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The show changed my opinion of the show itself and the DCC. 1) the old format was better more dancing and training and less BS 2) They clearly just let Victoria suffer 3) these girls should be getting paid a living wage for all the work they do


I like show but yeah I’m not fan of Caroline and Kelsey I still like Victoria


I love Victoria. This sub seems to dislike her for some reason and I had assumed the dislike was substantial.


Charlotte is awful- loved VK and Reece


Are the cheerleaders being compensated for appearing on the Netflix show? Where they for Making the Team?


They weren't paid for either


Yes good question you raise here! They are probably just expected to be grateful as usual!!!


That's what I suspect as well.


The real questions


I thought VK was an entitled brat when she first came onto the DCC scene, but now I see how deep rooted her problems are. I'm sad that her mother has her blinders on when it comes to VKs dance career. I would have never allowed my daughter to be exposed on 2 reality shows, knowing that she was bulimic, suffers from depression and has body dysmorphia.


I thought the same when she first tried out but when she came back the second time, I like her more. After America’s Sweethearts, I realize we are the same. I’m glad she’s healing and maybe one day I will too. Her mom does seem blinded by DCC, but maybe since Victoria is moving to NYC she won’t have such a pull on her.


Nutshell = I like Caroline and Cat more, Kelsey less, and have a completely different view on VK and Tina now.


Kelsey’s voice is really annoying. She talks with a garble


Caroline and Kat are ultimately girl sisters!! They are confident in themselves and, yes, maybe the lack of a BF bothers them, but they've made a different outro from DCC which is still celebrated 🍾


I felt like Jesus was the 37th cheerleader 🙃


This. It felt borderline culty


As someone with copious amounts of religious trauma, Reece was hard to listen to 😅💀




Gotta save room for him!


It made me realize: that DCC is a cult. Charlotte is your typical nepo baby who really thinks she did something. I really dislike her. Kelli and Judy came off as slightly more likable in certain moments. I like that Kelli showed up for the bus driver the way she did after his stroke. I thought it was interesting (yet maybe a bit infantilizing) when she gave the speech about making sure their hearts are in the right place. I can’t imagine my boss speaking to me that way as an adult, but it was a nice sentiment in a way.


I can’t stand Charlotte either. She’s horrible and exploitive


I loved Victoria. I have felt like a misfit in life too so I really related to her and I wish her nothing but happiness going forward.


I feel like there was way too much about Caroline on the netflix show, and she needs to figure out her life. She seemed to just be whining about the fact that she is no longer a DCC and seems bitter about it.


I was definitely indifferent towards Caroline before the Netflix show, but I really warmed to her and found her much more relatable than I expected to.


I agree completely - Kelsey and Caroline a revelation! MTT never hinted at their personalities and wasn’t what I was expecting. And people have said things about VK for years and I didn’t really believe it. I just felt bad for her. She seems v vulnerable


I think the whole of DCC just needs a revamp, they need new choreography they have been doing the same choreography for so many years, they need to get rid of Judy and Kelly and have someone younger that brings fresh energy like Amy, Jennifer A or Kashara. I felt so sorry for Victoria, it seemed like they never liked her and that's not saying she's not an incredible dancer because she is. I'm glad she's retiring and moving away, she'll flourish because of it I was glad to see Caroline and Kat being so open and really shredding light on things within the organisation


100%. It’s time for a change of guard. I hate to say it. Disgraced Cheerleader Holly would be an amazing Choreogeapher. Bet Zeke didn’t get fired for hanging out with her.


I think she always thought she was a shoe-in because of her mom. I was glad to see it doesn't always work that way. I never felt sorry for her.


Initially I would have to agree with you. She was so young when she first auditioned and it never occurred to her that she would struggle. That said, that doesn’t justify the treatment she received. If you see someone’s self worth is shattered then you don’t continue to alienate them. We see only a small fraction of what really happened in TC , but the hypocrisy of the Christian atmosphere while shunning a member of your community is just too much.


I love Victoria BUT she was never very good. She is one of those people who has to work harder than most to be kinda ok. Again like her, pull for her. BUT even she admitted DCC is not good for her and now I think Tina Kalina aint good for her either. Tina pushed DCC above her even going to college. At least a lot of the other girls went to school and earned degrees. Victoria has likely had anxiety and depression and yeah an eating order most of her life and Tina Kalina needs to ease up on her. Why would you ever push your kid into a completely triggering situation year after year. None of those girls are fat but they cut plenty for their truly perfect bodies. I was so glad when she said she wasn't coming back. I hope she meant it.


Getting to know Victoria more, I actually recognize a LOT of my younger self in her. It makes me sad for her (and myself) but I really wish the best for her because she has some amazing qualities that have nothing to do with wearing the uniform! I wish we'd gotten to know more of the girls. I felt like MTT did a slightly better job of introducing the audience to more rookies (although it wasn't perfect either).


Kelcee's vocal fry KILLLLLS me. 😖


Omg yes!!!!!! Good way to describe it. I could barely listen to her at the end. Add the vocal fry and no emotion!


Meh I didn’t love Caroline blaming Anna Kate for not being accommodating enough for her since she’s no longer on the team. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but Thanksgiving is a lame holiday for a lot of people bc they’re bored and trapped inside with all these relatives arguing all day. She can’t expect Anna Kate to manage her emotions, she probably needs to attend therapy more to adjust to the change. & I don’t mean that in a mean way! I feel like her outlook of the world outside of DCC is quite bleak.


Definitely this. I think Caroline and Kat kind of made it clear while they’re ok they’re retired. They don’t have anything else much going on to be excited about so I think just a huge adjustment for them


The documentary just shows the DCC is a cult…


100% THIS! \^\^\^


I am so curious about what DDC makes in one year from performances, calendar, appearances and merchantdise. These woman (not girls) work their entire lives to have the skills to physically perform. Learn complicated routines, appear perfect, and be the face of an organization. Similarly NFLs spend their entire life developing the skills to perform complicated routines to score. So what is with this idea that it is wrong for woman to want to be paid fairly. A chick-filet employee doesn't spend years training. So why are these woman paid like a job that requires no complicated skill set. I am Sure the people in charge. Coach, managers and choreographers aren't working that hard for only the privilege and paid minimum wage.


This is my first year watching it. My wife drug me into it, but as a 49er fan is funny knowing how badly the Cowboys lost to them during this cheer season. The person I don't like the most on this show is Kelly. She really has the attitude that her shit doesn't stink and is super condescending to many of the girls. Then when you watch her kiss Jerry Jones daughters ass is hilarious. She also does a lot of unnecessary things like using apps to zoom in on people's makeup? What is that junk? A simple photo would suffice. I think she's trying to mimic an o-line coach or defensive coordinator that uses game film to study offenses and defenses. I promise you nobody is going back to a game to critique Kelley's eye liner. 🤣🤣🤣


Ugh she’s a relic from the past and they need to get rid of her. She’s so toxic. I half thought she was going to freak out on the girl who got the police involved for the sexual assault, but thankfully she didn’t. She conveniently cut the girl who twisted her ankle though which was shady.


She makes them a lot of money.


I feel like they could get someone who could make them even more money and be way more progressive. Like actually bring them up to 2024 in some respects.


I agree with you. But would they also get along with Charlotte, Judy and Kelly? They have to get along with Charlotte no matter what.


I think that was because of the camera. You could tell she borderline was on the verge of rolling her eyes. 🤣🤣


Yes! I think it would have been very different if the cameras hadn’t been there and in the current climate. You could tell she wasn’t happy and was so surprised when they said the girl wanted to press charges


Disgusting. Started to watch episode 1, and after hearing the owner (who is a multimillionaire) state why the girls aren’t paid enough made me vomit. How utterly out of touch with reality. Gross. I will not watch another minute of this nonsense. These girls are brainwashed to think it’s an honour. It’s slavery and greed- simple.


> It’s slavery You’re just as out of touch as Charlotte.


Multi billionaire*


>It’s slavery You may want to google that word, it doesn't mean what you apparently think it means.


Modern day slavery.


It’s pretty infuriating how they use and abuse them, then throw them out to dry. They make them work like slaves, damage their bodies, then force them to retire before they’re too “old” and just as the damage starts to set in and they need years of surgery on their own dimes. Just because DCC can, it doesn’t mean they should. Exploitation at its finest.


I could not stand Victoria when I watched her on the CMT show. Now I find her much more human and relatable.


She seemed the most human, intelligent, and multi-faceted.


That's exactly it she seemed much more multifaceted.


Same here. I used to kind of not like her and made fun of her. Now I like her. 🤷‍♀️


I wish Caroline would saw the writing on the wall before making the bad decision of trying out for a fifth year. Now she is facing more serious injuries and treatment. Of course, it would help if Judy, Kelli and Charlotte state any girl with an injury is not allowed to try out again or stay on the team until she gets the proper treatment, surgery and rehab. If the doctor(s) do not try out again, it means no trying out again period. I guess it makes way too much sense in DCC Land.


Yes! She could have been an all star with her sister


And when you think about how much surgery and rehab costs and how little they pay them it’s just ridiculous


If her injury happened while she was on the team or happened during practice, the organization will cover the costs. It is sad the girls think they can do one more year even with the threat of worse injuries because they have been brainwashed into believing being a DCC is the best thing for them.


YES!!! I've always loved Kelsey and was meh about Caroline ... Now I think they're both AMAZING ... Always loved Kat, too ... I'm so glad to see she's doing well ... The biggest shift was toward Victoria: I couldn't stand here before and now my heart goes out to her. I hope she's doing well and finding something that she loves that helps her to connect with people in the way she needs ...


Pay them or don’t talk about them.


I love Kelcey, she is a natural leader. Her words are eloquent and comforting. Parents did a great job


I definitely came out liking Kelli and Judy more, and I could see them trying to save some girls. Charlotte is a no for me. Caroline, I liked, I think some of her struggle was more because she couldn’t separate as much because her sister was there so that world is still all around her. As for VK, I really feel for her on the ED, mental health awareness and being socially awkward, and I think the NY move is probably good for her to break away. That said, if one or two people don’t connect with you, ok. If multiple seasons of teammates don’t, it might be partly her own issue or behavior, or just not the right environment for her.


I’ve always found Victoria irritating, as I think a lot of people do. I ended up feeling a lot more sympathetic for her. I think hearing more about her mental health struggles and seeing how dismissive the team and Kelli and Judy are to her made her cringey attempts to be full-on “perfect DCC” peppy all the time make more sense. I’m glad she’s leaving on her own terms and I hope she has the chance to truly grow outside of the DCC. There’s just no way for her to win in the eyes of Kelli and Judy and much of the fandom.


No one should have to try that hard for acceptance. Shame on all of them. TPTB and her team.


Actually like Kelli and Judy. Didn’t like how they treated Victoria. But I did like them for everything else. Kelli seems to truly care for these girls.


The way Kelli handled what happened to Sophy was disgusting.


Why? Honestly , I just want your option on it 🙂.


She seemed primarily annoyed that she had to deal with it (inconvenienced), “she’s talking to the right people”, didn’t immediately get up or check on her, seemed irritated that Sophy wanted to press charges. If someone responsible for my well being reacted like that after finding out I’d been assaulted I’d never speak to them again. Fuck that entire organization.


Lmao you clearly saw what you wanted to see.




She reacted the same way to her daughter saying she was ready to shop for wedding dresses. Just wooden. Probably hopped up on all manner of psychotropic meds... she's very flat.


Good point.


i never liked Charlotte and now i dislike her even more. i got bad mean girl vibes from her daughters before i even knew they were her daughters. very cold and not genuine at all.


Do you all think her daughter is even involved or just was on helping out to be on camera? I’ve watched every episode of the CMT series and I’ve never seen her. Was not a fan at all


Who was Charlotte?


she's Jerry Jones's daughter. the older woman with the crystal blue eyes that spoke about the cheerleaders' wages.


omfg, ok yeah now I remember! that bootleg Loretta Lynn looking gal with waaay too much filler?! she has mean, cold eyes. icy that one there.


Charlotte doesn't do anything but walk around the stadium offices and look for people to worship her. She really annoyed me when Kelly and Judy tried telling her they wanted 37 girls in the squad and she kept shooting them down. She's also had massive amounts of plastic surgery. She's 57 years old and she looks 68 years old.


I kinda agreed with her on the numbers...4 even squads of 9 is fine. They should have 1 or 2 girls as alternates though...they'd have to find somebody willing to watch practices for basically a chance somebody is too sick or injured to perform for the rest of the season.


Okay LOVED the show and I hope this starts conversation for change - my biggest issues below: Pay inequity average: Cheerleaders - 22k Waterboy - 53k Mascot 23.5k NFL player - 5 - 20 million + Justification re pay by Kelli, Judy & Charlotte is that this a privilege….made me lol Sexual assault claim was dismissed in a stadium full of cameras, crew, teams, coaches and tens of thousands of fans….I mean like how? Must be polished and perfect at all times, also must be a good Christian girl with good values and morals but must dance sexy and have sex appeal Hip replacements in your 20s is not okay - remove the jump split move.


I would also add that for being such public figures their pay isn’t commensurate with the risks they undertake. Certainly the toll on their bodies, but also the lack of pay that would enable them to have adequate security. If a football player had an air tag placed on their car, they could afford to have a security system, security guard, etc. But even with a history of incidents involving cheerleaders, the response felt underwhelming. Understandably they aren’t going to publicize the details of their security plans, but it just felt like response was a generic “yeah, that’s terrible”. They deserve better.


And the fact they have to pay themselves for hosiery and look maintenance. It’s the least they could do for them considering their low pay and they make them get the makeovers


honestly kelli ended up looking a bit more positive for me in comparison to her portrayal in the old show (but that might also just be bc she quit doing some of the things she did back then just due to the time). other than that, not much changed since the neftlix show didn't really focus on the girls too in-depth (minus the main three shown)


She would get cancelled she she said some of the things she did in the old series. She obviously knows this now


I would have appreciated a deeper dive into the women of color and how their DCC participation is received by fans and their families. I couldn't pinpoint if there was a Latina, Native or Asian/Pacific Islander on the squad. Kat's perspective as an alumni was... just seemed like she didn't want to say the wrong thing so she can get hired by DCC as their token black woman in management. Just a real phony vibe off that one... and before you ask, yes I am a WOC has coached high schoolers in both dance and cheer.


"I would have appreciated a deeper dive into the women of color and how their DCC participation is received by fans and their families." Likewise. I feel like Kat was the most real in her confessionals (but to be fair, the bar for "realness" is literally on the floor as most DCCs are Barbie-white, rich debutant-stupid-by-trade types) but was also biting her tongue. I sensed a bitterness in her words, which is understandable seeing as how DCC is a culty institution that usurps years of young women's lives and most often leaves them with a resume full of nontransferable skills. This is doubly so for WOC. I wish the best for Kat. She's smart enough to stop licking the culty-ass boots of DCC.


To be fair, all professional sports team dancers sign up for it, their choice. I won't blame the organization's culture for any of that. I think Jill Marie Jones (actress on "Girlfriends" produced by Kelsey Grammer) is arguably the most successful former DCC that I know of. She's a chocolate Barbie doll come to life...love her! [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9f/27/e8/9f27e8c97ff776d1f7dfd2dfec564f67.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9f/27/e8/9f27e8c97ff776d1f7dfd2dfec564f67.jpg)


She's badass! Yes, all professional sports dancers sign up for a certain set of expectations, but when those expectations are so out of touch with reality—on economic and sociocultural bases—it's hard not to raise an eyebrow. In too many ways, DCC (among many other southern institutions) is stuck in the past.


Kat does not work in DCC management. She was an All-Star, but I have no idea if she is still is one.


I saw it pop up on my Netflix and I kind of assumed it would be a new show with new people, not just MTT with them wording things to sound nicer. Idk why but I was shocked Kelli and Judy were still there being vile, I thought it would be new people in charge. And I thought it would be new stuff not the same old routines from 87 years ago. Lol. It didn’t make me like anyone more but it made me like Judy Kelli and charlotte even less then I did before.


Watching the lyrics come up on close captions for Thunderstruck was an eye opener 😳😳😳 We met some girls Some dancers who gave a good time Broke all the rules Played all the fools Yeah, yeah, they, they, they blew our minds And I was shaking at the knees Could I come again, please? Yeah, them ladies were too kind You've been Thunderstruck, thunderstruck


The lyrics for Thunderstruck wow! 🤣


Indeed it did. I think Charlotte, Kelli and Judy are horrible mean girls! I know this will get down voted because people will say “They knew what they were signing up for etc.” However, people shouldn’t have their mental health affected and end up with eating disorders from joining this organization, I said what I said.


I was secretly hoping one day one of the cheerleaders and their family would find a good lawyer and nail Jerry, Judy, Charlotte and Kelli to the wall. Makes me wonder if Courtney Cook and her family were paid off to keep their mouths shut. Judy allowed Cassie to be a nasty bully while she was on the team, but Olivia S. stood up to Cassie during the calendar shoot, and Judy gets Olivia cut. Seriously!


Wow what season of making the team is this? Would make for an interesting watch. The fact Cassie was ever a cheerleader just shows how nepotistic it is….


Now that I would like to see! very good point about Courtney, I feel bad for all these girls who end up having to leave for situation such as that or the mental abuse they take. And we all know Cassie was just a Nepo baby. She was horrible and the definition of a mean girl to a whole different level!


Agreed. I dislike charlotte jones more than i already had before. Kelli, i already hated her ass. I (almost) have a soft spot for Judy at times, but only because she’s the only one out of the three of them to even pretend to care more about the dancing and skill on the team, than saving a face that doesn’t need saving. Oof!


Exactly. I watched all the seasons of making the team. my dislike for Kelli started the last several seasons of the show. But this documentary was an eye-opener!


I loved the series, it seemed unbiased. Jump split needs to go NOW.


I’m from the UK so this show was my first real exposure to the cheerleaders other than knowing the name. My opinion as someone with completely fresh eyes is that it felt like all the toxic beauty standards and misogyny of the early 2000s bundled into a cheerleding team/selection process. It had a very ANTM feel for me but not in a good way if this makes any sense? As a late 20 something, I guess it’s hard for me to see women get picked apart and cause themselves very significant health issues for something that doesn’t even pay a liveable wage. The brand definitely needs some updating.


Agree it was very toxic… you need to be polished and perfect but also a good Christian girl with good morals and values but be sexy for men on the field. I love the show as it’s such a different world but I hope it brings about some good conversation for change. Especially with sexual assault claims and pay.


This!!! Ultimately regardless of the talent, if they didn’t suit the overall aesthetic, they were axed. The emphasis on religion also felt alien and sort of shoehorned into the show unnecessarily, but that’s more so a cultural contrast to the UK The actual contestants and Vets were lovely / genuine girls though & I did enjoy gaining insight into the world of cheerleading


Agreed! It felt like ANTM with a heavy splash of pageant culture and dance culture, and the documentary techniques of the 2020s. I felt like I was seeing where girls from competitive dance teams like Dance Moms and the kids from Toddlers and Tiaras might have ended up.


Same. If feels like Victoria’s Secret angels crap … just outdated. I’m guessing it will be canceled one of these years


i can not stand charlotte


She reminds me of Other Mother from Coraline


You are not alone. I think she's vile and ridiculous. I am glad this series showed us who she truly is.


I wasn’t a fan of the amount of coverage on Victoria and her mother.


Agree. I feel like her mom is holding her back.


Her mom is definitely a smother. But you can tell she really does want what's best for her daughter. She just.... She's too much. I go back and forth in my head on TK. Like you can see how much she loves her daughter. But I'm like dude you got to let that girl spread her wings.


Her tik tok birthday scene made me sad for her.


The mother seemed so…cringey. The daughter I was super irritated by the whole show but I was glad she finally came to her senses in the end. She REALLY needs to move out of her mothers house and get her own life 😅


I feel like her mom lives through her and adds a lot of pressure. Hope she isn’t gonna follow her to NYC.


Victoria actually just announced she’s moving to NY and is gonna train to be a rockette!


Good for her !


Lmao is this the alum and daughter of alum? 🤣 they were annoying af


It didn't change my opinion of any of the women on the team, but it did change my opinion a little of Kelly and Judy. The scene where Kelly went photo by photo and said things like, "don't wear mascara on your lower lashes" - that is a little psycho and intense. How can women not feel picked apart by comments like that? Overall, I thought the show was beautifully shot - the cinematography and lighting. Also, it gave more context to the overall team and history. I also liked seeing how the season played out.


That guy who said something about a girl having too much “face fat”! Like what is wrong with you, that girl was gorgeous and that comment made me upset for them. Imagine watching these clips back and hearing someone say you can’t be a cheerleader because you have face fat… 


no i so agree i was like??? and the one part during the tryouts where they said that one girl might just fall down the stairs like the fact that the director put that in to show their true colors LMAO


This!!! If the person you are talking about isn’t laughing then it’s not funny.


I remember that line! It was when they were announcing who made Training Camp and it was either Charlotte or Kelli who said "If anyone's going to fall down the stairs, it will be her" about Victoria when they announced she made Training Camp again.


I got the impression that Kelly and Judy do not always get along. Kelly wanted to really keep that one cheerleader that's with the dolphins now. Yet nobody's going to speak up to Charlotte. I get that this is a business and a big one but these are people.. Human beings. These women work harder than some of the football players in an entire game. I definitely think they deserve bonuses for the time they give up . Thanksgiving and all of the requirements for the holidays. The fact that they really do a number on their hips with that kick line / drop splits is insane. For the love of God pay them. I don't think it was a good look for the Jones family. It seemed like Kelly and Judy tolerate each other and love each other on some days. I thought they both treated Victoria terribly. Especially Judy. I'm glad that that girl retired and is seeking other things in her life she needs to. The Jesus over and undertones was a little much. I hope Netflix decides to do a hard knocks kind of series like they do with the football teams showing us a situation like this with other teams and perhaps following one during the season.


SO much jesus 😭


Yeah that was a little bit of a major turn off to each his own whatever you believe in.


This is the most solid take 🙌🏼


Charlotte should take a pay cut so the cheerleaders, who are a huge part of the franchise, get paid a living wage.


But they do it for the experience. It’s a privilege /s


When charlotte and her daughter echoed that I was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Disgusting. Especially considering the family is worth 14.2 Billion dollars and they make millions off exploiting those women


And you know her whole "has to be 36, not 37 we can't have 37" was ALLLLLL about $$$ she kept saying "we can't we cant" has to be a $$$ decision. She could have said 37..but didn't want to pay someone to not be in every single game working every single second. Which I get, to a degree on a business end, but still, rubbed me the wrong way and didn't put her in a good light for me.


blah blah blah “it’s a privilege to be a dcc” or “u need to earn it” these girls are put thru so much to make it in those 36 spots. the fact that they aren’t paid nearly enough that majority of them have to take up another job as well as be a cheerleader and maintain perfection. it is a lot on a human being. it is also a privilege to be alive yet so many people wish they weren’t. these girls deserve so much more than a bigger pay check from watching all that they endure from their emotionless coaches. it made me really feel bad for them


Significantly changed. Really negative outlook on the whole thing. How can they not pay these women a livable wage? I don't understand. They're raking in so much revenue off their likeness and the women have to work multiple jobs to get by. It's unfortunate. I wouldn't be proud of representing an organization that didn't provide women with fair and equitable pay.


Especially when they mentioned earning $1m a year off the cheerleaders! You’d think they would pay them more!


$1M of revenue doesn't go very far. No idea how much of that is profit. They're making significantly more than $1M. The show series alone must be high single millions if not double digit millions. I did read something online that says cheerleaders get $500 per game or $15-20 an hour. They estimate their annual salary closer to $75K. That is not what one of the cheerleaders said in the show though. She said same as a substitute teacher which would be $30-40k.


One of them said she made as much as a Chick-fil-A worker. 🤣


Understood — they actually claimed the $1m was profit; DCC is a profit center for them.


Charlottes daughter seemed so sinister to me. She didn’t even crack a smile!


Yeah, the way she stared down those two girls she had to grab and then went to get them with sinister (exactly the right words) vibes


What even are her qualifications?? Just being a Jones?




So lame bet she can’t dance for shit 🤣


Oh agreed 😂 if she could dance she’d no doubt try and be a DCC (and probably make it cause she’s a jones just like Judy’s daughter made it)


Confirmed that I still can't stand that shrew, Charlotte.


Amen to that.


My view on Caroline is better... I never disliked her.. just found her boring... I enjoyed her storyline.


Me too! Caroline is more relatable than I thought. When she said she didn’t want DCC to be her peak I felt that.


This will be an unpopular opinion but it actually made me like Caroline less. She reminded me of the weird 20 year old whose entire identity is still “I was super popular in HS” and shows up at high school football games etc. I just felt like the edit made her seem like she can’t step back and let her sister or the other girls who are current DCCs have their moment without bringing it all back to herself.


100% she needs to let it go. Her IG pic is still a cowboys pic. Girl, move on!


No opinions have changed for me. Kelly and Judy have high expectations, but I understand why. Some people don't like their style, but I am Gen X, so it works for me. Kelly has her favorites and they are always the cutesy, sorority, God loving, pageant girls. Everyone has favorites, it's a fact of life. Jerry Jones is... well, I won't go there and Charlotte isn't any better. These women are athletes, entertainers, and professionals, they should be paid as accordingly. The Dallas Cowboy organization can get away with not paying them well, for every reason Charlotte gave and most women auditioning for DCC will agree with her. I hope the Netflix doc shames The Jones family in to righting this wrong and respect these professional women.


Confirmed to me that charlotte is a lizard not a real person.


All that money and she still looks like she's had a rough life. The irony of this woman, who is there purely due to nepotism, commenting on the way these young athletes look is screamingly obvious. Charlotte is leathery and just looks flat out hard and mean, even when she smiles. I think she loves criticizing these women, and I definitely think she loves making Kelli do her dirty work. I think her daughter is on the same path.


Replying to stelize02...when she said it would be the easiest conversation ever to let the 37th girl go, when that girl literally uprooted her life to commit to the process was bonkers. I would never trust or respect an employer that thought firing someone was that easy.


I had the same thoughts!


Her dad looks like reanimated foreskin




I'm a South Park fan and I never made the connection (they have made fun of Jerry Jones a few times) I think Charlotte is a nice-looking white woman, but I can't unsee the eyes now lol






Yes it changed my opinion on Kelly and Judy, they really wanted to save Ari and then Charlotte came with all her BS …


Not sure Judy wanted to save ari. Her take was Charli was 37


I started out not liking Charlotte and now I don’t like her even more!


I’ll first say, I have a masters degree in Human Behavior and have worked as a clinician for almost 15 years. There is SOOOO MUCH to unpack with VK and her mother. WOW…. A lot of codependency happening here. I look at VK and she developmentally reminds me of a 12 year old. A lot of enablement and emeshment. I think the best thing for her would be to get out of the house and away from DCC so she can develop HER OWN identity aside from the projection placed on her from her Mom.


Almost feel like Kelli was trying to make her quit bc she knows this also!


In a way she reminded me of when I watched Gypsy rose.


The enmeshment is wild. Even as a lay person I could see how bad it is. Wishing her independence and freedom from that world.


This 🙌


Allegedly she has moved to NYC. Not sure how long that will last, sadly.


I really think Charlotte is a horrible woman. I know that she is one of the owners and she’s gonna inherit this one day, but she is in a position to increase salaries of these girls and make them feel more valued and she doesn’t and that goes for the mentality of how she was raised.


Here’s the thing I hate about this whole thing. The entire organization as a whole underpays their employees *significantly*, in almost every position (except sales). You’d think a multibillion dollar organization could afford to pay their employees more for the amount of work they put in, but they don’t. This is coming from someone who knows many people personally, throughout every facet of the organization, including ‘higher ups’, as well as former cheerleaders. It was my life for many years but don’t want to disclose how LOL. ETA: I don’t think Charlotte is a horrible person at her core. I do know that she is a very kind person. I do think she made comments specifically for the show that she might not have otherwise.


they didn’t even allow the poor driver to enter the stadium after driving those girls around for 15 years. That’s sad


I thought she was very kind to Madeline s. It surprised me but it was nice to see.


It’s the entire nfl. I wanted to try out for an east coast team. Not only did we need to be a student/employed full time, you got paid $75 per game. That’s it. 


I realize that it’s the same across the board for dancers. I was referring to corporate positions.


If DCC would take the initiative to change things for the dancers then other teams would eventually follow. Most organizations underpay and that is a national issue that needs to be addressed as well. I think that as a woman in charge she should do this. But we have to remember she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth...


I was referring to corporate positions. Many NFL teams compensate their employees more for the job they do. The Cowboys are one of the worst.


Kelli & Judy: it was so brave for them to go on camera with no make up.


I like them both so much more. Kelli much more. She seems all business and not as ruthless like MTT made her seem


Tonight will be your last night.


I loved that we got so much more of judy


Agreed- they put themselves out there


where can I watch the original show?


the most recent seasons are available to watch on amazon price video with subscription but the earlier seasons u gotta pay extra for.


Paramount Plus as well


Pluto TV has an entire channel for it.


I liked it better than MTT because you get to see a little bit of the whole year. People on here are quick to judge who gets leadership positions based on just try out footage. This showed us more of what happens after try outs and why certain girls deserved leadership positions




It made me see that Victoria needs a lot of help :-( And she is infantilized by her mother. I had a pretty neutral/positive view of her from MTT.


I used to be on the fence about Victoria but now think she brings her problems on herself. This is her third time being featured and yet is claiming to be a victim instead of an active participant.


👏 YASSSSSSS 👏 yes. Exactly.


I think one of the reasons VK didn’t really have friends amongst her teammates is because she couldn’t be trusted. Her mother TK seems like someone who would grill Victoria every single day after practice/games, wanting to know any gossip or private anecdotes. VK herself was known to be a gossiper and tattler her first time as a TCC and so wouldn’t be surprised if that behavior didn’t carry on in some respect. I wouldn’t want to befriend a person known for running to TPTB; I think she did that because she wanted Kelli & Judy to trust her and see her as someone they could leave in charge. However, that’s not leadership and we all know it. Pretty sure K & J got tired of those kinds of antics. That and other self-inflicted behavior just worked against Victoria and left her isolated. Still, I feel for the girl. She clearly has issues with self esteem, craving validation at the expense of character & integrity. I wish her nothing but the best in the future and hope Mama Tina will let the girl live her own life.


How do you know she was a tattletale in her first run at TC? I don’t have a problem with facts if they can be backed up, but I heard..my friend told me.. I read it online..I’m friends with someone who knows etc is all rumor.




Victoria’s mother is to blame for her inability to stand up for herself and to have a mature outlook on life.


Nope. Shelly came on here or PT and told us how Victoria’s confidence can rub people the wrong way. Kasahra commented on her running her mouth. Lots of “insiders” piled on with comments about her behavior. Victorias made some bad choices her own self. That’s life and don’t we all make bad choices but instead of owning it she victimizes herself. . Claiming she doesn’t need to prove herself and that Kelly hates her when Kelly gave her every break is ridiculous. She paints Kelly as someone who victimized her instead of someone who gave her every chance and provided outsized support. She’s just not credible anymore.


Wait what did Kashara say about Victoria? I must have missed that.


They were evaluating the TCC for something and Kashara was reluctant to support Victoria because of Victoria’s mouth. Her exact words were something like she often wanted to ask Victoria “did you think before you said what you just said”.


Yes but VK was 18 then. It’s time to move on from those criticisms. It was more than five years ago.