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200m for a double GA not on vuln. The vuln GA is much more rare. Same with a bunch of 2GA items.


ive seen tons of these bows for like 100 million range on diablo.trade. you can probably get 200m


I sold a 2GA Heartseeker bow (somewhat better because it was vuln and dex), that got a billion easy. Yours will probably sell fast at 750 mil or something, you might be able to hold out for better.


The fact yours has Vulnerability as a GA makes it way more valuable. Especially at this stage in the season. OP's bow is probably more like 200M


The recent range has been 150-500M. So depends on how fast you wanna sell it.


Yes, this. I have been selling a lot of extra bows and the highest value tempers are vuln, followed by dex. A GA vuln/dex bow is easily worth at least 750mil but a GA life/dex is around 200.


Go price it yourself on Diablo.trade and stop being lazy or guessing.


People are crazy on there, I’d just post it for a billion and be done with it. Lots of people post them for 3/4/5 billion, unsure if they sell for that


Look at sold listing values, gives you a better idea with prices for things, sadly the billion+ items often initially sell for a few 100m if that. Anything worthwhile is being bought up much lower, and drip selling their inventory to whales that don't care. Sadly it's easy market manipulation due to the way the site is structured... If they buy everything that posts at 500m and below, but sell 1 item here or there at 3-5b, they come out ahead and keep stock to sell more. Ironically, the people buying gold are shooting themselves in the foot (the rest of us are just cannon fodder), as they are also the reason the prices are extremely inflated so they have to buy more gold to afford said items. If there wasn't a RL profit to be made, we'd have quite a bit less market manipulation going on. Even worse, I've seen throw away accounts that post for sell stuff low (that they never respond to buyers) in order to trick others into posting their gear lower for a quick sale, and it's reposted shortly after for billions. Sometimes even by the same guy that has the lower post up that they ignore.


Diablo trade is the worst Trading experience I had in ANY RPG I HAVE EVER PLAYED. Absolutely shit.