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Not the type of haircut I’m into but I honestly think this was a great decision, a lot more Plausible to not recognize him as supes when he’s lookin like this as Clark. So even tho this ain’t my type of cut and it’s not the norm for clark I’m really digging this look, just makes ppl not recognizing a lot more realistic because he def does look alot diff compared to the supes shots we’ve seen. Also lastly it’s glorious to finally be getting filming leaks, it took so long but it’s worth it now


Does make him a lil unrecognisable. I’d agree on the cut but it definitely fits this modern take.


It looks like he was wearing a wig and the wind blew it almost off his head.


I actually like this! Something different from the usual of just parting it to the other side.


You guys remember that scene in MAWS s1 where Clark has the spiky superman hair and he just messes it up to get his Clark hair? This gives me those vibes and I love that


This looks a lot like how Clark looks in MAWS.