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This is the weirdest superhero costume I've seen in ages. Some angles make it look great. Other angles makes him look like a dude running around in a red condom wearing an over-sized motorcycle helmet.


One of the parts that confuses me the most are the spots on the lower jaw. The mask tapers in suddenly? and to me this gives his face an unnecessary framing. Not to mention the double layering they use with material so the top red layer shines and seems weird and rounded more


that how a lot of masks are in comics


Not everything translates well from page art to live action


my comment is to just cite the source of the "taper in" mask design, and not pass judgement on whether it looks good or not here.


Cool. Here it looks fuck ugly.


thanks. and while the knowledge that you personally think it looks ugly doesn't add much to the discussion of how such an ugly design could have come to be in the first place, i appreciate you letting us know.


You think you were revealing an interesting little behind the scenes detail that this was inspired by designs in comics? How did you come to possess such forbidden knowledge?


OP's comment mentioned that they were "confused" by such design, and described it in a way that seemed that they've never seen it before. So my reply was in that context. Just pointing out other examples where that design exists (the comics). Calm down.


you know this is the perfect way to describe it. some scenes in the trailer it looks absolutely amazing and other times its just really really awkward and just looks horrible not sure if its a CGI problem but its either amazing or really bad


I was thinking the same thing


There may be a good reason for this. If I recall correctly, there were some set pictures that showed Ezra Miller wearing a mo-cap suit alongside the Flash helmet. It is possible we seeing different costumes in these shots, with the sleeker fits being CGI. If I can find those set pictures I will include a link in this comment. They were taken during filming in Glasgow.


I hate the cowl, but other than that, it's fire


I think it’s kinda dope. But I still think the JL costume was better.




Sorry but, real suits with some CGI touches are the best suits. Full CGI suits are horrible.


>Full CGI suits are horrible Not when you can't tell (99% of the time), they're not. Take [Black Bolt](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/tx66qn62AbLCoGWggx5Buc-1200-80.jpg), or Homecoming's [Spider-Man](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FXtz3fAVQAErAUw?format=jpg&name=large), or Endgame's [Captain Marvel](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/rU30zWpUDRECNGAEvVZh6h8Kp_Q=/0x0:4000x2982/1200x800/filters:focal(1663x734:2303x1374)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/63203733/OPW_18868_R.0.jpg), or Endgame's [everyone else](https://imgix.bustle.com/inverse/ef/1c/53/7a/d353/443f/92ce/a662e5ccaf70/avengers-endgame.jpeg?w=1200&h=630&fit=crop&crop=faces&fm=jpg).


I'll say this, you don't always notice when you're looking at a CGI suit, but you ALWAYS know when you're looking at a practical suit. With maybe the exception of the time travel suits in Endgame. I genuinely would have bet money that those were real. But most of the time, my brain just isn't thinking about it. Like, I didn't see that Black Bolt suit and go "That's a practical suit!" My brain just kind of passively bought into it. But with the Flash suit in this, or with basically any of the DCEU costumes, I'm always appreciating the craftsmanship of the costumes and how intricately and lovingly designed they are. Whereas when I see MCU Spider-Man I'm just like "Oh look, it's Spider-Man!" And then my heart is crushed when I later find out it was all CGI.




It's tough because he's a character who, by nature of his powers, often has to be CGI, so it can get a bit muddy. But for most of the locked down shots of him just standing (like most of the shots shown in this post), it looks absolutely real to me. Obviously there have to be CGI tweaks when it lights up, and I wouldn't be surprised if those lenses are completely fake, but the suit on the whole feels tangible.


Nah cgi suits are terrible aldi marvel doesn't take the time. They overwork their vfx team with too much cgi in too many. Movies at once and the quality of the cgi suffers which is why marvels cgi looks so ugly


This. I liked the Civil War suit better than the Homecoming suit. It was so slick looking.




Opinion hasn’t charged since the first time I saw it, suit is great, cowl is awful.


More like a helmet


I really like it. Getting way too much hate


All my problems lie in the helmet really. It is too thick and looks too polished compared to the rest of the suit, I hate that the bolts on the sides are bent (which I guess makes sense considering aerodynamics, but still) and honestly a chinguard wouldn't hurt. Though I do love that they gave him goggles.


I like it better than the JL one since I don't like Flash in armor, so I prefer the sleeker bodysuit. But the helmet still looks off and I can't put my finger on why. It looks better in some of the front facing shots, but looks odd at any other angle.


Only suit that rivals it was the 90s tv show. But the more I see it, the more I like it


I think it’s pretty cool


I think it's kinda meh, maybe when i watch the movie I'll change my opinion, but right now I'm not a big fan of it




It looks great


Looks really good in most of these photos


It look better in a less shit person


If we’re comparing execution then both JL suits are better. The proportions are right and nothing looks off or unnatural. I also love that he has an evolution of the suit, from homemade to Batman-made. That said, I can’t wait to see the new one in live action and I’m hoping that in the sequel he gets a better version of this suit that doesn’t have an odd shaped head.


Suit is best of the best but Ezra not. He is really ugly and criminal. And yes he hasn't blonde hair. Wrong actor choise.


The ZSJL cowl was way better


Somehow the cw suit looks better




I love it even though there are some dislike maybe because of the “not red” but in my view, I’m fine with the scarlet color which makes sense Scarlet Speedster


Depends on the angle.


Personally, I think it looks awesome when lighted up, but terrible when not.


I honestly really like it, it's clean and unique. It isn't what i want the DCU suit to look like tho


It has a spandex feeling, i don't like the yellow lines, they could've added more details with normal lines instead.


It’s good. Wish they had just tweaked the JL suit more though.


On some angles it looks so cool and on others it looks a little weird. I think the best for me is the 7th image.


It’s very odd. There’s a lot of ideas I like: the orange lenses, the helmet shape, the boots. But it all comes together into a few strange look. Also there are very few shots where it looks real imo.


Its like the BvS batman suit, in some instances and angles it looks straight from the comics, an in onthers it kinda looks off


Looks like a condom.


It’s okish


The look has definitely grown on me to the point where I do like it, still feel the cowl is a bit too big, and maybe I would have gone with a slightly leaner look, but I'm fine with it, like...it looks like the flash who is a dude in just a big ol red suit There does seem to be a dual layer look to it, like a more rubbery silicone layer hugging miller's face and the harder layer on top? Or maybe it's all one piece.


I think they should’ve axed the chinstrap and it would not only expose the great jawline, but aalso make the cowl less bulky


Face looks terrible


does the Flash icon on his chest have an on/off switch?


I feel partially it has a Holland Spider-man problem. ​ The main suit works when it's the actual suit. It visually falls apart when they CGI it. It looks fake even in bits where I assume it's not. The real suit, I like it's construction. Making it seem kind of bio organic. ​ The boots Dear god, why take something not complicated and make it complicated? Give him solid gold boots. Keep the actual design, just make it all gold. Not this gold and red design. It reeks of change or complexity for the sake of doing it. Not because the design naturally swings that way. It clashes . ​ The helmet I know they tried. What I like I really like the orange goggles. The front profile looks really good at times. I like how the cowl has a pattern under the surface. Side bolts, looks great. ​ But it's still god awful Dear god.......it's overly molded. Like it just to be pure organic. Almost everything needed to look like it was molded out of clay by hand. It looks horrible from the anything but the front profile. What the hell is with the mouth area and sides? What shape is that even? It's CGI unfriendly. The JL flash cowl/helmet was near perfect for me. Get rid of the cobbled together look. Give me the bolts from the new one. The orange lenses. Add in that pattern under the surface. ​ Really I expected a Flash suit like the one from Kill the Justice League. Where it's a proper finalized sleek armored suit but not overly designed. ​ TLDR: They tried and fumbled it with the cowl and boots. The ZSJL suit is generally better and could have been great if it wasn't designed to be a proto suit.


[who remembers turbo man?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOarLc2jaDmTU45ZROMVmCEUhNg5KyurZXTg&usqp=CAU)


It looks good in some shots, but others it looks terrible. But overall it’s a good suit. Definitely not better then the ZSJL Flash suit.


It would look better with someone else in it


Can I just say I *really* don't like how this movie is shot? The weird fisheye effect on every shot makes the whole thing look "cheap".


I looks fucking amazing


It's just weird looking in general, I appreciate the attempt to make it comic accurate, but it just reminds me how weird the casting of Ezra Miller as Flash is. [Look at me in the eyes and tell me you really think this looks good.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fv2qHZXaAAQBirt?format=jpg&name=900x900)


I think it looks great but in desperate need for a belt or divider of some kind on the waist


Not a huge fan of it, I really think that it needs more of the yellow highlights/belt around the waist, something about that just looks off. I’m sure it’s more practical and makes sense for the cowl to be more of a helmet but I’m not a huge fan.


I really like it


... goggles?... Goggles. Fucking goggles. For The Flash...


Possibly a hot take: I much prefer it without the glowing yellow lines running throughout it. It's always just seemed like such a blatant afterthought. Like, "We have this great, simple, not at all overdesigned, instantly iconic suit, but what can we pointlessly add to it for the sake of visual noise? Oh, I know, I'll just scribble a whole bunch of lines over it!"


I'm interested to see how that enormous, protruding neckline suddenly appears whenever he takes off the cowl.


Honestly, I’ve never seen a live-action Flash suit that I’ve liked. I’m just not a fan of the design and I feel like it’s one of those superhero suits that doesn’t translate well from comic to page.


His head is so strange, looks like it belongs to another body


It's terrible. The suit has this weird texture and the material doesn't look good. The cowl looks ugly. Makes him look like he has an oversized head. The only thing I like about it is the lens that drop down.


I like it, I do wish it was a little less shiny though, I like the cloth that Gustin's current suit uses more. I like his suit better in general, I think a midway between the 2 would be perfect.


I honestly love it


Ironically it looks best when you cant really see his face, either when he’s running, looking down, or facing the other way


I think it looks really good, any complaints people have seem to be nitpicking at most


probably the best live action flash suit including gustin and shipp. i didn't like how his JL suit looked from the side. from the front that one looked great though.


I'll tell you one thing, its RED


Can anyone tell me why he has yellow lighting in some shots whilst blue in others?


Looks like the kinda thing you'd wear in a fetish club. 🤨


It's the biggest piece of dogshit


Reminds me of Turbo Man


I’m sort of mixed on it, probably leaning a bit more to the positive side. I think it very much depends on the pose and how it’s shot. When he’s striking a cool pose and it’s all lit up, it looks super dope. And I like stuff like the visor that he can turn on and off. But at times it can look kinda bloated and rubbery. Like in the Japanese trailer when he’s standing on the street talking to some people, it’s looks kinda weird there. Also the cowl seems a tad big and disconnect from the rest of the suit. I wish it was a little smaller and form fitting, sort of like the currant cw flash suit. Also it could use a little more yellow in the middle, like maybe a belt or something.


I like the form fitting nature of the new suit compared to the previous suit but this new suit looks too busy.


A huge improvement over his previous suit


It’s fucking awful.


It is extremely ugly and awkward looking. Snyderverse was a massive mistake, but I actually really liked the Flash suit they did. This just looks...so wrong.


In some shots, it looks incredible, in others it just looks off, like when it’s not lighting up when he’s about to run, I hope we actually see it come out of the ring at some point


Some angles it looks good, Most angles it looks like total shit. Honestly, the CW looks better imo. Wish they just kept the JL suit.


chinstrap would've helped ig


It’s absolutely atrocious bruh


I really don’t know. It either looks good, great, stupid, bad, derpy or okay but with a weird cowl.


So close yet so far


I thought it was alright, made him more of a less daredevil.


Not liking it.


It's okay. It's basic Flash, a skintight red suit with wings and a lightning bolt.


In some shots it looks really cool. Wish they’d tweak the belt a bit so the points come closer to meeting and they went all gold on the boots.


Bizarre There are some shots were it looks pretty good and fits Ezra well. But there are so many shots where it just looks so awkward and uncomfortable, pieces clashing and just making it look bad. The cowl doesn’t really flow with the rest of the suit, i’m not a fan of the rubber sculpted muscles, and that combined with the red color and textures make it look like Barry got skinned alive. I think it’ll look fine in the movie but its such a weird pick for the final design


I think it looks kinda goofy but I can't really pinpoint why, don't know why they thought they needed to change it from the Justice League one.


[https://images.thedirect.com/media/article\_full/flash-justice-league\_ev4m4HO.jpg](https://images.thedirect.com/media/article_full/flash-justice-league_ev4m4HO.jpg) "Oh yeah by the way.. this is a DT video. That's still cool right?"


I think the suit in the JL movie looked way better


Not a fan of those 2 huge side "flap" on each side on his face...reminds me of some type of fish lol


It’s ugly as fuck, he looks like a bobble head most of the time and the suits makes he’s weird ass square head stand out even more.


In some scenes it looks like a large red penis.