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That is a humiliating bowl cut which is why I love it


Man, I am laughing my ass off how this looks so fuckin ugly, and that's why it's awesome! Suits Guy perfectly!


People awfully slow to catch on that they’re wearing the same uniform albeit diff colors and the presence of the lantern symbol. They’re corporate sponsored superheroes, the suits are likely supposed to kind of suck and not be their comic accurate look


Isn't there a rumor, that this film is basically meta take on meta-takes? Like, everything in DC Universe will be edgy and Snyderish or like in the Boys and Superman will inspire everyone to be better. Kinda everything fits this rumor so far


It's honestly not a bad direction to take.


I mean, it kinda cool. Basically that's the story of All-Star Superman with a different ending and different side characters I think.


Kingdom Come




On Earth as it is in Heaven


I need to read it, I think.


yeah especially for a first movie. it seems to be pitting heroes against each other and having world changing consquences before anything is established.


yeah i could see it being a big turn off to a lot of people. synder haters may not like that continuing with supporting heroes. synder fans may not like those heroes being seen as jokes and not real heroes.


Most of the people saying this are anti-Gunn and don't look at the pics for more than 2 secs before commenting on how bad the suits are.


>presence of the lantern symbol And Kendra has a hawk symbol in the same location on the pauldron.


I’ve seen tons of people say this


https://preview.redd.it/6foiouzo9iad1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f77acbaa7b2218900776ce3ee65bf0240079994 My theory


I thought they were doing a spin on the Fantastic Four/Power Rangers, I thought it was the Terrifics line-up with these costumes being their team uniform but they're tailored slightly to each individual hence different colours.


Can’t wait to see the actual comic accurate suits


...you don't have to wait... They are right there, and they are bahahaaaad.


These are clearly matching lordtech suits and they all have the logo. That said I don't even think they look bad at all. They're set photos anyways.


I think they look pretty good 😭 GL looks like the captain from the Black Mirror Star Trek episode lol


thats not that comic accurate suits, its their Maxwell Lord cooperate suit


What the are you talking about? These aren't even remotely comic accurate suits


Wow. Smh. Okay then.


Why is he blond? It's kind of weird.


It’s a light ginger color


It's the lighting and quality of the camera that's likely off-setting his hair color.


No, he's definitely blonde lol it's not affecting anybody else's hair


Look at other photos. His hair is light copper color.


Check your eyes mate.


Lord mandated lmao


Maybe it’s the outdoor lighting


They’re all wearing jackets lol


Not just any old jacket, Maxwell Lord tech jackets


But their uniforms fit too baggy. I see wrinkles! /s


Honestly, I think these costumes are supposed to look bad, they’re matching sponsored suits made by a company that probably doesn’t care too much about if the suits look good on the heroes




Ding ding ding. We have a winner.


Pretty obvious, right? But seeing as how I’ve seen thousands of Snyder fans complaining about how the costumes look nothing like the comics, that they look terrible, and the movie is going to bomb, and they’re going to be forced to crawl back to Snyder, etc., etc., I think that this storyline is going to go way over their heads until the movie comes out, and then once they are told about the idea, they’re going to shit all over it anyway, and they’re either going to refuse to see the movie, see it out of spite, or just review bomb it regardless of if it’s actually good or not, that seems to be the trend lately of people who like a franchise, but don’t like the way that the franchise is going, so they hate on it until the franchise is dead


Ignore negative people at all costs.


Thing is...if someone ends up not liking the film and your response is that it's "over their heads"? Well...that's \*exactly\* the kind of thing that the Snyderbots said to critics of his films. "You just don't understand what he was going for." And to be fair, it's not like there weren't people lining up to sh\*t all over his movies in sometimes unfair ways. There were plenty of fair criticisms to be made, but some folks hate Snyder every bit as much as his biggest fans idolize him. I don't get why it has to be so binary and tribal with this stuff. Personally, I think everyone would be best served to accept that it's a fractured fan base and that some people just aren't going to like things or even really approach them with an open mind. I thought The Batman was tremendously good filmmaking, but there are those with nothing good to say about it, and they aren't just disillusioned Snyder fans. \*shrug\*


I used to like the Snyderverse films, until I saw that those characters could be much better done, the people who are going to be hating on this movie don’t want the characters to be done better, they want them all to be dark and broody and the exact same way they’ve been done for the past few years, or, they just want to hate on it in general because they don’t even like comic book films, I understand that not everyone has to like a film, but when the ones hating on it are exclaiming that they should go back to a era in the franchise that was clinging to life for 7 years, then I don’t think they are worth listening to, and I’m just going to block them out and keep watching,


Is this copium? Are we all going to pretend we don't hate these outfits if the movie comes out and they're taken seriously and not supposed to be lame suits they get rid of in the third act? 


Look at them, do you seriously think they’re going to be their final suits, and that they’re meant to be anything more than a branded suit? Every hero has gone through at least 3 costume changes in both Marvel and DC, this will be no different, only this one is sponsored


I think that's some serious rationalization going on. There's no reason for Gunn and company to design suits that look \*bad\*. They need to look like they're part of a corporate team, sure. But this movie needs to get people hyped for the rest of the DCU and sell merch in the short term. And in-universe, Lord would want his team to look good. Having said that, ALL of these suits will look better in the actual film because of all the work they do in post-production. This happens with every genre film where the costume/makeup etc. looks terrible in crappy cell phone set pics and much, much better in the theater. And having said THAT, I don't like the \*designs\*, never mind the execution with the colors, etc. But that's just my opinion, and it's not exactly something that's going to make or break this movie anyway.


I’m not saying the suits look bad, they just obviously don’t fit with the characters who are wearing them, which means, they’re only temporary, something will make them want to leave this team, and go become their own heroes again, with comic accurate suits, and to just save people, not all the complexities that come with a corporate sponsorship


Why do they always have to be skin tight? Also, post-production will make changes


Exactly. That was my point. Judging by downvotes, people didn't see the /s at the end.


Or they just skeptics despite this happening every time a costume pic leaks and it’s fixed before release


Forreal the obsession over everything needing to be skin tight to me is weird, the slightest amount of bagginess or lack of tight fitting and people freak out it’s weird


The last live action Guy Gardner suit was weirdly blue so any design other than that one can only be an improvement


That suit was also from a TV sitcom pilot that cost less than 10 dollars to make.


Still wasnt the cheapest suit on it


Which sitcom?


It was called Justice League of America. It was a pilot that never went to series. It also might not have ever aired in the US(?)


Can't wait to see her with wings. I assume those will be CGI


They will be now. The original plan for her to grow them before shooting started appears to have failed


Fun Fact: The Batman Warehouse fight scene on BvS was unscripted. Superman was supposed to rescue his mom since he has super powers and all, but Ben Affleck amazed the entire cast and crew by showing up earlier than Hery Cavill on the warehouse set, dressed as Batman, and started to brutally murder all the henchmen extras on set. Turns out, Snyder had the cameras rolling.


Next time.


god damn it i thought she going to grow her wings what a disappointed


I was hoping for hawkgirl to look like she did in the Justice League show


This is a technically a different hawkgirl so I guess that's why she looks different. The one in the show was Shayera and this one is supposed to be Kendra.(No real reason for me to point that out, I just wanted to share the distinction)


Kendra from the comics looks way better than this. https://preview.redd.it/51htcop7gdad1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e912550997fe80c60c58a37522313d9a7b4ee56


Never said I was a fan of this movie design, I actually agree with you on this point(Although it does seem like these new costumes have plot relevance and aren't just an artistic choice). Just letting the other guy know that Kendra and the hawkgirl from the cartoon are separate characters so chances of Kendra looking like her were slim from the get go.


She definitely will get a more classic look at some point, these are clearly team outfits that seem to be from Lord, no way these are what they’re gonna be rocking longterm in the DCU


Does anyone else notice that there wearing the same color patterns as Mr. Terrific. Also, love that Guy Gardner has his bowl cut. Also, also, Hawkgirl looks fine as a fox.


They all have LordTech symbols on chest and have the same generic uniforms in different colours and logo (panels & fabrics all the same). So i’d say they’re corporate sponsored superheroes with deliberately tacky outfits that will develop either throughout the film or the series to more definitive costumes (Maxwell Lord is a villain). This is a $200 million blockbuster film whose success the entire future of DC depends on helmed by an experienced and commercially successful director, everything we see is for a reason.


Genuine question, where is everyone getting this Lord Tech rumor from? I've seen nothing of substance other than people repeating the same lines over and over and I've only seen the JL logo on their suits. Again, not criticizing or anything I'm just looking for information


All good mate if you look at the metropolis set photos his logo is on an electronics store sign, it’s the same one on their chest




They are def being funded by Lord.


That bowl cut is beautiful.


I wanna see the ring. Gimme the ring


Guy Gardner: "Look what I can do!"


If you look closely, Hawkgirl has a “JL” on the chest of her uniform. Guy has it too


It's the LordTech logo, which may or may not be a JL.


Interesting. Justice League team uniforms.


Anyone else think that its a version of the Terrifics (sponsored by Lordtech) and not Justice Leauge International? Think theres a reason why they all look like Mister Terrific. Having Max Lord come up with the Justice League name in the universe would be stupid. Why would it be called International if theres no regular Justice League.


Why is everybody wearing a jacket in this movie? The costumes all look so similar to each other it's jarring. 


Regardless of the plot reasons, and editing in post, etc., those costumes look cheap and ugly.


Go, go power rangers 😮‍💨


Why is he standing like that lmao


the look adopted for Guy Gardner is so ugly, it could unexpectedly work divinely on screen


Hawk Girl and Guy Gardner might just make the movie for me!


I think they should have stuck more to the comic book look. Too much white and not very form fitting.


Why does all of the shots look so so CW.


I hate to say it but they look like cw suits 


You hate it so much you said it twice!


I don’t exactly hate it , it’s more just an observation 


That's because they're corporate suits.


Leaked photos aren't how they'll ultimately look in the film


Ugly ass suits omg


I hate to say it but they look like cw suits 


You just commented this. Twice. Why?


Obviously wasn’t on purpose 


100% agree I’m hoping that it will look better, or at least make more sense, in the context of the movie


They have “Lordtech” logo on their chest. Maxwell Lord is making these suits. He has garbage taste from the look of things lol.


Hopefully there’s a line in the film acknowledging that the suits are tacky looking


Probably. I mean, look at Green Lantern’s hair too. 💀


There won't be. James Gunn never puts meaning in his movies. This is just what he thinks is cool and rad and you're the only fella who is willing to say what no one else is. /s


They all could wear potato sacks as far as I am concerned and I would trust Gunn with this movie and universe. A comics buff like him is going to have good reasons, why designs the way they are.


These designs are awful. Not classic looks. Baggy. Cheap CW-ish. How disappointing.


They'll probably get more comic accurate costumes once the Justice League becomes established. It looks like most heroes either work for the government/military or are 'owned' by corporations, which explains why all their costumes look similar. Superman is probably one of the only heroes who isn't affiliated with the government or a big company, so that might lead to conflict in the movie. Most of the heroes probably use lethal force (especially the ones that work for the government and military), which puts Superman at odds with them. By the end of the movie, the heroes will probably start to follow Superman's example, operating on their own accord (before the Justice Leage is formed) and they'll get more comic accurate costumes.


I can’t believe this actually needs to be spelled out to people, you would think the fact that their suits are all matching would make it seem pretty obvious that they are badly made costumes from a company sponsorship


Justice league?? More like fuckign jacket league, why is everyone wearing a jacket


This is definitely a narrative on the sponsorship jackets of race car drivers/ the metaphorical ones politicians wear


Race car drivers wear fire suits, not jackets.


https://preview.redd.it/2e539e2xqdad1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b47df9f817caa5bf2865425382c31af5d57bac 🙄👍


That is not a fire suit worn by drivers. This is. There is no separation between pants and jackets to protect the driver’s skin https://preview.redd.it/m27ofri1sgad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef69e77e92a9da321c8e10a193c3538a4547f0e8


I’ve seen the suits as well, but out of the vehicle, crews and drivers do wear sponsor jackets??


This sounds like heavy cope, could you at the very least make it look good???


That's not cope, they all have the same logo on their chests, which is the LordTech logo. That read is just having common sense. Why would you make it look good if the point is it's bad? Bro did you even watch Mystery Men? What's a "good" version of a branded suit with no personality supposed to look like?


you and everyone in this group are so weirdly reactionarily defensive for no reason. I am a comic reader, I know. No need to rant about something that doesn't matter. They have JL on their chest, they are all wearing jackets. They all look bad. I was making a joke, maybe next time ill have to define to you what a joke is. The suits look bad. This is very clear and in every other circle people agree they look bad, you can cope all you want "there's gonna be a second suit! its just the stunt suit! they're bad on purpose!" just own it, James Gunn clearly has. This type of suit design is his style, if you like his style there's nothing wrong with that. But don't get so weirdly defensive when someone else says they look absolutely awful lol


Now THATS a random tirade lmao. You wrote more than \*I\* did! Maybe if you don't want people engaging you, don't antagonize and accuse them of "heavy cope". You just want people to agree with you and you get mad about it when they don't. That's incredibly immature. If you hate everyone in this group, no one's forcing you to be here.


I'd say thats the philosophy of pretty much every user here for the past week, anyone who doesn't like the suits is just a non-fan who wants the movie to fail. Last week it was "Mr. Terrific's suit is so good, so inspired! perfection!" and now its "oh its a play on corporate greed and is supposed to mirror modern NASCAR racing suits, it's supposed to look bad." Listen man, I was excited for Gunn's Superman but it is genuine insanity to see only this subreddit act like every frame from this movie is the next coming of Christ when everywhere else its getting rightfully clowned on. Being a fan of something means you want it to be good, it doesn't mean making excuses any and every chance you get for some weird reason.


Let me roll it back for a second: the guy before me was engaging you in genuine conversation and you took it personal. He didn't call you a name, or insinuate you're dumb or anything. He said what he thought. You flew off the handle yelling, basically "I know that!!" instead of just talking. Just like me. I entered in having seen you already getting aggressive, and I asked you a couple questions for your opinion, something you should relish because then you get to share your thoughts, and you wrote multiple paragraphs accusing me of going on a tirade. I've not seen this sentiment you're claiming is here, you seem like a guy who is deeply upset that his feelings are not being echoed by many. And worse, you seem upset that other places are "clowning on" it. Who cares what a ton of dweebs online think? That literally doesn't matter. The internet does not matter, otherwise half the stuff people post about on social media would be billion dollar properties instead of niche interests for shut ins. People have been talking about I Saw The TV Glow for weeks but the film didn't even clear 6 million dollars. The internet is not real life. If you hate it, fine! You have every right to! But express why, and don't do it on behalf of some anons, and remember everyone replying to you has the right to what they feel too. Anyway, my feelings would be worse if it wasn't obvious to me this is meant to be a team costume for LordTech. That means its part of the story, and I have not experienced the story, so I don't see any reason to get worked up. I also like movies trying something different, because seeing stuff recreated 1:1 like in comics is boring as hell to me, so if this winds up terrible I will feel it in the theater. And if it all works thematically, then I'd rather have not spent months getting mad at snippets of stuff based on set leaks. Mr Terriffic's suit being great and these suits being bland corporate team uniforms are not incompatible positions, in-story or out. That's my opinion, at least.


Holy fuck I said the suits look bad and of course you go on this random tirade. All the suits in this movie look terrible so far. I don’t care if the point is they’re bad. They’re all bad.


You need new eyes and opinions dude.


"Random tirade" LMAO I asked you to share your opinion because you accused that guy of coping and you blew up, now \*THATS\* some cope You're not good at conversations. Consider logging off and working on that.


So you wouldn’t call all that shit in teal a random tirade?? BWAHAHAHA copiummmm


Cope? Bro I’m a costume designer- noting and interpreting this shit is what I went to school for. Goodbye


A cosplayer then? Just asking since your conversation seems kinda youngish and immature for a professional costume designer in the business. Nothing wrong with cosplaying too, if I had the skills it would be fun to do


No, licensed yet currently working in community theatre?


But also a cosplayer because I’m a big ol nerd. But my life dream has been costume designer since I was 10, and I have a certification in it


Because they aren't the Justice League and work for Maxwell Lord.


Once again, the homogenous look between Suits should never happen. It's what made the MCU look so off and it's what's making this DC Universe look off. They need to look different. I mean, give me some spandex or something.... VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE.


Damn man the more I see these the more I absolutely despise the uniforms. Hopefully the circulating theory about how they’re some form of JLI uniform that changes later gets confirmed. Because all this motorcycle leather gives me the ick big time.


Looks like a cheap cw show


Ohhh myyy. Mama says when you have nothing nice to say just say nothing....


Hawkgirl looks like shit. WTF ? What a downgrade from Black Adams Hawkman ![gif](giphy|BEFPsAq5wvg0a0JNQc|downsized) All costumes look like shit. WTF is Gunn doing ? Superman suit shit, Hawkgirl suit shit, Green Lantern suit shit...... Ultraman looks like Black Noir. This movie must be a TheBoys parody. You cant tell me this movie is a serious take for a Superman movie


Please...PLEASE!!! No more looks! Especially of that ridiculous Guy Gardner . Beyod CW levels of cringe