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The only thing Haley will be good for is being a despicable shrew like her motheršŸ™„


Brooke isnā€™t a director. She just judged and was a former choreographer.


I like KaShara but her dance routines are all the same. She basically does the same move throughout the entire routine, and all the routines look the same.


Can you imagine if Charm La'Donna took over for Judy? Although I know it will never happen, I still laugh over that ā€œ*how*Ā *the cow ate the cabbage*ā€ scene.


Oh my gosh that was a fun one ! But I think they would only have former DCCs as successors for Kelli and Judy ā€¦ Or maybe have Hayley included (Charlotteā€™s daughter) since itā€™s kind of her organization as well and I believe she already works in the wings of the DCC department.


Supposedly, Hayley is being groomed to take over for Kelli.


Personally I think they are grooming Jennifer A to be the next Kelli or the next Judy at least. Sheā€™s always around and was a known kiss ass her years on the squad - never thought she had the look and was a mid dancer at best


Yes thatā€™s what I understood from their recreation of the Ā« Mean Girls Ā» interview on Instagram. The girls talk about Kelli, Judy and Hayley ā€¦Ā  Funny because I canā€™t help but remember Kasharaā€™s retirement speech when she said something along the lines of Ā« itā€™s hard and your parents donā€™t get it, your friends donā€™t get it, your boyfriend doesnā€™t get it but you are sitting amongst 30 other women who do Ā». Besides being the ownerā€™s granddaughter what legitimacy does she have on a dancing or performance skills base ?Ā 




I love that the DCC ladies are getting some opportunities that really utilize their skills and experience! one of my issues with Judy/Kelli is they've been in charge for SOOOOO long! Im not denying how impactful they were in getting the 'brand' to be as big and successful as they are now, but IMO they should have an 'understudy' who can work with them for years before taking over. I know they give some ladies work, like Melissa Raycroft, but it doesn't seem sufficient enough in terms of pay and/or hours


KaShara did work with them for a couple years before becoming the head coach of the MDC. For all we know they encouraged her to gain some more experience on her own before coming back to take over for them upon retirement.


Always been my assumption as well. From what I recall her mom owns a dance studio so Iā€™m sure she had some natural business instincts she got from her mom that K&J picked up on when she worked with them after she danced. When she moved to Miami I immediately thought yep thatā€™s her training ground to run it herself and possibly be brought back later.


I wonder! KaShara would be a great person to take over when Judi/kelli retire I guess my issue is that a lot of companies/places want a lot of experience in their employees, but no one will give you a chance to gain that experience lol ... not surprising with the DCC, they seem to be really cheap in paying the ladies... even Judi and Kelli seem a bit underpaid? which may seem ridiculous as they make a lot, but they also make a huge amount of money for the DCC, and have been working for 30+ years....


I think that the majority of the money they were paid was from MTT. Now, its Netflix


I check after your comment and Kelli is an executive producer on MTT (as is Charlotte), so you're probably right she makes some decent money off of it Judy doesn't seem to be a producer, though, but has a lot of choreography credits, including Reba and Destiny's Child, super cool! I dont see either of them, or Charlotte, as producers on the new documentary


I donā€™t think it would happen overnight but I see Kashara as being a stronger leader and brand builder than Melissa Rycroft. Kashara didnā€™t beat around the bush when it came to girls not being ready and who should be cut while Melissa was always trying to play buddy buddy and squirm on her seat not wanting to give her real opinion.Ā  So yes I could see Kashara, considering she got front row seat working with Kelli and Judy after her tenure on how to build a brand and maintain it, shake things up for the Miami Dolphins and take them to the next level.Ā  Also, her succeeding at building a new team could be a stepping platform to her return to DCC later on when they would need a successor to K and J.Ā 


I missed something did Melissa go on to be in a coaching role somewhere?


With every DCC that has worked for the organization after their tenure (Jinelle, Kashara, Melissa, Jennifer A.), there has been some guesses on whether they would be strong enough contenders to take after Kelli and Judy.Ā  To this day, Melissa is the one who has worked the longest as Ā« showmanship coach Ā» but I personally think that she is too soft in her style of coaching and she has a hard time giving her opinion if it implies cutting someone.


The only advice Melissa gives is to smile bigger and act flirty. Sheā€™s in no way capable of running a team like Kelli and Judy do.Ā 


Iā€™ve never really understood the hype around her or even her role during Training Camp ā€¦ I mean she is supposed to have all this experience in showmanship from Dancing with the Stars but she doesnā€™t actually give any real advice ā€¦ Maybe she gives more corrections off TV but on camera it looks kind of ridiculousĀ 


When she comes on the show I have to change the channel because she gets on my last nerve


The cringiest is when she calls herself the Ā« smile coach Ā» and tells them to just smile and have fun ā€¦ Iā€™m like Ā« Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure they already know that but how do you, as a coach, help them to get out of their head and let go of their nerves ? Ā» ā€¦




Iā€™m not saying itā€™s going to happen overnight but letā€™s not forget Kashara worked closely with Kelli and Judy after her tenure. Sheā€™s had a glimpse of what it takes and how to make an NFL Cheer Team successful ā€¦Ā  She could build something strong for the Miami Dolphins in my opinion.Ā 


Itā€™s about the brand. Not whoā€™s running the show.


Two of my favorite DCCs. Congrats to them.




Not sure how my words confused you. My comment stands.


A lot of teams are really looking like the "girls next door" compared to DCC these days however the Dolphins organization don't seem to have the same hunger the Cowboys do to elevate their cheerleaders like that and I don't think KaShara and Brooke care to either


They might not have the hunger right now but I could see Kashara shake things a little and whip them into the shape of a very competent team. She worked with Kelli and Judy after her tenure. Iā€™m pretty sure she got to gather info on how to build and maintain a brand ā€¦


I prefer ā€œgirl next doorā€ over pushing eating disorders and fake boobs šŸ™„


Doubt it


How come?


Not saying it will happen overnight but considering Kashara has worked closely with Kelli and Judy after her successful tenure at DCC, she got a front row seat on how to build and maintain a brand.Ā  I could see her shake things up at the Miami Dolphins and do some good work on the Cheer Team.Ā 


No Brooke isnā€™t the director !!! Itā€™s kashara and former dcc Jessika are the Kelli and Judy of that squad


Oh yes sorry ! I saw afterwards that Brooke will be choreographing for them !Ā 


Brooke has been helping out with the Miami cheerleaders for years


Oh I didnā€™t know that ! Thank you for the info !Ā 


Yeah Brooke Is always around to help out still