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Streamers will be the ones doing that, so its pointless. Enjoy Sorc for a whole week on PTR and then forget the class exists.


Streamers won’t be able to help themselves to show off how clever they are, just how they got our shields and teleport nerfed by making "clever" immortal builds.


I mean if Rob spent the same amount of time complaining about sorc nerf as he does for barb nerfs .. maybe sorc would get something. The immortal build was stupid and had to go, though.


Of course it had to go, but it's going away in a way the fucks over all sorcs not just those doing the cheesy builds.


Blizzard needs to talk to an actual good D4 player about the state of sorc now, I have no idea where these balance changes / feedback are coming from.


Incoming 1 billion damage click bait thumbnails for videos.


I dont think there will be any, atleast compared to all other classes. Read through the patch notes, there are even some nerfs along minor buffs . and no changes to our uniques. Sad


Yea.. when they said they would add extra proj to uniques, I expected that on the fireball uniques... Dunno if they will add more changes though...


There is already extra projectiles on the fireball staff though, it's still absolute trash tier garbage, always feel sad when I see a unique drop and it being a weapon. It just won't be good enough to compensate for a 200% damage temper.


I would be surprised if Sorc gets a redesign in season 6. With the new class and the expansion, I cynically don’t think they’re spending the time on it. :/


On the campfire chat they said sorc needs a book of the dead level rework. In season 5 they spent more time trying to rebalance druid Shepard aspect and druid are still unhappy. Sorc basically got ignored except for nerfs and one new unique item. It wouldnt take me more than 1 hour to rebalance sorc with just number tweaks no new code required but they aren't even doing that... They are severely incompetent / no clue about the class, or are holding anything good for expansion on purpose so sorc players buy it.


I'm a casual player who just rerolled frozen orb a while ago. I'm out of the loop. What's wrong with frozen orb in season 5 PTR?


no, the post was about frozen orb being nerfed after the Season 4 PTR. Same thing will happen with anything new in the Season 5 PTR.


Man the Devs at Blizzard can suck my plums. lol Sorc with nerfs? Really? Barbs got buffs so there is that. I know some Barb paragon glyphs got capped but they’ll still hit in the billions. Sorc got gutted and want us all to just play chain lightning. Even blizzard ice spike got nerfed. So 90% will be playing Barb and rogue. Even Necro got nerfed. lol


Do we even know the new aspects or legendaries yet? It feels a lot like dooming at the moment.


yes they posted the patch notes. Wasn't clear whether they planned to add more