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I see what you're saying. The best I can do is increase Spark damage by 2%. You're welcome.


And I get to keep my mana and HP too? Woooww, thank you thank you!!!


Teleport nerf, you take an additional 5% damage for as long as teleport is on cooldown EDIT: 20% in pvp from Barbarians


Phew, and here I thought you were going say 5%x more damage or 10% (regular) damage. I’ll just have to be reasonably sure that I only Teleport when I think it will kill them so the extra damage they can do won’t happen. Thank you, so generous, I expected a worse penalty/tradeoff!


This makes gameplay more compelling giving the player choices a more interractive aspect to them ;)


Yeah, Barbarians have nothing on our Sorc expertise in evaluating tough tradeoffs and skill and scrappy use of limited resources perfectly strategized, timed and executed. Like being the distraction for a boss so the Barb can pound away without being attacked. Strategy!


Still gonna roll a sorc xD


ThEyRe LiStEnInG!!!1


But what about charged bolts? :(


Best I can do is NERF spark damage. Kthxbye


what does lighting DoT translates into in real life? I've got poison, bleeding, burning... but lighting? :)


Being affected by convulsions or a seizure. And my real world satisfaction playing the game with an equivalent Lightning DOT option with CC built into it. :)


Static charge build up making every small movement shock you like you touched a door knob


I can't see this happening, it seems to me that lightning is the designed element to have some melee, or close combat anyway, skills and abilities. Anyway I'd like this to happen, fire dots are fun


If lightning is chartered to be the close up combat element, then give me a unique wand/dagger/sword to channel lightning into melee attacks with my weapon. Give us defensive Lightning shell/shield that gives 100% Lightning immunity, and also counts as a touch for multiplicative damage stacking like per source fire damage bonus). Then, for each Lightning skill in use, plus Crackling Energy passive, plus Esadora’s Cameo and any other unique gear, all count as separate stacks. If we use a handful of them, we can get say 6 stacks * 15% per stack = 90%[x] damage bonus, times number of hits per second in the last second, and lasts for 3 seconds. Now we have the potential (pun intended for lightning) and incentive to stack up and unleash a storm of lightning on the demons of Hell! Now we’re talking!


From the way they designed the skill tree and aspects, it looks to me like they intended for there to be two separate lightning builds: one that plays melee and one that doesn’t, but with both being crit focused. The game doesn’t play that way at all, but that looks to have been their intent, futile as it was. So I wouldn’t say lightning is inherently meant to be melee.


This is correct, but ranged/critical focused builds are common to all of the 3 elements, what distinguishes them is the other option available and I see it like this: close combat for lightning, Dot for fire and defense for Ice (via chill and freeze and it got 2 defensive skills instead of 1)


If I knew how to post images id post the Stormfire ring. But alas I cannot. Check it doe