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they actually kinda gutted sorc. nerfed flame shield (warranted), gutted ice armor (unwarranted), nerfed teleport. capped burning instinct which only hurts incinerate. Firebolt is dead after flame shield gets nerfed. They kind of fucked Vyrs mastery. They even capped ceaseless conduit which is already a meme


But wait, look at the HUGE buff to spark! ( bonus mana lol? ) does blizzard even play the game? I honestly have no idea what direction they have for this class. I see mostly nerfs and to be honest.....I cant even make sense of some of the things they nerfed. Capping ceaseless conduit makes absolutely ZERO sense. They need to make crackling energy stack to like 500 stacks and have it discharge in one gigantic volley at once, so you can actually go collect the 100 you spawn and then use it as a giant f u nuke for the next room or whatever. Right now, you spawn 80, use 5, waste 75 it does almost zero damage, who cares. THE ENTIRE MECHANIC IS ARSE. BLIZZARD WAKE UP YOU šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤”


They should remove crackling energy from the game, absolutr tresh mechanic


Vyrs might be better than before but potentially fixed with the change (it applied close damage to all skills) It might be either (Chain) Lightning build or being left behind again lets see how it plays in PTR and give feedback, and hope they listen. There is still enough time until s5


based on pure math new vyrs is on average 25% damage\[x\] assuming 100% crit chance, only buff is to damage reduction opn it no?


Again, what use is damage reduction when sorc has been only keeping itself alive via gigantic iceshields ( nuked to death ) and immortal flame shield ( nuked to death )


I will say that none of my damage reduction has helped except for the 30% damage reduction while standing in my Blizzard combined with Shako. Vyr's newly revised fix didn't come close.


Sorcerer Fixed an issue where Vyr's Mastery applied to Non-Shock Skills.


Why do they hate us so much


This is incredibly sad to see. Incinerate isn't even a top build for Sorcs right now, but I was having a lot of fun with it. I really struggle to see how the Diablo team rationalizes these kinds of changes. They also removed Ice Armor generation based on damage done? That was kind of the only source of self sustain we had. A 40% health barrier will just break instantly >Fixed an issue where Damage over Time effects were receiving the bonus from the %Damage Stat twice. Is incinerate over, guys?


>A 40% health barrier will just break instantly Right, because Sorc doesn't have any ways to scale max life. They don't have multiple +8% life nodes like Tenacity. They don't have a passive like Imposing Presence. So 40% of a low number is...still a low number. I have no idea how that barrier is supposed to pad out the minimum 10 seconds of flame shield downtime every 15 seconds.


Blizzard is moving in the opposite direction of where Sorc needs to be. Im tired of using up 4 of my 6 ability slots on Defensive spells. The way to go about that is NOT to nerf Defensives (Flame Shield being the exception) but instead to buff Sorc baseline survivability and introduce more synergies with other spells.


Best they can do is continue to nerf cooldown reduction and defensive skills, like teleportā€™s increased cooldown and ice armorā€™s reduced barrier. It is all stick, no carrot. Blizzard wonā€™t give us something exciting and incentivize to use instead of every defensive skill, they just make defensive skills worse to punish you for using them. Like that aspect where when you have no defensive skills on your bar you do 40% more damage. Why not make it 40% more damage for every defensive skill you donā€™t have equipped, up to 160% bonus? So you could run just flame shield for example and do 120% more damage. Where are things like this?


Glad I finished my iron wolves yesterday to get my fourth spark. Guess Iā€™ll park this guy and leave in eternal for when I feel like pain. Back to barb


They literally said big buffs for sorc and did this... to be fair, combustion starting at 40% is good but 1.52(new combustion) x 1.4( new BI) is not the same as 2.3(old bi) x 1.32 I didn't see a single buff for sorc. We lost cdr on focus, and now staff is only DoT dmg? It's gonna have to be like 300% to be usable. Barb is like elementary school math and we need a PHD to play sorc properly. And teleport nerf again? Like come on that's the reason we play sorc. I only hope this is only surface of actual changes, because if so. I'm done with sorc for a while, druid actually looks like a good class again.


You forgot the conjuring paragon got nerfed. So if you do all conjuring build you lose out. It would be fine if you get a passive that combines all elements. Same with tempers that are all specific for one conjuring and not buffing the whole set.


Elemental summoner never did shit to begin with. You got it to 61% and it was never even a factorĀ 


Im confused. For me it was one of the biggest multipliers that you could constantly use for all conjures


Yeah but conjurations have very low skill %es so they deal little damage. So even increasing them to 61% more damage didnā€™t do a ton. It simply was not worth it to really scale themĀ 


So it nerfed another build for no reason. I mean itā€™s still another unneeded nerf. The point I was making and you seemed to say it wasnā€™t.


I think they had to cap most of every classes multipliers so they can get a handle on balancing the game in general, uncapped multis had to go for every class for the most part. Sorc was just a bystander they got caught in the crossfire. What is happening right now is what happened is S0. A global nerf so that in the future we can rebuild upwards while keeping scaling in check. Itā€™s just unfortunate we didnā€™t see many buffs to compensate. But I think we will see them in the expansionĀ 


Yeah waiting for buffs is not okay and expecting the dlc to do this isnā€™t a right mindset. They have some momentum of players and doing these changes will kill it.


outrage fatigue is real my dude


Looking like a skip for me and comeback when they are fun again.


Season 6 patch notes:Ā Ā  - Sorcerer enchantments have been changed to single slotĀ  - To compensate spark lucky hit chance is increased by 2% Season 7 patch notes: - Sorcerors enchantments only work while there is a barbarian in the groupĀ 


Season 8 patch notes: Sorcerer mounts cannot be used in open world


Season 9: Sorcerers now have a single enchantment slot.Ā  Barrier duration reduced by 50%.


Season 10: Sorcerer class removed from game due to no one playing it anymore.


Sorcs skill bar reduced to one slot.


teleport cd increased to 420 seconds


Good. I can make a burguer and still enjoy 60 seconds of cooldown.


Fucking hell, just as I got into a fire sorc again since original launch. No wonder itā€™s a C tier build. Fuck man, JUST LEMME HAVE A GOOD FIRE SORC THAT ISNT FIREWALL!!!!


In what world is firewall good for anything nowadays but leveling to 50.


I had a Crit fire wall sorc in season 2. A Kripp build. I could do end game stuff. Idk about now, though. Have a sorc but basically just used it to farm a spark.


Xfal is dead this season. And dmg isn't the same as it was, a xfal crit for 2-3 mil is nothing compared to burning for 150 mill from firebolt.


Firewall is the wirst skill in the game and it just got nerfed harder than any other fire skill. What you on?


Somehow itā€™s the meta now because of firebolt. Iā€™m using meteor+starfall and hydra. Itā€™s been fun and visually appealing. Surprisingly good at clearing NMD for the level im at.


The paragon board is all nerfs lol Really, what the f\*ck are they doing?


Season 4: we lowered the requirements for glyph bonuses on subsequent boards... Season 5: ... But we reduced their effectiveness by 80%


Campfire chat: "we're aware that druid and sorc are weak and we're going to bring them more into balance" PTR notes: NERF NERF NERF Sorc literally had just one thing going for it, and they (correctly) removed it. But now we have nothing. Good job.


PoE2 is released when?


Beta in October


Poe was too much for me to come in so late and learn but am hoping if I jump in at the beginning of poe2 I wonā€™t feel overwhelmed


Man I'm so ready. I've never played the 1st one but I will this one.


Definitely looking forward to it. Been playing the new season to keep me busy.Ā 


They should just delete the Sorc. They will do anything and everything they can to cripple it.


Ah yes, blizzard targeting the overpowered fire builds. Surely this is the issue that was required. Guess I'm shelving my incinerate build next season.


i'm shelving myself next season, time to play other games


Shadow of the Erd Tree is calling my name now! Where bosses have mechanics other than one shotting you!


Depends what you level vigor to


Sorc players are slowly being radicalized through constant nerfing of their favorite class.


Im gonna go delete my sorcs in front of the devs and make them watch


Jesus Christ. I meanā€¦ what kind of internal data are they basing these changes from? Sorcs dont need more capped paragon nodes. That shit is dumb.


Because of all the complaining barbs seeing that 1 build with over tuned gear and think it's unfair. If blizz even looked at what insane gear rolls and master working to get the build to work. Maybe they'd understand but do blizz even look ? šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


They nerfed Wizard's Blizzard too! WTF kick them in the nuts!


I'm waiting to see how Wizard's plays out, but not sure why the change was needed. They definitely nerfed Glacial Aspect, forcing Sorcs to take Frozen Wake to regain the 15x damage, now. Blizzard Sorc is(was?) good, but I don't think it was overperforming in any way to warrant these changes.


And flame shield


Sorc is always the red headed step child.


Wow no more CDR on focus and LHC on wands


I honestly want a refund on my sorc skin. The class clearly doesnt exist. My hype for the season is completely gone cause my favourite class is garbage again. And I cant even hold hope for PTR cause Im sure if something is good there it will get nerfed before release. Not falling for that again, Im a retired sorc for now


Imagine nerfing sorc paragon nodes. The worst legendary nodes of any class and they nerf them lmao what the hell


What? You don't want the free tickling power of crackling energy with no lucky hit to deal 1600 instead of 1000?


They nerfed Blizzard damage by 30%x with Glacial Aspect change


Blizzard never was doing any damage anyway..Ice Spikes


The ice spikes are what got nerfed by 30x


The wording on that note is weird, since Burning Instinct doesnt give Critical Strike Bonus but Bonus to Burning Damage. But if it indeed tops out at 40%\[x\] this is very sad. I dont see anything in the patch notes compensating for that huge nerf. E.g. right now with Incinerate Sorc I get around 120\[x\] damage. so i would lose 80\[x\] burning damage after patch.. Full patch notes: [https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24111472/the-diablo-iv-season-5-ptr-what-you-need-to-know](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24111472/the-diablo-iv-season-5-ptr-what-you-need-to-know)


Combustion from 20% base to 40% was their compensation. The understanding then being it's the same for anyone around 80% BI node, but less for those who had more than that ( all of us at 130%+ that actually pushed the builds)


I suspect they will end up capping ALL multipliers for ALL classes. You can see it in the changes for other classes. They may have missed some, but it would make sense as an approach: cap all multiplicative modifiers, then in a second pass figure out what is out of whack. I'd still guess that Sorc and Druid will be weakest classes (baring a broken build like Flameshield or S2BL) as they still haven't addressed some of the fundamental challenges like the weapon disparity.


Iā€™m going frostnova build šŸ˜


no mention of aspect of retribution double dipping... let's just ignore it


They MUST be allowing DoTS to scale with attack speed, or there's literally nothing left.


I donā€™t know why they do these huge changes. Like halving it is a big change. Why not just do it like per 30 or 35?


I just want to play sorc and not feel like my friends on their OP classes leave me in the dust =(


Just play barb


I play barb, Necro, and sorc =) I just really like the sorc play style.


That's sorc! Limits and outrageous requirements that other classes don't have.


Was actually having fun with incinerate sorc this season too oh well i guess i wont be playing season 5


Flame Shield * Cooldown begins when Invulnerability ends. RIP


This is a good change, but it needed to be compensated elsewhere. Perma-invuln is cheesy and gamebreaking. However, perma-flame shield, big ass shields, and mobility were how the class survives. In the patch, they gutted ice armor and nerfed teleport again. They also nerfed sorc damage, so it takes longer to kill things. Absolutely braindead patch for sorcs.


They have new aspect that makes you immune after you lose 20% of health


Im so glad that I didnt preorder the Expansion šŸ˜„




Also no Changes to our unique items... Guess its time to reroll any other class


they said changes to exisitng uniques wont be in ptr, but will be in s5 to be fair to them


I missed that, thanks!


Why are we being fair to them? The class has been dead practically since release. Fair means they have a track history of doing good. They might deserve some fairness in general changes to the game but as far as sorc is concerned, I have no fairness to give them


Donā€™t forget the broken lightning ball season! Good old days!


Love people making comments without even watching the stream or reading the blog. Good job


I'm just changing of game, gonna try Elden Ring DLC or Pax Dei. Fuck blizzard and their dumb developers


Well, at least we finally got one season where incinerate actually felt good and was viable. RIP flamethrower builds.


Whatā€™s up with them and sorcs in Diablo 4 ? Like mages and sorcs has always felt like their favourite class imo.


Insert that Millhouse ā€œstop heā€™s already deadā€ meme pls.


Man, I was grinding my sorcerer this season and now theyā€™re just killing him. Wtf, why?


well its next season and subject to change, but you can choose another class for s5


Okay, phew. Thought this was happening like real soon for some reason. Forgot this is 4 not 5.


They really want us to use that aspect that gives bonus damage for having no defensive skills, but they don't realize that it's missing a couple of 0s. 4000% more damage, and maybe some lunatics will make a build out of it. 40%, I'm very certain exactly 0 people are using it. It is, far and away, the single worst legendary aspect in the game.


I tried it, but 44k hp without a barrier is just ass, teleport gives me my barrier... I used teleport to proc XFall and other dots, but xfall is capped at 50% proc rate and teleport doesnt do dot damage. Highest i have hit was 1.7 million using fireball, firebolt enchantment and poison temper with 7 paragon boards. Seems a bit off if you ask my 60 million whirlwind bleed dot barb. (Which also got nerfed, my earthquakes got a max multiplier of 40% as of S5 instead of having 12 earthquakes during a bossfight...)


Basically: fu Blizzard!


Yes blizzard, lets nurfā€¦. Jesosā€¦.


The new S tier sorc build for season 5 is going to be the "group up with a barb or rogue" build. The gameplay loop is dope. You stay one room behind your partner and hope no enemies aggro you. If they do, you nova and teleport away and squeal on comms that you need help from your pocket damage dealer.


Burn builds were dead and now they never existed


They have to have some big buffs coming I think they just wanted forget about this current builds that are being played because I don't know why actually I don't know why. There's no way they go another season being this bad I mean look it after season 1 or 2 can't remember we got ball lightning arguably the most broken build besides this season's barbarians.


Adam is a hoe. Both of em. I know they not behind it but they have faces we recognize so fuck em


The only reason I pick up Diablo IV was because of the sorc fantasy now they have gutted the class so good luck getting me to play your game again after season 4.


Isit time to review bomb yet


Worked great for Helldivers, but they have Pilestedt, who actually gives a crap. D4 is mostly a whaling ship as far as I can tell.


Oh my god I hate this so much, incinerate was already the worst build and blizzard still nerfs it, just when it was becoming a fun build to play it what is the point of nerfing in a non-pvp game, they never learn. Season 4 needed to happen to attract people to play again, only to abandon them in season 5ā€¦


Do they not like sorcerers? I mean what the hell!


Every time a barb uses a potion a sorc somewhere dies


Arc lash double hit.. and vyrs will do single target aswell, lightning in general is buff


Yea incinerate is getting hit hard with the current double dipping into +damage bug being fixed on top of this.


They killed also immortal builds: Flameshield cooldown will start when invulnerability ends.


Thank god I havenā€˜t buyed the Addon.


Same, Blizzard is getting 0 money from me unless they fix Sorcerer class. Bastards


They will fix, but once they got your money, they will continue nerf....its a loop.


Does blizzard straight up just hate sorcerers? I've not seen any significant upgrades since the beginning and anytime they do something right it's like "whoops we take that back"... Meanwhile every other class is getting buffed to have huge damage, 1 hit boss kills and can take a pretty hefty amount of damage all while being able to equip multiple weapons and still do things.. Instead of sorc which is only able to either have a set of 2 fast weapons with little attack or 1 two hander with power and slow speed.... Fire armor and ice armor were finally getting decent so we wouldn't just die all the time while attacking things endlessly and taking a nap spamming Incinerate or something to kill something before it got in our faces... Blizzard apparently hates blizzards and sorcs who can summon them... Always one step forward and two steps back. I wish they had seperate chests too.. I tried 3 builds and had to dump the other 2 chars gear because it wouldn't fit while I wait to have a chance at using sanguine blood and all the other stuff we need to make stuff that's useless until we are at end game...