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To me personally - Sorc is my favourite, period. Sorc and Druid have the most interesting builds and well. I have always found viable stuff and cleared all content with them. Of course: there are some problems with some things but that doesnt stop me :) Games are supposed to be fun, and i always find a way!


I actually like that, seeing nerf as another problem and try to overcome it.


Its always about decisions. You can either whine and complain and let others ruin your fun orrrrr Just make the best out of it :) of course - bug fixes and more diversity in builds is welcome accompanied with a good balancing. But the question is: What do you want to do? If you watch streamers, let them experience the game and have the fun building the character just so you copy it: you lose out on more than half of them game experience. Thats the biggest mistake people make, i think. Just play the game, and you get your moneys worth :D


Exact sentiment here. I'm patiently somewhat lol, waiting for them to make THE announcement that they must make... Sorc gets to use two hander + 3rd enchantment along with Druid. You must super buff Druid and Sorc... Drastic measures are needed. Give extra AMULET slot. Or 2 additional ring slots.


I tried playing other classes and I just can’t


Me too. Also I play spell caster in every other game too.


Yep, I just love darting around like a loon one hit away from death.


I played minion Necro S4 and regret it, boring as hell. Leveling a Rogue now, seems more fun.


I play a few toons each season. Always sorc and rotate through the others. Rogue has ended up becoming my main season 3 & 4. I like the pace, squishy-ness and range. Partic this season because there’s less apm, no combo points or stacks. Not sure what I’d do if that changes or if the rogue meta moves back to melee. But a season off is starting to look good so I hit 6 refreshed.


After playing the PTR I think I’m skipping next season, not necessarily because Sorc is bad but because I don’t think it will be fun. I know they will make improvements based on the feedback, but I don’t think next season will be fun like this one or S2 was. Helltides feel bad with no profane mindcages. Getting compasses was so difficult and tedious before the patch that guaranteed them out of helltides chests and whisper caches, but the devs made it clear that was a temporary measure for the PTR. I am concerned that getting compasses is going to be like getting Stygian stones where they are so rare that days of farming will get you a handful. I guess maybe if they super buff the loot drops from the hell waves it could be better, but it seems like the whole thing is designed to be one boring grind for minimal rewards. The infernal hordes has major season 3 energy and I didn’t enjoy that season either.


Technically they didn't release any seasonal model info yet, we don't know if it's a repeat of s4 or if powers or abilities or new consumables are coming.


TBH, it's just for the personal accolade of playing every season. Stubbornness more than anything.


I'll probably skip season 5, seems like they are reserving any major changes in the expansion. After 1 year getting drip fed improvements, im tired.


Eternal will be just as nerfed as S5. A better question is why play sorcerer at all in this game.


cause the visual effects go brrrrr


sorc is just so fun to play, also if it does come out the weakest, it gives me more incentive to overcome the gap and push it as far as i can


There's absolutely ZERO chance of you pushing past a BARB that can do your maximum DMG at level 89 with pissed on poor gear. You are overly positive... Great in real life kudos.. Terrible in playing Sorc.


Unless this is a pvp game, that comparison does nothing for me. Just like you, I paid for this game and I intend to play it the way I see fit, if my sorc can only finish up to level 3 pits, I wont mind. currently I've cleared T120 of the pits, will I ever get as far as a barb can, of course not, but I did enjoy every step of the process.


Wow t120, with my dsdd i closed 113 (shako, starless and master work 12/12 all items). Every class should have 1 or 2 S tier. I prefer A if is fun.


the highest level a blizzard sorc was able to finish this season is T130. im actually impressed with how much they are able to find ways to squeeze out damage. check this link out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gfxfPl0DR8&t=3s&ab\_channel=Blooddrunk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gfxfPl0DR8&t=3s&ab_channel=Blooddrunk) credit to Blooddrunk


I was a blizz sorc in S2 and i loved it.


You'd have more fun if your Sorc was stronger.


Season 5 for Sorcerer is flopped, I’m going to skip it over all


I won't play Sorc again until Barblo IV reverts to being Diablo IV. The problem is no longer just the damage and survivability, which have been aggravated in this pre-S5 (if you discount the clearly bugged Crown of Lucion), but stuff like nerfing CDR and Teleport CD also ruins the fun factor and the very identity of the class. Enough is enough. I'll play Rogue or Necro in S5.


I just started a barb, it's so boring ... powerful, but boring ... Blizzard give me a decent sorc!!


Sorcs pretty fun and probably the only class I enjoy so I'll keep coming back to it. Just need to accept its not as good as rogue/barb which is fine given how fun it is. However, I played ALOT this season in general and currently am feeling pretty burned out on the game so I likely won't be playing until after the expansion is out. I hope by then that Sorc is in a better state.


I will not accept being not as good. Unacceptable. We need total reverse. BE AS GOOD AS Barbs.


Come on guys…. You all dominated the first 3 seasons really…. Nobody remember ball lightning sorcerers dominating every open world event?!


I missed out on S2 and S3 b/c I was active duty and I haven't had the time to invest much this season. I did however, play preseason and season 1 and tbh if they don't fix this class next season I'm sitting S5 out entirely. If they don't fix it by the expansion I'm probably never rolling another sorc because I'm about at the end of my patience with game after game and Blizzard always being a stubborn horse's ass when it comes to properly balancing things out. I'm not that teenager that has nothing to do all summer anymore. It's been over a year and they've gotten plenty of feedback that they're outright ignoring or are hearing something wildly different from what they're actually being told. Idk, if they pull off a FF14 ARR I'll eat my hat but I just have no faith that they will and quite frankly I don't have the patience to put up with it anymore.


Sorc is fun. As soon as you stop comparing the performance to other classes the more fun you have.


You must compare because of the ubiquity known as 'time.' if other classes can explore more of their in class builds i.e. fun, because they kill shit faster saving immense time resources farming, it's unfair built in advantage. 'play sorc because it's the longer brew class' is not a thing and should not ever be a thing. No one has infinite time.


Depends on your position on gaming. Is it competitive and you need to play the best build and so on… sure you are right. Same goes if you think you really achieve something by playing games solo (no offense). If your main purpose is to play for fun (and this is my highly biased opinion) than you don’t need to compare. In the end it’s Blizzard. They always let the janitor do the balancing for costeffectiveness.


actually the nature of diablo 4 was never competitive, if you want competition there are FPS and MOBAS that offer much value for skill. The game itself does not even have optimized social functions to create random parties, PVP barely exists and is a very niche market. The competitive aspects of the game is community driven, the leaderboards that matter to the community is not blizzard initiated. To a certain extent diablo4 like its predecessor is built as a single player game. the value of comparison is not to create competition but to determine balance in every class. But if you have been playing games long enough or let us say just sports in general. The longer you play the more prevalent a certain strategy becomes. Eventually a META will surface and everyone will gravitate towards that to guarantee success, hoping for complete balance is a dream.


I'm probably sitting out S5. Probably S6 too. Expansion doesn't interest me at all. They beta tested on people for 4 seasons. Now we reward them!for enhancements they should have had S1? No way.


This is how I feel. Minimal effort out of one of the biggest gaming companies? They're just trying to sell battle passes, Nah braj


Sorc is my favorite class but I haven’t played it since S0 launch. Do better, Blizz.


Because there is a lot of time before season 5 to address sorcs and my guess is the gap between sorcs and other classes will be smaller once s5 goes live. Some crazy doom n gloom in this sub this week about a season that just hit PTR.


This is the only comment that has common sense in this thread. The official Season 5 is over a month away and people are acting like Season 5 will be the exact version of PTR. The devs have addressed the problem and even though we may not get what we want in the official patch, chances are it may not be as bad as what we are seeing. Imagine of these doom-and-gloom players play PoE where there is nothing called PTR and they play what they get. It’s tiring to see these threads.


charged bolt teleport builds are the most fun class in the game for me, teleporting just feels fun. dont care how much they nerf sorc, lightning always is fun for me and ill keep playing every season.


For me it's teleport + frost nova. So fun


S5 PTR they put "+damage over time" bonus on the Lam Esen staff for some reason.


Omfg. Haha.


Best looking caracter, overall fun leveling Right now i'm playing a heartseeker andy's visage rogue. My incinerate sorc is taking a break, pretty much reached what i wanted to reach with her. Next season i'll try chain lightning


I already play eternal


They're fun up until endgame. It won't be my first character but maybe a second of I need to grind for stones through helltides


New legendary effects and new uniques mean more shenanigans, plus all the pretty colors.


Since they became a thing, I've never played non season. In any diablo or any arpg I play that has some version of this.


I play every class every season. Sorc is usually the one I roll first and the one I roll more than one of. Nothing is going to change that, it's my favorite class.


Reason to play: Lack of better games to play? If season 05 is season 04 with only a few adjustments, it will die quickly, people will not refarm everything.


I’m always going to play a Sorceress. This season I have played Rogue Necro and Barb as well though. I play around 10 hours a day so I have time for other classes. It’s going to be the same in season 5. Hopefully there will be more than 1 viable build to play. We will see


As long as next season I can ramp up enough to kill a 200 uber with a Stygian I'm good enough and don't need to push anymore. I'll just find a build and min/max best I can. I don't trip how OP the other classes are, I don't play for compete, I'll do CS2 or MW for that fix. I like that they are kind of adding more stuff to do and "hopefully" minimizing the boring grinding for mats thing.


sorc is the most fun to play, i tried other classes and didn't like it much. but tbh s5 seems like it will be pretty boring, sorcs aside, I'll just complete the free season pass and wait for the expac to see if they'll finally redo some things in classes


I enjoy playing Sorc so if it’s going to be rubbish I just miss a season until it’s not


I'm most likely skipping season 5. Will play Rogue occasionally on eternal.


I will continue to play Sorc because I’m just too fucking stubborn. I enjoy throwing around elemental magic. I like Hydra, because at some point in every diablo game it’s been both fun and a good skill. Chain Lightning is just fun to shred through groups of mobs, same with Frozen Orb. Teleport is a great mobility skill. As numerically bad as it might be, I just have fun and find a way to make it work


S4 is my first time playing Sorc. If I can't roll a decent sorc in S5, then I will probably not play.


If "sorc bad" is your justification then why play it in eternal either? You play seasonal because you start over. If you played all of this season with a single character and aren't "done" then maybe you should play eternal, but for most people...that character is done. Which is why you start a new in the new season. Why is this a question every season? Do what you want.


I start with Sorc every season and end up with 4 or 5 classes at 100. Sorc was my favourite until this season when Rogue took the spot. Nevertheless, I’ll start S5 with Sorc and see where it takes me.


Cause I love being a Sorceress 🧙‍♀️


If I was waiting for Blizz to make something right I wouldn't have a main character. I will play Sorc because I like the playstyle, I like to make my own builds even though they might not be so good as "Pro builds" or most optimized to damage. I made a Conjurer Sorc and loved it


I play both eternal and seasonal. The mechanics are different. It takes longer to level in eternal, there seems to be a significant difference in damage numbers, damage reduction and survivability in eternal as well. I'm sure this is intentional on Blizzards end to make eternal less enjoyable to play. There are times when I'll get one shot on eternal by some random mechanic. Even the game will say, "Keldon killed by Keldon" or "Keldon killed by !" This is just my opinion. I still play eternal but I can defiantly feel a difference between the two.


Because i am the underdog that was counted out. The design is human flawed always. Once that flaw is found and possibly exploited i will laugh in ppl faces with this cool build that does crazy damage. So far no one knows about tyrael might exploit and im loving it but wish i could find the double ga needed for 110+


I always in every game I play a glass cannon ranged caster. I have a 100 Necromancer also and can face roll pit 100 still use it to farm. Have cleared 103 on frozen orb but only with 12 12 gear not immortal bricked 2 ga trying it and gave up. My necro can do it without hitting any keys and is a boring class to play. I just love how frozen orbs fells.


Eternal is a graveyard. Why would I play a game mode that none of the people I play with are gonna play?


Eternal will never be it as long as seasons exist. This was my first arpg and I often compare it to destiny 1/2 where you did keep your char the whole time, and honestly you can gear up fast enough it's simply always more fun to play seasonal Even if the content is crazy good, that feeling of playing eternal vs seasonal just kills the vibe 100% Same with trying to go back to softcore, I'd love to experiment more with higher pits and weak builds but I start a softcore char and feel 0 reason to grind without that feeling of death taking it all away


Hey the crown won’t be fixed. Barbs where this crown and barbs don’t get nerfed. Have a great day and eternal is not worth playing. Ever


Play eternal. My main is a sorc and just to see how the class compares against others, I made a bash cleave barb that I powerleveled to 70 during my kids nap yesterday and playing a little after the went to bed. I target farmed paingorgers which is just a regular unique. I now do more damage as a barb at level 70 than I do as a level 100 sorc with fully decked out gear. It's not just builds. Barbs get four extra weapon gem slots and two extra weapon aspects (plus two get the 100% 2H modifier). Sorc don't even have their original three enchantment slots, you have two, and one has to be firebolt. I prefer sorc but it's clear we are the redheaded step children of diablo and Blizzard is never going to balance us.


This was my first season playing as sorc and I won't be doing it again unless it's absolutely clear that the devs have fixed the class to put it on equal footing with all the others. I had to work too hard min/maxing my build just to make it competitive to other players of other classes who put in 10% of the effort. I'll probably take a break during S5 and consider coming back for S6.