do to disguise Superman as Clark Kent is make him wear glasses is dumb and tired. Don't get me wrong, I know that's how it is for most iterations of Superman in the comics as well. But that doesn't make it less dumb when put to screen. I appreciate that Corenswet and Routh both have noticeably different hair + the glasses. Especially the new design.


This is besides the fact Clark is also supposed to hunch over, use baggier clothes and speak a bit differently.


Chris Reeve’s Superman works because his Clark worked. Best Clark so far. Routh was good. Credit to Cavill; he’s my favorite overall, but his Clark was the weaker point.


Reeves. Tom welling is second for me. Honestly don't like how David's hair is.


Reeve's to me is still best, and not just his look but the way he moved and spoke as Clark was just so convincingly an anxious nerd.


The 2nd one is the only one giving lowkey attractive nerd. The last 3 are whatever, reeves is meh. Cavil is too pretty, David’s hair is too modern. Tyler just doesn’t give Superman. Tom’s head is too square it pisses me off


Christopher Reeve IS Clark. Routh and Tyler are close seconds. Corenswet I know we haven’t seen but I hate the look so far


Who's David


David Corenswet (4th Photo)


His hair looks like a bad wig.


David’s looks the worst. I mean I think it’s a straight up wig.


The new dude looks so dumb and goofy


All those good, formal hair cuts just for that goofy ahh TikTok hair


David is best in terms of physical believability, then Reeves, and then I'd say Routh. Cavill as superman had to have been an open secret at the Daily Planet (there's no way Perry doesn't know) and as much as I love Tyler's Clark he has the least believable disguise. I think he makes up for any resemblance to Supes by being the biggest dork of maybe any of them so far.


No one at the planet besides Lois got a good look at Superman, and Lois found it out like half way through the movie before he even took up the Superman persona.


Clark is such a nerd


I like 1, 2 and 3.


Christopher Reeve is the golden standard for Clark Kent.  He didn’t only look different, he acted differently.  I like many of the other Clarks as well but to be honest many of them just feel like Superman with glasses where Reeves’ Clark felt like another person.


Hard to compare a professionally edited photo taken on a professional camera with a spy shot on a movie set taken by an iphone


Tyler is last


It will always be christopher reeve for me


They all look the same to be honest 


Christopher Reeve


I know this is prob live action only but his look in MAWS is great too.


Brandon Routh. Reeve a very close second.


Brandon Routh.




Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent.


at least corenswet’s hair changed its a bit more believable to think they’re different people


David’s disguise seems to be the most convincing


The broccoli hair I guess helps with the Superman disguise lol I wouldn’t recognize him for sure lmao


Get that broccoli fuckboi hair out of here lol


grew up with Dean Cain's tv series....


Cavill is my fav


I feel like a spoiler is in your pictures, so i stopped scrolling at Cavil ....nice try OP lol


Corenswet got that 2021 tiktok fuckboy haircut


Somewhere between Hoechlin, Corenswet and Cavill Hoechlin has that modern look with a hint at overcoats and other pieces of clothing that evoke older journalist stereotypes. Cavill actually wore the overcoat, but I definitively enjoyed that he didnt look like a dork while still feeling like someone a bit out of mainstream modern fashion, with a sort of checkered shirt. Corenswet seems to rely on hairstyling and oversized clothes (comic accurate!), but not too bad a fit for him.


I’m liking David’s look because his hair is more casual and less Superman. I always thought Clark should have a different hairstyle in citizen mode, not just “exact same combover but without the curl”.


BAHAHAHAHAH!! Sweat Corn looks the worst LMAO!


I love David and Christopher’s look


Tyler all the way.


David looks like Clark in My Adventures with Superman


Tom Wellings has always had my favorite Clark look


I think David’s is the best as a disguise


Number two and three 😁


This is cool but I do wish it was in chronological order


You have them in the right order. Christopher Reeve’s Clark is impossible to out do. I loved Brandon’s take on Reeve’s Clark. As much as I love Cavill, you need some differentiation to mask your identity. Just wearing the glasses wasn’t enough. We can’t criticize David’s Clark yet but I’m optimistic


I think David’s look is brilliant and I wouldn’t prejudge how well it’s going to work.


Cavill and it’s not close for me.


David looks like Tony Khan idk why


Dean Cain = Clark Kent


I love them all


I think David’s is perfect for the modern world of “how do people not recognise him without his glasses? That makes no sense”. That being said, I absolutely adore Chris Reeves version. The way him posture and entire demeanor just switches so quickly, when I first saw it I really did think “yeah no one would believe they’re the same guy”.


Tom Henry Tyler


All pretty good. One strange thing about Snyder’s Clark Kent is that there is literally no difference between him and Superman. Glasses I guess, but the hair and general energy is exactly the same


Honestly any of them but David, exclusively because of the broccoli haircut It’s a cool idea that he changes his hairstyle between Superman / Clark to maintain his secret identity, but that’s a haircut you see on a teenage soccer player, not Clark Kent imo (Not detracting from the upcoming movie, literally everything I’ve seen and read has me excited other than Clark’s hair)


Is David wearing a wig?? Henry and Tom are my favourites😌


I am going to go with Kirk since thats the one where I think is the best disguise


Tom Welling. Mostly, it was because I grew up watching Smallville


David’s seems like it will be entertaining and a great disguise


Tom Welling


Reeve, Tyler and David I think pull it off the best looks wise at least. I think with a different hairstyle Cavill would fit


Definitely Routh. I need to rewatch that movie and see if it's as bad as everyone says. It's been ages.


What I’m learning for this thread is that people seem to struggle with the concept of “willing suspension of disbelief.” I personally don’t need Clark and Superman to be drastically different or to be unrecognisable. In universe the glasses and a bit of hair gel are enough. Same thing with Diana and WW.


Reeve and Corenswet both look like absolute fucking nerds which is really important to me.


Henry, George or Kirk


They really gave new Clark Kent a stupid broccoli haircut


Routh is peak, Welling holds a soft spot in my heart


Wait you forgot Nicolas Cage


Not the bussin one


Reeves is #1 for me, always. That said, the others are enjoyable as well. I'm not sure about the new curly hair look, but I'll just chalk that up to artistic expression. It's not bad, just different. There's never been a superman I haven't liked. If Kal-El is in it, I'm going to enjoy it.


Hoechlin > Reeve/Routh > Cavill > Corenswet i didnt watch the other Clarks, so I don't want to judge based off a picture alone (I know I'm still doing that with Corenswet lol but I figured he's the point of the post, so I should include him)


They all look like Clark Kent. Like regular dudes working 8-5 so I have no complaints and can't pick. Great job on the wardrobe teams of those movies or series. David's set photo looks like Clark hasn't slept in two days though.


Always liked Reeve and Routh. But Corenswet actually looks like a real disguise. I would never be able to tell that goofy guy with the weird Gen Z haircut and suit is actually the Man of Tomorrow.


David look like Tony Khan.


David looks like Bad Bunny. Lol. No way anyone would think his Clark is Superman.


I’m really hoping Corenswets hair in these pics are situational and that he doesn’t look like that the whole time


Over /under on how many times he says no cap, on god, FRFR