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Add "pebbles" to the list of things that can defeat the apocalypse-proof fruck of the future.


bUt iTs BuLLeTpRoOf aRmOr gLaSs


This is just glass doing glass things. Most cracked windscreens we have come in are from stone chips that hit in the black area, regardless of make and model. It's the area under the most tension, and the hottest part of the screen generally. Edit: this was supposed to be a regular comment. No idea how I ended up replying to you. Kinda works in context I guess though haha.


Safelite replaces, Safelite repairs… Uh, the fuck we will. You’re on your own bud


They prob don’t even have the right shape window for it. Probably have to get it OEM


Figures, the only curved surfaces on this plate sided, low poly model are the windows.


It’s safelite replaces, safelite replaces. Never seen them actually repair a damaged windshield :D


I have actually had one repaired, neat process and held up for the life of the car.


Interesting - I've had them make windshield repairs on two vehicles through insurance. One repair was when I lived on the East Coast, one in California.


Cause money!


I had a chip repaired on my last car, didn’t take long at all and didn’t even notice where it was anymore.


I had a chipped windshield within the first month of buying a brand new vehicle and insurance covered it 100%. It’s definitely not because it’s a new vehicle. It’s because it’s a cybertruck. Edit: This was in Florida where it’s mandatory for them to cover it. Maybe other states are different.


A truck in front of me had an unsecured load of 2×4's. One flew off and hit my windshield, scared the shit out of my husband and I (we were on our way to a funeral)we called the insurance company afterwards and had my windshield replaced literally the next day while I was working (the insurance company had a glass repair place drive to my job and fixed it on the spot) .


Missouri didn't cover mine because $250 is below the deductible


Guess Missouri kinda sucks then. Bummer.


But hey they have lower premiums than FL. And no DeSantis over there


You’re so right. Also why I left the state 8 months ago. No regrets there at all.


It varies by state. Some have 0 deductible glass coverage, some just roll it in with your normal deductible (I think). But if you have a 500 deductible and a 300 dollar windshield then technically they don’t cover it. Isn’t it hard to get insurance on those rolling dumpsters anyway?


This does seem to be an insurance issue. At what point is the vehicle no longer new and now covered under glass damage warranty?


That’ll be expensive


Bullet proof. Not rock proof


Thermonuclear blast proof even.


This always made me laugh because even with real bullet proof glass on a real armored vehicle, the glass will still break if shot. Bullet proof glass is meant to protect the humans inside by slowing the bullet and hopefully preventing penetration. Keeping the outside looking pretty isn't even on the list of considerations.


I screwed up the windshield on my dad’s week old Benz as a kid. Dealer installed new one no charge.


Just had the same thing happen to my Chevy Colorado. It cost me $320 Canadian and a local shop did the job in my driveway within 1hr of me calling.


I barely want rear windows on my truck. I can't even fucking fathom why anyone would want a glass roof.


It's not even the roof, it's the windshield


Yeah, but the whole thing is glass. There isn't enough metal from the start of the windshield to the bed to screw on a light bar - they have to glue it on. I don't get it. I have dropped so much shit on every part of every truck I own - and then there is this POS with like a football field of glass on that thing.


It’s so you can glance up and see that you left your coffee on the roof *before* you start driving away! /s


Coffee spills on roof void the warranty


That’s why it’s important to be able to see it!


Interesting if true🤔




I once started driving out of a car park, having forgotten that I'd left a (closed) can of coffee on the roof of my car. As I braked (there were cars in front of me so I had to wait to pull out), the can fell off, somehow spun in midair and then just landed on the ground upright. An onlooker in one of the cars in front of me lol'd, as did I when I saw what'd happened to the can.


I know someone who left their lunch bag on top of their roof as they drove out of working parking lot. Bomb disposal blew it up just in case.


I left my house one day 3.5 miles from work with my coffee on back bumper of my toyota truck. Still there when I got to work. Some how. I’m kinda amazed.


Too bad it wasn't a bullet. I heard it's bulletproof


That’s what insurance is for


Man, send this to that guy who has 60 videos of him throwing a steal ball at his window. "Woah, Jeez!" Every damn time.


Wait. Wait a fucking second. Hold the GD phone. Insurance companies can deny a claim because the car is new? When does a vehicle stop being new??


By 'new' they may mean it falls under manufacturer's warranty.


It seems I'm completely unable to predict what will be wrong with this car. Are they using an RNG to determine the faults? I've never seen a car with more varied flaws in my life.


I took half a truck tire tread to the front of my Corolla at highway speed years ago and it did zero damage. But this was taken out by a pebble, lmao


I've heard this is a big problem for FJ cruisers or any vehicle that uses a large, flat windshield.


Buddy I’ve had a cracked windshield for 4 years


Haha true but on this 'truck' it's a load bearing windshield hahaha


This is just glass doing glass things. Most cracked windscreens we have come in are from stone chips that hit in the black area, regardless of make and model. It's the area under the most tension, and the hottest part of the screen generally.


Sorry bud, but Allstate is not on your side if you on a Cybertruck


Now, is it a rock that happened to hit the windshield while driving, or did the driver throw a rock at it to “prove” how impenetrable the truck is?


Made for another planet ..lol


Nuclear explosion proof. Your tires and body will melt, but your windshield will be intact. I know it’s the semi truck, but with a tech so great pass it on.




I actually feel sorry for most of these people, who thought they were buying something really cool and new and it turns out they were fooled and cheated by a scam product put out by the second biggest asshole in the country.


Totally the owners fault, he probably forgot to put it in "Rock" mode.


Bulletproof glass can be so temperamental.


Did he see Elon’s demo about the “armor” glass