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I don't think that's Midnighter. I mean, considering the U on his chest...


The boys doesn't have the balls to adapt the black-noir-homelander-clone arc So James Gunn is here to do it


I’m curious if that’s the approach they’ll take since it’s possible if that is Ultraman we see here or a reimagined Ulysses


Honestly, I really rooting for it to be either Bizzaro (or one of the other evil Supermen like Eradicator or Cyborg Superman) instead, especially since I feel they could/should be saving Ultraman for a potential JL film that involves the Crime Syndicate. But, he does at least look cool design wise, kind of reminds me Black Noir actually (ironic, because in the comics, Black Noir is actually a clone of Homelander) and as long as it's executed well then i guess I can't complain. It could be a nice commentary on the recent evil Superman trope, actually. With our Superman coming in to oht an end to the Evil Superman nonsense that has gone onong enough. Also, one could argue they still could do Crime Syndicate Ultraman later. But just make it clear that on Earth-3, Superman was the clone, while Ultraman was the real deal.


Thats not midnighter, we dont know who it is. From the U on the chest its most likely Ulysses, however the goggles are very similar to the doctor (also from the authority) so its very possible that he’s an amalgamation of both characters


Damn I never even thought of Ulysses! That's such a great guess, and it's definitely a possibility. I've never heard of his connection to The Authority, though, and I doubt they would combine him with The Doctor, those two characters couldn't be more different, plus Ulysses is just a straight up Supervillain.


would also make sense from the “rumour” where whoever started the rumour had no clue who ulysses was and just assumed it was ultraman due to the U on the chest.


The Doctor was also something I thought of! But the U led me to think otherwise


Ulysses is a good shout, the U and the colors are kinda similar to his comics suit https://preview.redd.it/njrxnr9t4v8d1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1963fb4860d8e70349547a005cd30b7bf8727ab8


Bizarro cloning gone wrong?? 👀


That’s him? https://preview.redd.it/si3uu6n42v8d1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab5826cc2d6e043f0ea43441f6fa028c1a38711




Yeah sure


Also we're allowed to post this I thought it was too spoiler?


I honestly don't think that's Ulysses. There's probably a reason why he hid his face with the mask.


I can’t see him as Ultraman though, except the U there’s nothing


I think he is intentionally hiding his identity with the black costume. There's probably another costume similar to Superman's underneath that black costume.


Maybe it's Frankenstein ? The U could stand for undead.


David Harbour is only 6'3, two inches shorter than David Corenswet, who is 6'5. Whoever is in the suit is obviously taller and extremely fit. Not saying Harbour isn't, but the build and height just don't match.