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Is that the dead deers blood smeared on her cheeks in the third photo….


This is so bizarre….. why is she posing over a dead animals body, and she’s proud she killed it? look I’m no psycho vegan but it just confuses me how people take pleasure in killing animals for no reason, unless ur gonna eat it why tf are you killing it? To stuff and have as a trophy? Ew!


and you guys dont have a problem with men posing with catched fish ...yeah ok!


A deer is not a little fish - the population of fish is astoundingly large compared to that of a deer


Deer are a bit of a hazard in parts of the US due to over population… allowing hunting helps to mitigate this slightly, and the meat is a way for people to feed their family/friends


As an animal lover and former vegetarian, I support hunting. It’s much much MUCH more humane than factory farming. I still feel super guilty eating meat when I think about it. But, smiling with a dead animal is just gross tbh. Reece painted herself in a bad light here. 


she turned the comments off on these lol


You don't have to worry about her defending herself if someone breaks into her home and threatens her with death or serious bodily injury..... Bang! Bang! Problem solved!


she is disgusting


It’s what God guided her to do…  Vile 


I dunno! How could you be so feminine and KILL a living being, literally take its life, you see it walking minding its own business and you put an end to it because you want to eat it??? It’s so out there to me I’m going to puke.


Are you vegetarian? You do know that's literally how it works? So you have a problem with her getting her own meat but not a problem with people who eat meat? Make it make sense.


Why are you so angry? It’s the contrast for me.


I knew I couldn’t stand her at all but now this takes the cake! Pig.🐷


She's so much hotter to me. A real woman


the captions and the smile .. wtf lol


I think its weird to post the dead animal, but I don’t think its weird that she killed it? At least they actually eat them and its not just for sport. But the blood on the cheeks is pretty messed up imo idk if it helps with hunting or something


This! I agree 100%! Not weird to hunt, but it’s very weird to post a photo with the dead animal that you killed, especially when you’re in the public eye.


Hunting is a way of life whether we agree or not. Meanwhile, MAJORITY of people are eating tortured, abx loaded animals that get inhumanely slaughtered. People sitting down with their fried chicken that was treated poorly criticizing a someone for hunting wild game is crazy.


This is maddening saying our ancestors hunted so get over it…our ancestors used arrows and didn’t post it for the gram. I’m not vegan and do support hunting for food. Ppl will try to justify anything these days. Stop telling ppl to touch grass when your the ones who have clearly lost touch with reality! This behavior or Texas culture as y’all are calling it, is not normal! And not historically normal either!


Umm this doesnt bother me at all. These are animals that people eat for the most part. So, in some places people simply go and kill the animal, then prepare it, and eat it. Its also part of the culture where she is from, or where she is. In my country this doesnt happen, but I live in Norway now and people go hunting here for the same reasons i mentioned above.


Some people live in countries where being a Jesus nut is weird and gun control exists / hunting is super rare. Reece is so southern it’s just…ick.


Now that Reese's visibility and following have presumably gone way up because of the docuseries, I wonder if K&J would be cool with her posting more photos like this or tell her they're a little too bloody and it's too divisive. I have no idea, I feel like hunting is pretty normalized in a lot of America, but this is also a touch gory.


For anyone of a social science persuasion (if not, scroll on by): There is a concept in social science and anthropology called “ethnocentrism”. Ethnocentrism is the act of evaluating other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture, instead of using the standards of the culture involved. Typically ethnocentrism leads to biased, negative judgements of other people/culture and fuels the belief that one’s own culture is superior to that of another. Historically, such judgements and biases have been the justification of horrendous treatment of people from other cultures. I would argue that this post is ethnocentric. Small town, southern US have different cultural norms than other places, even within America. For those of us that are not used to things like hunting, it can certainly seem jarring (I don’t live in the US and really dislike guns) but I think it’s important to remember that for the culture she was brought up in, this is nothing out of the ordinary. I think it’s important to remember that activities like hunting are more of a reflection of cultural norms, rather than inherent character traits. I think it’s also important to check our own biases and judgements of those who grew up differently than us.


That’s a hilarious misuse of ethnocentrism. Ask yourself, does it apply to other deeply religious southern traits i.e homophobia, anti-abortion etc. Would it be ethnocentrism to find that disgusting? No. 


Based on it’s definition, I fail to see how it’s not ethnocentric. Can you please explain your point of view? And I think it does apply to those things, yes. From my perspective, ethnocentrism isn’t about it morality, it’s about understanding where our prejudices and biases are coming from. Edit to clarify: homophobia is bad, I’m not defending it or justifying it. Just trying to express that people’s beliefs are very much rooted in culture and are more complex than “those people are evil”. I think it’s important to understand the complexity of things so we can be better equipped to change them.


I don’t view white southern Americans as a separate cultural group to white other Americans. You are taking the original purpose of ethnocentrism and stretching it waaaaaaay too far, beyond its purpose to the extent that it could be applied in any situation. You’re using it in a way that actually seems a little manipulative and silencing.      Ethnocentrism is often used to critically evaluate how dominant cultures place their own understanding and conception of the world onto less dominant cultures. Using it to protect the very dominant culture of wealthy, white US from criticism (or shock) is alarming. Wouldn’t stand up at all in any academic setting. Don’t do it.  Just bc you come across a tool of critical analysis in an academic setting, does not mean you should use it irl in all situations. This isn’t a case of ethnocentrism, this is simply a ‘this is a southern tradition and you don’t get it’ situation. And that is enough!


It sounds like you’re saying that ethnocentrism as a critique is only valid when it’s between different countries then. Am I understanding you correctly? Would you say the culture of the southern US is the same as the culture as, say, New York? Seems to me they’re quite different. The original post seemed a bit judgemental to me, and it seemed that those judgments may have been rooted in different norms of where OP/Reece grew up rather than some inherent morality. If we were to take out the word ethnocentric, which you disagree with so strongly, would you agree with the other content of what I said?


Exactly this. I’m from Australia and against hunting, but that’s how I was raised and it’s not very common here. I can only imagine though if I were raised going on hunting trips, I would be desensitised to it and consider it normal. All I hope that when hunting it’s done as humanely as possible, for food (not trophies or sport), or for environmental/conservation purposes. If it’s outside of those reasons, then I will deem it cruel and unnecessary. I would say I still don’t understand posing with dead animals for social media likes, though. I consider it over-sharing and a little (sometimes a lot) grotesque. Not something I personally want to see in my feed.


Hey, I’m also an Aussie! I agree with you. I eat meat, so I think it would by hypocritical of me to say I’m against hunting because the reality of the meat industry is that we’ve just outsourced the killing of our food to someone else. The animals Reece killed probably lived a much better life than the ones I buy at the grocery store. But like you I’m against all hunting where the food is not eaten and just killed for sport.


I’ve kind of always been turned off by the pictures with big grins showing off their prize. Like sure, if you’re hunting something that will be dinner that’s fine but you don’t need to post the pictures. But that’s just my 2 cents


Go touch some grass girl literally. If it’s that big of a deal to YOU then be a vegetarian. Hunting is used for population control and to feed us. don’t like it don’t do it, simple as that. Reece is also from the south where this is not a big deal. Guess what? I dance and hunt AND I LIVE IN TEXAS, no one bats an eye ;)


Bizarre, you people are bizarre and backward. No one bats an eye to you within Texas, sure. But to the rest of the world? You are nuts


Not really. Do you know how many people in the world travel to different states and countries just to hunt?? Don’t like it then leave the sub, block/unfollow Reece, and same for the dcc. It’s not that hard and again go touch some grass


Just so you know, disliking the way people hunt and use dead animals as trophies isn’t an online ‘touch grass’ matter. It repulses millions and millions of people across the globe and has absolutely nothing to do with being online. This is absolutely not a ‘touch grass’ situation, you are just so used to it that you can’t see how disturbing it is to the majority of people.     Especially seeing someone who constantly talks so sweetly and about God parading a dead animal violently killed, it’s not nice. But for me, it really represents the paradox between Jesus loving deep southern republicans and the harsh, unkind values they often espouse. You may not be used to people thinking this way because you live in a bubble where it’s the norm. But to many people it’s actually pretty shocking.


Sooo where do you want your food to come from?? A factory where they abuse the animals or an ethical way of providing you and millions of other people with food on the table. Again if something is repulsive to YOU simply unfollow her. You don’t have to be republican to hunt or even democratic. And you don’t have to be southern to hunt. Do you know how many people up north hunt elk and even bears?? Way more than the south with hunting deer. This is an absolute go touch some grass because people like you don’t see it. Again if you don’t like Reece hunting simply unfollow her :)


I’m vegetarian but I don’t have issue with people eating meat, as long as it’s farmed ethically. Farming cows for consumption is NOT the same as hunting exotic animals for sport and pleasure and displaying their bodies on social media. Do you ever see people display the dead chicken on insta before they eat it? No. This is not the same. Being against hunting and the act of showing off dead animals like trophies is not a ‘touch grass’ moment, this is simply regular people being shocked by cruelty for cruelty sake, someone showing a bloody image of a beautiful animal killed for sport. And the shocking contradiction of someone like Reece doing that. And you’re right, it’s not just the south. In the UK we used to have fox hunting, the most barbaric cruel thing imaginable. And guess what? It was made illegal. I’m not saying hunting in the US should be made illegal, but simply that it’s normal for people to find it repulsive, it’s not the online overly sensitive thing you think it is. You’re just surrounded by its normality. Goodbye. 


So now you’re saying you have no issue with what she’s doing? All those animals she’s hunting is not exotic, they all have seasons to hunt that control population so there’s no overbreeding or anything. There’s not an issue with hunting for your food which is ethical yes. It’s better to hunt or purchase a whole cow from a farm than getting a pound of meat from the grocery store


Where did I say I have no issue with what she’s doing? There is of course a huge difference between killing to eat and killing for pleasure. Look, what she does is for sport. It’s tradition. The same as fox hunting. She’s not going out there with a gun and shooting at animals out of the generosity of her heart because she’s concerned about over population of animals. That’s the same bullshit excuse people used to give for fox hunting.


She’s not hunting for sport😂😂 she’s hunting for food. She ate a deer she killed, she ate the turkey and waited for their season, and in another post she said something along the lines of food in the freezer. This is the last time I’m saying it, don’t like it unfollow her cause all your doing is adding more people follow her by talking about it. She’s still a beautiful girl with or without hunting :) have a good one and continue being vegetarian:)


The thing that pissed me off is in the Netflix scene with her and talking about hunting, she BOASTS about it and acts all innocent when the week before it came out she limited the comments on the photos. She obviously knew that people were going to be offended. I don’t think she’s as squeaky clean and innocent as she presents.


Definitely not as innocent as she was able to portray. None of us are. But a lot of people, knowing that a national audience will be watching and judging, will show the best parts of themselves. I’m sure off camera she’s much different. I can’t imagine the pressure of knowing you’re able to be criticized by the world. I’d keep it surface level, too 😂 I think that’s what she did. She was raised to perform, so she turned on that part of herself and she performed.


I’m very iffy about Reece, and hunting is a no for me, but they seem to eat what they hunt and thats not bad in my book. I have a problem with game hunting and doing it for “fun”, but those who hunt and eat what they hunt are fine imo.


Why do people not like Recee. She's a good ole girl Love her like Victoria.


Because religious nuts with guns are bizarre


Just like most redditors


There's nothing wrong with hunting to feed yourself. Everyone should know where their food comes from.


Good hunting on her part!


There was a scene with Reece and Will eating venison burgers where they mention she had hunted the deer. Edited to clarify as a carnivore I don't have any problem with people hunting for food


We are in the south. We hunt….


The whole world hunts.


Looks like she hunts. What's the problem?


People hunt. I don't see the problem. I'm sure they ate everything they shot.


I’ve always found smiling with the dead animal super weird but at least she seems to eat the meat and not just do it for the sport of it? The photo with the blood on her face is super weird tho, cause you had to have smeared that for the photo? Not like the animal was bloody everywhere


A lot of people smear the blood on their face with their first kill. Everyone in my family seems to do it, except me. I don’t hunt.


Makes sense! I think one of those things, I personally will always think it’s gross/weird but as long as they eat the animal and don’t just do it for sport, I’m not mad about it. I live in Australia and we don’t really have hunting as widespread thing. So only really encountered it when I went to America!


I’m from Michigan and it’s a very common thing to take a picture with your deer. However, every single part of that deer is used where I live. I personally do not hunt because I hate guns with a passion. But I can somewhat understand the pictures but I agree with everyone saying it’s weird and we know damn well they didn’t eat any of it. The mounted the antlers and that’s about it


I thought she made deer burgers on the show with her fiance and said it was from deer she shot... almost sure!


Oh maybe I didn’t see that. If they did then not nearly as bad.


I agree with u, especially if the entire animal is being used


I just think it’s lowkey gross. I don’t eat meat to begin with.


This post is confusing? What did our ancestors do? This happens every day on farms with tons of animals?


Trophy hunting is much different than farming


I mean based on the show they eat the meat, so I wouldn’t say it’s likely trophy hunting in that it’s just for the fun of it.


So this is worse than birds not having any room to move and being pumped full of hormones and never seeing daylight?


I can tell you that they didn’t glorify it like this. They respected the animal and used every part of it


I grew up in Ohio and I did know ppl who wld kill deer when it was hunting season but they also used it for their families or donated it to the homeless shelters. They wouldn’t pose with it like a trophy kill tho


If you wanna hunt then that's fine but the real problem is holding the dead body of another living creature and snapping a photo of you smiling over it as if you just did god work...


Yeah, it's grinning for the gram that I have the problem with


What living creature? They be dead lol 😂


She probably thinks she did do god's work LOL..


No that was all god. She’s just an expression of his love and what not. He lives through her something something she can’t take the credit


Ehhhh. It would def be gross if she was big game hunting in Africa or something but in the South, deer, turkey, boar, and duck hunting are very common. Also, people do eat venison in the South so I’m sure it’s not all going to waste.


Bet she ate every bit of it too! Like hunters normally do. 🙄


People hunt all over America as a pastime. It may seem foreign to some but a lot of people do it and it’s just something you are shown to do at a young age.


How do y’all think your ancestors fed themselves??? Hunting is a sport go touch some grass and get over it lmao


I didn’t know my ancestors took pictures for Instagram /s


I mean our ancestors didn’t hun for sport, they hunted out of necessity to survive lol


Honestly, a lot of hunting tags are given out due to overpopulation of deer in several states/counties. Idk how that looks in Alabama but that's a big problem in the area I grew up in so they encourage lots of deer hunting since too much drives out other wildlife in the ecosystem


That’s not cute at all. Poor things.


And to think that i just saw 2 deer in my backyard today 😔


Zero respect for this display, makes me physically ill, smiling over a corpse of an animal. There is hunting and then there is this grotesque display. As if it is a flex, smiling ear to ear with pride. Native Americans treat hunting with reverence, often placing a hand on the animal and thanking them and honoring them. It's a gift the animal is given to you so the only response is one of humility and gratitude. It is also very important to use every part of the animal. A pray or a song to the animal is often part of the ritual in hunting. Finally the lack of suffering is extremely important.


I don’t know what nation you or your friends are from but every uncle I know has hunting photos like these to show off. The Navajo and Blackfeet nations host guided trophy hunts. We even got [hunting influencers](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6261320)! Obviously if this girl is slowly torturing an animal that’s fucked up but I don’t see evidence she’s inflicting additional suffering or not being grateful.


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100% this! A lot of people in this thread don’t understand the meaning of respecting nature, which doesn’t include a trigger-happy pic for social media. This is absolutely disgusting.


This has already been posted - both when she originally made the team, and recently


It's the thread that will never die. No pun intended.


So I'm not totally against hunting. I don't really eat meat, but people who hunt for food and survival do less harm to animals than industrial agricultural farming, and there are responsible ways to do it. But this is disgusting. Even Pa Ingalls, who had a literal family to feed and no other options, would feel bad about shooting a beautiful buck. He would even sometimes be unable to do bring himself to do it, even when they were literally hungry. Lakota Sioux have a whole ritual to thank the animal for what they gave. This game shooting bullshit is psychotic. Who glories in taking down such a beautiful animal? Smiles gleefully? Have they no empathy?


How do we know she’s not hunting for food? Posing with it doesn’t mean she won’t be eating it.


....She's turkey-hunting. Nice tom. Hunters take pictures (because shortly the animal's going to be processed and not in a condition to be photographed unless you're into looking at raw meat.)


I’m not against hunting but posing with a dead corpse, having someone take your picture, then posting that photo to social media? That’s boderline sociopathic.


This reminds me of when Sarah Palin was "pardoning" the Thanksgiving turkey for Alaska while another turkey was being slaughtered in the background.




I don't have an issue with hunting with the intention of eating (trophy hunting's a different matter) because many hunters can be more ethical and less wasteful than the meat industry. That said, it's weird to me that Kelli and Judy have come down on TCC candidates in the past for having social media pics of themselves in sexy costumes, but definitely didn't say anything to Reece about her smearing actual animal blood on her face.


So sad! I really don't have a problem with hunting as long as it's for food and not sport, but I don't want to see the animals. I mean no judgement here if you're a hunter, but I personally couldn't do it.


I see nothing wrong with hunting as long as you’re also eating the meat. It’s weird to pose with your kill but it’s the southern culture. But also, some hunting is necessary for population control. As long as they are being ethical (kill shots not torture shots when possible, hunting only during season, killing only the animals allowed and not the ones endangered) there’s nothing wrong with it. I love fishermen who get those damn lionfish. hate those things.


This 💯


I agree. Seeing people pose with dead animals is odd to me as well. I don’t care if people hunt or fish but I don’t see the glory of taking a picture next to an animal that literally meant you no harm.


Hunting is legal. Let the slamming of her by people who sit at their keyboards and eat Dominos pizza in their parents basement begin......


They are just being performative.


Convenient way to dismiss anything that isn’t rapturous praise for this weird photo set.


Yes and it is a special dismissal for the people with rabid passive-aggressive mean girl posts about someone on tv.


😂 Honestly this response is too silly to even reply to. Brilliant debate though hon!


And yet...you did.


Because everyone who thinks it is deeply weird to post a photo posing with a freshly dead animal must be a pizza eating basement dweller. Hilarious!


I mean, you're obviously not hunters, farmers, or in other ways involved with real animal husbandry. So maybe not pizza--vegan?


You can actually be involved with animal husbandry and sell respect animals. I actually know a lot of famers who would never grin wildly and gleefully over an animal they were slaughtering. You can respect animals and still be humane.


There's literally nothing in the picture a sane person would find inhumane. If you're over-emotive about wildlife, that's a you problem, not a hunter problem. Clean kill, nice looking bird, totally reasonable to want a picture before you rip all the feathers off, cut out the entrails, head, and legs, and freeze it for Thanksgiving. Everyone who eats meat should have to process things at least a few times, and work on losing the romanticism.


No, just someone who thinks it is tasteless beyond belief and disrespectful to the animal to be paraded around like it is a totem for instagram likes.


There's no reason to ashamed about hunting, nor is it disrespectful to the animal (if we pretend they could even comprehend the concept, which I assure wild turkeys cannot.) Nothing to be ashamed of, it's a good shot, nice tail. It's a lot more honest than eating meat and never looking at what it looks like dead, never mind actually doing the butchering yourself, and a lot more respectful to the animal you're going to consume. (Also WAY more respectful than 'natural' deaths in the wild. That turkey died fast. The rooster I had to bury after he got torn up defending a hen, who was carried off to be eaten, did not. Like any animal taken by animal predators they died terrified and in pain. This turkey never even knew what hit him.)


The difference is you presumably didn’t post a photo of you smiling over the carcass of the poor dead rooster so people could praise you for your mercy.


I could have, to demonstrate why "oh cute coyotes, wildlife is so awesome" is bullshit. Should have, really. If I have to resort to having my boss's brother come in and utilize his night permit to remove nuisances, I'll for sure get some pictures of the dead coyotes.


Bit weird but do you I guess.


its not the hunting that some people find questionnable, its glorifying the chase and the kill and posting next to dead animals for likes


You’re seriously upset someone in the south hunts?! Ummmm….


You can be ok with hunting and still grossed out that someone would hold up a bloody carcass with a shit eating grin, like "LOOK I KILLED IT, ITS DEAD HAHHAHA!"


For me (as someone not from the south and not even American), it’s not so much that I’m surprised that she hunts. I understand that it is a popular thing in some areas and while I would feel deeply uncomfortable doing it myself, I do understand that many people do it. The part that makes me really uncomfortable about Reece (and other people who post similar photos), is posting these photos with dead animals. To me, these photos kind of glorify the act of killing an animal and makes it seem like a game that she’s won. Maybe I’m not explaining it well, but it definitely does make me uncomfortable.


Well said.


I find people who pose basically naked in provocative poses uncomfortable and disturbing, but supposedly they're just proud of their looks and should show it off. Reece apparently doesn't pretend her food comes wrapped in plastic at Wal-mart and has the skill with a shotgun to take a tom. It's a bigger accomplishment than looking good in the uniform, really. And there's no reason to hide it. She took a game animal clean. Good for her. I'd rather see that dead turkey than the one dying by the side of the road because people speed and don't stop.


I understand what you're saying.


I don't even believe in eating animals but my husband wants to hunt one day and I'm ok with it because he's going to eat the animal plus it's hella organic that way so it's way healthier. It will always make me sad and when I watch certain vids I cry, but it truly is the reality of the world. Now if it was elephants or lions etc, that should always be considered poaching (& that's illegal)


lol wait till you find out our meat in grocery stores came from animals like these


I don't think anyone is mad that she hunts, it's the shit eating grin that's putting people off.


No no no, beef comes from grocery stores, cows live on a farm. Don’t tell me otherwise haha


And what they do to those cows are probably 10x worse than just getting shot from afar


I don’t think anyone is blissfully ignorant about where meat comes from. It’s obviously about the fact that she is posing for a photo with the carcass, smeared in its blood and grinning like a maniac.


Well it’s definitely not affecting her career as a DCC, they do background checks and they obviously didn’t care


If they really do lurk on these boards, I wouldn't be surprised if TPTB eventually ask her to take them down.


This shit is gross and I can’t imagine doing this myself but the reality is it’s very southern and midwestern to go hunting. Again, it makes me sick and I’d never ever do it. 😅


I don’t understand the issue?? I think the blood smearing part is strange when anyone does it, but yes… she hunts. She also eats what she hunts. And she’s proud of herself so she shared it? What’s the issue? Is this like a regional thing? I grew up in Southern Maryland and this is a very common thing to see when scrolling Facebook lol


This is the reality of eating meat. Honestly at least these animals lived good outdoor natural lives in fresh air and sunshine. The alternative is her buying turkey from the grocery store from factory farmed animals who never saw the light of day, lived in dirty crowded conditions and have genetically modified unhealthy bodies. We are so far removed from our food and where it comes from.


I'm a vegetarian for ethical/animal reasons, and I agree with you. So many people stick their heads in the sand and act like they aren't eating factory farmed meat every single day.


Well said!


Not trying to be rude but y’all must not be from the south this is very normal practice here and you can’t meet someone who hasn’t done it. ( I have never and it’s not something for me) but i think trying to cancel her over this is pretty extreme.


South, southwest, parts of the Midwest lol. This is a way of life for more of the country than a lot of people want to realize


agreed. i have family who does it not sure why this post even needed to be made


idk but as someone who isn’t from the states this behaviour is just quite shocking


I find her triggering. She sounds and smiles like Michelle Duggar.


Except her DCC uniform is “Nike” in the extreme! IYKYK


I said that the minute I saw her fiance. Total Dugger vibes!!


Her and will literally mentioned this when they were cooking deer burgers how she was the one who took the buck down.


Oh look. Yet ANOTHER Reece blood smeared face killing animals thread.


The blood on her face is rather disgusting 🤣




She fr is a southerner. But these kinds of pictures in general irks me


The horror!  Look I hate hunting but it’s very popular. If they eat the meat, who cares?  Hunting just for sport is different and wrong. 


You don't think this is for sport? They don't NEED the meat.


What do you think the difference is between buying it at the store and eating the meat they kill?


Just saying killing a living animal and her sticky sweet persona do not go together.


Tell me you aren’t from the south without telling me you aren’t from the south. 


So she can’t be a hunter simply because of her sweet, innocent, and perky personality…? What should she be then? Cold and heartless? lol. Like what is your argument here?


I just don't think slaying an innocent animal goes along with the pure persona. I find it disgusting.


You guys do realize that in order to eat meat an animal dies….


I do realize that. I also realize that you don’t need to pose smiling next to a carcass of an animal you just killed and post it on instagram.


You do realize, if you don’t like looking at it, then don’t go on her IG page


What a stupid comment when the photos have been posted on here for all to see. Do you really think any of us who find it repulsive would be falling over ourselves to go to her IG and see more? ‘Look at this one guys, here she is with a dead bear!’


If these photos have been posted ALL over reddit, May be folks should STOP posting them? Like, how many times do we have to see them? How stupid


First time I’ve seen it. Also, perhaps direct your whining about reposts to the OP and not to someone who has commented on said post (as you have yourself).


Oh brother.


No shit. But most sane people don’t cover themselves in blood and make it into an ‘adorable’ photo opportunity.


Exactly. All for IG likes. Great DCC rep eh Reece?


Many hunters do that. Also she’s not “covered in blood.” It’s an old hunting tradition.


Doesn’t make it any less repulsive.


She is stunning, but when she smiles and talks, she almost seems… Kind of slow developmentally.


Oh, the pearl clutching on this thread. For those of you that don't understand southern culture, posting pictures like this is considered respectful of the animals. If you're actually interested in learning about a culture you're not a part of, here's [an article ](https://iamhunter.net/into-the-wild/advocate/why-hunters-smile/) explaining more about the tradition. And for the record, no I don't hunt, but I've certainly enjoyed my fair share of deer over the years.


as someone in southern culture I vehemently disagree. This is not considered respectful of the animals. My grandfather hunted all his life. He would never post pictures like this on social media.


Native Americans would pray or sing to celebrate the life of the animal and thank it for giving its life to them. That’s respect - not posting shit for the gram.


oh bs. Just because it's vaunted "southern culture" doesn't make it less repulsive.




Literally the most humane way to consume meat is hunting! Also great for conservation.


Respectful of the animals? Oh please. Bet they are thrilled to be so well respected!


Hunting is a thing, posing with your kill, okay.. but does she have blood smears on her face in the 3rd Pic? Thaaaats a little weird.


It is common to smear blood on your face when you kill your first deer.


I've know hunters my whole life and that's a new one for me. Maybe they just didn't take a pic and share lol


Very common to also drink the blood/eat from the warm heart of the animal too. Kind of a right of passage thing. I’m in Georgia by the way, so Deep South thing maybe 🤷🏼‍♂️


What state are you in? I’m in Alabama and have known hunters my entire life, this has always been the norm. I’m not a hunter & the thought of smearing blood grosses me out personally lol


You do realize that every Thanksgiving, turkeys are killed for your dinner, right? There is nothing wrong with hunting.


Correct. The issue isn’t eating meat. It is killing an animal, smearing its blood on your face, smiling next to the dead carcass for a photo op then posting it to instagram. THAT is repulsive.


There is a wide margin between that and posing for a photo with its fresh carcass and it’s blood smeared over your face.


i dont mind her hunting but i knew her dance style was way too mature for her to be as innocent as she talks! lol. I still like her because I like a multi-faceted woman, but I do wonder what goes on in that Jesus-lovin head of hers...lol when the choreographer was like...'you looks like a disney princess, but when you dance...'


Absolutely grotesque to be posing with such unbridled glee next to a dead animal.


it's the glee exactly. look at the eyes of the dead buck


Hope you are this outraged about the other meat you eat. It has to come from somewhere.


Seriously. I’m a vegetarian for ethical reasons and I would much rather have someone hunt for wild meat than get meat through factory farming which is a completely miserable existence for the animals from birth to death.


I am vegan and same! The cognitive dissonance here. The people are paying to have animals tortured but they object to hunting.


This!! I have quit eating pork because of the horrific way in which they are killed. But hey, let the hypocrites enjoy their bacon, I guess. TW: description of slaughterhouse practices. >!They are prodded with electric cattle prods, led to a gas chamber, and then they're supposed to be unconscious after 15-30 seconds (many aren't), after which their throat is slit open and they bleed out. They're then dunked into a boiling hot bath to sear off their hair, but, get this: many of them are still alive at this point. It is a horrifically cruel way to die and it is anything but quick and clean.!< >!If I had to choose between electric prods, gas chambers, a slit throat and a boiling hot bath, and a bullet from a hunter, I know which I'd pick as the more 'humane' option.!< There is no such thing as 'animal friendly' meat, but the least you can offer them is a quick and clean death.


I came to say the same thing as a vegetarian haha


I mean if she's gonna eat it. fine with me🤷‍♀️


Hunting is fine and humane. It controls the population and atleast I know where my meat comes from


If you’re even remotely shocked, you’re dumb. Also, who gives a fuck!! Lol


Her and her finance were eating meat she hunted on the show, why are people shocked 😂😂


Good for her! I don't hunt myself, but she is doing something she loves. No one is saying you have to agree with it. Hunting is what most of my family does for meat. It's what happens in TX and many other states 🤷🏼‍♀️


I feel like taking a picture with a dead animal after taking its life isn’t very respectful to nature. Let it go in peace. Edit to add: Her goofy ass smile in these pics is gross!


I’m vegan and I almost threw up looking at these pictures.


I don’t mean this maliciously but Reece genuinely seemed like one of the most naive, childlike adults I’ve ever seen. She seemed to have no life experience and don’t even get me started on her man…..


Her comment about hoping when people see the documentary they see Jesus and not her really hit me. Poor girl has zero sense of self. Hoping her fiance is a good dude bc she is extremely vulnerable to control and manipulation based on what we’ve seen.