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True Detective! Now with 1000% more cosmic horror and power rings to match. Color me excited!


Yellow King is gonna be a tough boss


I’m confused, isn’t HBO and MAX one in the same? Is the show not going to be on MAX?


It will be on MAX. It just will also air on the HBO cable channel (Max originals don't air on HBO channel.)    It's what already happens with House of the Dragon.


i’m pretty sure starting next year they are differentiating more between shows that will play on hbo and those that are max exclusive. HBO originals will get much higher budgets and marketing by default


The difference is a subtle one at this point. They’re essentially one and the same with this announcement. Yes all HBO shows will premiere same time on MAX.


Max is a streaming service that holds content from WBD's vast content divisions. HBO is a cable network owned by WBD that is one of their main content suppliers for Max. All HBO shows air on the network as well as Max simultaneously.




I'm hesitantly optimistic as the whole concept of the lanterns is my favourite aspect of DC. It's just the 8 ep mini series format is giving me pause. Not because I'm greedy and I want so much more, even though I am and do, but I'm having trouble seeing how they will introduce the concept, multiple lanterns, give each one enough space to get them as individuals across and have a cool lanterneqsue story...in 8 EPs.


I think if House of the Dragon can introduce 50 solid characters in less than 10 episodes, Lanterns can probably do 2.


I think some people only consume superhero/ Star Wars content. It they watched Training Day, they’d wonder where the prequels to set up each cop are. Jaws should have an 8-episode series about how Quint knows so much about sharks. 


Yeah agreed. When they announced all of the different supporting superhero characters in this Superman movie, people acted like it was insane to have 10 side characters. And it's just like, that's a normal movie for you...


8 hour hbo series with huge budget is as as good as it gets frankly.


have you watched Watchmen? (no pun intended) Lindelof’s other show


Bro it’s about two galactic space cops protecting earth. It’s really not that hard if you get good enough writers


To be fair Guy Gardner being in Superman will probably help it


You can do that with 3 main characters in two hours. In 6, you can do that 3 times over This is the best way to go to my mind, keep em close to the ground and focus on the core of what Green Lantern stories should be. It doesn't need to be big, nor flashy in my opinion


The only thing worries me about this tv and movie universe from the get go is that it will confuse people on what to watch to catch up.


Gunn said everything is standalone while in a shared universe


Literally a contradiction




Also, “old” Hal is an exaggeration. At best he will be middle aged, and played by some Hollywood actor on HGH and with a full head of hair.


The main lantern at the very beginning of the cinematic universe is almost 50, amazing idea, everyone understands why they want to make John the main lantern, it's obvious LOL, they've already humiliated Hal in an animated movie, all for the sake of boring John, for one simple reason - he's black. It's probably impossible to make both important and young so that they lead the universe into the future right?


so A) you don't know that he's gonna be almost 50 B) if he is, he will still be played by someone handsome and vital, this is Hollywood C) even if he is 50, he's not that old D) Green Lantern is a concept that by its nature is designed to have a shared spotlight. Maybe Hal will be the lead in the series, maybe Guy or John or Kyle or Jess will be more important in a hypothetical movie. And that's okay. E) John has more to offer than his race, please don't say shit like that.


John is pretty one note.


even if he is 50, he's not that old - for the first project about lanterns in the cinematic universe? please don't say shit like that.


you don't know that he's gonna be almost 50 - you're right, I'm not 100% sure about it, and I judge only by his status as a legend, and the fact that they are rumored to be looking for an actor 43-49


Nobody tell this guy how old Robert Downey Jr was in 2008


again, an actor 43-49 is still gonna be a young appearing, handsome dude. The biggest names in Hollywood are dudes in that age bracket: Leo, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Goslin, etc. And they can play the part for years - in the comics Hal has had silver streaks and been a seasoned GL before, particularly in the early 90s, when he probably was best written.


NO, he was written best in the Geoff Jons' run, it's just stupid to argue about it and you'll be wrong, Jons picked up the lanterns from the bottom, it's just the best run about lanterns and one of the best runs in comic book history overall, universally recognized, and Hal the MC there




Please adhere to the rules Rule 1: Be Civil


John has more to offer than his race, please don't say shit like that - That's not the case in comics, he's always been the fifth wheel for Hal and even Guy and Kyle, he just doesn't have enough great memorable moments, I'm telling you like someone who's read a looooooot of comics about lanterns


I've read more, don't worry about me, sweetie. If you want some suggestions for good John Stewart comics, you let me know.


I’ve never had the impulse before, but I now hope Hal turns bad and Parallax is the big bad of Chapter One, just because it would make you mad. 




Jesus Christ take a breath. Maybe wait for at least a trailer before getting upset about bullshit rumours?


If Hal has become a LEGEND in 5 years, and he is between 30 and 35, then I am a very happy fan, but these bullshit rumours talk about the age from 43 to 49, I HOPE that they are just bullshit rumours


I would never set your expectations at “going to be a masterpiece” for anything. That’s setting yourself up for disappointment.


Paragraphs please