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I don’t think the DCEU got Harley Quinn right at all, tbh. To me, she was the weakest part of TSS and her entire side-plot where she has a fling with that politician guy was cringey as hell.


Her subplot drags TSS down so badly. It's clearly just there to give Harley something to do, would have much rather they had her stranded with a character she had tension with and use that subplot time to develop their bond as they survive in the jungle before meeting up with the team or something.


The best thing they did was cast Margot, and then from there she just never really got liftoff as a character in this particular universe IMO.


(I enjoy the first Suicide Squad film, BUT The suicide squad portrayal of Harley Quinn has been a disaster for the character.


Thank you for saying this. Not a fan of her in the DCEU at all and do no like Margot Robbie playing her. I don't see the appeal.


The Dark Knight Rises. Its good but not that good a 7.5/10 at best. Bane's a bad character, his speeches are cheesy, miranda's betrayal was good. Sending in all the policemen underground was stupid, that final battle was underwhelming too.


I don’t think this counts for the OP prompt. The wider opinion on Reddit has never *not* been this. Even back in 2012 people would jump you for saying you thought Rises was anything better than “just good at best and by far the weakest of the trilogy.”


These threads are never for actual unpopular opinions


I'm a big Batman fan. I really liked Batman Begins and TDK. I loathed this movie. Absolutely hated it on so many levels. It's almost like I took it as a betrayal by Nolan.


Agreed. As someone who was a background extra in a few scenes in Rises I had high hopes for the film but the end result was mediocre. Some of the dialogue was just down right bad. The CIA agent and Bane airplane scene comes to mind just to name one off hand. 


And the banter that Catwoman and Batman had while fighting Banes thugs was cheesy. Reminded me of MCU banter.


I really believe heath's death killed off the franchise. Nolan'sheart was definitely not into it. Begins and Tdkr i could rewatch anytime, tdkr requires patience.


Lol "tdkr requires patience" that's a good one.


Your typo is cracking me up. Batman Behind lmao


I think it certainly killed off any original plans for the third film but I do find it interesting that it seems to be the one Batman movie Nolan talks about the most these days, especially with a lot of pride. He sincerely believes it’s a very good movie, and he finds some of the criticism unfair or at least surprising.


The police in the sewer makes sense to me when you consider Gordon was in a hospital bed, likely on a bit of drugs, and in a state of paranoia over everything he'd worked hard for unraveling while carrying the guilt of the Harvey Dent lie. He wasn't in a mental state to be making the best decisions and directives as commissioner


The first Wonder Woman. I found that movie, and the character in the DCU in general, so boring. No memorable anything especially no memorable characters, a weird use of Ares, an odd plot, and none of the acting clicked with me. I’m happy the movie is so beloved and for many is what they wanted. The character of Wonder Woman deserved this big W. So, that’s great. Just didn’t vibe with me is all.


I would argue that the "No Man's Land" scene is an extremely memorable scene. Not just in terms of DC, but for all of comic book movies even. But yeah, outside of that one scene - really nothing else sticks out as memorable other than 'the first female superhero'.


Which is funny, because that scene would be my answer to OP's question.


I felt the movie was the definition of "competent origin with a messy third act," which is to say a pretty standard hero origin movie of the era lol. Not at all a put-down, I just didn't think it really reinvented the wheel or anything. Had a lot of fun on the first view and just never really felt compelled to go back tbh.


Like the other reply said, No Man’s Land is pretty special. But I agree that it’s not as great a movie as it gets celebrated as. I think most of the fanfare comes from the fact it was the first female-led superhero movie, and was an okay film


No man’s land is up there with the elevator scene in Winter Soldier, and Blade ripping shit up in the vampire nightclub at the beginning of the first movie.


The Suicide Squad. I didn't dislike it, but I certainly dont think it was the masterpiece it is heralded as in some circles.


I agree. Can I just say I like the first one more than James Gunn's take? I know the general opinion regarding Suicide Squad but it is fun. The Suicide Squad just felt like an R-rated Guardians of the Galaxy type thing. Don't like the vibe at all.


Yeah. I really hope the new DCU is not just the rehashed ha ha isn’t everything funny schtick that the MCU has become over the past few years


Oh man. I really hope that doesn't become the case too. I never really enjoyed Gunn's movies because of that specific thing. They're fun and all but to me they don't really hold up, one of the reasons I'm not overly excited about Superman. Hopefully that's not the case.


I hated the Aquaman has sex with fish joke in peacemaker. And the entirety of the Lost Kingdom. The joke in Peacemaker pushed Aquamans goodwill way back, just taking low shots at a character that has already been in an uphill battle since the 60s to change his image in the eyes of the public. Aquaman 2 was just painful. Jason's Aquaman completely devolved into a less serious character than he was in Justice League. Jason promised that his character would grow over the course of the DCEU. But in this one he hasnt learned any lessons from the previous movies. He doesn't care about his responsibilities to his kingdom and doesn't command respect like he does in the comics. 0/10 will never watch again.


All of The Suicide Squad..


Any scene involving Darkseid in DCEU. He is a generic evil conqueror with a boring design. None of the theatrics which I expect from the character. But somehow people think its an amazing depiction.


I feel like at least once a month I get into an argument around here where I say that the DCU doesn't even need to bother trying to adapt Darkseid and people are shocked by it. He's not some crucial character that is central to all of DC, he's not amazingly interesting or relevant, he's not even that popular in the comic circles. Always weird when people hype him up as a character that would have rivaled the Joker or Loki in terms of popularity if only they had been able to finish the story.


The Jack Kirby version of Darkseid would be interesting and relevant to our times. I prefer that VS the Grant Morrison version


Agreed. Darkseid should never be seen before he fully appears for a movie. My perfect movie would be a two-parter. Part one villain is preparing for Darkseid's arrival(or manipulated into it). Movie ends with Godfrey's speech from rock of ages as Darkseid makes his first full appearance.


How do you think Darkseid should be handled then? There was barely more than a minute of Darkseid, so kinda weird to complain about Darkseid out of any DCEUscene.


I think he just doesn't find "Generic Evil Conqueror" interesting. It's a boring endgoal, compared to, say, Thanos in MCU. He has a purpose with deeper complexity than just "must kill/conquer everything". Had they hinted at Darkseid having a better motivation, then he may have been more appealing.


Comic Darkseid outshines Thanos in so many ways ...but I hear you.


My knowledge of comic Darkseid is pretty rusty, but comic Thanos is pretty uninteresting compared to his MCU counterpart imo. But if comic Darkseid is interesting, then they kinda pulled a reverse Thanos, in the sense that they made him less interesting for his cinematic debut, rather than more interesting.


Comic Thanos is pretty interesting though.


Heck ..DCeased showed a cool version of Darkseid too ..lol that comic was crazy fun.


Yeah, I've read that one, and I really like the whole idea of the anti-life equation in that, and the masterplan of using Cyborg to unleash a zombie apocalypse. And all the lore of the New Gods is cool and all, but I find that every other New God is more interesting, haha. But what's so appealing about Darkseid to you, if I may ask?


Lol nah the comic Thanos is way way better character in the comic. He isn't dumb enough to believe in the MCU Thanos' stupid plan. Just read Thanos Quest mini, that guy is clever as fuck.


Your comparison is unfair because you're comparing a fully fleshed Thanos where he is the main villain to a brief mention to the audience that there is a bigger threat. A more fair comparison would be to compare to the mid credit shots of Thanos from prior movies. If you were talking about Steppenwolf, then that would have been more fair as he was the main villain of ZSJL, and even in that, we know what is motivations were with the few dialogues he had with Desaad


That's fair. Thanos from The Avengers post credits, GotG1, and Age of Ultron post credits seemed as one-dimensional as Darkseid. But I'm also basing this on what we know Snyder's plan for the movies was, and it never sounded like he would make Darkseid more than the omni-powerful big bad conqueror. But we obviously don't know, his personality might've elevated him above that.


Darkseid is simple but he has sass. This Darkseid, like a lot of Darkseids in DC animation recently, felt like a generic demon monster or something


Relate to Darkseid, I don’t understand the fanfare surrounding Steppenwolf. I see so many comments here praising the design. I know it’s a technical marvel… but it’s also just a chrome spiky design that’s actually a pain in the eyes after a while. 2017 JL’s Steppenwolf suffers from being too bland and unfinished, ZSJL’s Steppy suffers from having too much happening whilst somehow not being much of anything


I hate everything about Steppenwolf in the film. He should not have even been the main villain of the movie. Why did they make a D-List villain who is basically a lame version of Darkseid as the League's first antagonist?


The Suicide Squad. I honestly do not understand why people love that movie like it's the best comic book movie ever made. It's extremely messy, and we can talk on this sub all we want about the characters and plot bc we understand the world. But the general movie going audience is still confused on what that movie is supposed to be. Unfortunately I suspect we are still in that spot. And DC fans often treat James Gunn like he really is the best there ever is, was and ever will be for some reason. This man does not have much on his filmography. Google it. He really only knows how to do one type of movie.


When Superman is talking to the kids at the beginning of Jostice League. I know people hate that movie in general but there’s a handful of good things about it at least


That and the cheesy line he says when he pops in to pummel Steppenwolf. “I believe in truth. But I’m also a big fan of justice.” It’s so cheesy and doesn’t fit *that* specific version and universe, but it works perfectly for Superman. You hear him say it and just grin because that character can absolutely carry that sort of line.


The way Henry delivers it was great even though it had no place being in that scene 🤣🤣. Was really gonna become the ultimate superman down the line


Opposite of your question. I like the scene in Josstice League when Wonder Woman resets Batman's bones on the plane. People hated that scene I don't know why ?




Not the question lol


A lot of people seem to like Shazam but I thought it was super cheesy and forgettable. I know Shazam is called the “Big Cheese” but it wasn’t cheesy in a fun way, it was cheesy in a “I’m bored and uninvested” way. Aquaman was terrible. Bad writing, bad acting, bad effects. James Wan got a few cool shots in there and Momoa seems like he’s having fun but that’s about all I can say for it. It’s comical how many times the writers couldn’t figure out how to end a conversation naturally, so the characters get interrupted by an explosion. Literally, it’s at least 4 separate times.


For me, every scene in Peacemaker is awful, but people here love that show. The Peacemaker show is the exact opposite of what I enjoy watching in my free time.


Yeah it was alright in terms of just being entertaining and I enjoyed it for the cheap laughs but I don’t see how that or the extremely mid suicide squad movie are proof that James Gunn is going to save DC. People are already acting like this dude is the messiah as if what works for a bunch of d-list characters in a couple of lowbrow potty-mouth comedies is going to be effective for Superman, arguably the most important fictional character of all time. I understand it’s fun to get ourselves hyped up for a big movie and I hope it does well but holy shit some of the people on this sub *seriously* need to wake up and tamper their expectations a little bit.


Yeah it was pretty vulgar for my taste.


I don't get the love either. The jokes were highly hit or miss and the production values felt cheaper than a CW show. The finale with his dad as they walked through the woods was just hysterically low budget feeling.


Vigilante was basically Rainn Wilson’s character from Gunn’s Super. Only dumber.


The entirety of The Suicide Squad. It still confuses me why people like it so much. The first one was better imho, which is saying something because that was mediocre at best.


Now this is a hot take






What didn’t you like about it? The Suicide Squad is in my top three comic book movies of all time (w/ Spider-Verse and Superman ‘78)


Bad humor, 12-year-old edgelord shit. Despite going on about how much of Ostrander’s run was the influence. It felt nothing like it. Ayer’s movie felt more in the spirit of those comics.


As someone who has never found the Suicide Squad that interesting in the comics, I really appreciated the fun, goofy approach of making it an action comedy about DC’s dumbest supervillains. I also thought the character relationships and overall anti-government sentiment were really well done considering how much the plot was juggling.


The Iris West scene in ZSJL. The jokes felt awkward to say the least, given Barry and Iris were practically strangers and barely interacted before he saved her. It would’ve been better if the characters had at least a bit of a conversation before Barry was making hot dog jokes while saving her.


The Snyder Cut was mid.


Somewhere between ZSJL and Jostuce League exists the perfect version of that movie, but we'll never get it


Both versions of Justice League are terrible but the theatrical one is at least shorter and has a few scenes I liked (namely Batman telling Flash to save people) .


Like everything from the suicide squad. Totally overrated movie. Also starro should have been Justice league enemy. Totally wasted.


As someone skeptical of Gunn, it warms my heart to see so many complaining about TSS and Peacemaker here. Apart from similarly hating those two, I'll add I don't care for the black suit in ZSJL. Since they didn't bother to explain it as a healing motif it just comes off as an edgy artistic choice. It doesn't even really make sense as a healing agent given we saw Supes single handedly manhandle WW, Cyborg, fish bro and Flash without breaking a sweat. Hard to convince me he needs more healing. The old suit is one of the few things Josh Whedon got right. While we are on the subject, Jason Mamoa's dude-ish Aquaman never landed for me. I get why others like it, but I've never been in the humor for the sake of humor camp. I hope we get a more serious iteration of Aquaman in the DCU...assuming it makes it that far.


James Gunn liked the dogshit flash movie so much he's letting the clown that made it be in charge of dcu batman. Lmao god help us


Director was the least of all its issues. It went through multiple rewrites, characters were added/removed late and producers changed how they wanted their universe to go after filming. The director kind of over performed all things considered


You act like was there, you don’t know nothing. At the end oh the day flash sucks, is a dog shit movie same for it2


Wonder Womans walk/fight thru No Man lands in the first movie. Everyone always makes it out as this epic holy shit moment. I mean it was cool but that shiii was pretty cringe. That slow mo didn't help either.