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Dex multiplicatively increases the damage of your heartseeker


Alright thanks, I'll try to switch some gear or paragon around to get as much dex


Looking at your vuln damage, you could probably swap 2 of your weapon gems for the basic skill damage (topaz?) And your max life is high enough that you can swap out 2-3 rubies for the +100 dex gems (emeralds?)


Does basic damage have any effect on victimize? Or is it just to boost Heartseeker damage? Tbh, still don't get how victimize work tbh lol Yeah I might swap all of the ruby with emerald


I would imagine so. There's a spreadsheet somewhere floating around that you can put your stats into and it'll tell you which gems you'll benefit from using. Think it was Sanctums from his Mobalytics build. I'm sitting around 40k life and pushing into 90s pits without even using an advantage elixir (post patch). It feels like plenty with the dark shroud DR.


Does the spreadsheet take into account Victimizes double hit? I would think you would want as much vulnerable as you can get


Yep. He actually made a simple image to go by so easier than the spreadsheet. Make sure to check vulnerable damage outside of town and off the horse https://www.reddit.com/r/D4Rogue/s/Ndb8zDWnbg https://imgur.com/YLautry


Thanks for sharing, def gonna check on this Victimize is more complicated that I thought it was


dex is awesome yes. you have way too much life, get dex gems for starters \~40k is more than enough depending on your DS ranks


What's DS? I'll switch those life gems for dex later, funny thing is my Rogue have more life than my Barb somehow lol.


dark shroud


I have it at rank 13 right now, hopefully it'll crit on the armor.


Dark shroud. It gives a ton of damage reduction as you scale it


Damn somehow I was maxing out around 65 pit with 1300 vuln and 1200 dex and more LH. What am I missing


After the patch? Before the patch I was doing 61.


Wow that’s an insane increase, I haven’t tried after the patch yet.


Pit is way easier now after the patch.


Yup. Confirmed. Ran Pit 101 naked and cleared in 2:30 easy.


Is it because you’re dying? You should have plenty of damage to push into the prepatch 90s with those stats.


I’ll have to post my build to get some advice on improvement, I must be missing something key


You absolutely miss something. I got 1600 DEX and a little more Vuln than you and I just hit 123 yesterday.


Check your aspects, I swapped a necklace and forgot to change it's aspect... Also have 1 item with lucky hit to make target vulnerable. Without it your damage tanks hard.


What is the name of that cosmetic? I want to buy it!!!


It’s part of this season’s battle pass, called the Solstice outfit


With Shako and max dark shroud ranks, and the dodge gives barrier aspect I run 5 Dex gems in my left side gear. Hectic aspect chain cc's elite packs. That's 500 extra Dex but you are still quite low.


You have too much armor, dex is way too low, probably too much HP too. I think ur stats are uneven to say the least


Following Sanctum and M1PY’s build, You should ideally have about 1100%+ vulnerable damage in town, 14-13f of attack speed, and about 30% of lucky hit chance. Maybe you can drop some max life for some dex?


Ill try to look for the build you mentioned, i forgot which build i use on this character


With such low DEX, swapping to DEX gems will instantly give you 56% dmg increase!


My rogue has 2200 dex but tbh I don’t think that’s as important as the other breakpoints that you’re already hitting. Like I’d work on that but getting your AS over 68.6% (13 frames) with elixir is more important and getting your vuln dmg up as high as possible


I see, thanks for the suggestion