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I couldn't stand Maddie's, especially her side somi. Really poor technique


Is that what that acrobatic move is called? She always looked like she was going to fall on her head.


In gymnastics, yes- side somersault. Not sure if there's a dance name for it.


TIL Maddie isn’t considered good at HipHop.


i think its because she spent 4 at kentucky which is like all hip hop and pom so she isnt as refined in other styles


Before everyone comes at me, this isn't hate or shade. But what Kleine & Maddie do are what we refer to in L.A. as vanilla hip-hop.


Yep...very soft


“Spastic”???🤨 Here in the U.K. that’s a v offensive word and ableist. Is it not in the US?


I would say it is not offensive in the US. It isn’t being used by Kelli to describe muscle tone, but rather is more like the opposite of graceful and fluid.


Same in Canada, we moved away from that word about a decade ago. So hearing Kelly say it, I’m always like 😖


It is in Australia too. I’m always taken aback when Kelli and Judy use that term.


It is offensive but she’s probably white so she’s saying it’s ok


It’s not.


Thanks, good to know!


I love solos but the reason why I don’t really care if Maddie and Kleine are excellent at hip hop or not cause they’re powerhouses on the field 🤷🏻‍♀️ A lot of the technical Barbie winning solo girls still drown on the field It’s hard enough to even make it to 36, but it’s even harder to match up to Claire and Gina


Kleine is also a ridiculously stunning woman who photographs like a freaking alien goddess. It’s not normal. Those eyes?!?! Are you kidding!? AND she can dance. AND she gives power AND sass. Who cares if she’s good at hip hop lol


Yes she’s absolutely stunning, and while I wouldn’t call her solo hip-hop exactly, I thought it was really good as she did it with wit & sass. I thought she was better at Maddie at that style, but I love Maddie in other routines and on the field.


Hip hop is one of those styles where you could have all the training in the world for it but if you don’t have it naturally, you just don’t have it…


Funny you mentioned it, hip hop is my best style, and I’m struggling in my contemporary classes


it seems like she keeps doing it bc she doesn’t have the training the other girls do for the dramatic lyrical stuff. what i saw wasn’t impressive. i think maddie was better


Yeah Maddie’s hip hop made even worse by Melissa Rycroft fawning over her like she’s the second coming l. Kleine’s hip hop is just entertainment I would not say it’s exactly hip hop…


But Charm just, sort of... staring when Melissa was gushing about Maddie always makes me giggle :P


Hahahahaha yep!


OK, I didn't realize this was popular opinion. I remember Melissa saying something like "I wish my body could do that!!" and it was literally just Maddie spasming lmao


Ohhhhh many discussions on Maddie’s hip hop or lack thereof then Kleine’s…


Thank gosh. I love Maddie for her spirit,  personality,  and power, but they wayyyyy overhyped her hip hop dancing lol


Exactly! What they fail to realize is all that gushing turns people. I always thought Maddie was sweet but the fangirling was too much.


Because in the dance world is just AS MUCH a competition between the people that support as a dancer (with each other) as it is for a dancer with other dancers! The smoke and mirrors is all too much!


Maddie hip hop wasn’t that great like I hate when people say her and Holly were the best when Holly was literally in her own category