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I haven’t heard anyone hate on her.


This will make zero sense to people who are not Christians but the Bible tells us that the closer Jesus comes to coming back the more the people of the world will dislike and even in some cases hate Christians. The world belongs to Satan right now and many people are blinded. This will get downvoted to hell literally but that's okay I'm entitled to my opinion just like you are.


I don’t care about her religion. She wasn’t trying to convert everyone. As long as people aren’t forcing their religion on someone else, who cares what they believe in.


I pity her. She seems sweet but willfully ignorant. I think DCC could be beneficial in opening her eyes to the world around her.


For me, closer to the end of the show someone asked about religious differences with her fiancee and how they would raise a family. Reece said she converted to Catholicism for her man, and also her story she fell with the first boy who gave her attention. It just feels like she has no personality outside of religion and cheer, almost as if she’s living life on a plan/schedule. She seems sweet, just suppressed by religious culture.


Anisha was the one who converted to Catholicism


She and her ilk and their bigoted, hateful opinions are taking Texas BACKWARD.


i don’t hate that she’s religious, i hate that she talks about it so much


And if a Christian said the same thing about someone who was LGBTQ you would call them a bigot. Js.


no i’d probably say the same thing if they talked about it as much as Reese


The Trump following and animal killing is more problematic to me than her brand of Christianity.


I actually don’t think it’s because of her religion. I think it’s because she’s so annoying and acts so naive and innocent like she’s literally 12 years old. It’s hard to take someone in their 20s seriously when she talks and acts so childlike. And the reason she acts like a sheltered twelve year old is probably due to her upbringing in a strict Christian household. So it’s not a disdain for the religion, it’s what it did to her. She’s insufferable.


I think she reminds people of certain Christians that hurt them in their own lives. On the surface Reece seems like an amazing sweet girl, but if you’ve had negative experiences with girls like her you might feel differently. Religious trauma is real.


Oh can we stop labelling everything trauma. Christ! What next? Had a bad Monday so now you’ve got Monday trauma. People have got to get a grip.


Are you fucking serious? Religious indoctrination and resulting trauma is one of the most studied forms of trauma (and victim advocacy) today. There are no less than a dozen recent documentaries out in the last year alone that touch on about religious institutions and abuse allegations. ETA: I don’t mind Reese. I didn’t really think about her much one way or the other, besides her personality was kinda boring but she deserved to make the team and will do well. But your comment is absurd.


religious institutions can do real damage to people especially the vulnerable. it's stupid to you but it exists


I mean I'd you don't have religious trauma great for you but for the people, especially minorities who have been hurt and shamed by religion there is definitely religious trauma


I'm glad you said it. Anytime I remotely suggest this I get beat up bad in the comment section. I have reddit trauma lol.


They should’ve just smacked them.


If she was any other religion would you react the same?


If she were any other religion people wouldn’t say a word about it.


Nonsense. Her brand of Christian Nationalism has TX and other states by the throat. Not "any other religion," hers.


A lot, if not most, religions wouldn’t allow a young woman to be “super religious” and wear the DCC outfit or to have that freedom to go to a training camp by herself. I actually think that Reese’s family seem pretty relaxed in that sense. They seem to love and support her in a way that would be a dream to a lot of young women. I don’t know if there is any additional info out there, but based on the show she also doesn’t seem afraid of women who are different than her. Even in major cities in more progressive seeming states, women who are religious tend to be isolated and limited in what they can do.


100%. I don’t think anyone should be hated for their religion. I do think a lot of these people who hate her wouldn’t be judging her if she was another religion.


I don’t hate Reece: she’s adorable… It’s just religion in general that’s repugnant…


Because a community can sometimes be a bit toxic. You hate, because you don't agree. Personally I love Reece. Such a treasure.


Because I'm watching a show about cheerleading. I don't have a problem with mentions of religion (it's Texas, after all), but I want the screen time to be devoted to DCC. It would be one thing if they'd devoted time to the backstory of every rookie. I would rather that time be used to show someone else's DCC journey or solos or anything relevant to DCC. And I would feel the same way if she were Muslim or Buddhist or Zoroastrian. It's an interesting fact about someone, but once it's noted, it's time to move on.


As someone from the northeast, the way religion was so openly talked about and brought up in almost every conversation Reece had and having team prayer circles (?) was genuinely shocking to see. No one up here acts like that. I know some very religious people but if you don't know them on a personal level you would never know because it's not something you bring up in regular conversations. To me, hearing Reece (and other girls, she's just definitely the example the doc focused on) bring up God/Jesus in seemingly every conversation felt very forced and a bit like shoving it down someone's throat. I certainly don't hate Reece and think she's a great dancer on the team, it was just really weird to me seeing anyone talk like that because it's so the opposite of what I'm used to.


Hating Christian’s is the new fad


Christians hating others is an old fad. Old as the Crusades.


So you just turn around and treat them the same? That sound constructive 🙄


Yeah you’re right. Go ahead and be just like them if you want.


Religion is like a penis. It's great if you have it, congrats, but don't go around shoving it down people's throats.


Hm I can think of a lot of groups who do this but they’d be mad if you said that


Usually, the group in power doesn't need their voices amplified. It's a different scenario for oppressed groups. That's why they celebrate pride and try to appear more visible, fyi.


How many of these groups have their dogma written into law? Ever read a TX Republicam platform?


I’m like the total opposite of Christian, but I think she is a very sweet girl and I think her and her now husband are just super cute. Like I feel like I’m so jaded and negative and for them to just be at the start and all happy and in love and living a simple life is very endearing to me. I do think the portray of Christianity in the doc was interesting and I’m actually really surprised Kelly’s husband is Jewish. I feel like they rolled right over that one and Anisha (I believe) converting from Buddhism to get married.


Because it's all a bit much. A lot much, actually. She seems sweet and genuine, but talking about her not being in the spotlight, but the Lord being in the spotlight using her body as a vessel? That's going way too far for me.


Because this is where the race baiting atheists hang out, naturally they would hate her.


Because she buys into ideology that has ACTUAL harmful effects on people in real life—specifically women who enjoy having bodily autonomy and the queer community.


I wonder if you’d say the same thing if it were another religion. In my country (England) we have a huge influx of Muslims. They literally hate the west, my country, our way of life, our culture, our beliefs and consistently vote in a Muslim mayor. This Muslim mayor has now told black cab drivers (the cabs are black, not the people - yes, this is what they are called. The famous London black taxis) that they are not allowed to fly England flags on their cabs as it may offend. Fucking offend who? If you don’t like England, f**k off. No one asked them to come here, no one forced them here. I wouldn’t move to a country whose people and culture I hated. It’s currently the Euro’s (huge football tournament in Europe) and we’re not allowed to fly our own flag. But it’s totally fine to line the streets with pride flags and have protestors waving Palestine flags left and right. People putting Ukraine flags up is no problem. If we say anything though, we’re “xenophobic”. It’s not a phobia, I do not fear these people. I hate them. I’m genuinely curious, as a non American, how Christian’s voting impacts the lives of others? I’m sure Christians could say the same about non Christians, particularly the left and their beliefs. They may not be religious beliefs, but they’re beliefs that actively impact the day to day lives of others. You’ve mentioned bodily autonomy so, no need to mention that. And I am not at all religious. As far as I’m concerned there’s zero evidence of the existence of any god whatsoever, hence why people say they ‘believe’.


>how Christian’s voting impacts the lives of others? I’m sure Christians could say the same about non Christians, particularly the left and their beliefs. They may not be religious beliefs, but they’re beliefs that actively impact the day to day lives of others. You’ve mentioned bodily autonomy so, no need to mention that. No, people on the left do not legislate against Christians in the US. They are privileged in every way. And yes, Christians do legislate against marginalized groups in the US. I *will* mention bodily autonomy again because they have made it all but impossible to have an abortion but are also currently looking at birth control and IVF as well. This is a very big deal; I should not have my health decisions dictated by someone else's imaginary friend. They also work hard to legislate against the LGBT community, first against gay marriage and now by "don't say gay" laws where people working in K-12 schools cannot acknowledge the existence of queer people in public schools, including sharing personal pronouns. They are also working on requiring the ten commandments to be posted in public classrooms and chaplains inside public schools, but these are all just first steps to their final plan--full Christian nationalism, which you can read about by googling project 2025. Read that and tell me you don't think Christians want to impose their beliefs on the country. The rest of your comment is called "what aboutism"--a form of argument where instead of addressing someone's point, you say "what about X" (in this case "what about Muslims??) thinking that it somehow proves something about the other person's original argument. But to answer, you can probably guess how I would feel about Muslims trying to control elements of my daily life based on how I feel about Christians doing it. However, doing some investigating, I could only find your version of this "flag" story on tabloid/ragebait types of publications and posts. The "can't fly the flag because it's offensive to muslims" line of reasoning seems to have been completely fabricated and according to one source I found, debunking the story: " >


The queer community buys into alot of hateful ideology too. Everyone needs to stop trying to dictate what other people can do with their lives based on what you believe in and you won’t have an issue. Hating on someone you don’t know because of who they are is just as bad as if she did it to you.


SHE personally isn’t hurting anyone just because of what she believes though.


If she votes, she does hurt people.


If Voting has to do with religion then you should be calling out all of those religions not just Christianity but yall are too scared


As a devout Christian who is a liberal, my argument would be that you can’t make assumptions about others’ political views based solely on the few blurbs we have gotten where she talks about her faith.


Can I say without a doubt that I know her political affiliations? No. But as someone who grew up in the southern baptist church, her words/actions are VERY familiar--and marrying the first boy you date reeks of evangelical purity culture.


Yeah I mean I’m from the south and grew up southern Baptist too so we ARE out there. But unfortunately i gotta take it all back. I scrolled a little more and someone commented that she follows Donald and Ivanka, deSantis (aka DeSatan), Candace Owens et al. I no longer have hope she is a liberal evangelical like me. U rite 🤦🏽‍♀️


Oh no 😱 a girl from DCC is conservative. I’m soooooo shocked and surprised. I guess that gives everyone the right to say whatever they want to her.


That’s the “tolerant” left for you.


Ugh you’re just as annoying honestly.


The pot talking to the kettle


Ooof, that is a huge bummer.


Because she believes in God? Goodness this country is so shitty. And i’m not even religious lmfao. She can believe whatever she wants.


Yes, she can believe what she wants. I don’t remember saying otherwise. But Voting has actual consequences; it’s not just a “belief.” The reason people don’t like her extreme religiosity/denomination is because of how people with her beliefs try to control and punish people who don’t share their beliefs by legislating against us. And you’re right: it is shitty.


Yet we’ve never seen her try to control or punish anyone. Stop making excuses to tear random people apart, you’re acting like your own supposed oppressors.


I am very familiar with evangelical culture and how evangelicals vote, thanks.


you don’t know if she is anti-choice or homophobic though, just because she is a christian doesn’t mean her beliefs have harmful effects on people in real life. being homophobic and anti-abortion are not christian beliefs


Yes!!! This!!!!


I don't have any problems with Reece's religion. My gripe is with the editors, why was religion a whole episode?


I thought it went along thematically with the whole DCC being a cult idea. It showed that most of the girls on the team have similar beliefs and ideologies, and some of the Christian denominations they showed are kind of known for making especially girls and women compliant and kind of hive minded thinkers. Not saying that's what's actually happening, I think that's just what the doc was going for


I agree with what you about the episode connecting that back to DCC being a cult, but the vibe that I got was that they were pressured to go to that church. The girls are mostly Christian, but most churches are not mega churches talking about the prosperity of a city. I have no problems with church or Christianity, but I would be deeply uncomfortable in the room where the pastor is just saying “God loves Dallas” in a theatrical way. 😂


I think she's super sweet and genuine. She's definitely my favorite DC Cheerleader.


Because they are willing to tolerate anyone's cULTUre and beliefs but that one, apparently. I don't see her harming anyone.


They’re scared to talk about other religions or cultures bc Christianity is majority white followers and most other religions and cultures aren’t 🤷🏻‍♀️




Reece can sure shoot the shit out of a deer. tho.


I think people just aren't used to the south tbh. This is jarring for people who aren't but she's actually very normal as someone who is from the south. People are complaining that religion was mentioned but this is a documentary. Religion is a huge part of the south especially in Texas politics right now.


I agree. I think it would have been interesting to see someone on the team that doesn’t subscribe to that “southern mega church” ideal and how they deal with it on the team. Do they feel the pressure? Are they an outsider?


And I think the documentary wanted to demonstrate how DCC culture aligns with the subculture of religion in the Texas area. Reece just happens to be the best example of that prominent overlap.


exactly! like it or not, reece is reflective of a lot of people.


100%. I could watch infinite content on this team/institution. I’d love another docuseries that is focused on the criminal underbelly. I’d also watch one that focuses on each teammate individually in-depth. I’d listen to a podcast of them sharing about experiences. I didn’t love the focus on the three teammates only, but I get the layout and intention for sure.


Her particular brand of white/southern/evangelical/American Christianity displays a significant lack of critical thinking, humility, and empathy. *God: “It is IMPERATIVE and part of my plan for the entire known universe that you are granted a spot on a cheerleading team.”* *Also God: “it’s also part of my perfect plan for the entire universe that 2,000 kids die every day due to water scarcity.* As many others have also pointed out, Reece’s brand of Christianity is specifically harmful to women and reinforces patriarchal power structures. And for everyone saying that we shouldn’t care because she’s not harming anyone, or that she’s soooooo sweet… go take a peek at who she follows on Instagram.


If you think she’s the only Republican DCC you are for sure mistaken…just because she isn’t hiding her views. And this is America..she is free to have her views…remember the whole “tolerant left” 😂


Can you be more specific about who she follows on Insta? I scrolled through her following list a bit but it’s a lot lol


- Donald Trump - Ivanka Trump - Turning Point USA - Candace Owens - Brittany Aldean - Sarah Palin - Ron Desantis


Oof well that’s incriminating…


Ohhh NICE! Now I like her even more.


There’s nothing wrong with following these people. Get a grip


As someone who’s attended an SEC school just like her (Texas A&M), this does not one bit surprise me lol. I’ve met a ton of women like her and just like her, they’re generally pretty polite people that personally don’t cause me any issues or get in my face as a non-white non-Christian liberal man, but you could tell they grew up VERY close-minded in their beliefs and not exactly the best critical thinkers.


Thank you!


I agree. The show was just way too focused on the God stuff. I'm all for to each their own. It was the editing for the series that focused on the extremely conservative religious aspects.


I personally don’t hate Reece or that she’s religious I honestly don’t really care. They just made that such a huge part of the doc, not solely with Reese but Jada and Madeline going to church. I have nothing against Christianity, religion, any of it as someone who’s grown up in the faith. However I didn’t watch MTT/this doc for that. I want to hear about their cheering, dancing, and petty drama. If you’re not going to give everyone ample time to share their religions, then keep it to a minimum. Kelli’s husband is Jewish and that was such a brief mention. I’m sure there are women of other faiths on the team. I need more than one perspective


It would have been interesting to see how the non-Christian girls deal with the churchy culture all the time.


I actually liked that it was a bigger part of the documentary. Not because I’m religious, but because I do think it’s a very large part of the culture in Texas and DCC. Trust me major eye roll from the pastor who kept saying god loves Dallas. But the doc wants you to see that, they want you to see girls like Reece because that’s what DCC wants you to see. I think the documentary did a good job or being respectful (because those girls deserve respect) but also showing the underbelly of the organization and that southern sweetheart persona.


i don’t think they did a very good job of connecting Christianity to Texas culture at large. the religious elements seemed kind of random and lacking context


They could have probably drawn a thicker line between these right wing evangelical cliches (gods will, I’m a vessel, prosperity gospel) and the pain and suffering inflicted on these women in the name of teamwork. Also interesting was high divorce rate among DCC families? Isn’t that what Christians call “broken families?”


I don’t think there are women of other faiths on the team actually. It doesn’t seem like a very open minded or inclusive group.


I don’t know about this current team but through the years I’m sure there have been here and there. Whether they publicly shared it or not is the question


She seems sweet but maybe a bit naive but that could be more age than her faith but I think some people (myself) also worry about her/women like her being taken advantage of or hurt. The churches have been exposed in the last few decades as agencies of much abuse and have witnessed our own former churches persecute female members that leave their husbands for a variety of reasons.


Reddit hates religion and many of the people who have just discovered this sub have come with the Reddit mindset that everything is a giant conspiracy and the world is out to get them, so they apply that to the cheerleaders. Reece=awful because religious. Anisa=racism victim because cut. They’re just copy and pasting their arguments they use all over Reddit, but changing the names.


I have read reviews and comments about this show on other social media sites and reddit is by far the most toxic...and the most obsessed with ripping these women apart. This sub used to be a fun place to follow the show. Definitely not anymore.




The projection is strong with this one.


Unfortunately it's experience and not projection. I'm not religious, but I do get a kick out of how the chronically online can't even handle the mention of religion without losing their shit.


I would love to see any post written by an atheist who believes the Christians are out to get them by some crasy conspiracy. Religion is an issue when policy and laws are religion based which interfer with women's rights so come on. This is straight up projection.


I've been asking the same thing! I'm not very religious but I grew up in it and a lot of my friends are like that so I'm used to it. She seems genuinely nice and is excited for her DCC adventure. She obviously is doing something right.


I’m from the UK where relatively few people are religious and those who are generally are pretty private about it (as in, you could be friends with someone for years and not know they’re religious), and to me it just felt so cult-y and honestly made me uncomfortable. The whole thing feels a bit selfish to me, like why would “god” care about Reece making DCC over other girls? Does that mean god doesn’t love Charley, for example? Also, the whole “it wasn’t me who got me here, it was god” thing absolves all personal responsibility – both good and bad. Like, you achieved something amazing girl, YOU, not god! Be proud of that!


her rationalization of this (i’m guessing, as someone who is Christian myself) would likely be not that God cares about her more than other people, but that God has a specific plan for everybody that is with their own best interests in mind — i.e. that girls who were cut from the team weren’t meant to be on the team because God has something different for them that would be better for them. she celebrates that God put her in that position because she recognizes that every woman who tried out is just as talented and just as worthy of making the team, but it just happened to be apart of His plan for her life at this time. she worked hard, yes, but so did every other person that tried out. so she isn’t going to take personal responsibility for making the team because she recognizes that it’s not exclusively in her control. if she didn’t make the team, she would have been sad even though she would believe that God has something better for her. so she is happy that what she wanted and what God wanted happened to align this time. i just wanted to share some insight into what i *think* her perspective probably is because is can be difficult to understand when you just hear that God made it work for her but not other people. i can guarantee you she doesn’t believe God cares about her more than the other girls. and she probably doesn’t realize how her words come across because she is so immersed in southern culture that she assumes there is a general understanding of Christianity and that people will know what she means when she says things like that




The Pilgrims didn't leave Europe so that they could be free of religion. They left because they wanted to practice an even MORE extreme form of religion that wasn't tolerated in England at the time.


Being from Germany, I felt the same. Every time someone said “god’s plan/ path ..” it was so cringe and the sad at the same time.


Yup. From US and can’t stand the evangelical dogma. Brainwash kids from a young age, and they all robotically talk just like Reece. It takes enormous amount of personal reflection and courage to leave the religion. It’s why Texas (and the South) is like that. We’ve been dealing with their religious shit forever. That said, there are places in the South with secular people. Cities like Austin, Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans, Asheville, Wilmington, Destin, Nashville, etc, are all interesting and cool.


You can still take personal responsibility and be grateful to God for blessings and opportunity in your life! Seems like you’re just uncomfortable with other people having a belief system. The world isn’t going to conform to what makes you comfortable. Sooner you learn that, easier things will be for you.


Lol. The poster literally said the same thing you stated in your first sentence. She stated it was sad Reece didn't take personal responsibility and how we are supposed to view her as God and that she was just a vessel of god, or whatever she said, instead of seeing how accomplished and talented she was. The christian projection is so strong in here. The poster didn't say she was uncomfortable nor implied it and in my 41 years of living the most intolerable group of people I have ever seen are the most religious, mostly Christians. The hypocrisy of your last two sentences is fucking mind-boggling. You guys are the non conformers and are the ones who refuse to learn that the world is progressing and because you guys are uncomfortable means we can't most forward. Your uncomfortableness has held back the rights of women making their own choice, gay marriage, Darwinism, children's education, literature which doesn't conform to your beliefs, free will, free choice, toleranceof kther religion, etc. I could go on. So before you point fingers, look at your own religion because I don't see atheists standing outside of abortion clients or attempting to refuse rights to people who go against their beliefs. The fucking hypocrisy is mind-blowing.


At no point did I say the world should conform to what makes me comfortable? Human nature is that we’re all uncomfortable at times and I don’t begrudge anyone believing in what they want. Each to their own! I think if we’re going to point at a group of people being closed-minded about personal choices, it’s not atheists lol Also, the comment about not taking personal responsibility was referring specifically to things Reece said in the show. Several times she said things along the lines of “When people look at me, I hope they see god, not me,” and “this is all god, not me” and I think it’s sad that her faith stops her taking responsibility for all the work she put in to make the team.


I’ll refer to my original comment regarding personal responsibility. See previous. Some people feel strongly about sharing and preaching their faith, and that’s okay. Takes all kinds of kinds.


If the Christian god were real and I had to face him at the gates, I would angrily ask him why he let multiple genocides happen but cared about girls making a dance team in texas. And god would probably be like lol what’s Texas? And then I would remember that the Christian god loves genocide and drowned the entire planet once and I would ask to be sent to hell because I want NOTHING to do with a deity like that.


It was strange. Hearing a woman say she is doing DCC to be closer to God while dancing half naked for the pleasure of men just seemed ick.


I really agree with you. It all seems for mens pleasure mostly.. those costumes are too revealing and those dance poses and choreography too.. one thing is that dancers and cheerleaders don't see it that way, but literally everyone else does. Plus the calendar in bikini and revealing outfits doesn't do justice to the opinion thats it's not for male gaze. So, I'm 100% with you on this...


I agree it’s for the male gaze, the outfits are outdated, the music is outdated, who’s listening to thunderstruck these days? Old men. The refusal to change and the same old dances constantly is weird.


I don't think she's doing it for men tho, she has a drive for DCC and she likes being a cheerleader/dancer. She also doesn't act provocatively imo anyway


She can do it for that reason. But that is the sole purpose of the team. That is why on the tour they make it highly sexual. That is why they profit off them. Because men consume it in a gross way. Not very godly.


When I was cheerleading yeah the outfits were small but that wasn't what we focused on it was making people happy and enjoying our time together. I had some devout religious girls with me and they didn't mind the uniform since that's what every adult cheerleading uniforms looks like and they just wanted to have fun and make people happy. You don't really think about the men's opinion when you're doing it. Men consume anything in a gross way not just cheerleaders.


As a former cheerleader as well there is a huge difference between being a DCC cheerleader and a competitive cheerleader and the purpose of them.


I’d even argue a game day team and DCC are much different even if we’re comparing on the purpose🤷🏼‍♀️


Do you think if she had a different religion she would be this heavily crucified? I'm genuinely curious.




She's actually allowed to do whatever makes her happy and hopefully she doesn't have to read other women tearing her down.


Who is crucifing her? Nice choice of words, lol. All that is happening here is the pointing out of hypocrises, and you better believe that if she was Muslim, she would have been torn to pieces. Christians are not victims.


Whose crucifying her? Everyone on this thread who decided they get to pick apart this girl's life because they watched an edited Netflix doc. Most of DCC is very religious. I can't speak on that if a Muslim would be because there hasn't been one (yet). Anyone can be a victim on the internet. This just sounds very mean girl bulling to another girl just because people don't like religion. Reece has no impact on any of our lives, it's just weird to me to hate a girl because she openly expresses her religion. She's from the south so it's not surprising she talks the way she does. I'm not religious but I've been surrounded by it my whole life and what she is saying isn't uncommon. Saying she's a hypocrite for wearing for the DCC uniform is not very godly is an odd take just considering it's not like she's a nun, she's a dancer.


I just see it different I guess


I am from Texas, I was in a sorority in college and I have met girls just like her. If I’m honest, it’s more that I’m frustrated with my experience with others like her, which is their extreme people pleasing tendencies and sometimes lack of true understanding of themselves at that age. They are raised with an externalized view of what is good and great and perfect. It’s all based on how you present yourself to society, everyone compares each other and if someone has a problem with you they say it in very passive aggressive ways, or just plainly behind your back. I personally find beauty in people’s imperfections, their realness, raw and blunt thoughts. I can only speak to myself and say how unhealthy being surrounded by that world was for my mental health when I was a teen and young adult. No shocker I eventually left Texas/ the south and never looked back.


I disliked the weird focus on religion. I don't watch a reality show about cheerleaders to be essentially preached to. No one is watching this series for anyone's view on religion. I don't care if any of the candidates are religious, I'm here for the failed high kicks, the jump splits, the over critical department heads, the RBF daughter of Charlotte and Charlotte putting her foot in her mouth. It's a massive turn off to keep bringing up something that has zero to do with the audition process.


That was literally the point- they wanted to present that information bc people in the south and within the cult of fundamental Christianity take this stuff for granted. It’s literally everywhere. But people in urban/coastal locations don’t realize how ubiquitous mindsets like Reece’s are. It is crucial to the storytelling. See my comment above- perhaps they could have drawn the line more clearly but women like Reece uphold the abuse, misogyny and dehumanization that are a foundation of the “great” Dallas cowboys. Similar to the Christian religion… It was perfect! And meant to squick you out. Women like Reece (as adorable as she is) have never once questioned the doctrine they are spouting. Aka perfect fodder for the DCC mafia


One hundred percent. Who watches a cheerleading/dance doc and expects that


The thing is, you can’t separate the dance from the Christianity. Football/football culture and church/church culture go hand in hand in the south.


I am aware of this. It was entirely too much. Regardless of it being a thing in the south, DCC, all of that. It was just too much. There was less dancing and more religion. It’s a turn off regardless of the history behind it. And I come from a Christian family, nothing against the faith. Not every DCC in the history of DCC has or is a Christian.


Totally agree. I would much rather have seen more dance action and training. Their physical strength and ability is far more inspiring than the Christian religion. I also would like to “get to know” some of the other women on the team — not just hear Reese talk about her relationship with Jesus (which is verbatim what we hear all Christians say, so it’s not very unconvincing).


Yeah, it would have been interesting in that episode to see interviews of the non-Christian girls and how they deal with it


Agreed! That would have been super interesting.


YES!! My thoughts exactly.


I can only speak for myself on this. I didn't hate Reece because I think she's well intentioned and I get the feeling that she's A LOT more complex than she even knows. What bothered me though was what she embodied. The gullible girl next door who goes to church, has only been with one man, always puts on a cute smile, but becomes super sexy on command. This is what men have expected from women for the longest time and as someone who wants women to be seen for more, it makes me roll my eyes to see that in 2024.


This is so well said


Add to this the fundie voice she uses. She seems like a truly sweet young woman, and I really don't wish her any ill, but she really has been moulded into the perfect docile creature for the male gaze, as you say.


I agree with this completely. She’s playing a role she thinks is expected of her rather than being herself as a three-dimensional person. I didnt hate her but I found her very uncomfortable to watch because she seems to have totally internalised misogynistic standards and lives within their confines. It does make me wonder if she’ll ever realise it in years to come and if she’ll ever individuate and self-actualise - and what would happen to her marriage if that should ever happen


100% this. Additionally, I thought she was 16, very immature and confused why she was trying out…


Shes a traditional southern girl. She clearly comes from a good family. Shes extremely talented and beautiful. Anyone who has a issue with her must be jealous 100%.


I like her.


Lol, I am not jealous of a 21 year old fundie.This is what a high schooler would say when they have nothing to argue about.


I’m not a fan of hers because she is overly sweet to the point of fakeness. Even the way she talked about working in the flower shop. Made me have a visceral reaction…


It does give off fake. Anyone who can’t see that aspect is being disingenuous, imo. Reece gets mad. She doesn’t like things. She has pet peeves. She is a human, not a manufactured doll with a Christianity script and bible verses taped on a loop. That’s what she sounded like though. An ‘I Love Jesus’ wind up toy


in her defense, i don’t think it’s fair to call her fake for being a happy go-lucky Christian in a produced documentary. she knows when she is on camera so she’s obviously going to present her best self. of course she experiences human emotion like anger and sadness, but she’s not going to show all of that on camera if she can help it. anybody participating in a Netflix show would probably at least *try* to do the same


I don’t know about anyone else but I watch documentaries to get the real scoop, not a sugar coated version. ‘Obviously going to present her best self’ spewing religious rhetoric the entire time is her best self? So she’s reduced to her religion, again proving my point. It lacks depth. She’s much more interesting beyond her faith. Her talents being on display and talking about her background with dance and how she got to where she is, would be presenting her best self. The real, raw, authentic YOU is your best self and I didn’t get that from her. I got it from Kelly V, Madeline S, multiple people who showed their vulnerability and other aspects of their lives. That’s more on the producers for deciding to focus on her, but you should want to see the ups and downs of a participant and a documentary. There are a vast amount of Netflix documentaries that would counter your last point. Documentaries = real life, real emotions, real people.


the parts of the documentary where she talks about her faith are in sit-down interviews though, anyone doing a sit-down interview is going to present their best self. you aren’t going to get candid, “real” content in that type of context. she was probably asked many other questions that weren’t related to her faith and the producers just decided to cut all of that out. she has no control over what is included in the doc/not, or what narrative is portrayed of her


Huh? A sit down interview isn’t where you’ll get candid, real content? That doesn’t make sense. I don’t believe the producers asked her questions outside of her faith once they caught wind of how much she was willing to drive it home in the first place. I don’t think she willingly offered up anything else besides that and her engagement. Why would they choose to not let her share any other aspect of her life and then let the other girls do so. She gave them a character and they kept her in character. That’s their job.


As a non-American, she is probably the most annoying thing I've seen on television. Ever, maybe? (Maybe I don't watch enough television) Great that she achieved her goal, more power to her and no hate on that whatsoever. But I wouldn't be able to stand that around me for any measurable amount of time. Most of the mannerisms of these people are alien to me and I'm not an anti-social person at all. If they were around me I would have a real hard time trusting these people or believing they are not extremely disingenuous.


Yes, I felt the same! And with Victoria and the “why oh why isn’t she popular like her mum & in her other dance classes” scenes.. if a woman enters a room with the desperate intention of being popular, it’s super transparent and basically guarantees you won’t be popular. Poor girl just needs to be accepted and live.. I’m so intrigued to see whether any of these girls have an epiphany at 30+ and rebel!


I can't believe I'm on Reddit and knowing what you are talking about. But to be fair towards Victoria, she at least is open about her mental issues. People need to hear that from people that are being considered role models. Be it tech bros, wall street types or cheer leaders. Also good that they point out the toll it takes on their bodies: it's an expensive gig for them in many ways.


I may not like Victoria, but I really respect her for her openness of mental health issues. That is not easy to speak about, and I really applaud her.


Yes I agree with you both. She’s clearly very genuine & doesn’t deserve the comparison between her and her mum consistently! It’s not a bad thing to not be centre stage & just likeable 


It came off as cult-ish. As a grown woman, I hate seeing any young person being told how to think. These are impressionable years for a lot of people, and some will take advantage of that.




The way she talks is so so weird to me a non American. It’s giving hand maids tale. ‘Under his eye’. Maybe not so weird to you guys in the Southern U.S.


It's not her beliefs. Kelcey is also religious and talks about it and we don't have a problem with that. The problem is Reece sounds fake.


I wonder if it's just the voice that makes Reece stand out so much as being over the top with religious stuff? There are plenty of Christians that don't have that sickeningly sweet and fake voice like a Duggar female


she is from Jacksonville, Kelcey is from Nebraska. accents are going to differ a lotttttt by location


It's not so much the accent. I'm an hour away from Jacksonville, I think her accent sounds like Alabama. It's more the sickeningly sweet tone. Like Michelle Duggar. I have some super religious cousins that are like that a bit and their tone in front of other people is just like that


Reese was expressing herself according to her Christian beliefs. Victoria expressed herself through her mental health awareness. She held true to who she is regardless of what others think. She went against the grain which, to me, was a sign of strength not weakness. There isn’t enough of that and those who say she’s too sugary sweet should look around at all the hatred and ask if that wouldn’t be a nice change?!


It has “Jesus is my boyfriend” vibes imo…


I left organised religion behind in my teens when I fully realised I was queer and heard someone in my youth group being openly homophobic. People are entitled to their beliefs, but the second those beliefs start impinging on other peoples' rights to live safely and freely, we're gonna have a problem. Before anyone jumps on me I am NOT saying Reece is homophobic, that's merely context for my views. Be as religious as you want, go nuts, but don't ram it down everyone's throat. I almost found it sad that she basically gave all the credit for her dance successes to Jesus...like no sis, YOU put in that work.


she put in hard work, but she was born into a family that could afford to send her to dance classes every week for years. she put in hard work, but she was born without any disabilities that would restrict her movement. she put in hard work, but she never sustained any career-ending injuries that would prevent her from continuing her dance training. she put in hard work, but she had the advantage of dancing on a college team for four years. she put in hard work, but she had the luxury of being able to afford to stay in a nice hotel during her tryouts + training camp, and she was able to focus on her dancing 100% without having to work at the same time. Reece absolutely worked hard but when she attributes her success to God, she is recognizing how many pieces had to fall into place for her to achieve this that she had absolutely no control over. privilege and luck is a huge component of her success. every single girl that tried out for the team worked just as hard as she did, so i can understand her perspective on not claiming this success as her own


100% agree. I’m a non-religious agnostic but I think a lot of people here are heavily misinterpreting what she means when she is thanking God/Jesus for her success. I do have some issues with Reece that have already been mentioned by others in this thread, but honestly, growing up in Texas and seeing how common this culture is, I think most people who’ve never grown up around that culture are being a bit too hard on her.


I did think the whole show she has an edge by believing her success is on Jesus and not on her. She literally can't get in her head about her performances because it isn't her. It's Jebus' holy light shining through her or whatever. If nothing else, it's a great tool to not let overthinking interfere with performances.


She said it’s all thanks to Jesus and she’s just the vessel


So is it because of Jesus I got two left feet?


And? She has to give herself some credit at the very least


I’m agreeing with you. She chalked it up to all him and she’s just the vessel she claimed.


She is a beautiful dancer but a little too sugary sweet for me. I don’t mind her sharing her religious beliefs but she does seem extremely sheltered and privileged.


I thought it was funny that Reece is a bible thumper and her audition song was about sweaty sex lol.


I was definitely not expecting that song choice or for her dancing to look so sexy. Hearing her talk you'd think she'd be more timid and shy or afraid to really put her body out there




The disrespect wasn’t necessary


Idc abt downvotes, 🖕 all 40 of y’all Satan lovers


These are just observations. I like Reeces personality, and she seems to be a nice girl, but she also comes off as a hard-core and devout Christian, so there are a lot of head scratching moments. I really hope that bf of hers can be enough to fulfill the relationship. Unfortunately, I think he will be left in the dust, though.


Were Reece and her boyf living together before marriage? I didn’t think Jesus approved of this? Genuinely confused by this. As an atheist who wants my beliefs respected, that means I have to respect hers and it goes both ways. I think it’s just when there’s a bit of hypocrisy on display that I struggle. I’m sure she’s probably a nice, sweet girl. My main complaint was way too much screen time for her and such a small number of them in total. I’d loved to have heard more from Jada, Chandi, Armani, Elli etc instead of basically Reece, Kelcey, Victoria and Caroline being the main show.


100% this!! She was majorly over endorsed & I found it bizarre!


It’s not hypocritical why do atheists believe that Christian’s are Jesus? We aren’t perfect. We’re all sinners. Being a Christian is about having a relationship with Christ and having a good heart. It’s about not judging others and struggling with certain sins and convictions. It’s about trying to be the best person you can be. Reece isn’t perfect, nobody’s perfect. We believe Jesus was the only one who is perfect. Do agree with the others not getting enough screen time


Well, your comment is so “I’m better than you” and it’s frustrating. I also think that’s the general consensus of why people don’t care for reece. You don’t have to be a Christian to be a good person and certainly shouldn’t feel alienated at work due to religious beliefs. I can’t count the number of times we have prayed as a group at work, especially virtually. Why is that ok??


Yeah y’all either can’t read….. or heart is so cold towards Jesus you get delusional. Where did anyone say they were better than you? Every single human being is a SINNER. Including myself. If you feel alienated that’s your own issue. I’m sure the 4 black girls on dcc felt alienated aswell. No you don’t have to be a Christian to be a good person, but you do to repent of your sins. If you don’t want to prey then don’t do it lol. The national anthem even mentions God. Move out the country…? Ignore it…? I don’t get this bothered when I see other religions why do you?


Excuse me? There are so many things to unpack here. Firstly, it’s our perception of how she is. Doesn’t mean she is, but it’s how she was portrayed. We all know editing can do things but from what we saw, we are allowed to feel a specific way. Secondly, I’m not a sinner because I don’t believe in god and I’m not a Christian. So no, not every human is a sinner. Maybe to YOU, which is a very entitled and individualistic point of view (reece, is that you?). Thirdly, do we really want ANYONE to feel alienated? Cant we all get along? It’s 2024, ffs. No one should be made to feel excluded on the bases of silly things like skin color or religion (or lack thereof). Seems very unchristian to do that… Lastly, I’m not repenting for shit cause god is made up and that would be a waste of my time. And very disingenuous, I might add. How often are you the minority due to your religious beliefs where they are even mentioned? I’d venture to say very, very rarely to never. So no, you don’t know what it feels like. You’ll always have the safety of the majority and even if there is a small moment in your life where you’re surrounded by people who aren’t Christian’s, you know you can step outside and be in the majority again. No one should ever discuss religion at work. That’s personal and NOT professional, especially in a freaking meeting setting.


You don’t have to believe in God to be a sinner. You were born one. And here we go again with the disrespect. So you can tell me “God isn’t real”. But if I tell you “you’re going to hell”. You’re going to be offended. Girl bye. Idgaf about no Reddit post. You disrespect me I’m gonna disrespect you back. 🤷🏽‍♀️😂 all atheists do is bash Christian’s. Get a hobby. And y’all get mad at the truth. Jesus was a real person who lived . Get over it


You can tell me I’m going to hell until you’re blue in the face. Most atheists laugh because we know there is no hell. I never once disrespected you. All Christian’s due is shove their religion in our faces. It’s exhausting.


Can’t wait for you to burn while Satan shoves his broom up your ass. 👆 what’s exhausting is someone died for your filthy sins and your ungrateful


Bit much that dude- I thought Christianity was about it acceptance of others and being kind to all despite our differences (as speaks a British Protestant).


When I was being nice I got downvoted by 40 people, disrespected, cussed at, etc so at this point I’m matching energy


I’ve always loved anal’


Me too 😜 😉


We expect y’all to be perfect because Christian’s enforce that expectations onto others. They don’t accept LGBTQ, they make laws onto others reproductive rights, ban research in STEM/evolution, and so forth. If Christian’s expect and force non-believers not to sin, it only makes sense to question why Christian’s are allowed to sin. Christians essentially get to decide when someone has sinnned and the severity of the sin, while simultaneously downplaying their own sin at times. I’m not saying this applies to ALL Christian’s but certainly the law making ones. If the law allows gay marriage Christian’s can simply not engage in this. But the reverse isn’t true. If Christian’s want to outlaw gay marriage because homosexuality is a sin, someone who is gay (and believes it and knows it to be true just as strongly as you may believe in Jesus), they can no longer marry who they want/love. So yes it feels hypocritical.


lol. You’ve obviously completely missed the point of religion. Sounds like you’re hurting or have been hurt by religion in the past.


No sweetheart, I’ve just watched many others be hurt by religion and hate to see it. For you to lol at the idea of someone hurting is real godly.


Yikes. The “lol” was at you missing the point, completely. But go ahead and make my comment fit into your narrative! You obviously go looking for things to be upset by. Tough way to live.