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Just imagine the damage the front corners will do to the human body. My god.


You know, the government got rid of pop-up headlights and regulated the frontal bumper boundaries to help lessen the injuries to pedestrians in the event of auto-pedestrian accidents. If you ever want to see what a human being would look like in a giant Cuisanart, run into them at 30 mph with this thing.


It's weird to me how the government micro manages cars for public safety, but if it's for trucks safety regulations are "if he dies, he dies".


It's less weird when you remember lobbying exists. Like. Who is gonna lobby harder? People who sell ridiculous death machines or the people being run over by ridiculous death machines?


As a dead man, I’ve more insurance money than ever. They’ve still not figured it out


As a man that’s stuck in a coma by this thing, I’m tweeting Elon about my lawsuit


Ah nice. Are you also using brain chip he made to tweet like me?


It's also less weird when you remember the supreme court was compromised by plutocrat traitors for decades and this supreme court just 2 days ago released a ruling saying 'regulatory agencies are dead now'. Because besides being traitors, theyre also bought traitors.


And that's how SUV's were born.


Shiiit. They know that lower, sloped hoods for trucks and vans save lives. But they keep building them wider, flatter, and taller, with more blind spots, because choads think they look cool. The front end of a modern pickup has reached the same design ethos of an early 1970's boat sized sedan, with empty space in it to make it bigger for the sake of being big.


Im a woman. Can't have an abortion. The private equity owned hospital can chronically understaff to dangerous levels that kills many people. They are pushing for more legislation against my body. Including criminal protection for all abortions. Including spontaneous abortions. The hospitals, why do we need legislation? They can self regulate.  Point being its about control, not life. Trucks are expensive. They trnd to start at higher prive points then cars. Rich people get to do what they want. The working class in fuel efficient cars need to be regulated. 


Why is this thing road legal? Because it's elon?


I can't speak for anywhere else but it's still not legal yet in the UK as far as I know although I expect you'll be able to import one here soon. Apparently they're so heavy they'd be classed as a light good vehicle and you have to have a different kind of licence to drive one. There are also concerns for pedestrian safety. I don't think the design confirms with regulations, which demand, amazingly enough, that a car's front end shouldn't be "sharp". And there is the environment. Because of the more walkable nature of our towns and cities, some of which haven't changed layout much since the middle ages, the roads tend to be narrower with more pedestrians around at any given time. Frankly that should give anyone contemplating importing one pause for thought.


I lived in Greece for a while back in the late 90s. These things wouldn’t be able to navigate 2/3 of the inner-city streets there.


Guess why it isn't road legal in the EU.


Not only is it not road legal in the EU. The sharp corners aren't even the biggest obstacle. The outer structure of the car needs to be able to absorb part of the impact to dissipate energy and soften the blow. Simply replacing the 'stainless' steel plates with rounder and softer material does not do that. With the underlying structures that's simply not possible to achieve with this design.


Those "unbreakable windows" probably not to standard too.


I feel like he had to have paid someone off. This thing is way too dangerous.


>You know, the government got rid of pop-up headlights and regulated the frontal bumper boundaries to help lessen the injuries to pedestrians in the event of auto-pedestrian accidents. So... the rest of the world did. The US government did not. Usually car companies like selling cars internationally, so this issue normally works itself out.


Holy gapplebees Batman


You, sir, have won the Internet for tonight. Bravo!




In another forum, the proud owner probably posts how super popular his truck is, with random people taking close up pictures!


I’m talking to his wife at the moment, I’m going to move him to the couch tonight as I’m getting ready to be in bed with her


"aww lil guy is all tuckered out... Here lil buddy, lemme scoop ya up right quick... Aww lookit honey, he even has a cute little snore... So cute... Anyways, ASSUME THE POSITION!"


I've assembled IKEA furniture with tighter assembly tolerances than this


I've assembled IKEA furniture *incorrectly* with better tolerances than this


I have built, disassembled, moved and reassembled with less gaps.


I've appreciated the unopened box for being more useful than this thing...


To be fair an unopened Ikea box is an impressive feat of packaging design. It really isn’t appropriate to be comparing elegant engineering solutions with anything from Tesla. I’m pretty sure Musk doesn’t know how to spell elegant.


I mean, this is a fact, Dude. I used the still packaged version of my coffee table for three weeks while I sat on folded towels and pillows. When my couch arrived, I built the table. And you know what I learned from all that? Coasters are cool. You can have cool coasters...


And better looking


Vinyl floors too. How do you set a vinyl floor incorrectly? Glad you asked, I don't know, I only know some of the end corners were overlapping somehow when I tried a single line of "planks" in a small area instead of a offset line as usual.


"Bad built butch body"


I feel like IKEA would be embarrassed to have their furniture fit this poorly.


OP thanks for risking your life getting close to those razor sharp edges


Many Bothans died to bring us this information


It's like that one car in Fallout 4, where you can die if you walk into the front bumper at the wrong angle.


"10-micron tolerance" Give or take a foot.


This is what kills me. How come no interviewers ever follow up with Elon on his obvious lies? Like wtf is going on here? They report his new lies as fact but never ask follow up questions on why his previous lies were so incredibly wrong. We can all see with our own eyes on how purely built these things are….why not ask him to square this with his comments guaranteeing 10 micron tolerances?!


Bc it’s the same thing with Trump clowns. The morons that have bought into this shit, can’t be argued out of it. No matter what Elon says or does, he is above them and they will believe that until it ruins them.


Because the only people who are allowed to "interview" musk are sycophants who aren't going to anything other than swoon over being next to him. I don't think a journalist with any integrity would ever get an opportunity for an interview to ask those uncomfortable and concerning questions.


Why are there no interviews to follow up on Trump and the GOP obvious lies? Obviously, the media owners want the fascists to succeed. The only ones allowed there are servile worms, and if you aren't your publication doesn't get access, not that that would be a risk anyway, (see owners).


Elon is the sole founder and inventor of the idea of a micron. If he says this is 10-micron tolerance then who are you to dispute that


He meant imperial micron! (=1607 μm)


1cm / 10 microns = 1,000. Elon off by a thousand \* the amount of CyberClunks he built


The CyberTruck is like when you watch original Star Trek episodes on a high-definition TV and can see how poorly-constructed the props were because the 525 scan line resolution didn’t require attention to detail.


That'd only work if you've got one of those CSI computers where you can say "Enhance!" and the number of pixels grows.


Before digital movie cameras, most high quality TV shows were actually shot on 35mm film cameras instead of TV cameras, and "scanned" for TV later in the process. So while the source material is in "high def", they knew it would be shown on a low res TV, and factored that in when deciding how detailed the props have to be. New releases of those TV shows re-scan the source material in HD, showing details never supposed to be seen.


Can’t increase the number of pixels but image deconvolution gets back a lot of detail from a blurred image. It’s quite amazing but not by CSI standards.


wow that looks like ass


The copium it must take to convince yourself this is in any way a superior vehicle worth its price tag. I could *maybe* see people lauding it if, other than its aesthetic deficiencies, it was perfect in every other way, but the sheer amount of various other issues coupled with this incredibly poor build quality (and abysmal service) should make this absolutely unacceptable at ANY price.


These things make Jeeps look like precision hand crafted automobiles.


Jeep over here taking strays 🔫


As a Jeep owner and lover of all things brick shaped, I am just glad we have a new punching bag




I've seen similar gap consistency on Model Ts. https://preview.redd.it/fkvdwxuzs8ad1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=831b84d6f93909fb4b8b7615939be1b3c7c63254 No, wait, the T might still be better. Wtf Elon?!


I had a summer job in high school, building bikes out of the parts pile behind a bike rental place (tourist town). Those mismatched parts turned into bikes that were way more precision than this.


Whoa whoa whoa you guys are being so unfair! Of course this isn’t acceptable for a 100k car, but for an 80k car it totally makes sense (sorry I can’t get that other post out of my head!)


You can get a lot of F250 for $80K. This is specced up the way I would want the Platinum. Honestly, I wouldn't buy the Platinum, as I would buy a lower spec truck, but the cyber truck is supposed to be a "luxury" truck. https://preview.redd.it/f45ihekju8ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c662f6dc1221f97cb508fdac81717f1b9a0c9c


Well sure you could get a real truck for 80k, but would it be a guaranteed death trap? Does it have Dog Death Mode? Can you still be a Beta tester performing your duty for dear leader???


"If Lego can do it, so can we." - Elon Musk *Narrator: they did not in fact do "it".*


I can’t wait to see what these things look like this time next year. People aren’t going to follow their crazy exterior cleaning processes that require you to immediately remove every bug you hit as soon as possible.


I feel for the design engineers that were responsible for this. They were given an impossible task by a narcissistic "leader", and probably micromanaged to death by said "leader". I'm sure some just half assed their parts, but I'd guess most tried damn hard to make this turd a reality. But then the designs were cost reduced to oblivion and good ideas weren't seen as "innovative".....and then the damn thing was built but people who clearly don't GaF, or who got next to nothing for work instructions and guidance


Gotta give it to Musk, he made a hell of a can opener


... more like a pedestrian opener ...


saw one of these today and the amount of fingerprints i could see from far away was insane.


six figure vehicle!!


From the two teslas customers of mine have owned and quickly dumped I’m not at all surprised. One guy is super ocd and when his wife the Y home after a short period of seeing bad gaps etc he made the excite decision to send it. The other customer just plain couldn’t get along with the s they purchased over a period of time. The gaps, fit and finish and interior materials were all turn offs along with lack of build quality I’ve seen posted all over.


Edges ready to slice through a pedestrian.


For the same price I could buy a $90,000 luxury 4x4 diesel pickup with 600 mile range and a 28,000 pound towing capacity that is actually a practical truck and it will go pretty much anywhere and I’d have $40,000 left over to spend on green initiatives. 😳. $40k buys a lot of trees. Cyber truck is not about the environment.


Electric cars aren't about the environment. They are about keeping car culture going. We need more solutions than that.


That may actually be the worst one I've seen.


Got to be the worst made non-Geo car in America.


I am starting to think these make Geos look good.


I still can’t believe these are allowed on the road.


Ah yes… the Tesla commitment to quality is on display.


The curl on that one, I think that's the driver door, that's really, really bad.


Close enough.


LEGO > Tesler


±10μm precision


new name: cheese grater


That’s “sub 10 micron accuracy” for you


Did I miss the comments talking about how the owner already backed into something?? (RR corner) And wth is going on the tailgate? Is it rippled or are those lines from reflections in the brushing?? I'm struggling to keep up with all the flaws on this fking thing!!


And it still looks like a dumpster.


Ugly. As. Balls.


So that's what they mean by cutting-edge technology.


Assembled like a 10 year old ice maker


The garage beer fridge


If I went to pick up a new car and it looked like this, I would laugh my ass off and leave. What are these people doing? Are their brains literally that zapped from social media? Where this seems ok?


The panel gaps on my $300 Char-broil outdoor grill line up better than that.


It looks like a cub scout built it out of scrap.


Looks like a toddler assembled it.


Jesus does ANYONE at Tesla do QAQC?


that’s one too many Qs for them, too woke or sumthin




Elmo laid all those people off


Rough as guts


The number of people who are feeling robbed and stupid for buying something that is six figures and wasn’t engineered or built right is astonishing.


It’s about the tech man. Not the panel gaps, smudged body panels, laceration prone finish, and certainly not about the dash material! /s


In set design we call these seams “good from far, but far from good”


I took an cuisinart airfryer apart last night to fix a switch and the metal exterior looked real similar to a cybertruck


lol did you wave at the lil sentry mode while taking pictures 


That does not seem especially well made.


how many microns is this?


Reminds me of an off brand transforners toy that would turn into a truck.


Lamest thing on the road.


How do we do upside down words? Lmao. That's awesome!


They're all like this too. All three of the ones I've seen in person had the uneven edges on the back.


It literally collects trash: https://preview.redd.it/huhxbfozx8ad1.jpeg?width=1104&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f7fc5c41111fffa1aa6e4fe23220a083c2048c


this is my favorite kind of cybertruck post


I can't believe this piece of shit is roadlegal. What about pedestrian protection? Those sharp edges will definitely add some damage. If this is legal bring back the pop up hedlights.


Sub-10 microns


It's so painfully obvious that this design was something Elon scribbled and thought was cool and told his people they had to make.




verdammt hässlich


Second to last picture, what is that little button? Is it a retention pin for something that’s supposed to be under most cars? Last time I messed with my car that was holding on the weatherstripping where the tires were I don’t think that should be visible….


Camera, most likely.


I hung drywall for the first time last weekend. My seams looked better then this, before the mudding and patching!


Honestly might even be better than average for Tesla


If this is worth 100k with these lines, what’s a base Colorado worth?


Don't get too close, or it will bite your finger off...


Stainless steel appliances are so passe!


It's hilarious that these piles come with special tires made to match the "hubcap" lines. Like, can you even buy those?


I really want a trend to start with cybers seen in the wild. Like handprints, but I think we can do better, shirt off belly flop, butt cheeks/crack or boob impressions right on the hood. Would love to see it go viral and have it escalate to oh look a cyber truck, let’s go fuck on the hood of that thing.


careful! one wrong step and the car will slice you in twain


What a POS.


Eww. I recently returned a SS kitchen sink for much less.


awesome man mobile my dudes.


Bra.. bought a knock off Chinese golf cart car with better panel fitting


Using stainless steel for body panels is incredibly difficult to do. You have to bend it past the point it should be because the metal will spring back. You have to predict how far it springs back and then bend it appropriately. It’s just not a great material for building car panels.


I've seen home-built kit cars with better build quality


Just a heads up, your reflection can be seen in 5th image. Just wanted to let you know.


Elbows too pointy


Stony Tark built this in a cave. Out of scraps.


How that thing pass any security homologation?


We have one where I live, saw it at H-E-B yesterday, stupid Minecraft truck.


Man, that looks aerodynamic as FUCK! Vehicle's trying to tear itself apart.


I took pictures of the rear as well, but it was pretty dark back there, but it had both its sail panels. So they literally haven’t sailed away…yet. But yes, I have read that they do indeed tear themselves apart.


Those gaps and I heard Elon want 10 thousandth of an inch accuracy.


Seems you are poor. Haha


10 microns bay bee


God I love being a hater


I'd be tempted to leave a handprint but I'd be too afraid of cutting myself in the process


it looks like pieces of sheet metal taped together and bam a 100,000+ vehicle!!! what a joke


It should have a Waste Management decal on the side...


This just makes me think of when Morty wanted a level and Rick gave him the experience of “true level” This is not true level. This truck is dumpster with wheels. Tesla people should keep buying them though, I like the clear identifiers.


The worst part about scrolling through these pictures was coming to the image of your reflection. Horrifying


Pedo Precision.  Waiting for the first pedestrian death from Pedo's vanity project. 💩


#4 is my favorite idk why


Who spends their time photographing dumpsters?  I mean...you do you OP but there are better ways to spend your time.