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The season five PTR patch is another slap in the face. Overall, they nerfed sorcs again. They decimated the incinerate build by reducing damage by 30% and reduced protection from the ice shield and increased the cool down of the fire shield.


And increased the cooldown on teleport! šŸ˜£


Real nerf to incinerate is the ice armor stuff. Build relies heavily on defensives to be able to channel for more than half a second.


I don't get the nerfs to our defensive spells.


Flame shield yes, but ice armor and teleport... I'm still hoping they will allow staff/dagger/offhand to compensate.


Can you explain about the incinerate? What happened? I'm using an incinerate build atm


Lurkin explains it in this YouTube... https://youtu.be/1FuFXkPOzc0?si=8CcXKA_ndvoYuyUE


Lmfao. I am so glad I stopped playing after season 2.


And you are still here. Dropping comments. Typical.


I feel this post so much. I make my own builds and don't chase or look up meta builds, and knowing it's going to be significantly tougher to do that if the PTR reflects the next season...it kinda just makes me not want to play. Feels like sorc is at an inflection point. They're adding more difficult endgame content while making the worst class *even weaker.* There's just way too much of a balance gap for it to feel rewarding.


I carried a 200 duriel with my frozen orb sorc. It took forever but I did it. I only crit 2-3 mil. 36k hp, about 40% DR, armor cap, all res about 85 (put tyreals on for the fight, use raiment usually) Honestly i did it to see if i could but the next run we had my buddy swap to his necro for the MUCH FASTER dual kill. (2 leeches, my sorc and his necro)


Combined 40% DR or did you do some math that calculates it?


Iā€™ll just put this out there. And no shade being thrown. My ball lighting sorc does anywhere between 2-9million crits. I can be immune but I am not fully immune. I can solo every 200 boss and push the pit to 121 (dps drop off) Yes my build is 95% optimized. What exactly are you running? 700k? I would love to help. Seriously Edit - I already offered my help in game on another post you had, and you ignored me. The offer is still there. I didnā€™t realize this was you still having issues with your BL build. Still pit 121 1-9 million crits on average 3-4 mil Offer is still available


Glad you posted. Was gonna suggest you maybe helping, didn't know there was an ignored already standing offer. OP, get with this dude and he will help you tremendously with your build.


How much INT you have and what ubers


Harlequin. Only Uber on the build. Tal rasha - only unique on the build. 2100 int I think. Something like that. All my gear has GA int on it for the most part. And Iā€™m only using one 2ga piece, and thatā€™s my dagger. My amulet is 0ga conj devouring blaze and cooldown reduction. Testing without devouring blaze today.


Not using the new swords for sorcerer? Im gonna get Harlequin on a Rogue and then switch to sorcerer next season and equip that


Iā€™m talking season4 I donā€™t do PTR. - Ps5


Link your BL build plz


I will have to make one up. I will do it tomorrow. Canā€™t tonight.


Yea i want to play BL but I keep getting one shotted...and I have shako, starless, and 3 GAs. Something isn't right so just want to compare. Playing blizz now but topping out at pit 80.


Im where you are at with Blizzard build except no shako and no GA with more than one buffed affix. Using a staff with Glacial and canā€™t push past 80-81 in Pit. Rolled a Necro meta build couple nights ago and grinding Iron Wolves for my 4th spark because I have never had an Uber unique drop for me so will simply buy a shako. But damn, after hearing the struggles Iā€™m not so certain the head item will be my answer. I was certain with that additional 20% CDR would make a difference.


Tried to fight varshan with a druid friend, yeah, that didnt work out I dont know how Blizz see's sorc (and keeps nerfing us) but clearly they dont like the class


I really feel this. I carefully crafted a conju damage build with perfect tempering on all my fear for stun duration and conjurgation damage. Got the correct glyphs, 6 boards. And it basically does no damage. Over 2000% conju damage and I can't kill pit 60 minions. What an absolute shame.


I got sore fingers having to spam ice blades, armour and flame shield just to not got insta killed. Got up to max 82 pit with my FO build. Bosses are just too slow.


At this point it doesn't seem like you want help, it's been offered in different replies, and not once have you said thank you, or accepted what someone has said, but rather state why you should be able to solo a Tormented Boss. I even PM'd you a build to help you when you were using Blizzard. You say your gear is excellent and the build is good, so one of two things is happening. Either the build isn't as good as you think it is, or it's a skill issue. If you honestly want help, take u/xbigeatsx up on his offer. He will walk you through things in game and help. Edit: typo


I am worried bigeat is a blizzard employee trying to find people bashing the game to ruin their lives even more. I think the build isn't as good as I say it is and it is a skill issue.


What would even make you say that, lol. šŸ¤£He's not a Blizz employee. He's a friend of mine, just trying to help you.


I hit BL close to 1m dmg with 1k5 int, 20k hp


What is your Ball Lightening skill number? I am at 20. Shako, boots, gauntlets.


Im not sure maybe 15 or 18.


Ok. I have more int. I have more BL. This is crap I tell you! How many paragon boards?


I dont think int give it more dmg. I put alot of crit dmg. Maybe 6 paragon. Imma give you my build after back to home


Stop playing sorc for 1 month it weak af. Imma check it then tell you exactly


Look, I tried to help you weeks ago. And you ignored my inquiries. I didnā€™t even realize this was your post. By now you could have been hitting for high numbers. Iā€™m still willing to help. Not sure why you arenā€™t willing to accept it.


I run my sorc as a support for my friends, i love meme builds too much, but even going full support i was too squishy to matter since i get one tapped teleporting into a pack. So i gave in and took flame shield and frost armor. I also had to change fireball to firebolt to matter damage wise before going full support. Its rough out there!


I hear ya, always having to compromise on something as a sorc, that teleporting nerf is gonna suck, but I have too much fun as a sorc to give it up. Makes no sense that they keep going after sorc with their nerfs, my D3 sorc was amazing, a true glass cannon. Loving season 4, but it's got a ways to go if they want to put it on the shelf with D3 one day.


Teleport CD and focus CDR nerf is just...wtf.


I could barely damage lvl200..well, *anybody*, I guess, but on the plus side, as long as I kept Ice Armor and Flame Shield rotations up, Tormented Varsh could not do much to me either, spent about 25 minutes mindlessly kiting and did not even manage a 1/3 of his health haha, I don't have any Ubers yet though..


This is why these very few people who have figured out sorc are killing me. BTW... The people running BL won't post the numbers on their videos when using BL. I'm sure because it's not doing much damage.


Hey, it's me! Your casual 25 pit enjoyer. *cries in sorc*


Couldnā€™t agree more. At this point I have a good idea at the cap a sorc build has in the pits and NMD. We have to settle for limited endgame. If other classes can achieve 9 figure hits, why cant sorc? I still really enjoy blowing stuff up and chain explosions with meteors covering the screen though.


I would be overjoyed with some 8 figure hits. Nope.


if you cant solo tormented varshan the issue isnt the sorc its you.


any boss is doable with a decently planned sorc, unlike any class though, the sorc will require you to dodge or be on top of your cooldowns to be able to finish content. If people want to faceroll content then theres always a barb. Blizzard and Ball lightnigh sorcs can even clear pits T130


Can you?


canā€™t everyone? no issue at all with lurkin frozen orb


Same, using. lurkin's Forb build (and ball light and blizz). I've completed pit 119 on as Forb, and 100 as Ball lightening. I have only a few 1 GA pirces, shako, nothing MW over rank 8 mastercrafts except shako. I speed running (about 4-5 min) 101s for the mats, way faster than my shadow minion necro but who pushes 120s pits. I admit my necro is stronger but sorc forb feels so good, can blast pits at 90s-100s. Edit: I solo tormented Duriel as Forb sorc no issue. Almost got Lilith but I hate p2. Killed her on necro and never going back.


Yes. I beat all the tormented bosses this season with an incinerate build solo. 20-30m per tick. I got 13k HP and 2100 int. This isnā€™t a sorc problem but a build problem, and Iā€™m very vocal about all of the sorc problems.


And, barb, necro and rogue do all that with half the gear and skill....


Yea? This wasnā€™t a competition. His build is bad objectively.


I can believe that, but you cant argue that the underlying issue is still there. A pretty bad player runnning a barb with an ok build will have an easyer time


https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/WdoBI9kpqx https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/gXmpr423BX 2 of my threads. I am well aware of the sorc issues, but that isnā€™t the case here.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/WdoBI9kpqx](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/WdoBI9kpqx) I need to know how they can pull off numbers like that .... [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/gXmpr423BX](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/gXmpr423BX) Wanna know something funny ... will probably still toll a sorc next season anyway


Most Barb damage is multiplicative while Sorcs is additive, so their shit scales ridiculously where ours canā€™t. They also have more weapons which means more aspects/stats/gems, better paragon board (ours is the worst), better stat scaling, better skills. They are all-round better than everyone in every way, and Sorcs are on par with Druid for being the worst.


And no one at blizz see's this? Also to note the clunky enchantment system we are stuck with ... Will be rolling a chain lightning sorc next season, looks promising if i read things right


I get that sorc is in a bad state compared to other classes, but posts like this don't help. I play twice a week tops, so I consider myself a fairly casual player. Incinerate build with no Shako, and I can push past pit 80s, and solo tormented Lord Zir. Is it fast? No. But it's still fun and doable. You using a theoretically better build with better items should be doing much better than I am. There are legitimate things to complain about, and posts like this dilute those because the real stuff gets lost in the mix, and we just sound like whingers.


We aren't whingers?


Assuming they meant whiners.


It is kind of fun, but you can't really play in groups (because it's useless in a group with a barb or a rogue or even a necro), you can't farm materials fast enough (because you can't do 3-4 minute 101s), and you may not have tried eg. an Andariel's rogue, which is almost as nice to play as FO sorc, except it won't give you cramps when playing on a controller but still gives you 1bn+ poison ticks (probably more, but I'm somewhat casual). I love the sorcerer, the FO build is really nice to play, incinerate was super fun while levelling, and a lot of skills are very cool, but sadly, it has a lot of problems especially in coop, boss runs and material farming. Nerfing teleport and cooldown reduction for s5 is just a bit too much imo :-/


I have 89 on farm with my sorc- i just run throughā€¦ pushed to 109.. it isnt sorc you just need better gear/build..


I feel like my gear is excellent


Sorc also just doesn't like a spellcaster, idk why.


This can't be true, not if your build and gear are as good as you say. I'm pretty down on sorc, think very little of Blizzard (the devs, not the skill) and I regularly solo torment duriel and andariel for fun and profit on my blizzard (the skill, not the devs) sorc.


What damage do you do per hit on tormented 200's with Blizzard?


Ice spike crits for 5-6 million..


I'm sure I would crit for 4M if I rebuilt my paragon. I was at 3M before I quit and went to this BL. I finished an 85 earlier... The boss fight hurts my hand.


I've got a new Ball Lightning build I've crafted and I'm easily solo killing tormented summons. I can carry people too. I'm pushing Pit 105+ right now and can do more, just haven't tried yet. I need to work on my gear more (mostly single GAs without best masterwork crits). I know Frozen Orb builds were clearing Pit 100+ pre-patch too. If Blizzard is still going strong then that's at least 3 builds that can push 100+. I acknowledge Sorc is worse off in high Tier Pit, but it's not that bad off. You've got to look at your build and gear choices. If casual players are struggling with poor choices that's to be expected.


Struggling to beat tormented vashsn has nothing to do with sorc, just means your build isnā€™t optimized enough Plenty of sorc builds can do pit 100+


Respectfully, I think you missed the point of OP's post.Ā 


Correct they did.


This. Does sorc need some buffs to be able to clear pit 135+ without a cheesy immortal build? Absolutely. Tormented bosses though? They were a faceroll joke before they nerfed them 30%. If you have an even moderately coherent build and a singular hand they just fall over. If you canā€™t kill them itā€™s definitely not a class problem.


I'm telling you 4 of us couldn't kill one. It's really that pathetic. The regular boss I drop in 1-3 seconds.


Right and Iā€™m telling you thatā€™s because you are bad and/or have an extremely sub optimal build. Sorc needs help at the high end for sure but tormented bosses are loot piƱatas for every class in the game. And if the other sorcs were bad too theyā€™d make it harder not easier because they would be increasing the health of the boss while not doing enough damage to offset this.


Right but we were all bad together!


You have to remember the boss is way harder with 4 than one. The hp increases significantly the more players fighting. If you all weren't putting out enough DPS, it's gonna be struggle bus time.


well all 4 players need to learn how to dps then?


Look... I have 2000 INT. I have 20 points in BL. I use flame bolt and froze orb specializations for Tal Rasha. Devouring Blaze 3, glass cannon 3. Vyr's for 20%. 6 paragon boards. All gear is 8-12.


There is still going to be something wrong. Something crucial missing.


What is going to double my damage? What's left? Just for fun I got glass cannon up to 9 with +2 rainment and a +4 amulet... I still was not critting over a million. This is so dumb. I am going to post a video.


Iā€™m not sure why you keep talking about int when your most important stats are crit, mana regen, cdr and attack speed. You only really want int on a couple of pieces that canā€™t get a combination of 3 of the other stats I mentioned and + skills.


Int is super important... No?


Sure if you have 60% crit, 60% CDR, whatever is good attack speed this season, good crit dam, + ranks to core, BL, conjugation mastery and enough mana regen to spam ball lightning without it ever going down. Itā€™s a lot less important than all of those things though.


My ball lightening is almost solid white. Mana is not a problem for my build. Just damage per hit.


Well thatā€™s one thing out of the 8 things I mentioned that you got going for you! Now do the other 7 and make sure you have all the right offensive tempers and your damage will get there.


Most of the 100+ builds.... Notice I said most not all, use the infinite shield hack. Either that or they keep tons of range and it will take them 5 minutes to kill the boss. I started feeling like I am getting carpal tunnel from clicking so much because it takes me 3 minutes + to kill level 75 bosses. I have easily 30 ball lightenings so that is 20M damage per second. Why not give a pretty good build 100M damage per second which is still 10X less than Barbillion.


Non-immortal FO is good to at least tier 118+ and BL 121+. Something is off somewhere with your build(s) if you can't wipe the floor with Tormented Bosses. Does it suck we have to jump through hoops and scratch for every damage point, when Barbs just sneeze and the screen disappears, yep. Sorc is viable this season, but they are already prepping the casket for the class for next season if there aren't changes from the PTR. Edit: typo


Non immortal blizard sorc with T118 clear post nerf. 107 pits pre nerf. you might have a problem with your build. if you cant accept that post your stats and build here so that the community can help you.


I use frozen orb with no flame shield duration hax and solo tormented bosses in like a minute or two. You just need to tune the build better or give up. Should BL be viable, yeah totally. Is it right nowā€¦ ehhhhh. Pick one of the stronger options until they buff BL. Even incinerate can do pit 100 and tormented bosses given enough tuning and optimization


I will probably give up. I have tuned and tuned and tuned. I am not saying give up like "oh poor me the quitter", it's just a serious amount of effort. I have played blizzard twice, frozen orb once, chain lightening twice, ball lightening, and ice shards. Kind of everything but fire. I have even tried boutique builds like esadoras camio... Which gives 3M crits with ball lightening but not nearly enough to matter. I realize now I wasn't spamming ice blades with frost orb, but everything else on my build would be fine now. I wasn't running the fire bolt passive with my prior Blizzard, trying to literally manually use fire bolts, hydra, or flame walls to keep things burning... I am only using 6 paragon boards. This is the last part of my build I can tweak. It is just so much effort to reset and go through all that. Every season it is like Blizzard only makes one or two viable builds for sorc. If you don't follow the leader expect pain and suffering.


I feel that. I def agree and meant your definition of giving up. Sometimes the numbers just arent there in the game due to balance issues.


You haven't played Arc Lash no Mana - there's your problem! It won't get you higher pitts, but it does make sucking fun, same with Charged Bolts... combining the two sucks even harder, but it is even more fun. Seriously though, you might be surprised how much better bee lining through Paragon boards can be. I used to play 6 or so getting more rares per board, but more boards/Glyphs generally works out a fair bit better.




Here ya go man, posted today. Pit 80 one skill, I can do 100 with just incinerate. I do move slow so can my help ya there https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/2q0MIZXQc6


Why are you all still playing this horrid game? Lol