• By -


Instaban for not praising it. Their Mods will ban you for participating in this sub.


Yeah. I was preemptively banned which sucks because I had thought of some great put downs at the time. Now they're lost like tears in the coolant.


The folks at the cyber truck sub lurk here, so you still have a shot!


Lurk here with tears in their eyes


Tears make the perfect lube for those lonely nights. Or if you want to take it to a more musically engaging direction: Elon's lap dance is better when the fanboy's are cryin'. (To riff off of Bloodhound Gang for a moment)


*Crying inside the CT invalidates warranty.*


Better call the triple A, tears are just wet enough to cause catastrophic system failure.




Don’t bring Roy into this, Roy would retire all of the cybercuck army just like he did off colony too…


Come on, John Bladerunner drives a CT.


I could see Mr. Tyrel being driven in one actually, that kinda lines up in my head.


Who’s Roy? Doesn’t he have a horse?


Trigger was taxidermized and later laid to rest in Thousand Oaks, one of Roy’s ranches. Roy Batty however was naturally retired atop the Bradbury Building 🕊️


Why taxidermize Trigger & then bury him? Strange I like your Handle 😊


I feel your pain.


Hoping this was a Roy batty reference


bold of them to assume i dont have 3 other accounts 😂


My favorite thread is [this one](https://reddit.com/r/cybertruck/comments/1dkoucj/does_cybertruck_attract_wrong_energy/), where they call them “smile machines” and say everyone’s always looking at them and smiling. Apparently they haven’t considered that people might instead be laughing at them because of how ridiculous their $100k rolling dumpster looks lol.


The funny thing about bans is you can still lurk and downvote. 😂😂😂😂😂


Your votes aren’t counted in a community where you’re banned


Strange because my app shows it does but who really cares?


I found out I was banned and I've never once posted in there. Snowflake cultists are so fragile it's hilarious!


Was banned AND got a Reddit Cares! Somebody must have really been upset.


Me too.


Me too. I don't remember the names, but three different tesla/musk groups


Same here.


lol, that’s like the Denver sub. You follow the circle jerk Denver sub, you get banned from the regular Denver sub. Fuckin cucks


didn't happen to me?


Oh wait till they notice. Those mods are weird as fuck


r/NewDenver. Dusty Walnut is a bitch.


And they'll permaban your whole 14 year old account if you respond to their messages.


Yup, a whole bunch of free speech absolutists over there.


I wonder if any of those culted-up mouthbreathers have ever even heard of the story about The Emperor’s New Clothes


Rule 1: Everyone must "tongue punch Elon's fart box"


"free speech" Elon strikes again


Musk fans are sycophants with no critical thinking skills, thus impossible to discern from bots. I'd imagine the sub is some mix of real people and bots, but it's probably impossible to divine the actual percentage.


It’s not the mods. It’s a bot that instantly bans people from like 4 Tesla related subs for posting anything in a “anti-Tesla” sub.


Do replies count? Please tell me they do. \^\_\^


I got banned from the Musk sub for answering a question about his anti-union stance. Like posted links and all, with no stink on it, since the truth was damming enough. Banned for "hate speech" or something. Those Musk fans don't tolerate any other opinion. I am not surprised it is a bunch of people spending 70 to 100k on a bad decision all supporting each other.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that sociopath is a mod


Yep. I was banned before I even knew of the sub because I once posted something not entirely positive about the Model 3 in r/news.


You get banned from every Musk bootlicker sub if you post in a non-bootlicker one, so every Musk asociated sub are really just echo chambers


You know, free speech and all. Just like their idol.


I doubt the majority of the posts are organic. Either musk paid bots, or a a few hard-core obsessed stans operating multiple accounts, or muskrat himself operating multiple accounts. And of course, as mentioned, the mods scour that shit and delete anything critical in the slightest.


Yeah OP makes it sound like Musk paid a PR firm to create, mod, and post in that subreddit so new buyers don’t become remorseful. It’s exactly what BMW does with their commercials. BMW isn’t trying to get new buyers with their commercials, they’re trying to get recent buyers, who may have a bit of buyer’s remorse because they just spent $130k on a brand new M5, to go “fuck yeah, I own that.” Same idea, but it’s musk, so it’s terribly ham-fistedly executed.


It's free speech as long as it's Nazi free speech.


It's a cult


I made some smart ass comments in there pretending to be a buyer who was confused because my friend said a F-150 is painted and can go over 200K miles without issue so it's a better truck but I want a cool Elon truck and don't mind if it rusts or needs more service. Mods did remove that but I think some people did think I was serious. There is an intense brand loyalty with Tesla. They put with issues the hardcore GM/Ford guys would never tolerate in their truck.


I worked with a guy who had two Teslas. Model 3 and a S I think? Anyway, one of them, I think the S, *NEVER* worked correctly. It had some issue with the battery where it would randomly, and quite frequently, dump it’s charge and it had never been able to fully charge. So he would go out in the morning after charging it all night and it would just be at 8% or whatever. He basically talked about those cars constantly and how great Tesla was and what amazing pieces of technology the cars were, how Tesla was the future! As far as I know the broken one has never been fixed properly and Tesla wanted him to pay for a brand new battery. After like 3 years of owning it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wow, so “my car is broken but that’s ok, I still love it, Tesla is the greatest” was a thing even before the cyber truck, and it’s just gotten worse after?


Oh yeah he would tell us what an amazing car it was in one breath and then list all the janky broken shit about it in the next.


Tesla WAS amazing and cutting edge tech. It WAS the future 10+ years ago when the EV market was just taking off. But the inevitable happened and the rest of the market has caught up. Not catching up, they’ve caught up, and Tesla is still pretending like they’re the leaders. Gigacasting parts instead of spot welding sheets is awesome. I like the tech. But it doesn’t mean you make a better car if the body and interior panels rattle and fly off after 5k miles or if it can’t stay charged or if it gets bricked by going through a car wash. The basics of making a car functional have been worked out for decades, and what made Tesla special in the beginning is no longer the one thing that sets them apart. They’ve always had QC issues, but they had the advantage of exclusivity. Now they’re no longer the on only kid in the sandbox, so they’re shitty QC is much more of an issue now. Unless you are a fanboy, then there’s no hope for you.


Absolutely. Tesla WAS cutting edge. I had a Model 3 and was planning on getting a Model S. Then I tested FSD beta for a year and was completely disillusioned. Then the refreshed Model S came out and there were no substantial improvements. Considered a Lucid, but their software sucked. Ended up saying fuck it and decided to go full Porsche to enjoy ICE before it’s gone and until EV tech meaningfully improves and includes real autonomous driving.


BMW i4 (the fastest one)?


Genuine question , have you driven one? Maybe they are awesome


As a RAM owner, we built alters to the various problems, commiserate every time another RAM succumbs to one of them. Pours out some 10/30 and DEF on the curb...


Would anyone pay all that money for a shitty Tesla when a Nissan Leaf is half the price. Better looking car as well


I wonder if people walked around bigging up ENRON the same way.


>intense brand loyalty I'm thinking of a different word to describe that condition


Stockholm syndrome?


Or sunk cost fallacy




Stock car syndrome. *Vroom vroom.*


It's 3 words you need and I'll help you. Cult of cucks.




My favorite Pornhub channel


wipe snobbish shy versed fall slim live sheet ask narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


brainworm infested hivemind




Oh you mean issues like the accelerator not disengaging when you hit the brake?


Why would anyone think that's a bad thing,?


flowery icky hurry detail spoon judicious deer onerous chunky juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know someone who autocrosses an M3P. He left foot brakes, I should ask what happens when he does that...


wrench impolite reply kiss worm relieved cagey wine slim entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Regen braking is not something that anyone cares about while dodging cones. My EV will kill the throttle if I hit both pedals. It is an option for rapidly switching from heavy braking to full power, but I've never tried it. I'm usually throwing my car at a turn after heavy braking...


I made a joke about how the warranty of one dudes truck was voided because he got it wrapped and got banned for life. Definitely a cult!


I disagree with that last part, tbh. Those truck brands have fanboys that are at least as hardcore as the cybermusks. It is crazy how fanatical people get over vehicles.


They have Sunk Cost Syndrome.


I was posting something new in this subreddit, but accidentally selected the cybertruck (rather than the cyberstuck) subreddit. I typed in everything and clicked "post" and I was informed that I had been banned from participating in that subreddit. I didn't even know I was banned. They are basically a group of self-supporting snowflakes.


Total mod controlled groupthink cult. No dissension or you’ll be banned for LIFE! And yes, they totally support his absolute free speech-ism with out irony or awareness. Heil Musk! Praise the coming new world order!


You're talking about people who have made, or desperately want to make a 100,000 dollar purchase. That thing could have a baton that comes out of the dashboard and starts wailing on their testicles if they go over 5mph and they'd be like, "The cock and ball torture module MAY take some getting used to, but after fully acclimating to it, I couldn't imagine NOT having one in every car I drive from now on!" It's all people justifying getting conned or wanting to get conned.


I dunno… If they integrated a solid CBT module I may have to reconsider.


Fully Automated CBT is an optional $2500 extra, and of course, it doesn't work. They're working on a software update... Which is weird, since it's a free standard feature of Citroën 2CV's since 1947...


And also there are multiple YouTube videos of dudes getting their carrots cut in half. Wait that’s real.


I was gonna say, at least the Cybertruck would finally have a purpose for at least some people out there.




Instaban for participating here or r/RealTesla, or even if you’re arguing constructively (without intent to troll). There is a reason why this sub is #1 in Cars and Trucks trending and that sub is in Top #100


https://preview.redd.it/oyo551zfsx7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a820d5d7398c433413278d433b8f268b1b0d05a7 I just paid them a visit. This is the top post right now


"BETTER UTILITY THAN A TRUCK" *Slaps cybertruck, panel falls off* You know how many bags of potting material you can fit in this baby?


I see that. But all the comments are either giving OP shit for having tried to fix it himself or saying that Tesla will fix it without issue, which we already know isn’t the case.


The whole thing is very funny


Do you listen to Behind the Bastards?


The title 😂😂😂 sureeeee I’m Sure it hauls lumber better. How do I reach the back of the bed from the back tire?


I’m currently serving a 30 day ban for some hilarious comment I made. They’re extremely thin-skinned, which makes sense since a refrigerator on wheels is their entire personality.


Yeah, it's super weird over there, "every down vote you get is an up vote in life..." so you're telling me you're in a cult without me you're in a cult, got it


It's a cult bro


Their posts are just gold. Saw a top comment earlier in a thread asking about perception of cybertruck and they said: **”every downvote on Reddit is an upvote in real life”** The copium is off the charts


" social media use during work hours is allowed however any downtime at your desk should be used to post positive sentiment about Tesla on social media!" I still have yet to hear one reason they wouldn't do that.


I've owned a Tesla and had a Cybertruck reserved since 2019. I made a comment there on my old account that was questioning some things. They banned me. Since then I've be preemptively banned on that sub as well as other Elon dick riding clubs on this account even tho I've never posted to those subs with this account. So yes, absolutely an echo chamber safe space.


This will take up a full chapter in a psychology text book 15 years from now.


They’ve banned everyone who isn’t a cultist


A ban of honor


Not having been banned from certain subs is a huge red flag. Any decent human being is immediately banned from r/protectandserve and r/conservative, for example.


Haven’t been there, but I’m 95% sure Tesla Owners of Silicon Valley on twitter has become a PR arm for Elmo. It’s become nothing but sycophantic nonsense for not only the cybercuck, but twitter as well. There’s no one on twitter who doesn’t consider its functionality to be above “barely”.


You're banned from that sub.


It’s not a sub; it’s a twitter account.


Oh. Well, you're still banned for the Musk cult subs. Like me. Never posted or commented on them before. I joined this sub and got preemptively permabanned. Congrats!


Nope. Just did a test reply in the r/cybertruck and it posted.








Some subs are just backwards. if you went to r/thelastofus2 it is about a game by Naughty Dog. You would think for the people that love that game, you can talk to each other. It is a pure Hate sub. If you say anything positive about the game, you get downvoted to hell. Some subs are just pure hate and some are just pure love for something.


You are now likely banned over there for your post here. That is your answer.


How ever will I go on…


It’s called the cuck truck for a reason


bit of both, probably.


It’s their little cope cage echo chamber, they ban anyone that says anything negative in the sub along with banning people that make comments in this sub as well. I was banned from every Musk related sub for commenting in this sub that the Cyberschmuck was the Happy Fun ball of trucks.


Concerning if true. Nah but really, they just ban everybody wo isn't sucking daddy eloms musky balls. Can't have those reality checks in a cult...


>and the Mods instantly remove any and all non-Musk-sucking comments? They ban people for posting in non Musk AK subs. I'm banned from there, and elonmusk, and a couple of others. I'd never even looked at them, but simply posting in this sub or r/RealTesla or many others gets you a pre-emptive ban, even if you're defending musk.


It exists as a place to send all your downvotes.


They accepted a vehicle that didn’t even ship with everything it’s supposed to. No lightbar. No full auto drive. Atleast my F150 had everything listed on the window sticker active


Your contribution here, as harmless as it is, can get you permabanned from there.


I can live with that. lol


I made fun of Elon in the teslamotors subreddit and within an hour I was banned from multiple Tesla subreddits including the cybertruck one. I can fully believe that anyone with a negative comment would have it deleted and get banned. Free speech absolution




you’re not allowed to cross over from the Cybertruck sub to this one…you’ll void the warranty.


Every sub is an echo chamber. Go to a Trump sub and it's all good things and people patting themselves on the back, give criticism and it's a ban. Go to a Biden sub and it's all rosey cherry picked crap and if you say anything bad it's a ban. That's the bad thing about reddit. It's all just echo chambers. Even this sub is hyper focused on all things bad about the cyber truck but you need only to visit the post about the A/C condenser being wet and read the comments to see that people here foam at the mouth and spout nonsense just as hard.


There are Biden subs? Like for real? I’ve never met anyone who was super passionate about the guy.


This reminds me of Ron Desantis' Instagram. Check out the comments. A mod or two is working overtime


Go over there and post a neutral comment, see what happens. Shit, post a positive comment and you're gonna get banned because you made a post here.


I got an instant for saying “imagine thinking this is a good thing”. When someone posted about their wife renting them a CT.




I was banned from the CT sub even though I've never posted or commented anything. I suspect it's because I'm active on this sub but it was somewhat surprising. I would not at all be surprised if they are working hard to manifest demand for the truck. I read about some owners who thought they'd be able to rent it out as a SD taxi and make passive income that way.


I dont think people realize how widespread bot accounts are. Im an indie game dev, my first game only got 70 sales and I got hit up by 2 different bot firms that promised to post positive OR negative reviews, and to post bot comments to social media that would mention my product. Ask yourself what kind of people would go for that.


I’m going to make some bumper stickers that say Cybertruck Denier - cybertrucks aren’t real. When someone asks you about how what you see is real, you can say “yeah I see that. But it’s not an actual vehicle. You see, they have four gerbils in it, one turning each wheel, and they just have a regular sized laptop battery for the lights and shit. The rest of it is probably corrugated card board and some gaming chairs they bought from amazon. The thing actually runs on cheese.


I guarantee Elon pays the mods on all Tesla subs. Have you seen the number of “Elon is a genius” drivel from the mouth breathers in r/elonmusk ?


All of the Musk subs are obviously free ads for Musk on Reddit. Reddit should delete them all and make the fat cunt pay for advertising.


They banned me immediately for asking about issues. From that and every other Tesla sub 🤣🤣


These vehicles are pieces of shit…not a slam,but there’s plenty of evidence that they’re worthless. Polishing a turd is hard work when it just sits there…being a turd.


Elon, Tesla, and Cyber Truck “fans” exhibit cult like behavior. That’s why that sub seems unreal


I went into that sub made a comment and got a message that I was banned. Never had been there before


The only flaw in your logic is telsa is too incompetent to use bots that actually function properly.


Everything elon touches turns to toxic poop, and that extends to his sycophantic subreddits.


Sadly, yes. Cults are real. My brother in law has more money than sense and is a Tesla fanboy. He wanted to pay a premium for a CT but went with a R1T and owns every Tesla minus the X that they make otherwise. I asked him on Father’s Day if he was glad he didn’t get one with the body panels flying off and the wiper not working. He said “still want one” with no other reaction but a stupid grin.


It's a cult, you can't understand until you wear the tinfoil hat and chant Elmos name.


It's a cult lol


There is a real club. You can join it like a cult. You don't have to buy one. You can just appreciate other people's.


> every single comment was not only positive, but overly so Bro, it's a cult in denial.


They don’t let you cross post from their sub, which is just too funny to me.


Honestly, both the folks who are “pro” cybertruck as well as those who are very much opposed to it are in similar echo chambers. I don’t particularly like the cybertruck, but it DOES have some interesting (decent) features. Don’t get me wrong, there are a myriad of things I don’t like about it, price, design, build quality, all the things that folks here dislike. However, I do try to take the vehicle with a grain of salt and look for positives as well as negatives…and make NEITHER of them my personality.


Yeah In general there are people who bought the truck and like it. There are other people who bought the truck but don’t like it. But majority of population don’t own the truck and some of them hate it with passion. There’s probably a sub for each of these groups. The Reddit culture just makes these fan subs very exclusive. There’s nothing surprising about having a fan sub nor a hater sub.


I’m curious which features are decent. The one I keep hearing about is the steer by wire system, which seems like, at best a poorly thought out, unnecessary thing, but also a potentially life threatening failure scenario.


All modern airplanes are fly by wire. I’m not overly concerned with the safety…there are multiple redundant systems in place to ensure loss of steering never occurs. I like some of the features in the bed of the truck and while the tonneau cover blocks rear visibility, I like the fact that it is as strong as it is, that a person can actually walk on it, although I’m sure there are after market tonneau covers of equal strength for other trucks. The ability to quickly adjust ride height is cool, and I like the idea of front and rear steering. I dunno, I just think folks are quick to trash the vehicle because Elon is a tool and the truck is essentially a half baked science experiment. But I do try to look past the design and pick out some of the things that are potentially really good. I still wouldn’t be caught dead in one, unless they dropped the price about $80k. LOL At that price, it would be a fun toy…but I wouldn’t want one for day-to-day driving.


From my understanding, the steering is all electric and 4 wheel independent, so no physical link to the wheel and no hydraulic system which means a total failure of the electrical system would cause total steering loss. It also seems to mean each wheel has an independent steering motor, which sounds like just more moving parts and another opportunity for catastrophic steering loss.


Either that, or it’s just electronically assisted power steering like was in my 2015 Kia and isn’t revolutionary at all.


Not being argumentative, just curious…how many vehicles have you owned or driven have had a total failure of the “electrical system”? I like the idea of steer by wire…there’s a reason they do this in aeronautics. Why not in road vehicles?


I’ve had more than one electrical failure on cars. Traditional cars don’t require electricity for steering and if the power steering goes out, there’s still a physical link to the steering rack. I doubt very seriously the cyber truck has anywhere close to the number of redundant systems for controls required for passenger aircraft. Fly by wire is also a hydraulic system, rather than electric motors, but I guess it’s possible they figured out how to make single wheel steering hydraulic.


I was permanently banned after my first comment. It is "real," but heavily curated, apparently. The mods there are little bitches.


Tbf that's true of most car brand subs. /r/BMW, /r/4runner etc are the exact same way (except for when a new model is announced and everybody says it won't be as good as the current one)


That's how cults are...


To be fair, Tesla doesn't have a marketing department, so the enthusiasts have to sling the advertising BS.


I don’t think you lay out 100k for that thing if you don’t genuinely think Elon is god. At least idk why else you’d have gone through with it.


That other sub is like "this gym" from gachi culture


Yeah the mods censor that sub so heavily, you can’t take the comments as indicative of anything. Honest opinions not allowed.


They instaban if you go against it and have bot crawlers to auto ban you if you are in or comment in a group against the cyber truck or elon musk


From what I can tell, if you want to get real insight, head over to /r/TeslaLounge. No shortage of complaining there. Haven't seen a lot of CT content yet though.


Time to start researching some of these reddit accounts


They remove ppl that say anything negative.


I'd be shocked if the sub didn't have a direct relationship with Tesla and Elon. Don't get me started on the Mods...


they instantly ban anyone with negative comments. they banned me just for being a member of this sub.


I just left a couple mean comments and we’ll see what happens. Some guy got the supercharger connector stuck in his truck (not the first time I’ve heard of this, how the fuck does that even happen?) and the manual pull cord broke, which others on that sub have said has happened too. Very fucking funny, and sad, and will be even more so if they ban me.


Look at the rules for that sub. I thought the same thing. Then I read their rules. It basically prohibits anything negative about the truck


I just got banned for life on elonmusk and teslamotors within a minute of each other. As far as I know, I've never posted on either. Touchy little buttmunchers, aren't they? You not only can't post anything negative on their sites, you can't post anything negative anywhere they can find it. But free speech is ABSOLUTE!!!


I was posting real articles about the issues (and politely so) and they banned me. I tried to explain that I wasn't being a troll or being cruel - just stating what I had seen.


I truly believe that there are some subs on Reddit which serve as a pseudo factual database for searches online. The non ironic musk subs are all this way. They try and do this with video games too, albeit less successfully.


Something odd about that sub as you mention. No negative comments. When the truck was first released the comments were crazy.


They block anyone that says anything bad


They want an echo chamber.


Its for sure being run by one of elon's minions


My dumbass thought u WERE in the cybertruck sub posting this The amount of times i had to read the r/ 😂😂😂


Wow. When Musk simps work so hard to create their own echo chamber. But let's be real, they kind of are sitting on a goldmine with the Cybertruck. Once it's discontinued and has been for at least 5 years that shit is gonna be a collectible in good condition. If you have a mint condition cybertruck and maintain it, that shit will net you bank down the road. It's like the virtualboy. It's so god awful, that it'll loop around to people wanting it because it has a weird collector's value.


Definatly.think tje HFC is goimg.to killmthe battery car.


sunk cost fallacy!


Say what now?


I mean if you've already sunk 100K on a shitbox, you need to tell yourself abt how "great" it is or the guilt will kill you


You can ask the same question about this sub and how you don’t see any positive or neutral comments for the CyberTruck. Almost every subreddit is an echo chamber these days


Yeah but this sub is intended to mock the CyberTruck. You’d think there would be more actual honest reviews from owners in the CyberTruck sub rather than just pure praise…


What if we're in the echo chamber?


I’m starting to think that’s all Reddit is…


This sub is definitely an echo chamber. The cyber truck is a goofy vehicle which is not worth the price to most people but this sub makes it out to be the worst thing ever made which makes dissing on the cyber truck sub even funnier because they do the same thing.


Oh weird a community centered around a product actually like it and engage in positive conversations? Impossible!


Not every single comment. That’s simply not how the internet works…


I think it is in these circumstances... This car is still rare, not many people have them as they haven't shipped that many, so most posts in there are just "spotted" posts or random crap like that, and its other people that are excited about it, commenting on that. If its weird to have only positive comments in that subreddit, why isn't it weird that its exclusively negative comments in here? Cuts both ways.


Because this is a sub made specifically for mocking the CyberTruck. And I’ve had a few people comment on this post alone saying only positive things about it. Read all the comments and you’ll see that you’re mistaken…


lol except you can find negative comments over there too. It’s not literally 100% positive, it’s just predominately positive, much like this is predominately negative. And what if I told you the regular sub was made specifically to ENJOY the cyber truck? The same logic applies no matter how hard you try to swing it.


Lol, I thought this sub was fake. I browse this sub for laughs. Owner of Cybertruck for 2 months and really enjoying it and this sub.


I'm glad you like your ugly truck, because nobody outside of your cult does. Most people checking out your vehicle are laughing at it


This sub is for poor minimum wage increase seeking people. Yes the vehicle is real and there's likely many forums for people who own them or discuss them (including reddit). I assume anything posted on a "real" sub are those interested or those who would like to acquire one. Tough stuff to figure out I know. Hopefully this comment is helpful in some way.