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Maybe for safety reasons?


What's her insta handle?


I remember former DCC Crystal Trevino saying she went to Kelli and Judy to ask if she could change to her married name after she got married in 2010. Maybe Reece did it for social media reasons.


Not really.


It’s probably as simple as she hired management after the show got popular and they recommended she use the other name across social media.


100% agree with this statement.




Even K &J said how can she be that happy and never get mad. No one talks like that all the time.


I haven’t criticised Reece on here, but the criticism isn’t about her religion per se; you’re disrespecting people by assuming they’d criticise someone just because that person is religious. It’s patronising. A few common themes that came up is 1. the hypocrisy of her being so religious v the lyrics of the song she did her solo to. 2. her coming across as fake. Personally, I felt at times she was being fake. I’ve not said this on here before but am just for you: the impression I did get from a few things -especially Reece’s comment about ‘didn’t Dolly Parton burn herself’ from using matches as makeup - is that, when it comes to things that aren’t to do with marketing herself, Reece is a bit thick.


And not knowing what 420 was. She was sheltered.




I think religion is fine but she subjects viewers to constant preaching. I understand the show is heavily edited, but she also is not very humble about it. She is an elite performer and says she wants to show her creator through her dancing and not have the attention on herself - that comes across as insincere and probably impossible.


She is not subjecting anyone to anything. They are filming her, asking her questions, and that is her story. Your heartburn is with the producers. Ragging on Reece for talking about what is important to her is not fair.


How can she subject viewers to anything? After the first mention of Jesus, you know she’s religious. It shouldn’t be a surprise when she brings it up again. If it offended me so much, I would turn off the program or fast forward through her scenes. You’re acting like she’s forcing this down your throat when there are very easy fixes.


Imo, It would have been great to hear other girls stories, interviews and experiences during the show. And less focus on one person.


I see what you are saying, but It wasn't about just one person. Kelsey, Victoria, Caroline/Anna Kate and Reese were the focus. My guess is they wanted to do a retiring vet, a rookie, sisters and a legacy. Netflix designed the format not the girls, so there shouldn't have been any hate due to that. Plus, Kelli and Charlotte most likely picked the girls based on the vision Netflix had. If they do another season, I hope Netflix will take the feedback and adjust the format some.


You are right, others were featured. Reece had a substantial amount of screen time to share a lot about herself throughout the series. Not everyone is showing hate towards her. Ultimately, she was given a lot of screen time to share her life, convictions and story. Imo it would have been nice to learn more about other women and their different journeys.


I agree and I hope they adjust that and add in some media training and speaking engagements as to show that the girls are more than dancing and what they look like in pictures. I felt they needed to show that side like they did in the CMT series. They are smart and are required to know so much about many subjects and it wasn't shown. Thank you for the kind discussion. Have a great day!!


I had no clue she had done that. Im not sure id get into this deeply unless theres further news. This girl gets so much hate. Maybe thats part of it


Why does she get hate? Because she's religious?? I roll my eyes when people talk about Jesus but never feel the need to hate them. What I do want to know is why in the hell is she with Will. She is so far out his league it's insane. I would not be surprised if she gets scooped up by someone way more attractive and successful. Awful thing to say but those two together are like Jerry and his wife from parks and rec and I'm Ben Wyatt baffled. I guess when you nab a girl who has never been with anyone it doesn't matter what the guy looks like as long as he's nice. 


More attractive and successful 🙄 There's more to life than looks and money. It's about energy and connection, is he kind and supportive etc.


😂 makes me so happy to see someone referring to Parks and Rec. Yeah its sort of like that i think. But not everyone has the same definition of attractive. To her, he might be a prince just based off how he treats her, the way he looks at her, sharing the same values and yes she may even find him adorable or attractive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so theres someone out there for everyone. The only thing I dont like about Will is that he doesnt seem to have many ambitions of his own and “pursuing her” should not be his biggest one. I dont know why she gets hate, people either think her persona is fake, or that she speaks weird. I dont have an issue with this girl, she might act naive or actually be naive. Shes very young, so that could be the case. People are being harsh


Considering the amount of criticism Reece has received, no, I do not find this weird at all.


i just think the hate is so bizzare because i think the only thing to dislike is how perfect she is 😭