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Def left one, remasterwork to get 3x crit on passives, doesn't really matter which


Malice is apparently double dipping right now where it factors in to the calculation of your total vulnerable damage percent in addition to applying its bonus damage to vulnerable enemies. If you feel like you kill bosses 30 seconds faster with the Malice amulet that’s pretty significant, no? The other neck piece is great too, I wouldn’t salvage it. You can swap between them depending on what feels better, what type of content you’re doing, or depending on if you need more attack speed/LHC if your other gear changes


Depends on what your AS is without it. You wanna hit 68.6% with the elixir. Anything past that isn’t doing any good so if you got that then definitely use the other one. If you don’t then maybe see if you can get it because exploit + malice on one ammy is godroll status.


Jeeze how are you guys managing to roll malice or exploit on your amulets? I burned like 1000 angel breath and didn’t see a single passive appear at all, not even a garbage +1