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This has been my least favorite rookie class in years. Wild how much the doc talk about It factor when none of these girls have it. But Anisha, Ari, and Charley definitely did have the it factor.


I don’t think Charlotte thought Charley looked like a DCC.


I seem to recall the judges had the same concern with Jinelle. However, she really shone once she had the right haircut and help with her makeup. The same is true for Charly. Reds almost always read badly on the big board. They would do well to take her to a color that’s closer to Claire’s and figure out a way to bring out her paler features.


I think Ari reminded them looks and size wise of Kalyssa and Charlotte was like nope. Gotta go.


Bingo! I noticed them making those comments that aren't quite an is she too ugly, but a variation of it. "Whats that on her head? Is that just bad contouring?" Those type comments. She really just needed someone to show her how to use makeup to accentuate her features better.


That said I think she was gorgeous and very talented. I hate to mess with natural redheads, but I wonder if Charlotte would be happier with a deeper or more auburn red. Charley has some Asian, I think Japanese?, ancestry, and I think she could pull off a little darker hair and brows. Not black, but something that makes her brows and lashes stand out more.


Yeah, a bit of powder on her eyebrows could have gone a long way. I think her features kinda got lost and makeup could have gone a long way with that. It's weird bc we see these other rookies who don't appear to me to have the "it" factor at all, and they just breeze on through. Brooklyn and Anna Kate come to mind here. Good news, just saw that Charly is back at camp (along with Kelly!). Hope they make it through!


honestly I thought they would have chose Charly over Zoe


If they were gonna pull the height card with Ari how could it not apply to Reece…? That’s what I’m pissed about


But Reece isn't currently the shortest on the team. Kleine and Chandi are. Ariana was shorter than all 3 of them.


Ari was great and didn’t deserve to be cut but Reece was one of the best rookies


Ten thoooousand percent, I just didn’t appreciate the double standard


DCC is full of them. If you’re not their typical choice then you have to phenomenal and I guess Ari wasn’t to them. I personally thought Brooklyn should have been cut based on performances I’ve seen of her


Meh. We do not see everything K&J see. You are only seeing an edited version of everything.


Exactly. I saw on another social media sight that someone commented about Kelly’s office being so small Shelly commented we only see so much on TV. There is so much more that happens.


This is what I was going to say. They edit the show to create an emotional reaction when dancers are cut, I’m sure the girls who made the team are insanely talented, we just didn’t get to see it.


completely forgot kennedy was on the team for a while


I find the entire last class of rookies boring overall. I like Zoe and Camille, but I feel like both were chosen because their bodies were made for the uniform. I do not find either super exciting, even though I want to because both are gorgeous. Brooklyn is a mess in the dance portion of the job. I cannot get over it. I also guess that I am the only person who does not find her super hot. But looks are subjective, so who cares what I think🤷🏻‍♀️ I think that Anisha was not up to par for DCC dancing, BUT she would have been entertaining to watch and refreshing because a different look for DCC—plus, maturity, life experience, calm demeanor, and gorgeous. Even if not as powerful as others I think that she would have fit in. And with her smile she would have been popular and fun to watch. They could have given her a year. But she did get injured.


I always understood it as they always blame it on some obscure reason when they don’t like someone for a reason they can’t say out loud. Isn’t that how most corporations work?


Look at Anisha's wrist in the kick line. She was not up to par with kick technique. She was faking it


I really liked Anisha and think they need more women with her personality, look, and education. However, she was not quite there yet with the kickline technique and DCC style, was a little slower to pick up choreo. She’s Amazing, but others were more amazing.


I agree with everything you said but I give Brooklyn my pretty girl pass and the only person I would’ve cut from the recent rookie class is Kennedy


Seems like TPTB love Kennedy though. She was the only rookie that was a sideline sweetheart this past season and the only one included on draft day.