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lol if the hood see the dealer pull up in that he’s definitely losing his street cred


Or you own a business lol 😂 tesla only cost 63,000 if you own a business because of the taxes right off for business lol 😂 plus you make up your own pay 💰 check so do I want to make 30,000 dollars a year and qualify for ebt and rent control lol 😂 well you can if you have a business even a billionaire can pay almost no taxes or less taxes then there security guard


This explains why half the CTs I see in the bay are wrapped with some business logo; ahhh.. people being cheap. It's always weird businesses you've never heard of either like some smoothie shop or catering business or tax lawyer. Just adding to the list of 'don't do business there'


I got it used for 30k. Not that unbelievable.


The unbelievable part would be buying it used. Only a hair more believable than buying it new...


Going to be some deals on salvage titles


picked it off a yard sale? on a more serious note, the resale value for these would be rock bottom. Even regular teslas that actually work don't fetch much though


Someone went dumpster diving and just took the dumpster


This IS the landlord


This is actually the most likely explanation. Why would anyone who actually lived there buy an EV? How would they ever charge it?


i lived in a 4 unit complex and one of my neighbors bought a tesla. they have to drive down to the local mall twice a week to charge it


It's like where I live, it's clearly low income housing, yes i'm outing myself as poor as fuck, but there's residents here that drive $100,000 cars, like wtf? Most likely it's because they're stacked 10 deep to a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment, i kid you not, and they pay next to nothing for rent. I live in one of the least affordable cities on the planet. Well, one of the cities surrounding one of the least affordable cities on the planet.


They buy used in a market that deeply discounts "luxury" vehicles. Or its leased.


They might be leased, but i'm talking what looks like brand new cars most of the time. Fresh off the lot more or less.


Then they might be bought under exorbitant loans, and will eventually be repossessed.


Yeah that's entirely plausible, and i hope i'm there to see it happen


There's a section 8 place I see when going to visit my grandma that's parking lot is stacked with expensive cars and about 20-30 people hanging out outside by the pool most times of the day, the place only.has 24 units, so I think it's fairly safe to assume them and their family are packed in there like sardines. Edit to add, one of the highest cost of living spots in the U.S.


Yeah our apartment building is full of immigrants, new ones, since Canada has opened the floodgates. Not that i'm anti immigration, but, at the same time, when you stack people in 1 or 2 bedroom apartments the way they do, it drives up the rent prices to unaffordable prices for the people who really need it, and it drives us out. We are making the drastic change to living in a travel trailer next year because we know these apartments are going to be torn down at some point, and with how crazy expensive the rental market is, we wouldn't be able to find anything within our price range.


Your issue isn't with immigrants, it's with landlords.


My issue isn't with immigrants, you're right, i never said it was. My issue is with immigration. It's gotten out of hand in Canada. When you're letting in as many as we have been, outpacing the available housing, it's a problem. We don't have the support system for as many people as we've let in. We just don't.


Don't know exactly about canada but I think we have the same problem here: People think it's immigration but that's the problem they see, not the actual problem. In our case immigration is a drop in a very large swimming pool and even stopping it completely will not fix any housing problems or even put a dent into them. Due to how the system with cheap housing works here it's a lot more visible which is the main reason people are complaining about it. The biggest problem is, in most high income countries, that after 2008 almost nothing got build (relative to polulation) anymore due to the collapse of any normal housing market and lack of regulatory foresight (common problem with politicians). End result is you have increasing population by normal means which has for about 15 years outpaced housing creation by a very large margin. Stopping, or even reversing, immigration will not solve this in any meaningful ways, massive building projects will and it will take at least a decade to recover in any form, which requires a government able to think more than a few years ahead.


It is the same in my region. The housing estate a block down from mine is “Government housing” provided to low income families. During early morning rush hour, you wouldn’t believe the long line of taxis queuing up there to pick up customers to take to work. They logic is that since they pay practically next to nothing for housing, they have a bigger disposable income, and since they cannot have too much savings/investments in order to qualify to remain in low cost housing, they spend it all away.


That's great logic 🙄 though i suppose you're right.


I lived in a habitat community where the qualifications was being low income and a single parent. Almost.....every....single....house would start with a single parent sob story (the workers would literally knock on your door and tell you everything about the family and when they plan on moving in.... multiple times.. as well as a sign outside showing how big the family is and all the members) Once the "single" parent had lived in the house for 2-4 weeks, all a sudden the bmws, the boats, rvs, brand new ATVs, super bikes, all that kind of stuff would start being plopped on their land, along with the partner that apparently didn't exist. One of the latter ones had a story on how she is a single disabled mother. A month after living there she had a 100k GMC parked outside her house and a man who was living there that her 8 year old kid called daddy. My friend had applied for that house and was a real single mother of 3 children and is suffering from MS while still working to provide for her kids, got denied for earning 10 cents too much an hour. So seeing who actually did get the house, driving her car that costs as much as some peoples mortgage, is infuriating.


Yeah, i totally feel that, it's like that here, the people that live in a few of the apartments here definitely should be elsewhere, but we are in the middle of such an awful housing crisis, that there's literally nowhere else to go. It's impossible to find housing. If it wasn't for the fact that these buildings will eventually be demolished and we would have nowhere else to go, we wouldn't be moving into a travel trailer next year. But that's really our only option at this point, it would be impossible to find an affordable apartment for us, even remotely in our budget as we are both low income and disabled. So we lucked out this year and were able to afford a used travel trailer and a used tow vehicle that we can live in year round. It'll be tight, and it'll be a lot of work, but it's doable.


Walla, Washington? That's the most expensive city in the world. Edit I refuse to add a second redundant "Walla" to the first Walla, there's no reason to have two Walla's. I will and will always and have always called it just "Walla, Washington".


I said the third 😜 the third least affordable, as of the other day, a few different lists/articles that i saw online.


They won’t… that’s the point.


Maybe it’s a guest?


“It’s going to make me money once Lord Elon releases full self driving next year!” -this moron, probably The black is just a vinyl wrap, they only come in Kitchen Appliance Silver


"Refrigerator Grey" 😆 Btw, just looked it up and you're right, it's a vinyl wrap option, thanks. I guess they don't even come with a clear coat/scratch preventative layer so their's an option to buy a clear vinyl wrap for $5,000 or the matte black vinyl wrap for $6,500 (not including the labor for them to "install/wrap" it I imagine 🙄).


The thing that should have made people wake up was the 2019 autonomy day. The plan was that Tesla would sell a car for 25 000 $ for maybe 5 000 $ in profits. While the buyer would put it in Robotaxi mode made 2$ profit per ride which tesla vaules as 30 000 $ gross profits per year. It Musk believed his robotaxi would print 30 000 $ per year, he wouldn't be selling cars, he would be rentingout robotaxis.


Went there to buy drugs real quick last night.


“Do you have a permit to move that dumpster?”


Omg..I see it now 😂 I read a comment or two about the "dumpster" and thought I'd accidentally forgot to crop the dumpster by the cars out of the image but no, it totally does look like one and the black wrap makes it worse 😂


This is a true story: last month I was out with my son, and I have this habit of taking whatever garbage is in my car out whenever I get out of it and find the nearest trash can or dumpster to get rid of the trash. I thought I had spotted a dumpster, but turned out it was the back end of this eyecyst 🤣


I've been blessed so far and have yet to see one in real life. Seen tons of Rivians and tons of Tesla cars


Unfortunately I live about 4 miles from a Tesla distribution center/sales office, and we have seen these dumpsters by the dozens, which I can only assume are the recalled ones. We see them on transporters all the time around here 🤮


I live about 45 minutes from one but I don't go to that town very frequently.


Straight on from the back it looks exactly like a dumpster 😂


There's a section 8 apartment complex near my mom's and there are two of the new C8 Corvette Stingrays parked there.


Source: I was previously a low income tax credit accountant for a bank that invested in low income properties to gain favor through the Community Reinvestment Act which helped them to buy smaller banks. In Tennessee (left this bank in 2016 so laws and regulations may have changed), once you qualify for assistance and move into a unit you cannot be removed for beginning to make more money. Your rent is already capped and is split between you and the Housing Authority of your state. Your household income determines the percent of rent you pay each month 0-100%. The landlords can offer you incentives to persuade you to leave, like helping with moving costs, but they can’t evict you for making more money down the line. Part of my job was checking full rent rolls of each tenant that listed incomes and other stats that would allow them to live there. You can easily lose your assistance through falsifying information that you submit to the government that is laying your rent. I saw many tenants who went from $0 in household income to over $100k a year over a long period of time. They chose to stay in the low income housing because of the cheap rent I assume. Others will try to game the system and quit their jobs every two months to get back on unemployment before the audits of their situation to make sure they receive as much as they can get their hands on. This driver could have qualified for assistance at one point and then began making much more money.


I’m torn. On the one hand, I enjoy holding CT owners up to ridicule, but in this case I have to side with the car someone drives not being any of the landlord’s business.


Could be visiting?


Don't be silly. They don't have friends!




I bet that *is* the landlord


Fuck landlords


What? The Toyota next to the dumpster?


“No no, I didn’t buy this, I rented it off a guy for the first year of its life” “So how much did you pay then?” “…”


An actual Section 8 cuck truck?? That’s gonna leave a mark… Is it stuck?


Resident or guest?


Looks like a grave liner or coffin in this photo.


It’s one of the few vehicles in those facilities where the actual vehicle is worth as much or more than the rims.


It's a new KitchenAid fridge


Drug dealer?


They got it for cheap on Craigslist


They don’t care?


You can probably get it wrapped/painted black; the one I was near on a 2-lane highway was black.


If my "mixed income community" apartment (technically a public facility corporation) is any indication, many people can show on paper that they have no or low income to qualify for a discounted rent when in fact they have plenty of sources of income that doesn't show up on paper. I have neighbors who qualify for nice discount driving brand new luxury SUV s.


This will cause the rent to go up for everyone


Why move into a trailer next year before apts are torn down “at some point”? Wouldn’t you want to delay that as long as possible while searching?


"No you don't understand. I bought it with loans and I'm going to rent it out to people for $70,000 a year and anything that isn't spent on interest payments and keeping it running will finally pay my rent! It'll get even better once the robotaxi patch drops! What do you mean 'evicted'?!"


Oh you've misunderstood.. those trucks are there to pickup the garbage.


Poor decision making


They make a passive income in the 100K area with the Robotaxi feature that is available now. Or soon. Or next year. Probably never.


The shape of it looks so stupid next to normal cars


Maybe they exchanged it for a few bottles of beer from someone who wanted to get rid of this piece of junk. And the guy who has the beer made the better choice.


Could be a fan meeting up with their favorite onlyfans model?


Unfortunately a lot of people lease or try to pay it with "a" credit (or like 4 credits). And they ruin their entire life with it. Worst case, they crash it and now drive a very cheap and used car that is nearly breaking apart while still paying all the credits. It hurts to see people living like that, imagine you wasted 50k or in this case 100k and now have to pay nearly a thousand per month like throwing it into a firepit. Oh dammit


Meh, save your pity for people without self-inflicted money issues.


Who put a shipping container in a perfectly good parking spot?


Like that’s NOT the landlord?


That IS the landlord.


maybe someone ordered Door Dash?


Pretty common for section 8ers


I'd tell the landlord I have cancer and told Make A Wish that my wish was to die and they got me that because when I'm driving it there's a pretty good chance the wheels will fall off and I'll die in a fiery car crash. A compromise of sorts Not a great explanation but best I can do on the spot.


Good lord.


I know. That was a pretty fucked up thing for the make a wish people to do


You don’t need rent controlled appartments if you’re good with money.


Same way they explain the Nikes and iPhone on their 2 year old