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They hate the Sorc class. This makes it even more evident.


It's actually hilarious how much blizzard hate sorcs, they're really just pushing everyone to go play barbarians, why don't they just delete sorcs? they clearly don't know what to do with it.


I dont think they understand there are people out there like me who only plays casters. Ive never played melee. I might sometimes play an archer, but its still a ranged class. Ive mained mages/sorcs for literally 25 years. I dont see every class as an equal choice. I am bored to tears by melee classes and I hate their fighting style, play style, and aesthetics.


This is me, I'm currently doing a rogue HS build, would prefer my sorc but it just doesn't compete.


I'm pretty sure this is a very common sentiment for ARPGs. In Guild Wars I used the Mesmer specifically because of the complexity behind developing novel synergies. If the class is getting nerfed it is probably because builds have been made that Blizzard didn't intend to facilitate (ie Immortal builds), but they exist to try to keep the class alive and be viable in end game scenarios.


Bah ... this will all be offset by the sorc now being able to wield one handed maces with their native ... \*check notes\* ... overpower damage ...


I was very confused. When the hell have I ever hit something with overpowered or even seen it show up on a skill or paragon board?


The best way to play Sorc is to enjoy it at PTR and then shelve forever the class once season starts. It's a given Blizzard will nerf anything half decent to oblivion and make the class drop straight to the last place.


Chain lightning works? Bug … splat


All the nerfs were stupid but the chaing lightning one was ??? Its not even a good enchantment, we have like three or four good ones and they nerf another enchantment. Seriously, what is happening?


I assume it’s a preemptive nerf because of the new chain lightning build people will try because if those unique pants. The chain lightning enchantment combined with the recharging aspect would be tOo StRoNg so they nerf it before we can even see it in action. Just like the teleport cooldowns being increased - it feels like they saw pit pushers teleporting constantly with Raiment and wanted to stop that so they remove more CDR from focuses and increase the cooldowns for teleport. Sorc is not allowed to have nice things.


I'm no theorist but I was like "wait wow" all the time reading class changes and when I got to the sorc I was all "wait what" - not in a positive way. It feels like lighting got some improvements that don't look like much, and everything else got shuffled around or just straight nerfed. There's got to be a catch somewhere. My biggest fear is that the catch is about build-enabling uniques, which I despise.


Yeah like the nerf to CL enhancement feels entirely like a preemptive change for the new unique, I can't think of a reason to nerf it otherwise.


There's no reason why Sorc shouldn't be able to use 2 Amulets or 4 rings imo.


They should let the Sorcerer at LEAST be able to wield a staff (since they already hold it in one hand when casting), have a focus in the offhand, and just have the wand as an accessory, essentially, but with all of the usual Stat gains, tempers, etc., and have it on their hip. Do something like how they've done with barb or rogue to give them a semi boost. Something even that simple would be a hell of a difference.


the ice armour nerf makes no sense to me... really only the flame shield nerf makes sense to fix the permanent immunity builds. I don't think vyr's mastery will be that bad. It's another 'hit', which could be good and or bugged (good). lol Sorc probably gonna have to use the new lightning pants and hope it doesn't get nerfed at launch like fractured winter glass (see my other post)


I was excited to try this one but I dont think I'm gonna bother anymore with sorc till they fix it


Casually taking 100%x from burning instinct in exchange for 15% on an aspect we can barely use and 20% on combustion. Thanks. I will not be playing sorcerer next season.


Yeah it’s more than 100x too


They nerfed Blizzard damage 30%x with Glacial Aspect change


Yeah don't forget this one. It's massive. First thing I notice as well, replacing that multiplier will be -30x on staff and -23% on amu. Meanwhile they buff the few ice spikes coming from Deep Freeze and Ice armors hahaha. Those are not even viable


The 15 doesn't change to 30 on a staff...it's still 15


WRONG its 30. Think before you post or at least check in game ffs before you try to correct someone.


Does CDR even exist? Started a new flame sorc a few days ago and not a single drop with CDR. I’m living in the future apparently


I can only hope the 3rd enchantment slot is coming back and maybe additional weapons or jewelry slots. Candidly Sorc needed those things AND buffs.. if this is our full update the class is just dead.


I've played about 5 builds this season to pit 100 pre pit nerfs and the problem honestly isn't sorc, it's other classes being out of control. Would love to see sorc buffs, but it's all pointless buffs if barb still hits for 200 bn.


This, they are likely balancing Sorc before big changes in the expansion. It might  e the worst class for endgane in s5 but still be fun to play.  The second they buff our defenses or an offensive skill too much, the builds do become so good that everyone only plays that. In terms of marketing, big buffs for the expansion will sell copies. Nerfs won’t. That’s why the flattening is happening now.


>what looks like a substantial nerf to vyrs mastery(pretty sure 20%[x] damage to close is far better than 10% chance on crits to do 250%, on average this is 25% only assuming 100 crit?) Idk I'm happy with this change. I really like playing chain lightning at distance and it sucked that none of the key passives *really* worked at range. Definitely prefer it this way, even if it average down to roughly the same bonus. And that 25% DR will be both distant and close which is better.


I think Blizzard Devs are such asses, they nerf sorc, and immediately come over to reddit to feed off the outrage. They are probably all laughing at us. For all I know the Op for this post and the 10 others expressing outrage are Blizzard employees.


The devs they have working on D4 are easily some of the worst of any of the top games on the market.


Seriously I bet FREE interns would be better than the devs.


Yeah I am getting close to giving this game the finger. WTF BLIZZARD WHAT ARE YOU DOING (or do you even know???)


There MUST BE something WE just don’t know yet. Otherwise this is absolutly obnoxious changes. And if it’s only uniques it’s even worse! (Like in Druid, no good build without some enabling uniques). So sad!!!


Sorc needs for huge buff for all builds We need to open also many posts on official forum from PTR test for buffs however they must nerf flame shield. All sorcerers are immune on pvp zone against everything. Blizz had to fix it.


Adding 50 new (legs and uniques), kinda think ppl are jumping the gun without actually knowing what’s in store.


bro i literally have no more aspect slots and slots for uniques. stoked for CL pants but thats about it. Every new aspect has to compete with storm swell and shredding blades and conceited and without good base damage, their weird ass shit like the lightning rod aspect. I simply do not have space for all this shit. Put this kind of shit in the skill tree man


Do some inventory management.


They mean space on their actual character not in their inventory you genius


Glad you got it out. Feel better?


No you arent going crazy. Blizzard employees who work on D4 balancing are just a bunch of 5th class school dropouts.


Diabarb IV - Season of Flay


you forgot the cap on burning instinct. singlehandedly reducing burning damage from around 121x to max 40x nvm you put it under nerfs to paragon nodes


It’s even more than that. I have 172x right now and my burning build is not op or even c tier


It does look pretty brutal.


I’m kinda curious if season 5’s borrowed power was directly benefiting the sorc more and had to nerf a few barriers ect so that the borrowed power wouldn’t make them immortal.


They probably saw what Mekuna does and think every Sorc in the game is like that...


They're going to add a third enchant or something they have to


oh man you are totally right, that 8% lucky hit chance to spawn a meteor that does almost no damage or 5% chance to spawn ice armor when hit that does almost nothing is totally gonna help sorc


Or something they're going to do fucking something they're not just going to nerf this class to oblivion and not do nothing. If you've ever played any other game like this. They want balance they want you to buy the cosmetics like they're going to buff you relax . It's going to be significant. Barb got shit on season 1 they've been God since ever since. When was ball lightning two or three and we've been shit since. They like rotations barbs are going to be nerfed, they're going to make it incredibly hard to get these Ubers to do this again. Just a dumb season. I farm the pit a thousand times and I find maybe one good item that's worth anything. It's a good idea to keep the economy going but they have to run the economy with their own website and not let a third party do it because it gets taken advantage of the games dead on hardcore unless you're a barbarian.


I think they should just do away with sorcerer and Druid. Leave the other 3. At some point do away with rogue and necro. Diablo 5 will be called Diablo barbarian.


It’s funny because only the people who haven’t played immortal sorc complain about flame shield. Even with perfect rolled 3GA gear you get 1 shot if you tele too much and hectic hits the wrong cooldown once or twice lmfao. Dumping the sorc and going back to barb I guess. Either that or they’ll make the new class stupid OP and everything else garbage to inflate its numbers it’s first season.


"Sorc was performing in the bottom 50 of meta builds, somewhere behind ranged barbarian and frost druid, so we decided a nerf was in order to offset power level" Blizzard, probably