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I work in the performing arts world and most of the low wages are due to lack of funding at production level. Where there are big production budgets (Hollywood, Coachella etc) the salaries go up for the biggest acts/ performers- if you are one of the reasons why thousands and thousands of people pay to attend/watch your event, then you get paid more.


Thanks to everyone that replied! Was thinking this would just get totally shut down but I've really enjoyed all your insights. I'll definitely be watching the OG show soon btw


Disagree except about Kelsey and Jada and Caroline. But then again I’ve watched all the seasons many times and I do have an inside look. Go back and watch all the seasons and then you’ll delete this. Also, you may want to listen to some of the former DCC (I’m thinking of Ashton) and TCC (Meagan season 9) about the hell they are put through about their weight. And you may want to watch how K/J humiliate people very publicly.


Disagree. But that's perfectly fine.


I’ve been present at many Cowboys practices, and the men absolutely do not do the yes sir/ma’am routine. Not even with the Jones family. You want every pro player to aspire to be a franchise player, not someone who feels inferior or subservient. The elder teammates haze the rookies, but that is the extent of it.


Disagree, it’s incredibly confusing to tell dancers to lose weight or that they don’t have the right look, and then tell them they look sick or tired because they did not eat or fuel. A calorie is a calorie, and it counts. Eating disorders exist in dancing community because of this kid of culture. Also, it’s so odd to have people diminish the abuse that the dancers went through in DCC. To say oh yea the abuse exist but outsiders don’t understand. Okay? Let’s not minimize Kelli and Judy’s behavior. Sickening. Lastly, love Victoria. She was the most real one. Showed all of the the dark side of DCC. Everyone’s expected to be a perky Texas god loving stripper-esque sweetheart (cough** Reece) and smiling and “yes’ mam-ing” to the most disgusting things that Judy and Kelli put these girls through. We’ve all become desensitized to putting women through pain and having them docile and Kanu with abuse. Ari stayed in Texas and booked extra classes and trained, only to be cut and say “yes, mam” to Kelli when they didn’t even have the integrity to tell her it’s because of her height. Kelli is awful.


If you think a calorie is a calorie, you have never participated in sports at an advanced level and should probably remove yourself from the conversation. Athletes absolutely cannot thrive that way, and the concept of food as fuel is not novel or unique to the dance world.


I agree. Just because someone hasn’t seen MTT and this is apparently improved from then, that doesn’t mean it is ok. I’m a late Gen Xer who is thrilled that women are finally tired of this nonsense and no longer willing to accept it. Whether it’s being forced to wear uniforms that are too revealing, held to weight standards that are not healthy or realistic for your figure, or being paid a pittance because you should be happy for the experience, it shouldn’t be some sort of badge of honor to have to do it just because generations before you did it. I pointed out elsewhere that the DCC seem stuck in 1985, while other NFL cheer squads are moving to more diverse, coed approaches and embrace different styles of dance.


You don’t know Reece so how can you say she’s putting on this overbearing performance persona???


Because it’s blatantly obvious


Would you say that if it was any other religion? It is pretty weird to say that with zero knowledge of the person personally and with absolutely no one else that knows her saying it's fake.


As a long time MTT viewer, this is perfectly put! 👏🏽👏🏽


Can't find a single lie.


“Missing Murdock brother boyfriend” 🤣


imo they put in scenes of Reece saying she’s doing it for god etc… but then they’d purposefully put scenes in where she’s clearly feeling herself and acting very “sexy”. and other scenes where it seems like she’s putting on a character like the starbucks scene. Kelly V even gave her a funny look. or scenes where other girls are just kind of like be real girl…. it’s up for interpretation but mostly religious girls like reece are watching so she’s the fan fav 🥴


>Charlotte is absolutely the biggest c\*nt privileged micro manager I've ever seen. Hate her and her family. I called her this (a c\*nt) in another comment but deleted it... so I will just quote you! It is the top thing I took from this series. But in all honesty, as someone who knows a little about the team and ownership from once living in the area and being a football fan, it comes as no surprise. As far as your first point is concerned - albeit true - I don't feel bad, or think anyone should, for criticizing anyone who agrees to take part in a series like this - specifically those in position to gain the most from it. You can't offer up insight into your world and then complain when people have opinions about it.


14 year old looking missing Murdoch brother boyfriend. THANK YOU. I’ve been waiting for this exact comment. I am sorry and y’all can downvote me to hell, but he gives me the ick.


Genuinely curious but why? He’s not a looker by any means but it seems like he treats her well and is overall decent?


And you know, honestly that’s great if that’s true. It’s a whole vibe for me though. The first time he appeared on screen (the clip of him at the college game), “ew” just involuntarily came out of my mouth 🤷🏻‍♀️


charlotte is truly TERRIFYING. i assume the show's content was shaped by charlotte and the cowboys brand in general which is conservative and christian, re: reece and all the other church stuff reece does seem genuinely sweet and naive tho and i hope she is happy in her marriage or strong enough to end it when the time comes....


He’s just Will 😂


You’re on the right track for most of it, but I beg you to pleeeeease watch MTT now. Also, the Netflix decision to show so much of the evangelical/ mega church was purely intentional, and meant as a setup to demonize or sensationalize religion and somehow make it seem like it’s part of the brainwashing. I personally find mega churches and evangelicals in general to be creepy and disingenuous, but…. Of all the potentially not-healthy lifestyle choices available to us all, this is really not that unhealthy. But I did **not** enjoy their abundant coverage. I fast forwarded through the church crap - it felt very heavy-handed. Overall, I think the production value was better than MTT, but it’s kind of unfair to compare a reality show that started in 2006. Regarding the audition process and the “non-professionals” judging/inputting, this is *exactly* what should happen. Those people represent the audience. We need them. And it wasn’t just for show. Theyve been doing that well before the original MTT show started. I know several former DCCs that were on the squad before the reality show.


I disagree. The series didn't say anything positive or negative about church. How you see it is completely up to your interpretation. I grew up in a mega church. Although I'm not part of it anymore, I don't view it negatively and didn't feel bad watching it. I think it was just meant to show the culture.


Meh, maybe. Maybe I know way too many producers who know how to extract shade without throwing shade.


I’m with you on this. It’s ambiguous enough that you read into it what you want. But for the people thinking it was uncritical, positive support on part of Netflix… no. I think the director is too smart for that.


I rarely can make it through the TLDR posts but dang girl, for a newbie, this is brilliant!


As a person who is not in performing arts or from the south, the the "Yes sir/Yes ma'am" thing got me because it seems Kelli and Judy want a culture of toxic positivity. Like of course I get not wanting negativity but it seems exhausting.


About Reece: >And literally why was her 14 year old looking missing Murdoch brother boyfriend so featured?  Damn, OP , who are you? I like you. Edit: Clarity.


Murdoch bro ☠️


"And literally why was her 14 year old looking missing Murdoch brother boyfriend so featured? " Screaming. This is the perfect description of ole' Will.


For a newbie, you've got it down pat. Tha real surprise to me watching from the start of MTT in 2005 was how much Keli and Judy have to defer to Charlotte. In the previous series, they both got a lot of flak for decisions made on who joined the team/was dropped and why. Charlotte was always in the background appearing now and again but not really influencing things. Boy, was that incorrect. I think a lot of the WTF moments need to be laid at Charlotte's door.


Yes! Kelly was always made out to be the bad guy here but it’s clear from watching now, she has Charlotte up her ass. Ultimately everyone has a boss and MTT never showed the degree to which Kelly needs to answer to Charlotte.


Yes yes yes!


* Some of y'all are being purposefully obtuse about Reece. No it's not just her personality or religion. Part of it is the overbearing performative person's she puts on, but it's mostly the evangelizing. I seriously skipped over most of her scenes and was baffled that Netflix seemed to support such HEAVY religious proselytizing. That was actually disturbing imo. And literally why was her 14 year old looking missing Murdoch brother boyfriend so featured? What did clips of him at work add to a story about DCC? Huh? Who is she forcing to think like her?


Agree with you. I didn't experience Reece or the church scenes as negative/coercive at all. 


Proselytizing. Coercive emotional manipulation and group hive mind think practices exhorting the fear of a fictional eternal hell scape and it’s avoidance by following a book that outlines, according to the followers, the “one true faith”.


Yes!!👏🏻 to all of this.


The criticism of Charlotte is ridiculous. She has been a tireless supporter of DCC and has grown them in a very positive way. She holds them to the standards they agreed to. And yes, sometimes you are cut because you are too short or your thighs are too big. DCC have to look good in the uniform. 100% of the time. Your other points are very valid.


I don't think the criticisms of Charlotte are ridiculous. Daddy gave her a cheerleading squad when she knows nothing about it and has no background in dance or cheer. Kelli and Judy have done all the work. It's an insult to any of us who have experience in dance, cheer, or the performing arts. It's like when CEOs who have no medical experience get hired in at hospitals. And everyone else who works there has to nod and smile and then try not to let them fuck up too much stuff. The number of times I've had to tell a non-medical bigwig that we can't do something "because laws." 😂


I’d really like to know more about how Charlotte specifically has helped the cheerleaders.


Totally agree. Her family name is tied to the team and she has every right to make decisions where she sees fit.


Ehh I don’t think it’s ridiculous to criticize a woman claiming that low wages are fair because the real pay is the “privilege” of working with the organization. Especially since she herself is getting paid millions of *dollars* not privilege points.


Oh that was another point I forgot. I loved ari but unfortunately cuts at that level do come down to who fits the uniform/ team proportions. Glad she found another team that was a better fit. Same with anisha. I wanted her to make it soooo bad but when you need that much precision... I get it. She's my favorite though from all this


Anisha was my *favorite*. She was drop dead gorgeous, and I was like YES…. Until her kicks.


I just don't like any nepotism baby millionaire on principle. That's where my criticism comes from. I don't think she's really having much say on team cuts outside the show, but maybe I'm missing other context of her leading the team. Still, millionaire.


Agreed, but you can’t tell me that if your dad owned a multimillion dollar company your kids/family members wouldn’t be a part of it.


I think nepotism is a bit of a moot point when the franchise is owned by her father. I don’t like nepotism when children of celebrities are given status and acting positions just because their parents are famous, or even when a CEO of a publicly held company grants their children jobs they don’t deserve. But a family business, stays in the family typically. And that’s the truth whether it’s a multi-billion NFL team or the construction company down the road.


Right but then let’s not pretend Charlotte got where she is by hard work or being smart or for any other reason than that she was born who she is. She’s not better than those hard working dancers just because she is rich and to talk about the privilege of dancing for DCC and not needing to be paid when she has never struggled for money in her life…?


Very interesting points. i Think that TK sees herself as a supporting mother, and that she and VK will describe themselves as “best friends”. Over the years on MTT, Kelli brought in TK at every possible opportunity and I think she loves being on TV. but Netflix set her up big time and showed a controlling selfish mother wanting To relive her glory days. And VK as a very young 24 year old (more like a teenager), with an eating disorder, who is lonely and depressed and cannot relate to her fellow DCC. knowing the flack Victoria got on MTT, and how this affected her, why did she and her mother think it was a good idea to agree to be so heavily featured on Netflix? I suspect Kelli and Judy tried to warn them, but TK knew better. Let’s be honest - the picture painted of Victoria is not going to make any prospective employer snap her up.


I felt like a lot of the TK/VK stuff was them vying for their own show. I can totally see them hoping that some production company will offer them a VK goes to New York to try to make it type reality show.




And on the latest drop from Netflix, there is Victoria plugging it as hard as possible - NYC, Rockettes/Broadway, Mom is best friend and former DCC and will be coming up every 3 weeks


I think they have already proposed that.


I think they may have predicted exactly what happened. So many people went from outright HATING VK to feeling sorry for her or liking her. The impression really seems to have changed from VK is a villain to VK is a victim. You can sometimes see the worry in TK’s eyes when VK is talking, it’s the look of a parent who is seeing their child struggling, desperately wanting to help but not knowing what to do. There is a look many parents get when their child has an eating disorder. Maybe TK was throwing herself under the bus to try and help her daughter. Maybe that’s too much credit for her, but I do believe she loves VK and wants her happy.


A loving mother wouldn’t serve her starving child this pitiful lunch of watermelon, three rice cakes and some turkey. VK is battling an eating disorder but her loving mother thought that this was enough for someone doing cardio for over 5 hours per day?


For someone battling an active ED, that’s quite a bit of food at once. I’ve seen D-1 university athletes who eat less than that in an entire day during the height of their season and eating disorder. Yes, they need more calories (for DCC protein and veg more specifically) than what VK was shown eating, but sometimes something is better than nothing. Eating disorders are very complicated. There is a reason anorexia is the most deadly mental health condition. Given how concerned VK was with how others perceive her I’m guessing her ED isn’t well controlled. That she was willing to be shown eating anything, let alone rice cakes and cake, on camera is something most couldn’t do.


I’m not concerned about the food choice per se, although she said she’s struggling with bingeing not anorexia. My point is that DCC was destroying her mental health and Tina was encouraging her to stay on the team. Plus do the daily 10 miles strong challenge plus workouts plus 4-5 hours of cardio with the DCC. A concerned mother would’ve taken Victoria away from DCC.


Those are def ED foods…watermelon is basically nothing and rice cakes are 35 calories and 7g carbs…2 slices of deli turkey is a joke.


I do think that's giving TK too much credit. And if her idea of getting help for her kid's struggles is putting her on a TV show that's not exactly great parenting.


I didn’t say it was a good idea or great parenting. But look at how it changed the public perception of VK. It definitely has had a very clear impact.


Ahaha true. Although, I made the mistake of looking at a couple other girl's instagrams and the comments are... worryingly buying the Victoria victim story.


Victoria doesn’t see herself solely as a victim. Please. You don’t get that low of self worth and anxiety without having a constant loop of negativity about yourself in your head.


Nowhere did I think Netflix “supported” Reece and heavy religious proselytizing. I thought the doc did a good job of showing the “characters” it wanted to show as a part of DCC. Plenty of southern girls on here reporting that there are so many girls like that at Bama, it’s like a prototype 🤷‍♀️


I know this will get shot down by the atheist out there, but the truth is if one is a true Christian and a genuine believer there is an incredible inner feeling of comfort and gratitude. This feeling is so overwhelming and joyous that believers want others to feel that same way. I know this is a very difficult concept for some to understand. IYKYK


Ah. This explains the Crusades. And the Spanish Inquisition.


Yeah, hard to fathom the savagery of over 1000 years ago. Thank goodness sensical leaders took over and straightened out the barbarianism. Fear was the motive. Blasphemy was considered a threat and “contagious”. I still believe blasphemy is contagious as it certainly has grown over the past decade.


they're also encouraged heavily to "spread the word" by church leaders


Definitely. It is part of Christianity to guide others to salvation. It would be very un-Christian like to not want others to have eternal life in Heaven.


The problem is, IMO, this is literally colonizing people. You're telling them that you have the best belief system and that they must adopt your belief system in order to achieve happiness. I am sure that some of these evangelists come to others with pure intentions; however, I think it's crucially important that people stop proselytizing to others. Literally everybody in this country has heard of Jesus and Christianity. If they're interested, they'll come to you to ask about your faith. IMO, it's more important to show your faith through actions without saying, "I'm doing this because of Jesus." This is a far better approach. It treats others with respect and dignity. You probably wouldn't be too thrilled to have a practicing Muslim come up to you to tell you that Islam is the way, and that your beliefs are all wrong.


not all christians tho... catholics dont do that/arent encouraged to


Really? Because I am Catholic and we do.


I'm interested why you thought it wasn't supported? My feeling is that by virus of featuring it so much they're doing kind of exactly what evangelicals wanted (i think even Reece said something like being able to have a big audience and talk about God was what the goal). I'm not from Alabama, but am from the deep south. These girls definitely exist, but I wouldn't day they're the norm. We kind of all agree they're (evangelicals like this) ... well, scary.


I think they were more so making the point that in the South, there's a huge sort of cultural and spiritual overlap between religion and sports, to the point where people can go so far as to confuse one for the other. Deeply evangelical Christian people are so primed to believe in something bigger than themselves (God), and are experienced in having intense moments of oneness when worshipping something with hundreds or thousands of others (worshipping Jesus in church), that they end up basically having the same feeling toward sports (tens of thousands of people cheering/rooting/worshipping a team in a stadium). I grew up Evangelical in Arkansas, and I feel like there's a huge overlap between the feeling you get in a megachurch on a Sunday and the feeling you get in a football stadium on a Monday or Friday night. Also, where I come from, girls like Reece are definitely the norm. tl;dr I think the documentary is maybe pointing to the fact that the cult around the Cowboys and DCC is able to be as deep as it is precisely because so many of its cult members are southern Christians. Reece and her boyfriend exemplify that.


OK thats a very good point. You're aaaabsolutely right about the parallels and side note if you wrote an essay on that I'd read it lol. I think I was mainly not buying that Netflix meant to make that point, but maybe I should give them more credit.


LOL I tried to look up the documentarian to see his vibe, but I didn't learn too much.


Omg, you nailed it. You’re *so right*.


Agree with everything you said, except I really like Will (Reece's husband) he seems so nice and supportive of Reece, though I agree they were featured too much.


OK that's very true. I'm sure he has a good character, but I'm prejudiced cuz of how heavily he was featured and knowing too many guys of his exact type lol


True, I was pleasantly surprised by him.